Woman beheaded in London

Once again your standards let you down. I was baptized Presbyterian there chief. There isn't even anyone in my extended family who is a Muslim.

But I'm sure your "experience" and "gut" are right with all of your other guesses ;)
And what do you want to bet if you described the murder to someone and asked them the likely religion of the perp they would guess muslim.

That's not really rock solid evidence. You'd make a pretty poor lawyer.

Meh...this is the court of public opinion. No lawyers needed.
And what do you want to bet if you described the murder to someone and asked them the likely religion of the perp they would guess muslim.

That's not really rock solid evidence. You'd make a pretty poor lawyer.

Meh...this is the court of public opinion. No lawyers needed.

So you admit that your opinions and assertions are based on pretty poor standards of information. Guess my work is done here ;)
That's not really rock solid evidence. You'd make a pretty poor lawyer.

Meh...this is the court of public opinion. No lawyers needed.

So you admit that your opinions and assertions are based on pretty poor standards of information. Guess my work is done here ;)

I said public opinion. Not my opinion.
Which you obviously dont hold in high regard. Although I'm not sure why considering you said that muslims commit a crap load of beheadings.
Which has been my contention all along.

You're just being ornery...:razz:
Meh...this is the court of public opinion. No lawyers needed.

So you admit that your opinions and assertions are based on pretty poor standards of information. Guess my work is done here ;)

I said public opinion. Not my opinion.
Which you obviously dont hold in high regard. Although I'm not sure why considering you said that muslims commit a crap load of beheadings.
Which has been my contention all along.

You're just being ornery...:razz:

I think you misread my response.
No idiot, it makes people less likely to be victims as opposed to places where you have zero chance not to be a victim.

You have statistical studies to support such a claim I'm sure?

Please tell me you don't need statistics to tell you that if you are being attacked by a knife wielding criminal who intends to behead you that you wouldn't be safer if you had a gun to defend yourself with...my Gawwwd... You can't possibly be that stupid.

So...being allowed to have a gun guarantees that you will have a gun all the time...whenever, wherever?
I guess you can.

Well I don't see any evidence to the contrary, instead you merely attempted to deflect. i would be happy to discuss the issue but "open your eyes lol" doesn't really qualify as constructive or engaging discourse.

Yeah....kinda like you acting like a muslim beheading his better half is uncommon.:eusa_eh:

Define "uncommon"....1 in 2? 1 in 4? 1 in 8? 1 20,000,000?
If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... IT'S A FREAKIN DUCK!

It has Islamic beheading written all over!!!

if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, then it shouldn't be that hard for you to provide some proof of it actually being a duck.

And even if he is a Muslim, that doesn't make the killing automatically religious related, and even if he wants to justify it that way, then it still isn't a theological reflection of the beliefs of the vast majority of practitioners of the faith.

So any way you cut it, your comments are pretty far off base .

And any way you cut it's easy to see what side you are on....Pro Islamic.

Just because someone would like to ask for proof before calling for a rope to hang an entire religion, doesn't make him "pro" anything except "pro- not jumping to conclusions about mass numbers of people".

You, apparently, disagree.
This is perfectly acceptable to the leftist on this board. Why not speak out against islams treatment of woman????

How about it!

I don't support it, but as long as we worry about muslims, mexicans, hmong, we're not paying attention to the ruling class. Nobody's paying attention to the trans pacific partner ship that almost a republican obama will shove down our throats either. Even congress isn't allowed to see the details of it.
"...Define "uncommon"..."
Rather than context-void, meaningless volume counts...

Perhaps we might more profitably look at ratios, within the domain of domestic violence deaths resulting from beheadings...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by Buddhists...

The ratio of of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by Hindi...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by Christians...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by the UN-religious...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus the number committed by ALL non-Muslims... combined.

Assuming that credible statistics can be gathered for such purposes from someplace or another...

Wanna guess where the Smart Vegas Money goes, in naming one or the other as Most Likely to be The Winner?

