Woman wants surgery to be disabled


I can't get benefits for being physically disabled because I am not. I am not mentally ill either, and therefore not eligible for anything.

Same with this woman.

you are the same now....

once she has the surgery... she would be legally disabled.... and mentally ill in my

Legally disabled, yes...and there is the problem. Should we say that someone is legally disabled when the disability was consented to?
I can't get benefits for being physically disabled because I am not. I am not mentally ill either, and therefore not eligible for anything.

Same with this woman.

you are the same now....

once she has the surgery... she would be legally disabled.... and mentally ill in my

Legally disabled, yes...and there is the problem. Should we say that someone is legally disabled when the disability was consented to?

consented to or not.... it is still legally disabled...

you are the same now....

once she has the surgery... she would be legally disabled.... and mentally ill in my

Legally disabled, yes...and there is the problem. Should we say that someone is legally disabled when the disability was consented to?

consented to or not.... it is still legally disabled...

And that is what I don't like about this whole thing.
Legally disabled, yes...and there is the problem. Should we say that someone is legally disabled when the disability was consented to?

consented to or not.... it is still legally disabled...

And that is what I don't like about this whole thing.
She could be declared as disabled either way it goes....What's not to like?

Shit, where do I sign to be "disabled"?

there ARE previsions in place to prevent people from taking advantage.... do you think that stops them?

it does not matter what "she intends" ...the point is... she would be entitled to them.

Specifically what do you believe she would be entitled to?

she can get disability SS.... for the rest of her life. Both for being mentally ill...and disabled.

in the very least she will be entitled to a blue placard...:tongue:

I do not think the woman is in it for the money. Also, there are exclusions for income protection insurance against intentional self harm.

The woman is nutty and I would not mind my tax dollars going to her to keep her off the street.
She's either a nutbar who needs committed until she's no longer a threat to herself or she's a conman who needs to spend a very long time in prison. Either way she doesn't need to be on the streets.
And that is what I don't like about this whole thing.

so.... in my opinion its a play to collect benefits and attention.

fuck her.

I don't think its about benefits - if she wanted benefits that badly, she'd manage her spinal cord herself.

Yes...she can manage it for herself...... and she hasn't. So what does that tell you? I guess she doesn't quite want it that badly after all....:eusa_whistle:
so.... in my opinion its a play to collect benefits and attention.

fuck her.

I don't think its about benefits - if she wanted benefits that badly, she'd manage her spinal cord herself.

Yes...she can manage it for herself...... and she hasn't. So what does that tell you? I guess she doesn't quite want it that badly after all....:eusa_whistle:

I think that after 40 years of feeling like this, she does want it - but the only thing that would change is the fact that she wouldn't be able to feel her legs. Right now she can feel them but doesn't use them.
If she uses the chair all the time, her muscles should have become wasted, so she wouldn't be able to stand on them anyway.

Nothing much will change with the surgery - and how will she go to the loo? She will need a bag or something, which costs money, which comes from...taxpayers.
Okay, so she started with these feelings when she was a teen. She is 58, so she has felt the desire to be in a wheelchair for 40 long years.
If this could be cured it would have been. If, in forty years, she hasn't been made to change her mind, and no drug can make her happy with what she has, then maybe she should have her surgery.

The only thing I don't like is that its a slap in the face to the genuine disabled folk, who didn't ask to become paraplegics and want to walk again. Its an insult to them.

That said, she can have the operation, as long as she pays for it, and she must pay for her follow up medical treatment, and any other costs relating to it.

If the government recognizes this condition, then she will have to look into whether or not it will be covered.

Maybe the doctors should just slap her face instead of telling here she has a fake disease.

Its not a fake disease. Its a recognized medical condition, even if we don't understand it.

It is not a recognized medical condition, it is a fantasy created to make people who can't handle real science feel smart when they cater to delusional conditions.
Because she identifies as disabled . If they enable trannies why not enable her mental illness too?

Chloe Jennings-White reveals she wants surgery so she can be permanently disabled | News.com.au


Or does she want special treatment and attention for the rest of her life?

Or could it be those nice checks she will get for being disabled the rest of her life?

She should not be eligible for any kind of benefits due to a disability she caused and consented to.

Make her sign a document stating that she has to cope with things on her own, no matter how hard it gets.

What makes you think that would be legal? Can you show me a government that would agree to it that you would want to live under? You do understand that contracts have to benefit both parties to be legal in most countries, don't you?
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She should not be eligible for any kind of benefits due to a disability she caused and consented to.

Make her sign a document stating that she has to cope with things on her own, no matter how hard it gets.

oh bull... you know just as well as i do that she would suck on the government teat for the rest of her life... no matter what she signed....

there is no reason for her not to just sit in a wheel chair and never move again.

you do know that the mentally ill cant sigh anything and have it stand up in court.

She is not mentally ill though. If she can get her doctors to state that she isn't mentally ill, and she can sign to that, give her the surgery. If she wants benefits, take her to court. She can't get benefits for a mental illness when such an illness doesn't exist.

Body integrity identity disorder is not even listed in the DSM-V, what exactly do you think it is if it is not mental illness?
This is weird. And sorta sad. But I'm not sure how stuff like this is anybody else's business. Unless we're dumb enough to make our health care a government concern.

Ah, shit ....
Specifically what do you believe she would be entitled to?

she can get disability SS.... for the rest of her life. Both for being mentally ill...and disabled.

in the very least she will be entitled to a blue placard...:tongue:

She cannot get benefits for being mentally ill unless she is classed as being mentally ill.

She stated in the OP link that she has deliberately tired to harm herself. That makes her certifiable because she is a danger to herself.

Keep trying.
I can't get benefits for being physically disabled because I am not. I am not mentally ill either, and therefore not eligible for anything.

Same with this woman.

you are the same now....

once she has the surgery... she would be legally disabled.... and mentally ill in my

Legally disabled, yes...and there is the problem. Should we say that someone is legally disabled when the disability was consented to?

There is nothing about consent in disability law.
Where will she find a doctor to perform such a surgery?

The first place I'd look, I suppose, would be an abortion clinic...those guys (the few that actually are doctors) seem to have no problem doing harm.
I asked my dentist if he could refuse to do certain procedures. If I came in and asked to have my canines pulled out and replaced with ceramic crowns that looked like vampire fangs, could he ethically turn me down.

He never said no, but he did say he could refuse based on not having experience with that kind of a procedure.

I suppose if it came right down to it, the surgeon could play the same card.
Or they could just say "no it's not ethical to do harm". Surgeons are not compelled to perform whatever ridiculous procedure is requested of them.
Or they could just say "no it's not ethical to do harm". Surgeons are not compelled to perform whatever ridiculous procedure is requested of them.

Sadly, depending on how the laws are written, a surgeon objecting on those grounds might be in the wrong. However, a surgeon declining based on a procedure he has never done and is uncomfortable in doing because of inexperience may have a little more leeway.

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