Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

Everything I know is available for anyone who is looking. ....in abundance on this thread if you read between the troll clutter.

Of the 2996 deaths at ground zero, very few bodies were recovered.

Most of the identified bodies were from DNA samples in the dust.
Nothing you know is credible.

You never post evidence only delusional crap
Don't need one of Bin laden in Saudi

They are not the same guy


Official "story" - bin Laden from Saudi.

REALITY = NO PHOTOS of "bin Laden" in Saudi


Saudi Arabia was so uncooperative in US terror investigations before and after 9/11 that one New York FBI investigator slammed the kingdom as “useless and obstructionist,”

Who did Putin say did 911?

Israel, the US, and Saudi....

Why Saudi???

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy said on January 7 that the ruling royal family of Saudi Arabia were actually Jewish, and that their conflict with Iran harkens back to 7th century battles between Muslim and Jewish tribes.

Perhaps that explains why Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman was 911 Zionist Traitor Jeff Epstein's #1 customer on Pedo isle....

Meanwhile, we have three CLEAR photos of "Osama" aka Zionist Fascist CIA/Mossad double agent Col Tim Osman talking to Carter's NSA, a Jew, in 1980....

Official "story" - bin Laden from Saudi.

REALITY = NO PHOTOS of "bin Laden" in Saudi


Saudi Arabia was so uncooperative in US terror investigations before and after 9/11 that one New York FBI investigator slammed the kingdom as “useless and obstructionist,”

Who did Putin say did 911?

Israel, the US, and Saudi....

Why Saudi???

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy said on January 7 that the ruling royal family of Saudi Arabia were actually Jewish, and that their conflict with Iran harkens back to 7th century battles between Muslim and Jewish tribes.

Perhaps that explains why Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman was 911 Zionist Traitor Jeff Epstein's #1 customer on Pedo isle....

Meanwhile, we have three CLEAR photos of "Osama" aka Zionist Fascist CIA/Mossad double agent Col Tim Osman talking to Carter's NSA, a Jew, in 1980....
No photos of him in Saudi are necessary. Putin is a liar.

You have photos which are clearly not Bin laden.
There does not need to be. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence you moron.

The flip side is that your stupid ass posted photos of someone wbho clearly is NOt bin laden.

Notice the wording.

At the time of these photos, "Osama" did not yet exist, as that is Col Tim Osman.... aka "NOt" Osama.... LOL!!!!

See the source image

See the source image

See the source image

See the source image


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