Woman wants surgery to be disabled

Maybe the doctors should just slap her face instead of telling here she has a fake disease.

Its not a fake disease. Its a recognized medical condition, even if we don't understand it.

It is not a recognized medical condition, it is a fantasy created to make people who can't handle real science feel smart when they cater to delusional conditions.

Body Integrity Identity Disorder

Read that. It gives some theories as to what might cause it.
oh bull... you know just as well as i do that she would suck on the government teat for the rest of her life... no matter what she signed....

there is no reason for her not to just sit in a wheel chair and never move again.

you do know that the mentally ill cant sigh anything and have it stand up in court.

She is not mentally ill though. If she can get her doctors to state that she isn't mentally ill, and she can sign to that, give her the surgery. If she wants benefits, take her to court. She can't get benefits for a mental illness when such an illness doesn't exist.

Body integrity identity disorder is not even listed in the DSM-V, what exactly do you think it is if it is not mental illness?

Just because something isn't written in a book doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Gender Dysphoria is mentioned in the DSM-V, yet you don't believe it is an actual condition, which tells me that you pick and choose what you want to be a disorder.
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Political correctness makes a mental problem into a 'disease' or not even considered a mental problem. Feewings are more important than reality
Excessive primping is a "disability".

`Primping' woman may get job back - Chicago Sun-Times | HighBeam Research

SAN FRANCISCO A woman who was fired because her excessive primping and dressing rituals made her repeatedly late to work can make her case at trial and might qualify as disabled under federal law, an appeals court has ruled.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Carolyn Humphrey deserved a chance to prove that her rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act were violated when she was fired.

"A reasonable jury could conclude that if Humphrey was relieved of the stress of having to leave the house, she could perform her transcriptionist duties and thus was `qualified' under the ADA,"
Or they could just say "no it's not ethical to do harm". Surgeons are not compelled to perform whatever ridiculous procedure is requested of them.

Sadly, depending on how the laws are written, a surgeon objecting on those grounds might be in the wrong. However, a surgeon declining based on a procedure he has never done and is uncomfortable in doing because of inexperience may have a little more leeway.

You're incorrect. There are no laws that force a surgeon to do harm just because a patient demands it.
The woman has a disability. She is mentally deranged. That's what needs to be dealt with, not accommodating her derangement.
We're marching towards the day when we can just kill them all. People already have the right to disfigure themselves and kill their children at will. Next step is to force the doctors to facilitate that whether they want to or not...the final step is to let the government decide who deserves life, and who needs to die (for their good and the good of others).

That's progressivism. And morons in the US allowed it into power. Enjoy.
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The more we accommodate mental derangement, the more of it we will have. There is no doubt this woman is sick. She needs treatment not accommodation for her insanity.
Accomodating every insane impulse that people have is insanity defined...ask people who work with crazies, and they will tell you the same. Just because a loon believes something is no reason to allow them to do it, or to obsess over it.
I had a nutcase who thought he should be allowed to drink pigs blood.

Did we accomodate that? Hell no, and he lost privileges when he started to go on about it.
There are no barriers left in American Idol Nation....when one strives to be a cripple, there is no new frontier....we have arrived at the End of Days.
We might come to the day where people who believe they are aliens will be able to demand surgery to give them antennas instead of ears.
I had a nutcase who thought he should be allowed to drink pigs blood.

Did we accomodate that? Hell no, and he lost privileges when he started to go on about it.

Vampirism is a medical condition too where people truly believe they are vampires. So is lycanthropy where people truly believe they are werewolves. They are medically considered deranged. Body Identity DISORDER is a disorder. It is a medical condition. That doesn't mean its accommodated just to make them happy. It's treated as a mental disease.
No PhD can perform such surgery without violating their oath to "do no harm".

This is exactly correct, and I believe it applies across the board as well. Also, the woman has a responsibility to herself, and creating a voluntary condition of disability is selling out.
Its not a fake disease. Its a recognized medical condition, even if we don't understand it.

It is not a recognized medical condition, it is a fantasy created to make people who can't handle real science feel smart when they cater to delusional conditions.

Body Integrity Identity Disorder

Read that. It gives some theories as to what might cause it.

I don't need to know what causes a delusion. It is not in the DSM-V, therefore it is not a recognized condition.
She is not mentally ill though. If she can get her doctors to state that she isn't mentally ill, and she can sign to that, give her the surgery. If she wants benefits, take her to court. She can't get benefits for a mental illness when such an illness doesn't exist.

Body integrity identity disorder is not even listed in the DSM-V, what exactly do you think it is if it is not mental illness?

Just because something isn't written in a book doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Gender Dysphoria is mentioned in the DSM-V, yet you don't believe it is an actual condition, which tells me that you pick and choose what you want to be a disorder.

You are the one that is trying to argue it is a recognized condition, I don't have to justify my prejudices against psychology in order to point out that if something isn't in the professional bible it isn't a recognized condition.

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