Without the power grid, 90% are dead within 2 years.

Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.

Thats where armed guards would come in for protection especially since its a community garden and not just a backyard plot. I wasnt even talking about personal backyards. Youre a moron. Lots of people in the city have gardens. Last year I grew all my produce in two earth boxes. There are plenty of lakes and rivers by major cities. Dont you know anything?

A garden that size wouldnt feed one person through the winter.
So are these armed guards going to protect your minuscule crop out of the kindness of their hearts?:lmao:
Thats just one garden dummy.

The armed guards are going to protect the crops so they can eat. Are you really that retarded?

What a tard. The inner city is full of shady MFs that dont work now,and the only thing keeping them from running roughshod over the inhabitants are the cops who of course will be worrying about their own families.
You could plant all of Central park from border to border and you couldnt feed a fraction of the inhabitants of NY.
Big cities would be screwed.
I just realized that it doesnt matter what you think. Hopefully you will fuck up and be killed in the event of such an event because you think everyone is dead and you will get your head blown off when you come into the city.

Now why in the hell would I want to go into the city?
What exactly would be the point? No food,no water...nothing.
You have me confused with your hommies who would be pillaging Best Buy for products that are now useless.
The North Korean's best have like 50 of these EMP bombs, detonating one or three isn't going to wipe the grid for the entire country. They'd have to be super selective about where they detonated as well (not that it'd be impossible, or even really difficult, to find where to strategically place all the detonations to catch as many cross-grid plants as possible,) but the coordination necessary to take out the entire US electrical grid would be... astounding, I dare say impossible. All of them would have to launch and successfully make it to their targets, it would require the coordinated effort of at minimum 3 ships on each coast, maybe one in the gulf of Texas, probably 2 around Alaska, Hawaii would need one, Guam would need one, as well as idk 30 or so interlopers with EMP bombs in the middle of the country. If we miss that kind of military build up on our borders we deserve a good kick in the nuts...
The North Korean's best have like 50 of these EMP bombs, detonating one or three isn't going to wipe the grid for the entire country. They'd have to be super selective about where they detonated as well (not that it'd be impossible, or even really difficult, to find where to strategically place all the detonations to catch as many cross-grid plants as possible,) but the coordination necessary to take out the entire US electrical grid would be... astounding, I dare say impossible. All of them would have to launch and successfully make it to their targets, it would require the coordinated effort of at minimum 3 ships on each coast, maybe one in the gulf of Texas, probably 2 around Alaska, Hawaii would need one, Guam would need one, as well as idk 30 or so interlopers with EMP bombs in the middle of the country. If we miss that kind of military build up on our borders we deserve a good kick in the nuts...
The effective range of a megaton EMP can easily be 600 mile radius or more.
I don't believe anyone would think there is going to be a whole-country attack, rather attacking say the entire North Eastern quadrant.
That's my point though, a single or even a few 600+ mile radius is not even going to come /close/ to taking out the entire redundant US grid - they could probably take out Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, because those grids don't have the interlacing, but even if, even if, they hit all the outlliers and/or one or two major intersects on the continental grid; absolutely no way would 90% die, in fact, I dare say you wouldn't even get 20% from such a thing (and I don't think that would be power grid deaths.)

I could see 90% dying if the sun dropped an EMP on us, but not our favorite little North Korean attention seeker, nor ISIS, in fact, I don't think even Russia, China, or Europe could pull it off...
That's my point though, a single or even a few 600+ mile radius is not even going to come /close/ to taking out the entire redundant US grid - they could probably take out Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, because those grids don't have the interlacing, but even if, even if, they hit all the outlliers and/or one or two major intersects on the continental grid; absolutely no way would 90% die, in fact, I dare say you wouldn't even get 20% from such a thing (and I don't think that would be power grid deaths.)

I could see 90% dying if the sun dropped an EMP on us, but not our favorite little North Korean attention seeker, nor ISIS, in fact, I don't think even Russia, China, or Europe could pull it off...

In cities the death rate would be truly devastating. There have been actual studies on it.
That's my point though, a single or even a few 600+ mile radius is not even going to come /close/ to taking out the entire redundant US grid - they could probably take out Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, because those grids don't have the interlacing, but even if, even if, they hit all the outlliers and/or one or two major intersects on the continental grid; absolutely no way would 90% die, in fact, I dare say you wouldn't even get 20% from such a thing (and I don't think that would be power grid deaths.)