And, in the absence of any such quantifiable data, and relying instead upon popular memory of such occurances over time, it's a fair guess which Belief-System is tagged for that purpose by the Man on the Street, as well...

None of that means that such a perception is 'right'... merely the more likely of the choices... with a high degree of 'probability'...
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Muslim name and his girlfriend is headless. Yep that pretty much confirms it.
End thread......

"Muslim name"?? Names have religions now?


Never heard of a Christian name? Why am I not surprised....

Yeah, I'm old enough to remember that chestnut. It's called that because it's a name given at christening. Has nothing to do with the derivation.

"Hussein" is not a "Muslim name". It's an Arab name.

So, do you live your entire life on assumptions then?
This is what happens when multi culturalism is more valued than individual rights and good judgment.

So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.
This is what happens when multi culturalism is more valued than individual rights and good judgment.

So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

Well said. The media play this stuff up, and then internet wags concentrate it through the lens of message boards. To hang around here you could get the impression that Islam has some kind of near-monopoly on violence and terrorism, but the facts tell otherwise.
This is what happens when multi culturalism is more valued than individual rights and good judgment.

So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

Who's to say that all your example's weren't Muslim also? I'd guess that Muslims are much more likely to murder in the name of religion and more likely to take their victim's head than persons of any other (or no)religeon. After all, who's more likely to act like a barbarian than a barbarian?
So crime doesn't happen in societies that have homogenous populations? :confused:

Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

Who's to say that all your example's weren't Muslim also? I'd guess that Muslims are much more likely to murder in the name of religion and more likely to take their victim's head than persons of any other (or no)religeon. After all, who's more likely to act like a barbarian than a barbarian?

You can choose to be ignorant if you want to. If you read and learn the facts, however, you will find that most of the people who have dismembered and beheaded their victims in Western countries were not Muslims.

Many serial killers in the US have beheaded their victims. Most, if not all, serial killers in the US have been white males. Scott Peterson dismembered his wife, including removing her head. The man who beheaded someone on a Greyhound bus was not Muslim, neither was the Spanish man in Tenerife. Neither was the brother who killed and dismembered his TV star sister in the UK.

This guy in India is Hindu: Serial killer Chandrakant Jha was on Tuesday sentenced to death for the second case of identical crime by a Delhi Court which said his offence falls under the "rarest of rare case" as the brutality committed by him shows he "cannot be reformed".

Jha's modus operandi was to behead and chop the body parts of the victims leading to their death. He then dumped the headless bodies outside Tihar Jail."

It doesn't take much Googling to find all kinds of cases around the world of killers, including husbands, beheading their victims. It is not a Muslim 'thing': it is a killer thing. It is something sick people do, sick people of all cultures, sexes, and backgrounds.

Jeffry Dahmer beheaded his victims too.

You can face the real facts, or you can choose to be ignorant because it fits in with your biases. Up to you.
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"...you will find that most of the people who have dismembered and beheaded their victims in Western countries were not Muslims..."
Hmmmm... that's quite probably true.

Then again, there are a lot more non-Muslims in Western countries than there are Muslims.

Consequently, an analysis of ratios or percentages seems the most objective way to handle this.

Ratio No. 1 = the number of beheadings by non-Muslims divided by the total number of murders committed by non-Muslims.

Ratio No. 2 = the number of beheadings by Muslims divided by the total number of murders committed by Muslims.

And then compare the two.

My money is on No. 2 being the higher one.

I have no idea where to obtain credible body-counts like that on a nationwide scale but my Spidey-Sense tells me that there is a high order of probability of No. 2 being the higher of the two... much higher, quite possibly.

It's a cultural thing... given that in various countries dominated by Islam... including Saudi Arabia, the Mothership of Islam... various secular and religious offenses bring about state-supplied capital punishment by beheading.

It's a cultural thing... much of the Muslim population of the West are either 1st-gen immigrants or only one or two generations removed from such barbarity.

It's a cultural thing... brought about by the influence of Islam upon various cultures and subcultures which have been transplanted and faithfully produced here in The West, within the bounds of their minority status and the practicalities attendant upon that status.

