Without the power grid, 90% are dead within 2 years.

We rode out 11 days without power in February [it was 22 below outside] and honestly, the only thing that bugged me was having to fetch water to flush the toilet. I've been sitting in front of a computer like 20 hours a day since I was 14, but I'd almost go so far as to say it was fun. I colored, cooked canned food in the wood stove (all by myself - I'm a terrible cook so it's a big deal,) we pulled out the old charcoal grill and had steak then roasted marshmallows inside; was kinda like camping, but with a Temperpedic (we've got a heat powered fan on the wood stove that blows hard enough to get heat all the way into the master suite upstairs on the far side of the house) The kidos were really unhappy the first couple days without their computers (I was too,) but they also got over it and started doing the same kind of things I did as a kid, football in the backyard, board/card games, etc. Plus we'd all sit around the table and just chat about things, about future plans and ideas, and what needed to be done the next day. We didn't even make a dent in our non-chilled food supply; we had to throw out some milk because we'd just bought 4 gallons and couldn't quite drink it all fast enough, and had to use some fridge stuff up when they said it was going to take that long to get power restored, but we threw all the freezer stuff in coolers and tossed it outside. We had rice and pasta, had soup and stew, and hotdogs of course. My husband even put the griddle on the charcoal grill and made pancakes and scrambled eggs. We could have easily gone another month or two on what we had in the house, and that was before we got the new can pantry unit installed in the kitchen (probably holds three times as much food and it's constnatly overflowing now.)

What would you do if the power went out for an extended period? Are you prepared? Even a little bit? This story makes one do a whole lot of thinking. Read more @ Without the power grid, 90% are dead within 2 years.

Imagine Islamic hackers hack the power grid in January.....no heat or electricity for weeks.......millions would die.......
It's not just heat and lights. We had a real b-i-t-c-h of an ice storm in '98 that hit most of the state and even the radio stations were off line. Power was out to most of us for a week, some longer than that. Maine Public Radio had a generator and they were the only radio station or news we got for days. They ran it 24 hours a day as a community message board--who needed what and who had it. Other states sent repair crews and they ran out of gas because no gas stations were operating. The fun of no water, no heat in early March, no way to cook, no tv. At least the landlines still worked, but would they if the entire grid were down?
It made us all think. A lot of generators have been sold since then. But even those would only work for so long, if we couldn't get the gas out of the ground to refill them. It would be devastating. And now that so much more is online, it would be worse than '98. At least we could drive to Massachusetts if we were totally desperate. Think of what it would be like. Disease, violence, starvation ... it would be very, very bad.
Grid-free is the future...
Why do you say that? Are you a Prepper?
Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.

Which of course was my point. You dont have homeless people in the country.
The cities would be death traps.
Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.
Many people in the cities are current or former military. They vastly outnumber the hicks in the woods. While the hicks are inbreeding the people in the cities would get things back on track with or without power.

It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.

Is this a display of that Christian compassion I keep hearing or reading about?

Cities are also home to conservatives. You think they'll fare better than anybody else in the cities? If such an event ever happened I suppose you'll be leading the torch-wielding gangs to string up those whose social and political views differ slightly than yours, right?

No need for that,they'd be dead within weeks,or so malnourished and dehydrated from shitting themselves blind from dysentery after drinking contaminated water they would essentially be helpless.
We could probably go a year with our supplies now, providing we both stay healthy, but not 2 years...
Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.

Is this a display of that Christian compassion I keep hearing or reading about?

Cities are also home to conservatives. You think they'll fare better than anybody else in the cities? If such an event ever happened I suppose you'll be leading the torch-wielding gangs to string up those whose social and political views differ slightly than yours, right?
Sheesh. Didn't you know the political party you are affiliated with determines whether or not you survive disasters.

He's basing it on the fact that the inner cities are generally more likely to vote dem.
Look at Houston for example. They had a gay mayor even though Texas is almost wholly conservative.
Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.

