Woman prays to Jesus during a Bear Attack

So God changed His mind at the last second about the bears eating the woman? So I guess He doesn't know the future and isn't perfect. Hmmm, makes one think...

No. The woman changed her mind and decided to plead out her case before God. She found mercy. It was probably the first time she's prayed in a long time. That isn't unusual for some who say they believe in God. Tell me, if you were God and the only time someone called on "You" was when they found themselves in trouble, how concerned would you be for their emergency? I find God incredibly merciful but do not tell me about how you didn't get your prayers answered when it was the first time you'd prayed in 10 yrs.

Contrast that to Abraham who was Gods friend. Do you think God abandoned him in his hour of trouble? Not a chance. That is what it means to be Gods friend and that same friendship is available today through accepting Jesus Christ - His Only Begotten Son- accepting the redemption He paid for with his own blood! Our relationship with God is up to us. Does God want us to be in relationship with Him, to be our covering, to make Psalm 91 a reality in our lives? Ten thousand times yes. God does desire a relationship with His creation. It is our choice as to whether we say yes or not. The benefits of serving God are manifold. The promises of God are yea and amen. Every time.

When America falls you will see the difference between those who are Gods friends and those who are Gods enemies. Make sure you are on the right side of Him before that day comes.
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Which is called dogma. If god exists and gave you the gift of reason, I think He would want you to question everything, including authority.

The terrible deaths of 42 children for teasing a bald guy and hurting his pride and vanity hardly seems fitting or just. These kind of Bible stories are what make me think that it really isn't a moral book and that Christianity isn't a moral belief system.

if he exists and gave me the gift of reason, I would use it and conclude that an omniscient being is better qualified to determine what action is merited than I am.....Elijah didn't kill 42 children for hurting his vanity....God killed them for reasons he deemed just......or two bears killed them because they were really, really hungry.....

incidentally, I've always been amused by those that insist they have a higher level of morality than God.....gives me an image of you meeting him on Judgement Day and you saying, "WTF were you thinking when you murdered 42 poor, innocent boys with a bear?"......

He was acting on his authority as a Servant of God. Bible gateway isn't the final authority. The Word of God is. According to the word used - the ages of these kids would have been late teens ( 17 or 18 yrs old ) to 35 yrs old. They were all within the age of accountability. - which is younger than 17 by a few years -

What did they say? Go up! Go up where? To heaven! This was their mockery of Elisha concerning Elijah being caught up in a whirlwind. They not only mocked a Servant of the Most High God, they mocked heaven too! The bible never has anything good to say about Mockers. They are referred to in the bible as the enemies of God.

Mocking Gods Servants is a very dangerous thing to do. In this case it cost the mockers their lives. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm is not a suggestion. It's a warning. Do not do it.

Judgment can happen without the Servant being aware of it until after the fact. II Thessalonians 1: 6 God is just. He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.

In the King James the wording is more pronounced........God counts it a righteous thing to recompense with trouble those who trouble His children...

The wise thing to do is watch what you say. It reminds me of a quote from the Forest Gump movie... life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're going to get! :eusa_angel:

I will take my life in my hands and mock you.
Provide a citation anywhere using Hebrew word translation that these kids could have been 35.
You said Bible Gateway isn't the final authority.
Ok, who is?
You?You provide no citation to support your claim and expect to be taken seriously. Based on what?
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I wonder how many people pray during a life-death situation....and die...so we never hear if they prayed or not?

How about be prayed up daily so that you are prepared when the unexpected happens? That might be a novel idea for a few folks here but a wise practice to take up! Especially in these times.

There were two groups crossing a bridge that was in danger of blowing up. One group stopped to pray and the other ran across without praying. The latter group didn't make it. Someone said why didn't you stop to pray like the others who perished on the bridge? They said, we prayed before we crossed the bridge.

Good night everyone. - Jeri
Oh, there were survivors?

Yes. The ones who were in the habit of praying on a regular basis. It was too late for the others. Moral to this story? Be prepared at all times. Pray without ceasing. Do not give a foothold to the enemy. Live a clean life. Your life depends on it.
he apparently thought the judgment fit the crime.....I've made it a habit not to second guess God.....

Which is called dogma. If god exists and gave you the gift of reason, I think He would want you to question everything, including authority.

The terrible deaths of 42 children for teasing a bald guy and hurting his pride and vanity hardly seems fitting or just. These kind of Bible stories are what make me think that it really isn't a moral book and that Christianity isn't a moral belief system.

if he exists and gave me the gift of reason, I would use it and conclude that an omniscient being is better qualified to determine what action is merited than I am...

Let me paraphrase.
"If I was given the gift of reason, I sure as hell wouldn't use it to challenge anything I was told!"
Well, you were, and you don't.
How about be prayed up daily so that you are prepared when the unexpected happens? That might be a novel idea for a few folks here but a wise practice to take up! Especially in these times.

