Woke and broke U.S. Army now accepting recruits with ADHD, other "behavioral challenges"

Oh, of course, that must be it.

The military has always voted Republican, but things might be changing now that the Democrats are destroying our military by letting sissies in dresses join, trying to brainwash them with their racial shit, and forcing them to take the vax they never wanted causing many to quit and worse yet, greatly decreased our recruitment goals in all branches of our fighting forces.
Damn, I'm agreeing with Ray on something. Females on military ships.
Yeah. The poll was from 2020 when Biden was running for office. He wasn’t yet the President. And a majority of troops said they were voting Biden.

So how did this happen? People enlisting join for a lot of reasons. And they have a variety of political beliefs. Just as the population of the nation does. The problem with the Conservatives is that they view the nation as the enemy. Their need for guns is based upon fear of minorities, and fear of some fantasy Government totalitarianism.

So they don’t join the enemy. The Government that is trying to force them to do whatever nonsense they believe. If Conservatives don’t join, they are not represented.

I talk to my fellow Vets all the time. And most of them were pretty disgusted with Trump in 2020. Some held their noses and voted for him anyway. Some like me didn’t vote. And some voted for Biden. And these are people who did their time in the Military, more than a few did a full career. Would you like to know how many support Roe V. Wade? Or Gay Marriage?

Yes. There are some extreme Right fellows. And there are some extreme Left. But most of them would be considered moderate generally speaking. Conservative on some issues, more liberal on other issues.

The problem isn’t them. It is the Right. They have started the idiotic Litmus tests. If you aren’t 100% for us, you are 100% against us. It is this all or nothing grind the enemy, fellow Americans, under their heels that turns a lot of us against you at the polls. You can’t always expect a Stacy Abrams to push the more moderate towards your side of the ballot.

You don’t need to be a far right hard core conservative to be a patriot. You need only sign up and put your life on the line.

Which many Republicans do. Take the Trump reelection run out of it, and the military was a majority Republican, so don't say Republicans never join. Biden never went, DumBama never went, Clinton never went.

So what happened to our military? I invite you to watch the video I posted in post #7. it explains what the commies did to our military and how we compare to our foreign enemies. Our Army motto was "be all you can be" and they changed that to "be anybody you want to be" so people are leaving and nobody wants to join any longer.

Democrats are the enemy of our military just like they are the enemy of our police departments, ICE, and our Border patrol.
Which many Republicans do. Take the Trump reelection run out of it, and the military was a majority Republican, so don't say Republicans never join. Biden never went, DumBama never went, Clinton never went.

So what happened to our military? I invite you to watch the video I posted in post #7. it explains what the commies did to our military and how we compare to our foreign enemies. Our Army motto was "be all you can be" and they changed that to "be anybody you want to be" so people are leaving and nobody wants to join any longer.

Democrats are the enemy of our military just like they are the enemy of our police departments, ICE, and our Border patrol.

Oh Baloney.

I was in the Army when Clinton was elected. I was there when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell became policy. A majority of troops didn’t give a shit. A few outspoken fellows did, but they were the minority. Most just didn’t give a shit.

But let’s talk about the enemies of Police and whatever else.

For nearly two decades I’ve been arguing that Police Reform was coming. And you can find probably way too many examples on here. People who saw it my way were few and far between at first. The Cato Institute had a brief and very popular web series about police accountability and reform. The Libertarian Right agreed with the reform left.

So what radical ideals were the left pushing at that time? Accountability. And in my case real investigations on use of force.

I usually refer to aircraft accident investigations. Where the investigators milk every piece of data possible from the incident. Mistakes that were made, even if they had nothing to do with the accident are noted. Because we want to learn all we can from them, to help prevent the next one.

We wanted accountability. Let’s take an easy one. The trial of Chauvin. If the Police had acted the way they pretend to when Chauvin got his first complaints, he had over 18 complaints, a majority sustained, then Floyd might have lived, or might have died from an overdose. But Chauvin wouldn’t have been the poster child for brutal police.

I’ve said many times. Chauvin was sacrificed, but not to ANTIFA or BLM. He wasn’t sacrificed to the Left. He was sacrificed to middle class suburbia.

The cops can’t allow the image of Chauvin to be the one that middle class America believes is accurate. So the cops did what they always do. The Chiefs rush out to the cameras and announce they are shocked and horrified that any officer would do this. It doesn’t reflect the values or work of the rest of the fine officers in the department. We have seen it so many times you and I could write the statement for the next incident now. It is that predictable. It is that routine.

The cops do just enough to maintain the illusion of accountability. But back to the total investigation.