I could see 90% dying if the sun dropped an EMP on us, but not our favorite little North Korean attention seeker, nor ISIS, in fact, I don't think even Russia, China, or Europe could pull it off...

Well as you mentioned about the sun, there was even a warning this past year that a solar flare from an explosion on the surface of the sun could have destroyed several satellites and done extensive damage to our grid.

Sun Unleashes 1st Monster Solar Flare of 2015 (Photos, Video)
I'm not disputing that a complete loss of power would devastate US population, especially in cities where folks have neither access nor knowledge of self sufficiency - what I am saying is its /not/ going to happen because of a foreign attack.

The sun unleashes "attacks" on us constantly, yes it could have a solar mass ejection and wipe out the entire planet's power grid, every satellite, etc. A supernova in a nearby solar system could do it also. A magnatar creation anywhere nearby could wipe out everyone within days. IIRC there actually is a sun that has us in its sights for a massive gama pulse that they suspect will destroy our planet. A wandering black hole could also effectively eat our sun... Shit's nasty out in the universe, thing is you can't prepper your way out of that kind of stuff so there's not much point in panicking about it.
It would be pretty ironic when the fucking 'man-bun' LIBs who sneer and turn up their noses when the words 'flyover country' are spoken ends up being the only place where they can go to survive.

Your "lib man-bun" bullshit is ignorant. Do you even know any liberals?

I served in the USMC, I was platoon guide, put up for meritorious sergeant board, awarded a NAM, expert rifleman every time, and had the respect of my 1st Sgt, CO, battalion Sergeant Major, and the LtCol. I've walked from the Mexico border to Lake Tahoe, spent weeks deep in the wilderness, even in the winter, I know how to hunt, dress, and preserve meat. I work as an arborist. My best friend served in the 10th Mountain, he hunts, and is the toughest son-of-a-bitch I've ever known.

My "lib man-bun" friends who live in Leadville would survive no problem. They're self sufficient and self reliant.

My liberal parents live in the mountains. They garden, have done extensive backpacking and wilderness travel. They go hiking and are in their sixties.

Liberals aren't all like the Fox news myth you think they are. Just like conservatives aren't all redneck, inbred, bible thumping, fat, pick-up truck driving, country music listening, southern racists with missing teeth.
Interesting to note that they live basically in wilderness country.
I stand by my post. Any man who puts their hair up in a bun like a woman is a fucking half-wit.

My opinion is (cough) men who follow ludicrous fashion trends created by 'non-binary' people are facile.

(Unless, of course, you refer to white people with dreadlocks - then you would be correct. They're idiots. But I'm not a hypocrite...:dunno:)
My opinion is (cough) men who follow ludicrous fashion trends created by 'non-binaries' are facile pussies.
None of those 'types' has ever been with any hunting party I've ever been on in sixty years.

How many liberals have you ever even known let alone gone hunting with? I don't hunt, but many of my liberal friends do. One of my friends occasionally wears a "man-bun". We tease him about it, but we also respect him because he teaches developmentally disabled children at the local elementary school. He also drinks whiskey and hikes big mountains and then snowboards down them. He's a bad ass. He's also got a beautiful wife, he's a father, and a good man. He wouldn't want to go hunting with someone with a prejudice against people who differ slightly from themselves.
So in spite of the fact you 'tease him' he's still a 'hard man!
So why are you teasing him?
There must be something you and your friends find laughable about the way he wears his hair right? Otherwise you wouldn't be teasing him.
I'm not prepared generator-wise but a gas genny won't do you any good without gasoline. I do have a 4x4 Ford Explorer, a Ruger 9mm and a Mossy 8-shot pump so I figure I can procure most anything I need from civilians with no security. Hate to have to go rogue but when it's either them or you....
I'm not disputing that a complete loss of power would devastate US population, especially in cities where folks have neither access nor knowledge of self sufficiency - what I am saying is its /not/ going to happen because of a foreign attack.

The sun unleashes "attacks" on us constantly, yes it could have a solar mass ejection and wipe out the entire planet's power grid, every satellite, etc. A supernova in a nearby solar system could do it also. A magnatar creation anywhere nearby could wipe out everyone within days. IIRC there actually is a sun that has us in its sights for a massive gama pulse that they suspect will destroy our planet. A wandering black hole could also effectively eat our sun... Shit's nasty out in the universe, thing is you can't prepper your way out of that kind of stuff so there's not much point in panicking about it.

Good luck with that. Foreign governments are already trying to figure out our vulnerabilities so they can launch a cyber attack to shut it down. My friend is the head of the Fusion anti terror center here in Nevada and he clued me in to the problem.

