Woman raped to death in Sweden

so many bicycles in Copenhagen ....it's almost unbelievable! :D

ok dears...carry on

so many bicycles in Copenhagen ....it's almost unbelievable! :D

ok dears...carry on

Big time.....



It is an interesting dilemma the Swedes find themselves in these days. Living here, it is difficult to give any example of how things are without sounding extremely confusing, for that is exactly the situation after years of indoctrination in "Look at what nice people we are."

It is easier to share an analogy, then see if it rings a bell to current thinking here in masse:

Remember that old Britiish H.G. Wells movie from the 1960's called the "Time Machine?" Remember they had in the future the Morlocks, the people of the future that preyed on the simpler humans still left alive, culling them like cattle. All were blond, tall, beautiful, and totally oblivious.

That is the closest to what comes to mind in regards to crime here. No one wants to admit that their own benevolent actions have in fact contributed to the current epidemic of crime here.
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A 34 year old immigrant from Somalia was arrested for savagely attacking a woman in the parking garage of a Sheraton hotel in Sweden. The woman died while being raped. Police say the perpetrator continued to rape the woman’s corpse well after she had died.

The Somalian was apprehended by police while still in the act of raping the murdered woman.

Sweden and Norway are in the middle of a massive epidemic of violent rapes. Crime statistics show that rapes in both countries are overwhelmingly perpetrated by Muslim immigrants.

2013 figures were given in a recent report by Swedish Public Radio. In the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants. Over 300 of those were under the age of 15. The number of rapes is up 16% compared to 2012 numbers.

Sweden shocked after woman raped to death by Somali immigrant

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Cops slammed for death of Stockholm rape victim - The Local

I would say "what an animal" but even animals don't behave like that.

There is nothing wrong with strict immigration policy. It's not racist, nor is it against other cultures.
It is an interesting dilemma the Swedes find themselves in these days. Living here, it is difficult to give any example of how things are without sounding extremely confusing, for that is exactly the situation after years of indoctrination in "Look at what nice people we are."

It is easier to share an analogy, then see if it rings a bell to current thinking here in masse:

Remember that old Britiish H.G. Wells movie from the 1960's called the "Time Machine?" Remember they had in the future the Morlocks, the people of the future that preyed on the simpler humans still left alive, culling them like cattle. All were blond, tall, beautiful, and totally oblivious.

That is the closest to what comes to mind in regards to crime here. No one wants to admit that their own benevolent actions have in fact contributed to the current epidemic of crime here.

I just saw The Time Machine again. The beautiful Eloi were completely dependent on the Morlocks. The Eloi did not work, they were fed, clothed and sheltered by the Morlocks. In return the older Eloi were taken as food. The Eloi lived dependent lives without sickness age or ugliness. It's the perfect life for democrats.
It is an interesting dilemma the Swedes find themselves in these days. Living here, it is difficult to give any example of how things are without sounding extremely confusing, for that is exactly the situation after years of indoctrination in "Look at what nice people we are."

It is easier to share an analogy, then see if it rings a bell to current thinking here in masse:

Remember that old Britiish H.G. Wells movie from the 1960's called the "Time Machine?" Remember they had in the future the Morlocks, the people of the future that preyed on the simpler humans still left alive, culling them like cattle. All were blond, tall, beautiful, and totally oblivious.

That is the closest to what comes to mind in regards to crime here. No one wants to admit that their own benevolent actions have in fact contributed to the current epidemic of crime here.

I just saw The Time Machine again. The beautiful Eloi were completely dependent on the Morlocks. The Eloi did not work, they were fed, clothed and sheltered by the Morlocks. In return the older Eloi were taken as food. The Eloi lived dependent lives without sickness age or ugliness. It's the perfect life for democrats.

Ha! Yeah. Democrats or somebody. Interesting times we live in.

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