Now from the time the suspect pulled the gun, I have absolutely no issue with the shooting. As far as I am concerned it was a good shooting. Regrettable. But in his shoes I would have done the same thing.

Here is where my issue begins. The cops knew they were arresting the guy when they approached him in the well lit and contained bathroom. Take him then. Put the cuffs on and search him. If they had the shooting would never have happened.

If that had been a real gun then one or both of the cops might have died. Dead because they didn’t search the guy in a well lit and contained environment. When they had all the advantages on their side.

Reform advocates like myself believe that they can do better. And the first step to doing it better, and that means safer for everyone, is learning all we can from every incident. Not just deciding if it was a crime or not.

How to adjust the training to reflect the new lessons learned. Giving the cops every possible advantage to avoid the use of force, and the risk of injury or death that accompanies each event.

As an example of the value of the new changes, they highlight a female officer negotiating with the suspect for twenty minutes. Getting him to surrender. No injuries.

Now every situation is not the same. But giving more information, more time for the cop to think, and learn, before the incident is always a good idea. The truism is that the mind is the greatest weapon, and the more knowledge a mind has the more effective it is as a weapon.

That is what a vast majority of police reform advocates want. Accountability and honesty.

As for the military. It is funny how people who never served seem to know what is best. And what they want is Hollywood bullshit. Take the training scenes from Full Metal Jacket. The Marines didn’t do that in 1967 which is when the movie supposedly takes place.

The goal of Military Training is to get a bunch of civilians to move as one, act as one, and obey orders. Just enough for them to get to their units and begin the process of learning how to think and act like a soldier. I know. I did it.

So the closest thing to actual training is We We’re Soldiers. When the Colonel is running everyone ragged in training. But not belittling or abusing them. Pushing them to become better. The Sergeant Major is pretty close the the best one I ever served under. A man who has decades of experience and takes no shit from anyone. But demands absolute loyalty and obedience of the troops.

Post basic training most soldiers have managed to learn how to stand in formation, march, and not shoot themselves with their weapons. It takes a solid two years to make that youngster a good soldier. Someone who has enough experience to know how to think like a soldier. To think when it matters. To come up with solutions. It can’t be rushed. Well it can, but the process is brutal. You can throw that kid into combat and if he survives five minutes he will know everything about being a combat soldier. Most don’t survive.

That is why the US Army trained like mad leading up to D-Day. Every day of training made it more likely that another soldier would survive the battle.
Oh Baloney.

I was in the Army when Clinton was elected. I was there when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell became policy. A majority of troops didn’t give a shit. A few outspoken fellows did, but they were the minority. Most just didn’t give a shit.

But let’s talk about the enemies of Police and whatever else.

For nearly two decades I’ve been arguing that Police Reform was coming. And you can find probably way too many examples on here. People who saw it my way were few and far between at first. The Cato Institute had a brief and very popular web series about police accountability and reform. The Libertarian Right agreed with the reform left.

So what radical ideals were the left pushing at that time? Accountability. And in my case real investigations on use of force.

I usually refer to aircraft accident investigations. Where the investigators milk every piece of data possible from the incident. Mistakes that were made, even if they had nothing to do with the accident are noted. Because we want to learn all we can from them, to help prevent the next one.

We wanted accountability. Let’s take an easy one. The trial of Chauvin. If the Police had acted the way they pretend to when Chauvin got his first complaints, he had over 18 complaints, a majority sustained, then Floyd might have lived, or might have died from an overdose. But Chauvin wouldn’t have been the poster child for brutal police.

I’ve said many times. Chauvin was sacrificed, but not to ANTIFA or BLM. He wasn’t sacrificed to the Left. He was sacrificed to middle class suburbia.

The cops can’t allow the image of Chauvin to be the one that middle class America believes is accurate. So the cops did what they always do. The Chiefs rush out to the cameras and announce they are shocked and horrified that any officer would do this. It doesn’t reflect the values or work of the rest of the fine officers in the department. We have seen it so many times you and I could write the statement for the next incident now. It is that predictable. It is that routine.

The cops do just enough to maintain the illusion of accountability. But back to the total investigation.

Now from the time the suspect pulled the gun, I have absolutely no issue with the shooting. As far as I am concerned it was a good shooting. Regrettable. But in his shoes I would have done the same thing.

Here is where my issue begins. The cops knew they were arresting the guy when they approached him in the well lit and contained bathroom. Take him then. Put the cuffs on and search him. If they had the shooting would never have happened.

If that had been a real gun then one or both of the cops might have died. Dead because they didn’t search the guy in a well lit and contained environment. When they had all the advantages on their side.