And...it has already been done...

"Washington (CNN)U.S. investigators have found evidence to confirm what is believed to be the first-of-its-kind cyberattack on a power grid that caused a blackout for hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine in December."

First on CNN: U.S. investigators find proof of cyberattack on Ukraine power grid - CNNPolitics.com

America's Power Grid Is Vulnerable | Secure The Grid

Major Cyber Attack On U.S. Power Grid Is Likely
Major Cyber Attack On U.S. Power Grid Is Likely
Cyber attack isn't the same as an EMP though... Its actually easier to recover from a cyberattack, easier to guard against too; max time down say 8 hours, reload system from backup and reboot ain't a big deal. That's not the vulnerability, the true vulnerability is the lack of work ethics that is so prevalent in all aspects of the US. A backup plan does no good when Joe LazyFuck doesn't push the damn button every hour like he's being paid to do... Yet a cyberattack is /far/ more likely than an EMP bomb - and no one gives a shit about it, they're like "classified national information in a bathroom server, you say? w/e no big deal."
I've been told that the EMP threat has been dealt with already.....not that we're immune to it but it would be much more difficult and take a precise strike to do much harm that couldn't be corrected quickly.
Well considering I recall EMP threat discussions from /way/ back, and ya know that whole "Star Wars" thing. I would be mite ticked if the military hadn't immediately safeguarded that little loophole flaw. There is some question as to if such things have been upgraded, given the hostility toward military funding over the past 10 years or so, but regardless of our not being on the pinnacle of technology, I have no doubt that we could ride out any wave that might come our way from foreign powers. And I do not think the offender would much like the retaliation from such an act - even the peace loving liberals would drop a nuke over losing their precious cell phones heh
Well considering I recall EMP threat discussions from /way/ back, and ya know that whole "Star Wars" thing. I would be mite ticked if the military hadn't immediately safeguarded that little loophole flaw. There is some question as to if such things have been upgraded, given the hostility toward military funding over the past 10 years or so, but regardless of our not being on the pinnacle of technology, I have no doubt that we could ride out any wave that might come our way from foreign powers. And I do not think the offender would much like the retaliation from such an act - even the peace loving liberals would drop a nuke over losing their precious cell phones heh

Hopefully the next president would retaliate against an attack on our homeland....I have real doubt Obama would answer an EMP or nuclear strike.
I've been told that the EMP threat has been dealt with already.....not that we're immune to it but it would be much more difficult and take a precise strike to do much harm that couldn't be corrected quickly.

For an EMP attack to be truly successful they'd definitely have to take down the entire grid.
As long as we had large parts of the country still able to assist in rebuilding and sending aid we'd be alright.
And whoever did it would more than likely not get a second go at it.
It would be pretty ironic when the fucking 'man-bun' LIBs who sneer and turn up their noses when the words 'flyover country' are spoken ends up being the only place where they can go to survive.

Your "lib man-bun" bullshit is ignorant. Do you even know any liberals?

I served in the USMC, I was platoon guide, put up for meritorious sergeant board, awarded a NAM, expert rifleman every time, and had the respect of my 1st Sgt, CO, battalion Sergeant Major, and the LtCol. I've walked from the Mexico border to Lake Tahoe, spent weeks deep in the wilderness, even in the winter, I know how to hunt, dress, and preserve meat. I work as an arborist. My best friend served in the 10th Mountain, he hunts, and is the toughest son-of-a-bitch I've ever known.

My "lib man-bun" friends who live in Leadville would survive no problem. They're self sufficient and self reliant.

My liberal parents live in the mountains. They garden, have done extensive backpacking and wilderness travel. They go hiking and are in their sixties.

Liberals aren't all like the Fox news myth you think they are. Just like conservatives aren't all redneck, inbred, bible thumping, fat, pick-up truck driving, country music listening, southern racists with missing teeth.
Interesting to note that they live basically in wilderness country.
I stand by my post. Any man who puts their hair up in a bun like a woman is a fucking half-wit.

My opinion is (cough) men who follow ludicrous fashion trends created by 'non-binary' people are facile.

(Unless, of course, you refer to white people with dreadlocks - then you would be correct. They're idiots. But I'm not a hypocrite...:dunno:)
My opinion is (cough) men who follow ludicrous fashion trends created by 'non-binaries' are facile pussies.
None of those 'types' has ever been with any hunting party I've ever been on in sixty years.