And that 'cultural thing' translates very easily into a particularly loathsome mode of execution on the domestic front as well; at least amongst the high-end psychotics in that community.

Honor Killings - and Frustrated Lover Killings - and madness of that nature, compounded by the particularly terrifying mechanics of beheading.

Barbarians at the Gates.
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I guess you can.

Well I don't see any evidence to the contrary, instead you merely attempted to deflect. i would be happy to discuss the issue but "open your eyes lol" doesn't really qualify as constructive or engaging discourse.

Yeah....kinda like you acting like a muslim beheading his better half is uncommon.:eusa_eh:
A male Muslim has no better half...he has a dispensable slave.
Things need to be put into perspective, and most of the media doesn't seem to try to do that. This report and the recent attack on a British soldier give the impression that only people with Muslim sounding names or of Islamic faith cut off peoples' heads. This is not true. Chances are, if you looked at all the murders in the UK over the past few years, you would find several, at least, where the body was cut up and the head removed. There was a story over the past year wherein a former East Enders star (EE is a popular soap show on British TV) was killed by her brother and he dismembered her body, including removing the head. That is just one instance of such a murder which got a lot of media attention because of the victim's fame as a TV star.

In the US, as well, many murders include dismembering the body and removing the head. If you go back and read crime stories, I'm sure you will find many such instances.

About a year ago, there was a Spanish man in Tenerife who beheaded a British tourist.

In Canada a year or two ago, a deranged man on a Greyhound bus beheaded a fellow passenger.

This is not a trend of Muslims beheading non-Muslims. This is a trend of the media focusing on only Muslims doing this kind of thing because it sells. The fact is that removing the head of a murder victim happens far more often in our countries by non-Muslim people than by Muslim people.

Put things into real life perspective instead of allowing the media to manipulate you.

Who's to say that all your example's weren't Muslim also? I'd guess that Muslims are much more likely to murder in the name of religion and more likely to take their victim's head than persons of any other (or no)religeon. After all, who's more likely to act like a barbarian than a barbarian?

You can choose to be ignorant if you want to. If you read and learn the facts, however, you will find that most of the people who have dismembered and beheaded their victims in Western countries were not Muslims.

Many serial killers in the US have beheaded their victims. Most, if not all, serial killers in the US have been white males. Scott Peterson dismembered his wife, including removing her head. The man who beheaded someone on a Greyhound bus was not Muslim, neither was the Spanish man in Tenerife. Neither was the brother who killed and dismembered his TV star sister in the UK.

This guy in India is Hindu: Serial killer Chandrakant Jha was on Tuesday sentenced to death for the second case of identical crime by a Delhi Court which said his offence falls under the "rarest of rare case" as the brutality committed by him shows he "cannot be reformed".

Jha's modus operandi was to behead and chop the body parts of the victims leading to their death. He then dumped the headless bodies outside Tihar Jail."

It doesn't take much Googling to find all kinds of cases around the world of killers, including husbands, beheading their victims. It is not a Muslim 'thing': it is a killer thing. It is something sick people do, sick people of all cultures, sexes, and backgrounds.

Jeffry Dahmer beheaded his victims too.

You can face the real facts, or you can choose to be ignorant because it fits in with your biases. Up to you.

Most of what you say isn't true to such a degree that it would take reams to disabuse you of your odd notions.

There have been many black serial killers. Do you want a list? Here's 57 of them.

List Of Black Serial Killers | Black Peoria

Scott Peterson didn't dismember his wife. Her body washed up on the beach in pieces but we have fish in that ocean and she was ripped apart by ocean going predators. Jeffrey Dahmer beheaded his victims as a consequence of butchering them for his food. Jeffrey Dahmer was homosexual. That's how he got his victims. Like William Bonin, the Freeway Killer, he lured his young boy victims into the death van with promises of sex and pot.

You don't face real facts. Unfortunately muslim beheadings are just beginning in the western nations to which they have immigrated. Beheadings are part and parcel of this backward culture and occur with alarming frequency in nations where they are a majority.

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