Reform advocates like myself believe that they can do better. And the first step to doing it better, and that means safer for everyone, is learning all we can from every incident. Not just deciding if it was a crime or not.

How to adjust the training to reflect the new lessons learned. Giving the cops every possible advantage to avoid the use of force, and the risk of injury or death that accompanies each event.

As an example of the value of the new changes, they highlight a female officer negotiating with the suspect for twenty minutes. Getting him to surrender. No injuries.

Now every situation is not the same. But giving more information, more time for the cop to think, and learn, before the incident is always a good idea. The truism is that the mind is the greatest weapon, and the more knowledge a mind has the more effective it is as a weapon.

That is what a vast majority of police reform advocates want. Accountability and honesty.

As for the military. It is funny how people who never served seem to know what is best. And what they want is Hollywood bullshit. Take the training scenes from Full Metal Jacket. The Marines didn’t do that in 1967 which is when the movie supposedly takes place.

The goal of Military Training is to get a bunch of civilians to move as one, act as one, and obey orders. Just enough for them to get to their units and begin the process of learning how to think and act like a soldier. I know. I did it.

So the closest thing to actual training is We We’re Soldiers. When the Colonel is running everyone ragged in training. But not belittling or abusing them. Pushing them to become better. The Sergeant Major is pretty close the the best one I ever served under. A man who has decades of experience and takes no shit from anyone. But demands absolute loyalty and obedience of the troops.

Post basic training most soldiers have managed to learn how to stand in formation, march, and not shoot themselves with their weapons. It takes a solid two years to make that youngster a good soldier. Someone who has enough experience to know how to think like a soldier. To think when it matters. To come up with solutions. It can’t be rushed. Well it can, but the process is brutal. You can throw that kid into combat and if he survives five minutes he will know everything about being a combat soldier. Most don’t survive.

That is why the US Army trained like mad leading up to D-Day. Every day of training made it more likely that another soldier would survive the battle.

I guess you don't see the irony in your own post. You claim that people who never served in the military don't know what's going on and prior to that criticized our police. So how many years did you serve as a police officer?

Police training is created from situations where things went wrong. For instance years ago police would create a blockade to stop a criminal running away from a chasing police car. In too many instances the criminal smashed into the police cars costing the city a lot of money, or they drove around them hitting innocent pedestrians or motorists. Even today if a criminal is driving too fast, the police call off the chase and just let him go.

Every shooting is investigated by the police department and one or several outside agencies. Like any other killing, they drag out detectives and forensic scientists to put the situation back together to find out what's going on. Many officers have body cameras today as well as their dash cams.

So police procedure may not always make sense to us armchair quarterbacks, but they use those procedures for a reason. Officers found not using departmental procedures are reprimanded and even fired in some cases.

As for Chauvin, find me a veteran police officer that doesn't have a complaint against them, and I'll show you what the lottery numbers are going to be tonight. By filing a legal complaint, criminals believe they are getting even with the officer for arresting them, so it's really quite common outside of small five officer towns where everybody knows each other.

We don't need any police reform, we need citizen reform.
I guess you don't see the irony in your own post. You claim that people who never served in the military don't know what's going on and prior to that criticized our police. So how many years did you serve as a police officer?

Police training is created from situations where things went wrong. For instance years ago police would create a blockade to stop a criminal running away from a chasing police car. In too many instances the criminal smashed into the police cars costing the city a lot of money, or they drove around them hitting innocent pedestrians or motorists. Even today if a criminal is driving too fast, the police call off the chase and just let him go.

Every shooting is investigated by the police department and one or several outside agencies. Like any other killing, they drag out detectives and forensic scientists to put the situation back together to find out what's going on. Many officers have body cameras today as well as their dash cams.

So police procedure may not always make sense to us armchair quarterbacks, but they use those procedures for a reason. Officers found not using departmental procedures are reprimanded and even fired in some cases.

As for Chauvin, find me a veteran police officer that doesn't have a complaint against them, and I'll show you what the lottery numbers are going to be tonight. By filing a legal complaint, criminals believe they are getting even with the officer for arresting them, so it's really quite common outside of small five officer towns where everybody knows each other.

We don't need any police reform, we need citizen reform.


Oh. Those lottery numbers?

The Military of Russia today includes


In ww2


And there were perhaps 1 million Soviet woman who took up the rifle at some point in the Soviet Union during World War II. Wasn’t just photos of the above these were women who worked on the tanks in front on the front lines for example at Stalingrad ….according to historian Mark Felton and there were thousands of women who played an integral role in defending the city during the Nazi attack.

