Woman beheaded in London

This is what happens when multi culturalism is more valued than individual rights and good judgment.

So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

I guess the Mexican drug cartels are muslim.
So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

I guess the Mexican drug cartels are muslim.

Yes, excactly. They have been doing a lot of beheadings. Also, it is a myth that Muslim men behead their wives. Don't know where people get this idea, much less that it is a common occurence. Totally not true. But, bigots believe what they want to believe and do not care at all what reality or truth are.
Europe is beginning to realize what a nest of vipers they have been nurturing.

Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe?s Cities | The Brussels Journal

Can Europe save itself?

Your link is a right wing blog and nothing more. It echoes the same right wing tripe we get in America. I've been to and travel regularly in many major cities and in every European capital, as well living in the center of Europe for 4 years. They are in no way, shape or form dominated by women in abyas, are not dominiated by sharia or Muslims, etc. The blog you cite as apparent evidence for what is going on in Europe is presenting a skewed vision of the reality based on zenophobics and people who hate anything to do with Muslims. I will be spending the next 2 months in Europe, in a European capital, a place I've been to before, and I can guarantee anyone it is not dominated by or overrun by Muslims. In fact, the percentage of Muslims in the Western European (Christian) country with the highest percentage of Muslims is 10%. Hardly domination.

Population of Muslims in Europe:
Andorra, Croatia = 1-2% of the population
Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain = 2-4%
Denmark, Greece, Liechtenstein, UK = 4-5%
Austria, Belgim, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland = 5-10%
Georgia, Montenegro, Russia = 10-20%
Cyprus = 20-30% (Northern Cyprus is Turkish)
Macedonia = 30-40%
Bosnia/Herzegovina = 40-50%
Albania 80-90%
Kosovo 90-95%
Turkey, Azerbaijan 95-100%

Macedonia, Bosnia, Herzegovina have always had large Muslim populations; has nothing to do with current immigration
Albania, Kosovo , Turkey and Azerbaijan have always been Muslim countries
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Christians beheaded by muslims in New Jersey.

Not All Muslims shoot, behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey | The Daily Caller

Moderate muslim man beheads wife in New York


Honor killings growing in the United States
"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - Crimesider - CBS News

You may not like the news coming from Europe that doesn't make it untrue.

You are like the person who spends a weekend in Cabo, then comes back saying that mexico is really a peaceful country and there is no danger there.
Christians beheaded by muslims in New Jersey.

Not All Muslims shoot, behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey | The Daily Caller

Moderate muslim man beheads wife in New York


Honor killings growing in the United States
"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - Crimesider - CBS News

You may not like the news coming from Europe that doesn't make it untrue.

You are like the person who spends a weekend in Cabo, then comes back saying that mexico is really a peaceful country and there is no danger there.

What a stupid thing to say. How can I possibly be like someone who spends a weekend somewhere and says that's how things are. I lived in a European capital city for 4 years, in the center of Europe and traveled in Europe extensively at that time. As well, I spend a minimum of 2 months every year in Europe.

The facts are I do know that Europe is like; you don't. You don't live there and if you have ever traveled there, it has been most likely limited to one or two weeks a couple of times during your entire life. You haven't got a clue what the reality is.
Well I don't see any evidence to the contrary, instead you merely attempted to deflect. i would be happy to discuss the issue but "open your eyes lol" doesn't really qualify as constructive or engaging discourse.

Yeah....kinda like you acting like a muslim beheading his better half is uncommon.:eusa_eh:

Define "uncommon"....1 in 2? 1 in 4? 1 in 8? 1 20,000,000?

Why dont you take a trip to the middle east and get a head count......:eusa_whistle:
Beheadings are becoming common in London now. It wasn't that long ago that people were predicting thst would happen.

Define common......1 a day? 2 a day? 4 a day? 10 a day?

As many shootings as we have here in the U.S. per day?

What the hell do shootings have to do with beheadings?
I'm pretty sure you can find yourself an anti gun thread somewhere on this board.
Beheadings are becoming common in London now. It wasn't that long ago that people were predicting thst would happen.