Is this a display of that Christian compassion I keep hearing or reading about?

Cities are also home to conservatives. You think they'll fare better than anybody else in the cities? If such an event ever happened I suppose you'll be leading the torch-wielding gangs to string up those whose social and political views differ slightly than yours, right?
Actually not so. I live over a thousand miles from any 'big city'.
Anyone stupid enough to live in those shitholes can go fuck themselves. They just had better not even dream of trying to come where I live and take anything from me or my family.
My 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a 'watermelon' from 100 yards down range. All my neighbors are heavily armed like I am.
Take about a 'turkey shoot'!

Cities have more opportunities. I prefer living in a small town or, even better, deep in the mountains but, unfortunately, cities have more opportunities for someone in my profession. Does having ambition make me stupid?

What does that have to do with the power grid failing?
Fact is people in the city would be screwed if they didnt get out pronto.
To many people not enough food or water.
It aint rocket surgery.
Hmmm, our government needs to work on getting some sort of back up for our grids or make them safer from attack, go back to storing grains in food supply for emergency etc.. and instead we are in a Presidential race talking about college free for all, a wall and wall street, and the size and function ability of a candidate's wee wee... :rolleyes: we need to get our PRIORITIES straight imo...money doesn't grow on trees..what should be done FIRST, second, third etc.
Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.

Is this a display of that Christian compassion I keep hearing or reading about?

Cities are also home to conservatives. You think they'll fare better than anybody else in the cities? If such an event ever happened I suppose you'll be leading the torch-wielding gangs to string up those whose social and political views differ slightly than yours, right?
Actually not so. I live over a thousand miles from any 'big city'.
Anyone stupid enough to live in those shitholes can go fuck themselves. They just had better not even dream of trying to come where I live and take anything from me or my family.
My 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a 'watermelon' from 100 yards down range. All my neighbors are heavily armed like I am.
Take about a 'turkey shoot'!

Cities have more opportunities. I prefer living in a small town or, even better, deep in the mountains but, unfortunately, cities have more opportunities for someone in my profession. Does having ambition make me stupid?

What does that have to do with the power grid failing?
Fact is people in the city would be screwed if they didnt get out pronto.
To many people not enough food or water.
It aint rocket surgery.

I was defending people who live in cities. See the post I responded to.

Otherwise, yeah, cities would be death traps/
Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.
Many people in the cities are current or former military. They vastly outnumber the hicks in the woods. While the hicks are inbreeding the people in the cities would get things back on track with or without power.

It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.

Better not go homeless. You will only live for 1-2 more years.

Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.
Many people in the cities are current or former military. They vastly outnumber the hicks in the woods. While the hicks are inbreeding the people in the cities would get things back on track with or without power.

It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.


Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.
Ya gotta remember..pretty much everyone would be homeless.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.
Many people in the cities are current or former military. They vastly outnumber the hicks in the woods. While the hicks are inbreeding the people in the cities would get things back on track with or without power.

It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.


Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.

Thats where armed guards would come in for protection especially since its a community garden and not just a backyard plot. I wasnt even talking about personal backyards. Youre a moron. Lots of people in the city have gardens. Last year I grew all my produce in two earth boxes. There are plenty of lakes and rivers by major cities. Dont you know anything?
The power grid going down among other things, is a real concern. If, and I mean if, North Korea was ever to come up with the proper abilities to make a ICBM, even if the United States were able to shoot it down before making landfall, a nuclear explosion over the country close enough could cause an EMP that could basically send the United States back to the stone ages. That's a pretty scary thought.
Not so. In the rural areas millions in 'flyover' country wouldn't miss a beat. The best part is most will be REPs.
The LIBs in the cities wouldn't last two weeks.
Many people in the cities are current or former military. They vastly outnumber the hicks in the woods. While the hicks are inbreeding the people in the cities would get things back on track with or without power.

It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.


Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.

