Woman beheaded in London

I know this is a waste of effort but I read at least a dozen blog posts on this this morning and all of them report a Muslim man for beheading a Muslim woman for failing to follow the laws of Islam.


Esmerelda has already explained that she will accept nothing unless it comes from a leftist website. Since the left is totally committed to islamic law, simply because it opposes Christianity, you aren't likely to find it. Every bit of evidence you come up with will be "it's from a right wing site".
I know this is a waste of effort but I read at least a dozen blog posts on this this morning and all of them report a Muslim man for beheading a Muslim woman for failing to follow the laws of Islam.


How many of them are repeating the same incident? And how much does it take for you to realize this is extremist behavior, not the norm?

As well, you could find well over a dozen instances a day in the US where a man has killed his wife for not doing as he wished, often it is a woman who is in a domestic abuse situation and/or one who has tried to leave a domestic abuse situation.

To point fingers and say this is what 'they' do because 'they' are barbaric is not sensible. Americans brutalize each other, they brutalize their wives, some wives brutalize their husbands, killers regularly dismember bodies and some remove heads. To point at the other guy and say only he his doing bad stuff is not having any true vision of the realities.

So you want to equate the dismembering of a body to dispose of it. To a ritual beheading?
Thats a bit disingenuous dont you think?
I know this is a waste of effort but I read at least a dozen blog posts on this this morning and all of them report a Muslim man for beheading a Muslim woman for failing to follow the laws of Islam.


How many of them are repeating the same incident? And how much does it take for you to realize this is extremist behavior, not the norm?

As well, you could find well over a dozen instances a day in the US where a man has killed his wife for not doing as he wished, often it is a woman who is in a domestic abuse situation and/or one who has tried to leave a domestic abuse situation.

To point fingers and say this is what 'they' do because 'they' are barbaric is not sensible. Americans brutalize each other, they brutalize their wives, some wives brutalize their husbands, killers regularly dismember bodies and some remove heads. To point at the other guy and say only he his doing bad stuff is not having any true vision of the realities.

^^ True dat. On any given day we could scour up countless horror stories of similar events here where the woman "failed" to follow the laws of submission according to Judeo-Christian principle and/or sociocultural principle (a distinction without much difference)...

-- and yet we want to imagine they're entirely different things because one uses beheading and the other uses a bullet to the face... another distinction without a difference.

IOW to the wags who insist "beheading is a Muslim thing", by the same logic "shooting is a Christian thing". The only difference in barbarism being the technology. At base it's the same driving force where the real issue lies: gynophobia.

Just sayin'.
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This is perfectly acceptable to the leftist on this board. Why not speak out against islams treatment of woman????

How about it!

No, we're just smart enough to figure out bad treatment of women doesn't just happen with Muslims.

Obviously the left is too stupid to figure out that muslims consider bad treatment of women socially acceptable and in some cases legally demanded.

When someone kills their wife in the west, that man is prosecuted. In islam he did nothing wrong at all.

That's what the left can't figure out.
This is perfectly acceptable to the leftist on this board. Why not speak out against islams treatment of woman????

How about it!

No, we're just smart enough to figure out bad treatment of women doesn't just happen with Muslims.

Obviously the left is too stupid to figure out that muslims consider bad treatment of women socially acceptable and in some cases legally demanded.

When someone kills their wife in the west, that man is prosecuted. In islam he did nothing wrong at all.

That's what the left can't figure out.

Actually, anybody declaring that the entire "left" or entire "right" is "too stupid", is in no position to be handling the word "stupid"...
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"...Define "uncommon"..."
Rather than context-void, meaningless volume counts...

Perhaps we might more profitably look at ratios, within the domain of domestic violence deaths resulting from beheadings...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by Buddhists...

The ratio of of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by Hindi...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by Christians...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus those committed by the UN-religious...

The ratio of beheadings committed by Muslims versus the number committed by ALL non-Muslims... combined.

Assuming that credible statistics can be gathered for such purposes from someplace or another...

Wanna guess where the Smart Vegas Money goes, in naming one or the other as Most Likely to be The Winner?

And, in the absence of any such quantifiable data, and relying instead upon popular memory of such occurances over time, it's a fair guess which Belief-System is tagged for that purpose by the Man on the Street, as well...

None of that means that such a perception is 'right'... merely the more likely of the choices... with a high degree of 'probability'...

And this is really the largest problem that I have with this entire thread: The assumptions, such as linking decapitation to religion.