The US military should do what it believes is the best… I am merely pointing out that in Russia and the former Soviet union women were definitely a part of the military. I think far more so obviously during World War II but for example during the Russian Ukraine war there was one Russian female officer who has died in that war that I read of.

The United States military should not be woke and should take the best people that’s all I have.
If recruitment goals remain unmet long term, I foresee a return to the draft.
You thought I was talking about traffic cops? :badgrin:

He is the only traffic cop who never got a complaint. The only one.

So what is he doing differently? What is he doing so we may learn from it?

To continue above. No. It isn’t Irony. The Army does not exercise authority over the citizens. If the Army did, I’d be more supportive of your complaints. But the Army is a volunteer grouping which does a decent job of policing their own, although I think that is slipping. But that is another topic for another day.

We the people are the ones being policed. And we the people have an absolute right to demand we be policed in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of this land.

The Constitution was written to prevent abuse by those with authority. The Third Amendment protects you from having to feed and house the Army unless we are at war. The next four rights had to do with cops and courts.

One for the Army. Four for cops and courts.

The Army policing the citizenry is specifically prohibited by law. That law is in keeping with the spirit of the Amendments.

So that means the Army is responsible for defending the nation, fighting wars to protect it. And another difference. The Army is overseen by Congress. Many Congressional Committees exercise oversight demanding answers to questions. The Congress has little if any authority over your local cops. No one oversees them but your local elected officials. And they don’t do a very good job.

Again. If the Army begins policing the citizens of this nation, you will not only hear me agreeing that there is a problem. But I’ll be out there leading the pack against it.

Until then, I will do as I was trained to do by the Army. Trust the Sergeants and Officers. Trust them to do the best they can within regulations to accomplish the mission and see to the welfare of the Soldiers. It is what I did when I was a Sergeant. Because you don’t like Homosexuals serving doesn’t mean they are bad soldiers or the Army is worthless.

As for the changes to Recruiting? I was a waiver soldier. I had s GED instead of a Diploma. I was a waiver soldier in the Reagan Era. I wasn’t alone in that. A lot of troops had waivers for their enlistments.

The best Soldier I ever saw, in our Army, was a double waiver. A Misdemeanor Conviction and a GED. He retired from the Army as a First Sergeant.

I don’t know how the current changes will turn out. But one thing I do know is the Army will survive. The Army was there before I joined. It is still there. And it will be there as long as we have a nation.
Which many Republicans do. Take the Trump reelection run out of it, and the military was a majority Republican, so don't say Republicans never join. Biden never went, DumBama never went, Clinton never went.

So what happened to our military? I invite you to watch the video I posted in post #7. it explains what the commies did to our military and how we compare to our foreign enemies. Our Army motto was "be all you can be" and they changed that to "be anybody you want to be" so people are leaving and nobody wants to join any longer.

Democrats are the enemy of our military just like they are the enemy of our police departments, ICE, and our Border patrol.
Boy folk like you really worry about this. I will never give it a s cond thought. I hope that it bothers many of you.
He is the only traffic cop who never got a complaint. The only one.

So what is he doing differently? What is he doing so we may learn from it?

To continue above. No. It isn’t Irony. The Army does not exercise authority over the citizens. If the Army did, I’d be more supportive of your complaints. But the Army is a volunteer grouping which does a decent job of policing their own, although I think that is slipping. But that is another topic for another day.

We the people are the ones being policed. And we the people have an absolute right to demand we be policed in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of this land.

The Constitution was written to prevent abuse by those with authority. The Third Amendment protects you from having to feed and house the Army unless we are at war. The next four rights had to do with cops and courts.

One for the Army. Four for cops and courts.

The Army policing the citizenry is specifically prohibited by law. That law is in keeping with the spirit of the Amendments.

So that means the Army is responsible for defending the nation, fighting wars to protect it. And another difference. The Army is overseen by Congress. Many Congressional Committees exercise oversight demanding answers to questions. The Congress has little if any authority over your local cops. No one oversees them but your local elected officials. And they don’t do a very good job.

Again. If the Army begins policing the citizens of this nation, you will not only hear me agreeing that there is a problem. But I’ll be out there leading the pack against it.

Until then, I will do as I was trained to do by the Army. Trust the Sergeants and Officers. Trust them to do the best they can within regulations to accomplish the mission and see to the welfare of the Soldiers. It is what I did when I was a Sergeant. Because you don’t like Homosexuals serving doesn’t mean they are bad soldiers or the Army is worthless.

As for the changes to Recruiting? I was a waiver soldier. I had s GED instead of a Diploma. I was a waiver soldier in the Reagan Era. I wasn’t alone in that. A lot of troops had waivers for their enlistments.

