Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

she is married

But she is not a good example since most of the lib women who want an abortion are single

Planned Parenthood has plenty of money to finance travel and abortions from Red to Blue states.

The pearl clutches over Dobbs are truly stupid cult fucks.
Every state has thou shall not kill laws. What are you talking about?

Women, NOT the State should have contol over their body. The State has no right to decide individual medical care for any person. The decision for such care is between the doctor and the patient. The State has no business being involved in such decisions.
Women, NOT the State should have contol over their body. The State has no right to decide individual medical care for any person. The decision for such care is between the doctor and the patient. The State has no business being involved in such decisions.
abortion isnt medical care and the murder of innocent children is everyone business,,
Women, NOT the State should have contol over their body. The State has no right to decide individual medical care for any person. The decision for such care is between the doctor and the patient. The State has no business being involved in such decisions.
That control should start at the pickup bar during happy hour and extend into the bedroom when these single women have unprotected sex
Where did libs find an inhuman word like INCEL?

Is plain English boring for you?
Self named.

Apologies for going off topic to answer a poster.

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