Define common......1 a day? 2 a day? 4 a day? 10 a day?

As many shootings as we have here in the U.S. per day?

What the hell do shootings have to do with beheadings?
I'm pretty sure you can find yourself an anti gun thread somewhere on this board.

It is absolutely not a common thing for men in the Middle East or any Muslim culture to behead their wives. This is a complete myth. Perhaps someone could cite a reliable, credible source to prove it isn't a myth.
So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

I guess the Mexican drug cartels are muslim.

So is it a culture thing with the drug lords? Or just a fad? Maybe next week it will be impaling or possibly crucifixion.
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Christians beheaded by muslims in New Jersey.

Not All Muslims shoot, behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey | The Daily Caller

Moderate muslim man beheads wife in New York


Honor killings growing in the United States
"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - Crimesider - CBS News

You may not like the news coming from Europe that doesn't make it untrue.

You are like the person who spends a weekend in Cabo, then comes back saying that mexico is really a peaceful country and there is no danger there.

What a stupid thing to say. How can I possibly be like someone who spends a weekend somewhere and says that's how things are. I lived in a European capital city for 4 years, in the center of Europe and traveled in Europe extensively at that time. As well, I spend a minimum of 2 months every year in Europe.

The facts are I do know that Europe is like; you don't. You don't live there and if you have ever traveled there, it has been most likely limited to one or two weeks a couple of times during your entire life. You haven't got a clue what the reality is.

I don't travel. I do work for an international company where everyone has lived in some corner of Europe their entire lives. I am the ONLY American working with this company. One of only three people in the United States. Their perception of Europe is much different from yours, which is still that of a tourist rather than a resident. Like tourists everywhere, you see what you want to see and never deal with uncomfortable realities.
Define common......1 a day? 2 a day? 4 a day? 10 a day?

As many shootings as we have here in the U.S. per day?

What the hell do shootings have to do with beheadings?
I'm pretty sure you can find yourself an anti gun thread somewhere on this board.

It is absolutely not a common thing for men in the Middle East or any Muslim culture to behead their wives. This is a complete myth. Perhaps someone could cite a reliable, credible source to prove it isn't a myth.

I did the hard part for you....
My goodness, in the United States, in California, my poor little Pakistani secretary's own MOTHER threatened to throw acid in her daughter's face because she went to a gynocologist for treatment of a vaginal infection. She disrobed for a man not her husband.

Of course the idiocy in the middle east is going to come here, just like it infected Europe.
What the hell do shootings have to do with beheadings?
I'm pretty sure you can find yourself an anti gun thread somewhere on this board.

It is absolutely not a common thing for men in the Middle East or any Muslim culture to behead their wives. This is a complete myth. Perhaps someone could cite a reliable, credible source to prove it isn't a myth.
I did the hard part for you....https://www.google.com/search?q=cul...78,d.aWM&fp=caa84096235e7292&biw=1600&bih=799

The onus is on the person making the claim. You are making the claim that it is common for Muslim men to behead their wives. Therefore, the onus is on you to prove that claim. So you did nothing for me. It wasn't and isn't my responsibility to prove or disprove your claim of fact when you have offered no evidence.

Most of the sites you provide are right wing blogs and bullshit. And, again, it shows a small proportion of this type of event. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. The vast, vast majority do not behead anyone, much less their wives.

Every day in America, Christian men murder their wives. It is not, nowadays, completely uncommon for them to dismember them or do worse things to get rid of them. Their deaths are also often violent and gruesome. You people focus on Muslims and point fingers at them as if they are the only people commiting gruesome crimes; and you act as if they all do it. You do this out of xenophobia (a nice word for bigotry).
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I know this is a waste of effort but I read at least a dozen blog posts on this this morning and all of them report a Muslim man for beheading a Muslim woman for failing to follow the laws of Islam.

Christians beheaded by muslims in New Jersey.

