Woman at Town Hall tells Romney Obama should be tried for "treason".



Romney has faced hostile questions on everything from his wealth to his religion. And on Monday, he experienced another awkward moment, when a supporter stood and declared that President Barack Obama should be "tried for treason."

Turning back to Romney, she asked what he would do to "restore balance" between the three branches of government and "restore our Constitution." She did not specify why she believed Obama should be "tried for treason"—a comment that received a huge applause from the audience. And when it was his turn to respond, Romney ignored her suggestion about "treason" and instead spoke about how he would "respect the different branches of government."

The "treason" comment came just minutes after Ohio State Auditor Dave Yost, a Romney surrogate on hand to introduce the candidate, offered several scathing attacks on Obama, including his handling of the Osama bin Laden raid.

Yost, who read from notes, said giving Obama credit for the bin Laden raid is like "giving Ronald McDonald credit for the Big Mac."

Woman tells Romney Obama

Obama does something Republicans refused to do. But it's wrong to give him "credit". Then who deserves it? They think they do.

First Richard Grenell and now this. And you guys think Romney has a "spine"? He's weak and would be a weak president. Worse than Bush.
That is about as ridiculous as calling Republicans in Congress who oppose Obama traitors.
That is about as ridiculous as calling Republicans in Congress who oppose Obama traitors.

The ones who said they will do everything they can to sink the president? Or all of them?

You have to admit, their agenda has really hurt the country.
That is about as ridiculous as calling Republicans in Congress who oppose Obama traitors.

The ones who said they will do everything they can to sink the president? Or all of them?

You have to admit, their agenda has really hurt the country.

You refer to political opposition as treason, which demonstrates that you are anti-democratic and intolerant.

In a political democracy political parties are supposed to oppose each other. Political difference is not treason.
I was going to weigh in, but I see Artevelde destroyed the lame-assed OP take quite adequately!
I was going to weigh in, but I see Artevelde destroyed the lame-assed OP take quite adequately!

Not really much of an effort. But take heart, there plenty of other stupid postings to go around Sniper. Enjoy!
Romney has faced hostile questions on everything from his wealth to his religion. And on Monday, he experienced another awkward moment, when a supporter stood and declared that President Barack Obama should be "tried for treason."

Turning back to Romney, she asked what he would do to "restore balance" between the three branches of government and "restore our Constitution." She did not specify why she believed Obama should be "tried for treason"—a comment that received a huge applause from the audience. And when it was his turn to respond, Romney ignored her suggestion about "treason" and instead spoke about how he would "respect the different branches of government."

The "treason" comment came just minutes after Ohio State Auditor Dave Yost, a Romney surrogate on hand to introduce the candidate, offered several scathing attacks on Obama, including his handling of the Osama bin Laden raid.

Yost, who read from notes, said giving Obama credit for the bin Laden raid is like "giving Ronald McDonald credit for the Big Mac."

Woman tells Romney Obama

Obama does something Republicans refused to do. But it's wrong to give him "credit". Then who deserves it? They think they do.

First Richard Grenell and now this. And you guys think Romney has a "spine"? He's weak and would be a weak president. Worse than Bush.

I rarely cut Romney any slack, but really, this sort of thing happens to politicians all the time, they get someone who says something ridiculous and their programming tells them to get back on message rather than dressing the person down.

So, no, I don't slap Romney for this one.
If Romney had bitch slapped the woman verbally for her comments, Deanie-poo would be in here starting a thread about how Romney has a 'war on women' thing going on.
I don't know...John McCain managed to address a crazy at one of his town halls. He bungled the delivery a bit (kind of implying that Muslims can't be good family men), but he did stick up for Candidate Obama. I don't expect that kind of honor from Romney though...
Obama took the position of Chair of UN Security Council, that's reason enough right there to Impeach him. That means he abdicated American sovereignty to the UN.

But don't worry deanie, the Congress is too afraid of Emperor Barry to move against him any time soon. It's gonna' have to get a lot worse before it get's better.
I don't know...John McCain managed to address a crazy at one of his town halls. He bungled the delivery a bit (kind of implying that Muslims can't be good family men), but he did stick up for Candidate Obama. I don't expect that kind of honor from Romney though...

You wouldn't recognize 'honor' if it came with a label.
I was going to weigh in, but I see Artevelde destroyed the lame-assed OP take quite adequately!


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