Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

Do you recall when you chose to be straight?
I don't care how much anyone talked (groomed) me or whatever since I was three I would still love women. I do believe sexual preference is with you when you are born. It is not a sin decided on by the person.
Do you recall when you chose to be straight?
I clearly recall when and with whom I chose to engage in sex. How about you?

Yours is a throw away question, in the order of do you recall when you chose to like flowers or any other nonsensical inquiry. I don't remember when/if I chose to like dogs. I do, in fact I love them. I have never owned a dog. Why? Circumstances and priorities. That is where choice lies.
It was nothing. The White House wanted a simple backdrop of flags and pipe and drape for the economic speech, consistent with what they’ve done for other policy speeches.

Turns out, the usual movable drapery barriers were not tall enough to hide the cross and IHS emblem, a traditional Catholic abbreviation for the name of Jesus Christ. So the school agreed to cloak the wall structure with the religious symbols to keep the speech secular. He spoke at Churches in front of crosses a zillion times.
That's far better than standing in front of a church as a political propaganda, holding a bible upside down ( did he do that on purpose, a Satanist would do that ) then never going into that church to pray while he had the police attack peaceful protestors like trump did.
We cannot choose the categories of persons that we find sexually appealing, but we control our actions. Most people have sexual thoughts about others who are prohibited (e.g., the spouse of a neighbor, the cheerleader who lives next door), and even when the attraction is mutual, "we" control ourselves.

No one is condemned for "being homosexual," but we all have the right to condemn conduct that we believe to be grossly immoral, and to shun people who manifestly engage in it, while at the same time being respectful of their humanity.

Churches that embrace openly gay people are desperate for membership, and compromise themselves to get a few more butts in the seats. They relinquish their right to be considered a legitimate religion, at least in the Christian context. Again, homosexuality is not a sin, but homosexual acts are right up there with adultery. In Catholic lingo, "you excommunicate yourself."
That's far better than standing in front of a church as a political propaganda, holding a bible upside down ( did he do that on purpose, a Satanist would do that ) then never going into that church to pray while he had the police attack peaceful protestors like trump did.
In one of his interviews he stated he never did anything wrong to ask forgiveness for. And the evangelicals voted for Him. Weird.
I don't care how much anyone talked (groomed) me or whatever since I was three I would still love women. I do believe sexual preference is with you when you are born. It is not a sin decided on by the person.
Correct, some scientists suggest sexual orientation occurs before two, wether that be heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality.
We cannot choose the categories of persons that we find sexually appealing, but we control our actions. Most people have sexual thoughts about others who are prohibited (e.g., the spouse of a neighbor, the cheerleader who lives next door), and even when the attraction is mutual, "we" control ourselves.

No one is condemned for "being homosexual," but we all have the right to condemn conduct that we believe to be grossly immoral, and to shun people who manifestly engage in it, while at the same time being respectful of their humanity.

Churches that embrace openly gay people are desperate for membership, and compromise themselves to get a few more butts in the seats. They relinquish their right to be considered a legitimate religion, at least in the Christian context. Again, homosexuality is not a sin, but homosexual acts are right up there with adultery. In Catholic lingo, "you excommunicate yourself."
What god would give people these orientations and not expect them to use them. A very stupid made-up god, with many human faults.
In one of his interviews he stated he never did anything wrong to ask forgiveness for. And the evangelicals voted for Him. Weird.
Of course, he believes he's " perfect ". The biggest laugh he gave me was when he compared himself to Jesus. I immediately thought the polar opposite.
I clearly recall when and with whom I chose to engage in sex. How about you?

Yours is a throw away question, in the order of do you recall when you chose to like flowers or any other nonsensical inquiry. I don't remember when/if I chose to like dogs. I do, in fact I love them. I have never owned a dog. Why? Circumstances and priorities. That is where choice lies.
Very terrible comparison.
Sexual orientation is more or less innate because it occurs so early in life. It's not a conscious choice.
Thats what the groomers would have us believe

But we know that children that are molested often grow up to be molesters themselves

while most adults are immune to homosexual advances many children are not
Very terrible comparison.
No, it is not. In high school I had two friends who had same sex attractions. One decided to ignore it because the attraction of family/husband where children had both mother/father and male/female role models was the higher ideal to her. They both saw choice.

Friends, teachers, co-workers. Even back-in-the-day working for civil unions. The homosexuals I have known were never "in your face" and nor were they "closeted". They never had to call attention to their sexual orientation and they never had to hide it, either. This "LOOK AT ME! YOU MUST GIVE ME PRIORITY" of the LGBTQ+ crowd would embarrass them. We were all everyday people living everyday lives. I once had a teacher tell us that demanding respect never works. It is something gained by how one behaves.

The "I can't help myself, it is the way I am" mewling gains no respect because who respects anyone who just rolls over about anything. The choice (whatever it is) that each individual decides will make the best version of self and enables them to give the most to this life inundates one with the respect of all others.

Sincerely, Stann, no disrespect intended. Perhaps it is because of the upstanding/outstanding homosexuals it has been my great privilege to know and work with that I find myself cringing at anything I perceive as whining or grabbing for attention by any and every means necessary.
No, it is not. In high school I had two friends who had same sex attractions. One decided to ignore it because the attraction of family/husband where children had both mother/father and male/female role models was the higher ideal to her. They both saw choice.
One chose not to act on his innate sexual orientation
The one who married made the wrong choice , no doubt forced by social norms and peer pressure. I doubt he has had a very happy life. Denying what exists comes with consequences, they aren't pretty. Also what you suggested was for gays to stay in the closet. Far too many were murdered there. It's no place to live. I just realized something else the guy who married could have been bisexual, they are the only oñes who can make a choice but don't have to.
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