Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

lol, obviously a judge can and they do it all the time.

Maybe you should go tell these judges a thing or two, you fucking idiot.

Obviously Jim has not heard the aphorism “When You Resort To Name Calling, You’ve Lost The Argument." He appears to use name calling repeatedly in every post he makes. Losing a lot of arguments I guess. LOL

You don't even know what ad hominem is, you stupid shit.

If I do not address your logical arguments or the facts you present, but only call names, then yes, I am conceding the argument.

But if you do not present facts with arguments built on them, but only make the kind of insipid and inane unsupported assertions as you repeatedly do, I have every logical right to respond in kind and with the disgust for you that I feel.

You are an ass hole. I do not say this with a cavalier attitude, whimsically tossing it out there like some drunk looking for a fight. No, I have read so many of your posts and the posts of other ideologically bound up idiots like you and you disgust me with the stupidity, hypocrisy, judgementalism and unreflective stereotyping you and your fellow cretins regularly engage in.

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

You think calling people names like idiot and fuctard, etc. are ad hominem? Only in its lowest, most inane and doltish form. Any low level intellect with a 3rd grade education can spew nasty names and offensive insults all over the place, as you do. All it indicates is that you are not able to discuss or debate with any intelligence or depth. You know nothing about logic and reasoning, that's emphatically clear. And you have proven my point about resorting to name calling when you are losing an argument. You must lose all your arguments because you use name calling in all of them.
Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

Being poor is a crime.

Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids? unpaid school fines - Salon.com

So let's eliminate the law that says kids have to go to school.

Otherwise, what exactly would you have the punishment for violating that law be? Obviously we can't fine her, since she wasn't paying the fines to begin with.

What would use suggest?

Yes, let's abolish the law that says kids have to go to school. The law is part of the apparatus of the police state.
Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

Being poor is a crime.

Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids? unpaid school fines - Salon.com

i thought we outlawed debtors' prison.

her death is sad. the greater question is why have over 2000 people, largely women, been sentenced to jail because of debt?

Try not paying a fine some time...let me know what happens! :cuckoo:

If you don't pay library fines nothing happens.
Those kids should have probably been taken from her some time ago rather than being fined or imprisoned. She was obviously unfit for parenting. Our local dingbats are trying to make a victim of someone who was essentially a child abuser.

Sad and stupid.

Every woman on welfare is unfit for parenting. Why don't we take their children away?
If someone had asked the children if they would rather go to school or have their mother die in prison because they refused to go to school those kids would have said "She can die". Then they would have laughed at getting away with being truant and ditched again.

Mother shouldn't have gone to jail. The children should have gone to jail.
The mother did not die in prison, she died in jail. Damn the ignorance of you Mundanes in here is astounding.
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Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

Being poor is a crime.

Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids? unpaid school fines - Salon.com

So let's eliminate the law that says kids have to go to school.

Otherwise, what exactly would you have the punishment for violating that law be? Obviously we can't fine her, since she wasn't paying the fines to begin with.

What would use suggest?

The judge and prosecutor learned something new today.
Punishment doesn't work on everybody.
I'm sure they are sleeping well.
What do you want to bet she would have died whether she was in jail or at home.
Unless of course she died from withdraw symptoms.

When Justin Bieber was arrested, they videotaped the whole thing and took pictures of his tatoos.

This woman was arrested and I am assuming she was never checked by a doctor and I am assuming they never did a blood test on her for drugs or monitered her blood pressure.

If the justice system acted as a hospital, they would be sued for malpractice.
The fact is the judge is not experienced in treating medical matters.

They are prosecuting petty crimes while not having the money to treat the individual.

This is petty prosecution by inexperienced judges and prosecutors. How many more people have to die in custody while the judge learns on the job?
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What do you want to bet she would have died whether she was in jail or at home.
Unless of course she died from withdraw symptoms.

When Justin Bieber was arrested, they videotaped the whole thing and took pictures of his tatoos.

This woman was arrested and I am assuming she was never checked by a doctor and I am assuming they never did a blood test on her for drugs or monitered her blood pressure.

If the justice system acted as a hospital, they would be sued for malpractice.
The fact is the judge is not experienced in treating medical matters.

They are prosecuting petty crimes while not having the money to treat the individual.

This is petty prosecution by inexperienced judges and prosecutors. How many more people have to die in custody while the judge learns on the job?

Here's the thing....the justice system is not a hospital. And when they booked her they asked her if she had any medical conditions or special needs that they should be aware of. Were talking 48 hours,probably in a holding tank by herself so it's not like she was attacked or had any reason to be fearful. Shit happens.
What do you want to bet she would have died whether she was in jail or at home.
Unless of course she died from withdraw symptoms.

When Justin Bieber was arrested, they videotaped the whole thing and took pictures of his tatoos.

This woman was arrested and I am assuming she was never checked by a doctor and I am assuming they never did a blood test on her for drugs or monitered her blood pressure.

If the justice system acted as a hospital, they would be sued for malpractice.
The fact is the judge is not experienced in treating medical matters.

They are prosecuting petty crimes while not having the money to treat the individual.

This is petty prosecution by inexperienced judges and prosecutors. How many more people have to die in custody while the judge learns on the job?

Here's the thing....the justice system is not a hospital. And when they booked her they asked her if she had any medical conditions or special needs that they should be aware of. Were talking 48 hours,probably in a holding tank by herself so it's not like she was attacked or had any reason to be fearful. Shit happens.

Here is the thing. How can they claim to protect the public when someone dies in "their" custody? Not their problem I see.
I'm sure you feel much safer that she's dead.
When Justin Bieber was arrested, they videotaped the whole thing and took pictures of his tatoos.

This woman was arrested and I am assuming she was never checked by a doctor and I am assuming they never did a blood test on her for drugs or monitered her blood pressure.

If the justice system acted as a hospital, they would be sued for malpractice.
The fact is the judge is not experienced in treating medical matters.

They are prosecuting petty crimes while not having the money to treat the individual.

This is petty prosecution by inexperienced judges and prosecutors. How many more people have to die in custody while the judge learns on the job?

Here's the thing....the justice system is not a hospital. And when they booked her they asked her if she had any medical conditions or special needs that they should be aware of. Were talking 48 hours,probably in a holding tank by herself so it's not like she was attacked or had any reason to be fearful. Shit happens.

Here is the thing. How can they claim to protect the public when someone dies in "their" custody? Not their problem I see.
I'm sure you feel much safer that she's dead.

Dude STFU....
So what happens if she drops dead in Walmart? You gonna blame Walmart?
Whatever she died from it was going to happen anyway. She could have paid her fine and died at home I suppose.
It's one thing if the cops beat the shit out of her,but that obviously didnt happen.
Here's the thing....the justice system is not a hospital. And when they booked her they asked her if she had any medical conditions or special needs that they should be aware of. Were talking 48 hours,probably in a holding tank by herself so it's not like she was attacked or had any reason to be fearful. Shit happens.

Here is the thing. How can they claim to protect the public when someone dies in "their" custody? Not their problem I see.
I'm sure you feel much safer that she's dead.

Dude STFU....
So what happens if she drops dead in Walmart? You gonna blame Walmart?
Whatever she died from it was going to happen anyway. She could have paid her fine and died at home I suppose.
It's one thing if the cops beat the shit out of her,but that obviously didnt happen.

Walmart is the Devil don't ya know.
I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

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