Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

Exactly. Here you have a somewhat young women dropping dead. Who the hell can predict that?

She was only 2 years younger than Bob Welch, who died last week. One off the CS guys where I work was one high-stress day away from a coronary...he went in for a stent and wound up needing open-heart surgery when the vein ruptured. IIRC, he was 39 at the time.
Here's the thing....the justice system is not a hospital. And when they booked her they asked her if she had any medical conditions or special needs that they should be aware of. Were talking 48 hours,probably in a holding tank by herself so it's not like she was attacked or had any reason to be fearful. Shit happens.

Here is the thing. How can they claim to protect the public when someone dies in "their" custody? Not their problem I see.
I'm sure you feel much safer that she's dead.

Dude STFU....
So what happens if she drops dead in Walmart? You gonna blame Walmart?
Whatever she died from it was going to happen anyway. She could have paid her fine and died at home I suppose.
It's one thing if the cops beat the shit out of her,but that obviously didnt happen.

It is called debtor's prison for a reason.
Put someone in without a job and they can't pay their fine to get out.
She couldn't pay her fine.
I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

Exactly. Here you have a somewhat young women dropping dead. Who the hell can predict that?

People who can't deal with their problems do drugs. They can't accept reality so they live in unreality.

At college, they gave us a list of 25-50 reasons why people might be at risk for drugs or alcohol and I thought it was stupid because they were self explanatory. A co-worker said that it was a great list because when you are on drugs, you don't know any better.

That is why the judge is inexperienced. The minute the judge put her in jail, he was responsible for her welfare and he failed.
I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

She may not have known which is why you need to make them see a doctor.
Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

Being poor is a crime.

Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids? unpaid school fines - Salon.com

i thought we outlawed debtors' prison.

her death is sad. the greater question is why have over 2000 people, largely women, been sentenced to jail because of debt?

My stepsister was on social security insurance. They made her submit bank statements and all kind of statements because they didn't want her making a profit so she often had to give them a check back. Any person on SSI can't pay their fine because Social Security wants their money.
I'm surprised there isn't more criticism of the mother. Ah, she's white. This thread would look very different had this lady been black.

Absolutely different.

You some kind of racist?

What, because I know that if this women were black, the comments would be different? Just like the crazy guy who hit a women in the head with a baseball bat...if he weren't black, the thread would have been absolutely different (it wouldn't have been a thread because we ignore white violence).

i thought we outlawed debtors' prison.

her death is sad. the greater question is why have over 2000 people, largely women, been sentenced to jail because of debt?[/QUOTE]
It is not debtors prison. The courts allow you to pay off your debt with cash or via community service. They work with the poor. Obviously, this lady made no effort or chose to spend time in lieu of paying the fines. That is why punishments are often jail time or pay a fine. Failure to pay a court ordered fine is a crime in itself.

Obviously, the lady was a horrible mother. I have no sympathy. None.
Let's do a little math. She owed $2000 in fines or she could spend 48 hours in jail.

$2000/48hr =41.67 dollars per hour. I think that if I owed $2000 in fines I would take this deal. I'd be more than happy to sit in a room for a couple of days to make that bill go away even if I had the money to pay. It's not like she didn't have time to plan ahead for her stay at Jailhouse Hilton.

It is sad that she died there. However, unless she was somehow mistreated I don't see a problem here. Everyone is going to die somewhere, and sometimes it's unexpected.
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I doubt if she died BECAUSE she was in jail but that's not the point. She shouldn't have been in jail for not paying a fine anyway. That's stupid. For one thing, it costs money to keep somebody in jail, even for 48 hours. How does that fix anything? She gets away without paying the fine and the taxpayers get to pick up the tab for her stay. Why don't they just attach property instead? I'm sure she had assets totaling $2000.
If people don't like certain laws ...change them.

But do not blame the rest of the community for a woman who happened to die in jail. Prisioners die in jail everyday. Live with it.
I doubt if she died BECAUSE she was in jail but that's not the point. She shouldn't have been in jail for not paying a fine anyway. That's stupid. For one thing, it costs money to keep somebody in jail, even for 48 hours. How does that fix anything? She gets away without paying the fine and the taxpayers get to pick up the tab for her stay. Why don't they just attach property instead? I'm sure she had assets totaling $2000.
Most local jails make you pay a daily fee.
The story needs a post script. Are her kids remembering and honoring their mother's memory by going to school? I blame the children completely. Knowing their mother was going to jail didn't stop their truancy. Did her death?
I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

She may not have known which is why you need to make them see a doctor.

So...anyone spending even a few hours in jail should be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth?

Would you also require jails to be absolutely clean-room spotless?
Let's do a little math. She owed $2000 in fines or she could spend 48 hours in jail.

$2000/48hr =41.67 dollars per hour. I think that if I owed $2000 in fines I would take this deal. I'd be more than happy to sit in a room for a couple of days to make that bill go away even if I had the money to pay. It's not like she didn't have time to plan ahead for her stay at Jailhouse Hilton.

It is sad that she died there. However, unless she was somehow mistreated I don't see a problem here. Everyone is going to die somewhere, and sometimes it's unexpected.

Plus they get a bed and a meal.
Should parents be held responsible to make sure their kids go to school? If so, how do you hold them accountable? According to the article, truancy decreased by 30% since this law went into effect.

Would it had been better if she died while performing community services rather than in jail? I can just imagine the same sort of discussion if she had died while picking up litter along the roads as part of community service.
If people don't like certain laws ...change them.

But do not blame the rest of the community for a woman who happened to die in jail. Prisioners die in jail everyday. Live with it.

Not all of us can change them because the politicians don't listen to the will of the people.
I doubt if she died BECAUSE she was in jail but that's not the point. She shouldn't have been in jail for not paying a fine anyway. That's stupid. For one thing, it costs money to keep somebody in jail, even for 48 hours. How does that fix anything? She gets away without paying the fine and the taxpayers get to pick up the tab for her stay. Why don't they just attach property instead? I'm sure she had assets totaling $2000.
Most local jails make you pay a daily fee.
How much did they make you pay?

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