The best Soldier I ever saw, in our Army, was a double waiver. A Misdemeanor Conviction and a GED. He retired from the Army as a First Sergeant.

I don’t know how the current changes will turn out. But one thing I do know is the Army will survive. The Army was there before I joined. It is still there. And it will be there as long as we have a nation.

I didn't compare the military with our police. I was only pointing out your hypocrisy. If those of us that never served our military can't opine on the military, then those who never worked for a police department can't criticize their training or actions. You can't say I have no right to criticize what's going on in our military because I never served, but it's perfectly okay for you to criticize our police.

When police use deadly force, it's not politicians that oversee the police. It's other police agencies that do. It could be the county Sheriff, the State Troopers, the Metro police department, but they are all investigated.

Politicians come to play afterwards. They create policy without any police training whatsoever. Look at Lauri Lighthead in Chicago. If police wish to have a foot pursuit, they have to call in to their supervisor to get permission, which of course, by the time they get that permission, the criminal is ten blocks away. In essence, they just have to let the criminal go.

Police reform. What does that mean? According to Democrats, it's taking liability protection away from our police officers. If an officer is involved in a shooting, the criminal can sue them in court. That means the officer would have to pay for his legal defense out of his own pocket, and if found guilty, have to pay the lawsuit for perhaps the rest of his life. Who wants a job like that? Not me.

The problem is not police having too much support from their superiors, the problem is they don't have enough support. That's why this country from coast to coast are having problems finding new officers. My suburb has been looking for the last year and a half. Nobody wants the job any longer because of too much politics.
And there were perhaps 1 million Soviet woman who took up the rifle at some point in the Soviet Union during World War II. Wasn’t just photos of the above these were women who worked on the tanks in front on the front lines for example at Stalingrad ….according to historian Mark Felton and there were thousands of women who played an integral role in defending the city during the Nazi attack.

The US military should do what it believes is the best… I am merely pointing out that in Russia and the former Soviet union women were definitely a part of the military. I think far more so obviously during World War II but for example during the Russian Ukraine war there was one Russian female officer who has died in that war that I read of.

The United States military should not be woke and should take the best people that’s all I have.

Wow, is all your history this confused?

Communist countries made a big deal of promoting female soldiers, but in fact, the opportunties for them are far less than they are in the west

From the all-women Death Battalion led by Maria Bochkareva in the Russian Revolution, to the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, dubbed the “Night Witches” by the Nazis they fought in World War II, lore of women defending the Motherland is well-known among Russians. Yet, in modern day Russia, a fairly low number of women serve in the military, despite an expanded force structure approaching one million active duty personnel. Why is this the case? In this piece, I argue that traditional gender roles that emphasize reproduction and high-level doubts about female competency are key factors limiting the role of women in the Russian Armed Forces. Barring a shortage of military-aged males, Moscow’s cost-benefit analysis is unlikely to change, and increased female representation in the Russian military—whether in proportion or scope—remains improbable in the near term.
You don't have to live a military life to read the news and understand the problems they are experiencing.
How do you know they are experiencing those problems when the news you are getting comes from someone just like you.
It's been news for quite some time now. And it doesn't take a genius to understand the correlation between Dementia's policies and the problems the military is experiencing. Hell, just watch that video I posted earlier in the conversation to see what's going on.
Why is it we don't hear that news from the folks that are actually in the military?
They don't? Then why is it the men and women in the military are renown for voting Republican?
Are they really?

The shock new poll was published Monday by Military Times, which describes itself as an “independent voice for news about service members.” The poll was conducted in conjunction with Syracuse University.

“In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view,” Military Times reports.

A total of 42% disapproved of Trump strongly.

Are they really?

The shock new poll was published Monday by Military Times, which describes itself as an “independent voice for news about service members.” The poll was conducted in conjunction with Syracuse University.

“In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view,” Military Times reports.

A total of 42% disapproved of Trump strongly.

I'm not talking about Trump, I'm talking in general.
How do you know they are experiencing those problems when the news you are getting comes from someone just like you.

I'm not the news, I'm only telling you what the news is reporting. It comes from both right and left sources.

Why is it we don't hear that news from the folks that are actually in the military?

It's the military they get their information from. What do you think they do, make this stuff up or something?
I'm not the news, I'm only telling you what the news is reporting. It comes from both right and left sources.
Actually you are posting opinion pieces and blogs and calling it the news.
It's the military they get their information from. What do you think they do, make this stuff up or something?
Yea I do, because I was in the military and when I am at the VA or talk to family members that are still in the military I am not hearing this BS you are posting.

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