Woman beheaded in London


Nah....I just like poking fun at people who try to say that something that is pretty common never happens.
And what do you want to bet if you described the murder to someone and asked them the likely religion of the perp they would guess muslim.

The players in this tragic story live in England, which is predominantly Christian. Therefore by your broad brush logic, they must be Christians.

Yeah.....because so many Christians are named Hussain and have girl friends that wear muslim head gear.:cuckoo:

It's YOUR logic, don't complain to me. :cuckoo:

And speaking of asssss-umptions, where does the article say that Reema was his "girl friend"? Where does it say they had any relationship at all?

Oh wait, I remember. You made that up too.
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I'm an atheist dear. I'm pro-intellectual honesty.

I'm sure your parents are thrilled.

" I was baptized Presbyterian there chief."

My dad has always been Catholic, but more so by culture than by any sort of religious practice, so he didn't care. It bothered my mother for a while, but she isn't vocal about it. Her dislike of my atheism was always interpreted as concern over the well being of my soul which stemmed from her love of me.

Any other personal information you'd like?

You're the one who offered up your religious affiliation. If your an atheist i'm not sure why you bothered though.
All of these Islamic extremists need to be rooted out and punished, severely.
The players in this tragic story live in England, which is predominantly Christian. Therefore by your broad brush logic, they must be Christians.

Yeah.....because so many Christians are named Hussain and have girl friends that wear muslim head gear.:cuckoo:

It's YOUR logic, don't complain to me. :cuckoo:

And speaking of asssss-umptions, where does the article say that Reema was his "girl friend"? Where does it say they had any relationship at all?

Oh wait, I remember. You made that up too.

So we'll just go with...She assaulted his muslim sensibilities.
Or he had the hots for her and she liked a British bloke. Thats a serious infraction.

Howdy Kondor. Never expected you to show up in a thread like this (/sarc)

I'll see your fearmongering and raise you two cyinics:



As tragic as such stories are as long as these assholes are around, they do become an entertainment factor on message boards. Not just for all the logical fallacies that pop up like weeds, but what I find especially interesting: the same voices who wail about media failing to be objective (and they're right), soon as they get a story that serves the hate agenda, they're bowing before that same media on bended knee talking about "yes master, may I have another story?"". I find that tragically hilarious.
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You're the one who offered up your religious affiliation. If your an atheist i'm not sure why you bothered though.

To demonstrate how wrong assumptions such as those you seem so proud of utilizing can be.

You being an atheist and all I bet you really hate allah and his followers.
Or is that reserved for christians?
Do you deny that muslims are known for beheading women? Or anyone else they dont agree with.
No need to draw tails on such fellows...

They do a fine job of that themselves, with no help from others, for all to see.

Multiculturalism is the real danger in this narrow context, especially as it pertains to the UK - as evidenced by pronouncements of the Prime Minister himself.

I'll take Cameron's word for it.

A medieval, misogynistic culture cannot be integrated into a modern secular culture.

The medieval, misogynistic culture (as it is represented as an embedded orphan component of the modern secular culture, and when it is so foreign and hostile to the host) must be washed away if its members are to integrate properly into society.

And ghetto-izing the medieval, misogynistic types - literally, and with respect to such accommodations as Sharia - only prolongs the inevitable and only prolongs the agony...

And retards the forward progress of otherwise potentially useful and trusted members of the broader society - both male and (especially) female.
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You being an atheist and all I bet you really hate allah and his followers.
Or is that reserved for christians?

I don't hate either, and have a strong respect for religion. Once again, your rock solid assumptions let you down.

If i had to choose a preference between Christianity and Islam, I would say that i tend to favor Christianity theologically over Islam.

Do you deny that muslims are known for beheading women? Or anyone else they dont agree with.

Muslims in general? Absolutely. It isn't a practice utilized by most who practice Islam. By your logic though should we assume that all French people love to cut the heads off of people given the historical popularity of the guillotine?

I've seen honor killings and horrendous treatment of women in quite a number of non-Islamic countries. That includes decapitations.
No need to draw tails on such fellows...

They do a fine job of that themselves, with no help from others, for all to see.

Multiculturalism is the real danger in this narrow context, especially as it pertains to the UK - as evidenced by pronouncements of the Prime Minister himself.

I'll take Cameron's word for it.

not sure why you are so concerned, multi-culturalism isn't what we practice here in the US.
Members of both sides in this thread are being unreasonable, again.
No need to draw tails on such fellows...

They do a fine job of that themselves, with no help from others, for all to see.

Multiculturalism is the real danger in this narrow context, especially as it pertains to the UK - as evidenced by pronouncements of the Prime Minister himself.

I'll take Cameron's word for it.

not sure why you are so concerned, multi-culturalism isn't what we practice here in the US.
The Brits are our friends, and what hurts them usually bothers us, as well.

Their Grand Experiment at multiculturalism has failed, and we are seeing the deadly and tragic results over and over again in stories coming out of the UK.

It is also an object lesson for America - an example of what NOT do to HERE.

Being people who pay attention to what is happening in the world, this is entirely relevant.
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Beheadings are becoming common in London now. It wasn't that long ago that people were predicting thst would happen.
Beheadings are becoming common in London now. It wasn't that long ago that people were predicting thst would happen.
Common? It is a city of over 8 million people, what is the annual rate of beheadings per 100,000? Am I more likely to get robbed while drunkenly stumbling around Shoreditch at 2:00 am or beheaded in a home in Sheffield?
You being an atheist and all I bet you really hate allah and his followers.
Or is that reserved for christians?

I don't hate either, and have a strong respect for religion. Once again, your rock solid assumptions let you down.

If i had to choose a preference between Christianity and Islam, I would say that i tend to favor Christianity theologically over Islam.

Do you deny that muslims are known for beheading women? Or anyone else they dont agree with.

Muslims in general? Absolutely. It isn't a practice utilized by most who practice Islam. By your logic though should we assume that all French people love to cut the heads off of people given the historical popularity of the guillotine?

I've seen honor killings and horrendous treatment of women in quite a number of non-Islamic countries. That includes decapitations.

Then my work is done here........
Members of both sides in this thread are being unreasonable, again.

Of course I am. But it's in response to people acting like beheadings aren't common in the muslim world.
I was told I was jumping to conclusions when the evidence points to exactly that.

And I'm not being unreasonable,I'm being ridiculous to make a point.

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