Woman Throws Shoe At Hillary

I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

A war which Bush started and left going on when he left office. A mess he left behind for someone else to try to clean up.

Guess Mudwhistle didn't notice the meltdown the right wing had when Obama left Iraq.

I noticed....

Cutting and running.....it's what Democrats are good at.

Picking on farmers, ranchers, and people in communes is another.
she was pretty quick for an old bag

Actually, she never moved until after the shoe had whizzed past her.
In her defense though, she was in an auditorium setting so I suspect the stage was well lit and the audience seating was probably dimly lit, thus making it hard for her to see anything outside of the stage lighting.

What was quick was her wit. She handled it well with a quick witted response.
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

And here we see the epitome of liberal hypocrisy, ignorance, shamelessness, immorality, and mindless partisanship. Naturally, this example would be supplied by JoeNobody the douchebag.
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

And here we see the epitome of liberal hypocrisy, ignorance, shamelessness, immorality, and mindless partisanship. Naturally, this example would be supplied by JoeNobody the douchebag.

People with small minds, who have managed to build a huge vocabulary, have to fit everything into a neat little box.
Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing.

I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

The New York Times lists the names of the dead every time. So does CNN.

Why is it you have to lie this much?

I'm sure if you want to look hard enough you can find out. Nobody said you can't find out.

But it's not like they're broadcasting 24/7 like they were during the Bush years.

Why do you have to lie this much Sallow?
she was pretty quick for an old bag

Actually, she never moved until after the shoe had whizzed past her.
In her defense though, she was in an auditorium setting so I suspect the stage was well lit and the audience seating was probably dimly lit, thus making it hard for her to see anything outside of the stage lighting.

What was quick was her wit. She handled it well with a quick witted response.

Yeah, "What was that....A BAT????"

Real clever.......I was literally rolling on the floor.......:muahaha:

Why is it every time a Democrat in Washington does the slightest little thing we get this.....


7.1 million imaginary signups......high-fives
Only 400,000 people lost their jobs....high-fives
Unemployment finally dropped under 8%.....high-fives
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.
The random Iraqi as you so called him was a journalist, and he wound up in police custody, and with no shoes. So I agree, it was real funny! :badgrin:
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

And here we see the epitome of liberal hypocrisy, ignorance, shamelessness, immorality, and mindless partisanship. Naturally, this example would be supplied by JoeNobody the douchebag.

Speaking of mentally ill people, along comes Punkotard and his sexual frustration.you should totally ask her out on a date...

but I don't think you swing that way.
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I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

Hey, you know what else doesn't help? Finding out that the reason why you went to war in the first place was a big HONKING LIE. That doesn't help.

You know what else doesn't help? Humiliating prisoners of war and then taking pictures of it.


BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

Afghanistan was an afterthought, and you Democrats wanted to start a surge there, pull everyone out of Iraq and fight a clean war.

Kind of hard to do when Bush left a complete mess over htere, including putting his drug pushign buddy Karzai in charge.

Instead what we get is more of the same only we have to fight in rougher terrain. Nothing has been accomplished in Afghanistan. The streets are still unsafe. The locals still try to kill us, regardless how much we try to help them. Personally, I think we should have left 5 years ago. We never should have lifted a finger to help them after we pushed the Taliban into Pakistan.

Yes, Bush did neglect the situation to where any chance we had of winning was impossible by 2009.

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