Woman dies in jail while serving sentence for her kids’ unpaid school fines

I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

She may not have known which is why you need to make them see a doctor.

So...anyone spending even a few hours in jail should be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth?

Would you also require jails to be absolutely clean-room spotless?

My mother fell at a nursing home. The nurse called me. My mother didn't think she needed to go to the hospital. She was bleeding in her basil ganglia which is basically a deep brain bleed. I get a call from the hospital and they make me choose between life or death.

https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=basil ganglia

Here is a rhetorical question. Do you leave the judge in charge of whether someone goes to the hospital or not? The answer is life or death because they don't know. You don't know anything about basic health.
The story needs a post script. Are her kids remembering and honoring their mother's memory by going to school? I blame the children completely. Knowing their mother was going to jail didn't stop their truancy. Did her death?

I think there is enough blame to go around.
I doubt if she died BECAUSE she was in jail but that's not the point. She shouldn't have been in jail for not paying a fine anyway. That's stupid. For one thing, it costs money to keep somebody in jail, even for 48 hours. How does that fix anything? She gets away without paying the fine and the taxpayers get to pick up the tab for her stay. Why don't they just attach property instead? I'm sure she had assets totaling $2000.
Most local jails make you pay a daily fee.

That fee would have to be very small compaired to the $2000 fine, otherwise what is the point. Just pay the fine.
Once more, from the top, Chuckie: should anyone spending even a few hours in jail be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth? Yes or no, answer the question!
I doubt if she died BECAUSE she was in jail but that's not the point. She shouldn't have been in jail for not paying a fine anyway. That's stupid. For one thing, it costs money to keep somebody in jail, even for 48 hours. How does that fix anything? She gets away without paying the fine and the taxpayers get to pick up the tab for her stay. Why don't they just attach property instead? I'm sure she had assets totaling $2000.
Most local jails make you pay a daily fee.

That fee would have to be very small compaired to the $2000 fine, otherwise what is the point. Just pay the fine.

I don't know, I had some friends who had to spend some time in jail. I think they had to pay for their flip flops, toiletries and $5 a day. I think that those fees, unpaid isn't a jailable offense, but prevented you from getting a driver's license...or something like that. They were jail fees, so there was no jail time if they weren't paid.

There are a few convicts on this forum. Maybe they can chime in.
Once more, from the top, Chuckie: should anyone spending even a few hours in jail be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth? Yes or no, answer the question!

If you send them to jail, they are your responsibility. She died on the judge's watch.
The cause was a lack of responsible parenting.

She paid the ultimate price.
Once more, from the top, Chuckie: should anyone spending even a few hours in jail be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth? Yes or no, answer the question!

If you send them to jail, they are your responsibility. She died on the judge's watch.

Tough on her, for sure.

But she should not have been parenting.
Once more, from the top, Chuckie: should anyone spending even a few hours in jail be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth? Yes or no, answer the question!

If you send them to jail, they are your responsibility. She died on the judge's watch.

Jails have procedures for when inmates become sick. Unless there was some sort of negligence on the part of the jail or the judge, then no one is at fault. If she became ill while in jail, then she should have notified a guard that she was ill and the jail would have a procedure to get her medical help. I'm sure they have people trained in first aid and CPR. Sometimes people simply drop dead.
Once more, from the top, Chuckie: should anyone spending even a few hours in jail be taken to a doctor and fully checked, then? EEG, full blood work, test for every known allergen, and so forth? Yes or no, answer the question!

If you send them to jail, they are your responsibility. She died on the judge's watch.

Jails have procedures for when inmates become sick. Unless there was some sort of negligence on the part of the jail or the judge, then no one is at fault. If she became ill while in jail, then she should have notified a guard that she was ill and the jail would have a procedure to get her medical help. I'm sure they have people trained in first aid and CPR. Sometimes people simply drop dead.

My mother fell at a nursing home and one of the residents screamed at the top of her lungs for 40 minutes. My mother bled out in her brain.

Don't think your local neighborhood jail is any better. That is why they need pre screening.
If the kids being truant from school is what started this whole thing, I wonder what how they feel about it now that their mom may be dead because of it.
you say the ugliest things and then end it with a blessing.

don't you see that as a bit incongruous?
My being misconstrued here does not surprise me. I did not mean that in an ugly way. I was serious with every word. Because this all started with their truancy, how do they feel about how it all ended? Do they feel any guilt? If I were in their spot, I would.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. And yes, jail is not the same as prison, but what they do have in common is that they both are places for those who do not abide by the laws.
I wonder if she had a medical condition she either didn't KNOW about or didn't tell the police about...bad heart, aneurysm, something like poorly-controlled diabetes...hell, even a food allergy.

Exactly. Here you have a somewhat young women dropping dead. Who the hell can predict that?

She was only 2 years younger than Bob Welch, who died last week. One off the CS guys where I work was one high-stress day away from a coronary...he went in for a stent and wound up needing open-heart surgery when the vein ruptured. IIRC, he was 39 at the time.

Yep...you never know when the Lord is going to call you up. My old man had a heart attack and fell of his tractor only to be run over by the brush hog. He was 49 at the time. Needless to say he didnt survive it.
My neighbor had a brain aneurysm at 46 and damn near died. One of my wifes coworkers had the same thing happen only she wasnt so lucky,and she was 43.
At 49 myself I look at everyday as a blessing because you never know......
Here is the thing. How can they claim to protect the public when someone dies in "their" custody? Not their problem I see.
I'm sure you feel much safer that she's dead.

Dude STFU....
So what happens if she drops dead in Walmart? You gonna blame Walmart?
Whatever she died from it was going to happen anyway. She could have paid her fine and died at home I suppose.
It's one thing if the cops beat the shit out of her,but that obviously didnt happen.

It is called debtor's prison for a reason.
Put someone in without a job and they can't pay their fine to get out.
She couldn't pay her fine.

People decide a few days in jail is preferable to paying the fine everyday. Being retired know and if God forbid I had to spend a few weeks in jail? I'd take the few weeks in jail.

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