Thats where armed guards would come in for protection especially since its a community garden and not just a backyard plot. I wasnt even talking about personal backyards. Youre a moron. Lots of people in the city have gardens. Last year I grew all my produce in two earth boxes. There are plenty of lakes and rivers by major cities. Dont you know anything?

A garden that size wouldnt feed one person through the winter.
So are these armed guards going to protect your minuscule crop out of the kindness of their hearts?:lmao:
The white suburbs of big cities would be the first to be overrun by thugs… LOL
Many people in the cities are current or former military. They vastly outnumber the hicks in the woods. While the hicks are inbreeding the people in the cities would get things back on track with or without power.

It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.


Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.

Thats where armed guards would come in for protection especially since its a community garden and not just a backyard plot. I wasnt even talking about personal backyards. Youre a moron. Lots of people in the city have gardens. Last year I grew all my produce in two earth boxes. There are plenty of lakes and rivers by major cities. Dont you know anything?

A garden that size wouldnt feed one person through the winter.
So are these armed guards going to protect your minuscule crop out of the kindness of their hearts?:lmao:
Thats just one garden dummy.

The armed guards are going to protect the crops so they can eat. Are you really that retarded?
It would be kinda tough to "get things back on track" with no food or water.
Contrary to city folks popular belief the supermarkets dont manufacture food,it gets trucked in from....waaaaait for it....the so called fly over states.
If you live in the city you'd best start walking and hope the country folks are feeling benevolent.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.


Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.

Thats where armed guards would come in for protection especially since its a community garden and not just a backyard plot. I wasnt even talking about personal backyards. Youre a moron. Lots of people in the city have gardens. Last year I grew all my produce in two earth boxes. There are plenty of lakes and rivers by major cities. Dont you know anything?

A garden that size wouldnt feed one person through the winter.
So are these armed guards going to protect your minuscule crop out of the kindness of their hearts?:lmao:
Thats just one garden dummy.

The armed guards are going to protect the crops so they can eat. Are you really that retarded?

What a tard. The inner city is full of shady MFs that dont work now,and the only thing keeping them from running roughshod over the inhabitants are the cops who of course will be worrying about their own families.
You could plant all of Central park from border to border and you couldnt feed a fraction of the inhabitants of NY.
Big cities would be screwed.
Liberals aren't all like the Fox news myth you think they are. Just like conservatives aren't all redneck, inbred, bible thumping, fat, pick-up truck driving, country music listening, southern racists with missing teeth.

No need for any alleged Fox News myths. Most lefties are urban pussies, hence the man bun. Just look at voting patterns. The ones you describe are anomalies.
And the description you make of stereotypical righties is accurate. Not all conservatives are like that but all who are like that are ultra-conservative.
Only an idiot would think there would be no food or water. Plenty of people in the city grow their own produce. Lots of pigeons and other fowl as well.


Yeah right.....so how long till the "neighbors" raid your little garden and steal all of it?
And of course that little patch wouldnt feed you through the winter for shit.
And where you going to get water to drink and water that little patch?

To many people and to little food and water.

Thats where armed guards would come in for protection especially since its a community garden and not just a backyard plot. I wasnt even talking about personal backyards. Youre a moron. Lots of people in the city have gardens. Last year I grew all my produce in two earth boxes. There are plenty of lakes and rivers by major cities. Dont you know anything?

A garden that size wouldnt feed one person through the winter.
So are these armed guards going to protect your minuscule crop out of the kindness of their hearts?:lmao:
Thats just one garden dummy.

The armed guards are going to protect the crops so they can eat. Are you really that retarded?

What a tard. The inner city is full of shady MFs that dont work now,and the only thing keeping them from running roughshod over the inhabitants are the cops who of course will be worrying about their own families.
You could plant all of Central park from border to border and you couldnt feed a fraction of the inhabitants of NY.
Big cities would be screwed.
I just realized that it doesnt matter what you think. Hopefully you will fuck up and be killed in the event of such an event because you think everyone is dead and you will get your head blown off when you come into the city.

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