Woman Throws Shoe At Hillary

Is it just me,or does that photo remind you of Gollum?
All thats missing...?

My Precious. My Preccccc-iiii-ooo-uu-s!"

"Smeagol obeys Mass-tah. Yee-hss, Precious"

"Gollum. Gollum."

More like the wicked witch of the west


Sticks and Stones Might Break Her Bones...
..but shoes will never hurt her (but thrown shoes ARE an annoyance)
i.e. politicians cannot be discredited simply by making them look ridiculous in photographs when hecklers get the opportunity to throw stuff at them.
I wonder when the shoe ban will take effect. After that I would think that the only thing left to throw for someone at a Hillary speech would be their crack pipe.

and I wonder when rightwingnut loons will get some education.

or at least stop hating this country.

you really should avail yourself of the opportunity to learn something.... anything.

Speak for yourself, lawyer.
AQ wasn't in Iraq? The one and only ME Country besides Israel that didn't welcome AQ.


Saddam and Osama HATED each other - they both thought they were the arab messiah. And there can only be ONE arab messiah (apparently).

Would be nice if it was as simple as that.

By the way, members of Monty Python hated each other too. They still worked together sometimes .....

No really.

It's as simple as that.

Bin Laden and Hussien never worked together either.
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing.
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing

Ah, do you mean to tell me someone doesn't love Hillary? It is one thing to have this happen in a third world country but America.....I feel the love.

Or it is a woman thing, and she had to show the latest fashion in ladies footwear to her budding heroine.
It would have been funnier had she hit her squarely with it. Would have probably ironed out all the wrinkles.

Back to waging the war on women, I see.

I can see it already. We will have two full-terms of hearing many accuse critics of Obama as racist. Then Hillary gets in there next, and it will be eight more years of calling her opponents sexist. :eusa_hand:
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing.

I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

Afghanistan was an afterthought, and you Democrats wanted to start a surge there, pull everyone out of Iraq and fight a clean war.

Instead what we get is more of the same only we have to fight in rougher terrain. Nothing has been accomplished in Afghanistan. The streets are still unsafe. The locals still try to kill us, regardless how much we try to help them. Personally, I think we should have left 5 years ago. We never should have lifted a finger to help them after we pushed the Taliban into Pakistan.
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Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing.

I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

A war which Bush started and left going on when he left office. A mess he left behind for someone else to try to clean up.
she was pretty quick for an old bag

Actually, she never moved until after the shoe had whizzed past her.
In her defense though, she was in an auditorium setting so I suspect the stage was well lit and the audience seating was probably dimly lit, thus making it hard for her to see anything outside of the stage lighting.
If al Qaeda was not in Iraq before, during, and after the liberation from Saddam, then I have a bridge in New Jersey to sell you.....cheap......only one lane open though.

Btw, this is what we freed the Iraqi people from. Uday: career of rape, torture and murder | World news | The Guardian

Also, how many innocent civilians has Obama killed with his drone attacks? More than 2,400 dead as Obama?s drone campaign marks five years | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

They weren't in Iraq before.

They filtered in after the invasion. And are there now.

And even if your craptacular link is correct? 2400 is far less than half a million.

That's just math, son.

You numbers are biased and dead wrong.

We never counted their causalities. Only ours......

You're taking the word of people that believe that lying to infidels is God's will.


That was another first of the Iraqi war..

We stopped counting the dead of the natives.

We also stopped showing the coffins coming home.

Iraq was one of the most disgraceful actions ever taken by this country.
Remember how funny it was when it happened to Bush?

Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing.

I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

The New York Times lists the names of the dead every time. So does CNN.

Why is it you have to lie this much?
Well, it was funny when it happened to Bush because there he was trying to pretend that Iraq wasn't the mother of all fuckups, and some random Iraqi threw a shoe at him, which is the ultimate mark of disrespect in the Middle East.

That made it fucking hilarious.

This just looks like a mentally ill woman.

Maybe we should check if any of our USMB regulars are missing.

I guess invading another country isn't supposed to be messy.

It doesn't help when Democrats, with the help of their media, start blasting to the world that America is worse than Gengis Khan.

BTW, our people are still dying in Afghanistan today. They're still having funerals here on post, every week. But the press refuses to cover it. Afghanistan is a total goatfuck, but you wouldn't even know a war was still going on...

A war which Bush started and left going on when he left office. A mess he left behind for someone else to try to clean up.

Guess Mudwhistle didn't notice the meltdown the right wing had when Obama left Iraq.
They weren't in Iraq before.

They filtered in after the invasion. And are there now.

And even if your craptacular link is correct? 2400 is far less than half a million.

That's just math, son.

You numbers are biased and dead wrong.

We never counted their causalities. Only ours......

You're taking the word of people that believe that lying to infidels is God's will.


That was another first of the Iraqi war..

We stopped counting the dead of the natives.

We also stopped showing the coffins coming home.

Iraq was one of the most disgraceful actions ever taken by this country.

The only disgrace was the biased coverage and the anti-American rhetoric by Democrats.

They set out to turn a popular war(yes, it was popular at first) into a negative against Bush. It was all because of politics, and your opinions are a prime example of it.

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