Woman Is Billed $700 For ER Wait But Is Never Seen.


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the story. I wonder if her charge would have been $800 if she had waited another hour which would have brought her total wait time up to eight hours.

God bless you and the woman always!!!

I went to the ER once for what ended up being a kidney stone. The charges came to something like $3000 if I remember correctly, which ended with me paying maybe $750-800 after insurance. I decided I wouldn't be going back to the ER, considering there was fairly minimal testing done and the treatment consisted of a few basic prescriptions. It's just too expensive for those of us that actually pay, unless it's the sort of emergency that urgent care clinics can't handle.
Go here for the story. I wonder if her charge would have been $800 if she had waited another hour which would have brought her total wait time up to eight hours.

God bless you and the woman always!!!

I saw this story today Leto's Law, a YouTube channnel I subscribe to. He does comsumer law and unusual other cases of law. This is an example of consumer abuse, as hospitals are routinely exempted from consumer laws, they sell a great many things. He thinks, since it made the papers, she will get the charge reversed, but ask what about everybody else and the charges they are charged, mentioning hospitals have been order to post their charges to public, but many say it is cheaper to just pay the fine for not doing it.

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