There were two groups crossing a bridge that was in danger of blowing up. One group stopped to pray and the other ran across without praying. The latter group didn't make it. Someone said why didn't you stop to pray like the others who perished on the bridge? They said, we prayed before we crossed the bridge.

Good night everyone. - Jeri
Oh, there were survivors?

Yes. The ones who were in the habit of praying on a regular basis. It was too late for the others. Moral to this story? Be prepared at all times. Pray without ceasing. Do not give a foothold to the enemy. Live a clean life. Your life depends on it.
Your story is missing a link. Why would one survivor of the group who did not perish ask another survivor from the same group the question, 'why did you NOT stop, etc.' It doesn't make sense. Anyway, Jeremiah, do not think you are invincible. That kind of attitude/mentality is not only a danger to yourself but to others, as well.
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But you haven't done a word study in Strong's to be sure your assumption is correct because it is not.

The Bible Gateway site has multiple translations available. The same passage in other translations uses boys, lads, youths, children but all agree on the same story. Elisha was going to Bethel, ran into some kids who made fun of his baldness, and in what can only be described as an overreaction, used his prophet powers to curse the kids which was manifested by two she-bears eating 42 of the aforementioned kids.

Sorry if the prophet in your Bible is a bit of a dick, but there you go. Unless you think killing kids for being mouthy is an appropriate (and apparently godly) reaction.

So basically you would say it is okay for a young person not to listen to a police officer?

I've seen Palestinian children on the news throwing stones at people.

There have been 12 year olds in military in third world countries even though it is illegal today.

Back then the longevity was not like it was today so an adult would have been younger.

I'm sorry that your intelligence means that you can only read translations instead of doing your own study but the ability to understand deeper what the passage means is not within your reasoning.

How long did it take you to learn Hebrew and Ancient Greek so you could do you own study of the original source documents?

I don't care what mental gymnastics you use, a prophet of the Lord used his super prophet powers to kill kids who made fun of his lack of hair. That's a dick move by Elisha for doing and a dick move by God for allowing it.
Which is called dogma. If god exists and gave you the gift of reason, I think He would want you to question everything, including authority.

The terrible deaths of 42 children for teasing a bald guy and hurting his pride and vanity hardly seems fitting or just. These kind of Bible stories are what make me think that it really isn't a moral book and that Christianity isn't a moral belief system.

if he exists and gave me the gift of reason, I would use it and conclude that an omniscient being is better qualified to determine what action is merited than I am...

Let me paraphrase.
"If I was given the gift of reason, I sure as hell wouldn't use it to challenge anything I was told!"
Well, you were, and you don't.

are you equating challenging something you have said with challenging something God has said......because I certainly don't......
Oh, there were survivors?

Yes. The ones who were in the habit of praying on a regular basis. It was too late for the others. Moral to this story? Be prepared at all times. Pray without ceasing. Do not give a foothold to the enemy. Live a clean life. Your life depends on it.
Your story is missing a link. Why would one survivor of the group who did not perish ask another survivor from the same group the question, 'why did you NOT stop, etc.' It doesn't make sense. Anyway, Jeremiah, do not think you are invincible. That kind of attitude/mentality is not only a danger to yourself but to others, as well.

An eyewitness on the other side of bridge asked the question.

The rest is nonsense, Pacer. Grow up.
Yes. The ones who were in the habit of praying on a regular basis. It was too late for the others. Moral to this story? Be prepared at all times. Pray without ceasing. Do not give a foothold to the enemy. Live a clean life. Your life depends on it.
Your story is missing a link. Why would one survivor of the group who did not perish ask another survivor from the same group the question, 'why did you NOT stop, etc.' It doesn't make sense. Anyway, Jeremiah, do not think you are invincible. That kind of attitude/mentality is not only a danger to yourself but to others, as well.

An eyewitness on the other side of bridge asked the question.

The rest is nonsense, Pacer. Grow up.
A little tweak in the story you hadn't told the first time. I suggest you take your own advice. Grow up!
Listen up. You should have been able to figure out, Pacer, that there are more people in the world then those that would be crossing a bridge! I cannot help you with your limitations! ( imagination ) On the other hand your suggestion that I am a danger to myself and to others because I trust in God is not only ridiculous but downright insulting. Take a hike. - Jeri
Listen up, Jeremiah. You said 'someone' asked yadda yadda yadda. Grow up and take responsibility for your limitations to be able to tell a story accurately. Yes, you are a danger to yourself and to others with your invincible attitude. If I were your family, I wouldn't let you out the door.
Is there a point to this story?
What do you think it is?

What's the point of your post?

I think the point of the OP is to relate a story told by a woman who was attacked by a bear. What I get out of it is that her prayer may very well have been the difference between life and death.

