Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.


Let's hit you with some knowledge and maybe you won't look so stupid when pushing your crapola. I doubt it though.

Below is a partial screenshot of as blueprint from the 3rd floor core plan. Columns 1001, 1002, and 1003 are circled in red. They were three columns making up the outer ring of 47 columns. Between them would have been the elevator door access at various levels. The dimension in the green circle is 2'-3". Know, do those look like 12" x12" square columns to you?
View attachment 545727

Moving on. Below is a partial screenshot of the same three core columns (1001, 1002, 1003, circled in red) except at the 84th through 86th floor levels. Do those look like BOX COLUMNS made of 2" thick steel plate? Those are "I" Beams.
View attachment 545729

But you just go on with your bad self and keep looking the fool because you (obviously) have no clue whatsoever as to what you are talking about.

Now explain to all of us here how those 47 core columns are going to arrest a 208' x 208', 4" thick concrete floor from coming down upon them without breaking the concrete floor apart? Are do you think the impacting 4" concrete floor (and trusses) are going to stay intact when impacting the 47 columns below? Or would it break apart?
Angelo, you seemed to have missed this also? Is this how you handle things when you get your ass handed to you? Instead of admitting you were wrong, you run and hide?

The Open Chemical Physics Journal.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe​

Niels Harrit et al. April 1, 2009
Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately 100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.

The Open Chemical Physics Journal.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe​

Niels Harrit et al. April 1, 2009
Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately 100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.

Here is a slide from a presentation Stephen Jones did. Notice the circled spectrum he identifies as primer paint.

Below is the spectrum of the red layer in Niels Harrit's paper:

Looks like they contain the same elements!

UH OH!!!

Here is a slide from a presentation Stephen Jones did. Notice the circled spectrum he identifies as primer paint.
View attachment 548628

Below is the spectrum of the red layer in Niels Harrit's paper:
View attachment 548630

Looks like they contain the same elements!

UH OH!!!
You're prepared with all the necessary debunking tools aren't you ? I'm impressed.

So why did the FBI shut down the investigations ?
You're prepared with all the necessary debunking tools aren't you ? I'm impressed.
You idiots have been spewing the same shit for over 20 years now. How hard can it be to debunk at this point?

I mean you're prepared with all the necessary conspiracy tools right Angelo? I mean you just post and paste links/videos/information one right after the other.

Pot meet kettle.
This and your previous three posts have all been debunked before. How about you address the information that has been presented against then instead of reposting chickenshit.

Although, it's probably in your best interest NOT to respond since you've had your ass handed to you on a regular basis.

Your call.
Study the core structure...

The collapse would not have been happening that fast......look up the law of momentum conservation, and realize both Twin towers had 47 thick core columns around the elevator shafts.....FROM the ground up 12 inch square 2" thick steel box columns like oak trees. 47 of them.!!!

Build 2 snowmen, one normal and one around a sturdy 4x4....now push down with a backhoe....the one with a 4x4 will lift the backhoe's wheels up and then break the pole eventually....the othe one pulverized to slush.

Get the picture yet ?

20 years later and we still have the conspiracy theory experts grinding away imyinh the government bombed the towers or some other shit.
You people are not patriots or Americans. In a time when the country attacked you attempt to spin it against the defendant. You're nuts
20 years later and we still have the conspiracy theory experts grinding away imyinh the government bombed the towers or some other shit.
Strawman argument. Mixing conspiracies can be confusing huh ?
You people are not patriots or Americans.
Come here and say that boy.
In a time when the country attacked you attempt to spin it against the defendant.
More strawman BS.
You're nuts
Thank you. That's a compliment coming from a snarky old dweeb like you.
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Strawman argument. Mixing conspiracies can be confusing huh ?

Come here and say that boy.

More strawman BS.

Thank you. That's a compliment coming from a snarky old dweeb like you.
As alqays you are too stupid gto grasp the meaning of words. It is you constructing strawman arguments which are proven false.

No one is afraid to come and say what you are to your face Angelo you are fool and treasonous bastard. You are too weak and worthless to do anything about it face to face or otherwise.

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