Decapitation more so has cultural historical ties to it than religious ones. Within historical Arabic culture is was considered to be an ignominious way to die. Very insulting. We used to do the same thing in Europe as well, and we eventually tied it to religious practices too within Catholicism, though it was also practiced simply as a form of execution.

Outside of cultural preferences for vengeance seeking we really don't see too many beheadings strictly for religious purposes. As westerners we often have a hard time, I think understanding societies that have stronger religious influences within their societies, like we used to have in Europe. The religion becomes to intertwined with the culture and it often tends to be difficult to separate the two. For example, child killing in Ghana has merged in some places with the local Christian expressions of faith. It would be wrong though to project that child killing as a practice onto the larger macro-Christian religion itself, because, simply put, most Christians don't practice their faith that way, much in the same way that most Muslims don't really kill people or behead women for random slights.
What the hell do shootings have to do with beheadings?
I'm pretty sure you can find yourself an anti gun thread somewhere on this board.

It is absolutely not a common thing for men in the Middle East or any Muslim culture to behead their wives. This is a complete myth. Perhaps someone could cite a reliable, credible source to prove it isn't a myth.

I did the hard part for you....

I find it rather telling that you can't provide ANY evidence for ANY of your assertions in this thread. ;)
This is perfectly acceptable to the leftist on this board. Why not speak out against islams treatment of woman????

How about it!

No, we're just smart enough to figure out bad treatment of women doesn't just happen with Muslims.

Obviously the left is too stupid to figure out that muslims consider bad treatment of women socially acceptable and in some cases legally demanded.

When someone kills their wife in the west, that man is prosecuted. In islam he did nothing wrong at all.

That's what the left can't figure out.

Well that's not true at all. That wasn't even true historically within say the Ottoman Empire. Hell I have primary legal documents covering the court case of a slave woman who sued her owner for rape and attempted murder. She was non-Muslim and she won the case.

Generalizations such as your lead to extremely poor policy formulation.
Over the past few years I've read about far more beheadings in Mexico than anywhere else.

Therefore I can only assume all Mexicans believe beheading each other is acceptable.
I just want to say that this murder has absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, and that the murderer's name Aras Hussein is entirely a coincidence that is compatible with Islamophobic stereotypes. Muslims are the true victims of intolerance in the West. Islam is a religion of peace.
And this is really the largest problem that I have with this entire thread: The assumptions, such as linking decapitation to religion.

When I read the headline, "Woman beheaded in London", I immediately knew that the murderer was a Muslim. Since your position is that this murder had absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, should we simply assume that I made a lucky guess based on an "Islamophobic" assumption? Am I a modern day Nostradamus? Or, just maybe, is it possible that what you said is complete and utter rubbish?
I just want to say that this murder has absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, and that the murderer's name Aras Hussein is entirely a coincidence that is compatible with Islamophobic stereotypes. Muslims are the true victims of intolerance in the West. Islam is a religion of peace.
This is perfectly acceptable to the leftist on this board.

Can you link to even one post where a "leftist" has supported the beheading of women?

Why not speak out against islams treatment of woman????

How about it!

According to the article the individual who was arrested gave no motive for the attack so far.

better yet can you link to one post in which you have dennounced it?
And this is really the largest problem that I have with this entire thread: The assumptions, such as linking decapitation to religion.

When I read the headline, "Woman beheaded in London", I immediately knew that the murderer was a Muslim. Since your position is that this murder had absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, should we simply assume that I made a lucky guess based on an "Islamophobic" assumption? Am I a modern day Nostradamus? Or, just maybe, is it possible that what you said is complete and utter rubbish?

That's just the thing though, plenty of people are "beheaded" through criminal acts who are in no way related to the Islamic faith. The journalistic use of the word "beheaded" rather than the journalistic standard:decapitated is to play on his religious affiliation or to point to religion as a motive for the act which is likewise what individuals responding to this thread assumed, and yes that's silly.
This is perfectly acceptable to the leftist on this board.

Can you link to even one post where a "leftist" has supported the beheading of women?

Why not speak out against islams treatment of woman????

How about it!

According to the article the individual who was arrested gave no motive for the attack so far.

better yet can you link to one post in which you have dennounced it?

Can you show me a post of yours where you actively denounced the 16 people burned to death by Christians in the Congo the other day? If you can't I'm going to assume that you supported such an act. ;)

As a side note, I think the beheading was disgusting.

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