He made a post without commentary.
There was no indication why he was posting it.
Thought I'd ask.
if he exists and gave me the gift of reason, I would use it and conclude that an omniscient being is better qualified to determine what action is merited than I am.....Elijah didn't kill 42 children for hurting his vanity....God killed them for reasons he deemed just......or two bears killed them because they were really, really hungry.....

incidentally, I've always been amused by those that insist they have a higher level of morality than God.....gives me an image of you meeting him on Judgement Day and you saying, "WTF were you thinking when you murdered 42 poor, innocent boys with a bear?"......

He was acting on his authority as a Servant of God. Bible gateway isn't the final authority. The Word of God is. According to the word used - the ages of these kids would have been late teens ( 17 or 18 yrs old ) to 35 yrs old. They were all within the age of accountability. - which is younger than 17 by a few years -

What did they say? Go up! Go up where? To heaven! This was their mockery of Elisha concerning Elijah being caught up in a whirlwind. They not only mocked a Servant of the Most High God, they mocked heaven too! The bible never has anything good to say about Mockers. They are referred to in the bible as the enemies of God.

Mocking Gods Servants is a very dangerous thing to do. In this case it cost the mockers their lives. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm is not a suggestion. It's a warning. Do not do it.

Judgment can happen without the Servant being aware of it until after the fact. II Thessalonians 1: 6 God is just. He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.

In the King James the wording is more pronounced........God counts it a righteous thing to recompense with trouble those who trouble His children...

The wise thing to do is watch what you say. It reminds me of a quote from the Forest Gump movie... life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're going to get! :eusa_angel:

I will take my life in my hands and mock you.
Provide a citation anywhere using Hebrew word translation that these kids could have been 35.
You said Bible Gateway isn't the final authority.
Ok, who is?
You?You provide no citation to support your claim and expect to be taken seriously. Based on what?

I said between the ages 17 & 35 yrs - not that they were all 35 yrs of age, Bruce. My point being these were not youth below the age of accountabilty.

Furthermore, I gave you precedent for Gods divine protection, Daniel is just one.. - so what further proof do you need? Gateway is not the final authority. God is the final authority. His Word as it is written is the final authority. I don't consider someone asking me to provide further proof about a claim to be mockery. I believe all things should be proven by scripture and the fact is if these youth were old enough to see Elijah go up in a whirlwind or know the significance of it? They were old enough to know better.
King David was referred to as a boy, a lad, at age 25 - which is when he was anointed to be King.

Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The LORD has not chosen these.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the children?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is tending the sheep.” Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah. 1 Sam 16:10-13 (NAS95S)

You will note that King David's older brothers ( men in their thirties and older ) were referred to as "Children" by Samuel the prophet when he came there to anoint the person God had chosen.

You will also refer back to the story of Abraham and Isaac and note that he is referred to as a child... scholars believe he was in his twenties. He carried his own firewood.

See Genesis 22: 2

- Jeremiah
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if he exists and gave me the gift of reason, I would use it and conclude that an omniscient being is better qualified to determine what action is merited than I am...

Let me paraphrase.
"If I was given the gift of reason, I sure as hell wouldn't use it to challenge anything I was told!"
Well, you were, and you don't.

are you equating challenging something you have said with challenging something God has said......because I certainly don't......

So the challenges stop if you are dealing with certain entitities, but not with others.
Sometimes the thinking cap comes off.
Got it.
King David was referred to as a boy, a lad, at age 25 - which is when he was anointed to be King.

Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The LORD has not chosen these.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the children?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is tending the sheep.” Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah. 1 Sam 16:10-13 (NAS95S)

You will note that King David's older brothers ( men in their thirties and older ) were referred to as "Children" by Samuel the prophet when he came there to anoint the person God had chosen.

You will also refer back to the story of Abraham and Isaac and note that he is referred to as a child... scholars believe he was in his twenties. He carried his own firewood.

See Genesis 22: 2

- Jeremiah

The only place I am seeing their ages is your say so.
Not overly compelling.
King David was referred to as a boy, a lad, at age 25 - which is when he was anointed to be King.

Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. But Samuel said to Jesse, “The LORD has not chosen these.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the children?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is tending the sheep.” Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah. 1 Sam 16:10-13 (NAS95S)

You will note that King David's older brothers ( men in their thirties and older ) were referred to as "Children" by Samuel the prophet when he came there to anoint the person God had chosen.

You will also refer back to the story of Abraham and Isaac and note that he is referred to as a child... scholars believe he was in his twenties. He carried his own firewood.

See Genesis 22: 2

- Jeremiah

The only place I am seeing their ages is your say so.
Not overly compelling.

The ages of the "children" is not as important as God having 42 of His children murdered horribly by bears for simply teasing a man for being bald. The man's pride, one of the seven deadly sins, and vanity, another deadly sin, were so hurt that he called down death from his merciful, forgiving, just, loving Lord upon his fellow human beings. And God complied.

Christians don't question this?! Christians don't question this. Morality and goodness only applies to us, morality and goodness are different for God, I guess. Sure makes me want to convert...

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