Not All Muslims shoot, behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey | The Daily Caller

Moderate muslim man beheads wife in New York


Honor killings growing in the United States
"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - Crimesider - CBS News

You may not like the news coming from Europe that doesn't make it untrue.

You are like the person who spends a weekend in Cabo, then comes back saying that mexico is really a peaceful country and there is no danger there.

What a stupid thing to say. How can I possibly be like someone who spends a weekend somewhere and says that's how things are. I lived in a European capital city for 4 years, in the center of Europe and traveled in Europe extensively at that time. As well, I spend a minimum of 2 months every year in Europe.

The facts are I do know that Europe is like; you don't. You don't live there and if you have ever traveled there, it has been most likely limited to one or two weeks a couple of times during your entire life. You haven't got a clue what the reality is.

I don't travel. I do work for an international company where everyone has lived in some corner of Europe their entire lives. I am the ONLY American working with this company. One of only three people in the United States. Their perception of Europe is much different from yours, which is still that of a tourist rather than a resident. Like tourists everywhere, you see what you want to see and never deal with uncomfortable realities.

I work for international companies and travel around the world, living in various countries and working with people from all over the world every day, and not just a handful of them. My perception of Europe and other places in the world is based on living and working in them for years at a time, working in environments where 70-90 percent of my colleagues are from other countries all over the globe. I don't have a 'tourist' view of Europe. You have a very limited perception of the world. My god, you haven't even traveled outside the US and you assume you know all about other places based on the limited number of people you talk to. I have real friends, one of them a 25 year friend and very close, who are Europeans have lived in Europe their entire lives. I talk to and work with every day people from Europe. I don't know who you are talking to or what they are saying, but what you are hearing is not what it is like. To believe someone who has never even been there knows more than someone who has lived and worked there is pretty stupid. Which you apparently are.
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I don't travel. I do work for an international company where everyone has lived in some corner of Europe their entire lives. I am the ONLY American working with this company. One of only three people in the United States. Their perception of Europe is much different from yours, which is still that of a tourist rather than a resident. Like tourists everywhere, you see what you want to see and never deal with uncomfortable realities.

you are the perfect example of what a butt hurt Rightie looks like. Are you humorless there as well? :clap2: They have themselves a handful w/ you. BTW- must be nice to have off wednesdays :thup:
It is absolutely not a common thing for men in the Middle East or any Muslim culture to behead their wives. This is a complete myth. Perhaps someone could cite a reliable, credible source to prove it isn't a myth.
I did the hard part for you....https://www.google.com/search?q=cul...78,d.aWM&fp=caa84096235e7292&biw=1600&bih=799

The onus is on the person making the claim. You are making the claim that it is common for Muslim men to behead their wives. Therefore, the onus is on you to prove that claim. So you did nothing for me. It wasn't and isn't my responsibility to prove or disprove your claim of fact when you have offered no evidence.

Most of the sites you provide are right wing blogs and bullshit. And, again, it shows a small proportion of this type of event. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. The vast, vast majority do not behead anyone, much less their wives.

Every day in America, Christian men murder their wives. It is not, nowadays, completely uncommon for them to dismember them or do worse things to get rid of them. Their deaths are also often violent and gruesome. You people focus on Muslims and point fingers at them as if they are the only people commiting gruesome crimes; and you act as if they all do it. You do this out of xenophobia (a nice word for bigotry).

You type so much,to say so little.......
I know this is a waste of effort but I read at least a dozen blog posts on this this morning and all of them report a Muslim man for beheading a Muslim woman for failing to follow the laws of Islam.


How many of them are repeating the same incident? And how much does it take for you to realize this is extremist behavior, not the norm?

As well, you could find well over a dozen instances a day in the US where a man has killed his wife for not doing as he wished, often it is a woman who is in a domestic abuse situation and/or one who has tried to leave a domestic abuse situation.

To point fingers and say this is what 'they' do because 'they' are barbaric is not sensible. Americans brutalize each other, they brutalize their wives, some wives brutalize their husbands, killers regularly dismember bodies and some remove heads. To point at the other guy and say only he his doing bad stuff is not having any true vision of the realities.

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