Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

Strawman argument. Mixing conspiracies can be confusing huh ?

Come here and say that boy.

More strawman BS.

Thank you. That's a compliment coming from a snarky old dweeb like you.

You have nothing but conspiracy theories. You know nothing and never likely to learn.

20 years on and ratbags like you arw still bleating how you have special knowledge. Dont make people vomit.
We keep asking questions and presenting
our thoughts on
No you don't.

All you do is sling insults and post other people's videos/articles.

How about you debate for once? We all know the reason why you won't.
and disinformation trolls like you
You mean like the disinformation YOU keep pushing? When you agreed with one theory and then turn around disagree with it?

Face it Angelo. You're no patriot. You're DEFINATELY not here to spread the truth as has been proven with your lies. You're only here to muddy the waters. Even your own truther brethren are starting to see through your façade and call you out. You even lied about being a cop. You can't be trusted.

Who's paying you agent?


University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11​


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