How many liberals have you ever even known let alone gone hunting with? I don't hunt, but many of my liberal friends do. One of my friends occasionally wears a "man-bun". We tease him about it, but we also respect him because he teaches developmentally disabled children at the local elementary school. He also drinks whiskey and hikes big mountains and then snowboards down them. He's a bad ass. He's also got a beautiful wife, he's a father, and a good man. He wouldn't want to go hunting with someone with a prejudice against people who differ slightly from themselves.
I have two undergraduate university degrees, you know, from real universities.
90% of the professors were fucking Libs.
If you didn't parrot their LIB opinions in your class work they would fail you.
After my first semester I realized that in order to pass the class all I needed to do was tell them what they wanted to hear.
I got straight A's after that.
I started hunting with a group of men who were my uncles when I was eight. That's sixty years ago.
Last year our party got two moose and two deer.
I have never been on a hunting trip with a LIB. Well only one time.
Our hunting parties are very carefully chosen. They can last for three weeks at a time. Deep in the Rocky Mountain foothills for elk and into N. BC for moose.
Last year a regular hunting partner vouched for taking his nephew on a moose trip a 100 miles north of Vanderhoof BC. On the first night the kid, WEARING A FUCKING T-Shirt with a 'BIG MIKE" on it walks into the dining room tent with his fucking muddy boots on! His uncle had repeatedly gone over 'camp protocol' with him. When he was asked to take off his muddy boots he told us all to go fuck ourselves.
His uncle told him to put his gear into the truck. He drove the fucking LIBERAL punk to the bus station and put him on the bus.
That's was the first time I have ever had a LIB in any hunting party.
I've lived through blackouts, hurricanes, blizzards, and earthquakes. We cope. You guys are a bunch of prepper/hoarder fraidy cats.
Your "lib man-bun" bullshit is ignorant. Do you even know any liberals?

I served in the USMC, I was platoon guide, put up for meritorious sergeant board, awarded a NAM, expert rifleman every time, and had the respect of my 1st Sgt, CO, battalion Sergeant Major, and the LtCol. I've walked from the Mexico border to Lake Tahoe, spent weeks deep in the wilderness, even in the winter, I know how to hunt, dress, and preserve meat. I work as an arborist. My best friend served in the 10th Mountain, he hunts, and is the toughest son-of-a-bitch I've ever known.

My "lib man-bun" friends who live in Leadville would survive no problem. They're self sufficient and self reliant.

My liberal parents live in the mountains. They garden, have done extensive backpacking and wilderness travel. They go hiking and are in their sixties.

Liberals aren't all like the Fox news myth you think they are. Just like conservatives aren't all redneck, inbred, bible thumping, fat, pick-up truck driving, country music listening, southern racists with missing teeth.
Interesting to note that they live basically in wilderness country.
I stand by my post. Any man who puts their hair up in a bun like a woman is a fucking half-wit.

My opinion is (cough) men who follow ludicrous fashion trends created by 'non-binary' people are facile.

(Unless, of course, you refer to white people with dreadlocks - then you would be correct. They're idiots. But I'm not a hypocrite...:dunno:)
My opinion is (cough) men who follow ludicrous fashion trends created by 'non-binaries' are facile pussies.
None of those 'types' has ever been with any hunting party I've ever been on in sixty years.

How many liberals have you ever even known let alone gone hunting with? I don't hunt, but many of my liberal friends do. One of my friends occasionally wears a "man-bun". We tease him about it, but we also respect him because he teaches developmentally disabled children at the local elementary school. He also drinks whiskey and hikes big mountains and then snowboards down them. He's a bad ass. He's also got a beautiful wife, he's a father, and a good man. He wouldn't want to go hunting with someone with a prejudice against people who differ slightly from themselves.
So in spite of the fact you 'tease him' he's still a 'hard man!
So why are you teasing him?
There must be something you and your friends find laughable about the way he wears his hair right? Otherwise you wouldn't be teasing him.

We tease him cause he's our friend and we think it's funny that he chooses to occasionally wear a silly hair style. It doesn't mean he's weak or stupid. Do your friends all look, dress, do their hair, act the same? When they don't, don't you tease them in a friendly way? So what's the big deal?
I've lived through blackouts, hurricanes, blizzards, and earthquakes. We cope. You guys are a bunch of prepper/hoarder fraidy cats.
And how much did you depend on the government to save your ass?
When the power goes down around here it can take two weeks for the 'government' to show up.

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