Woman who flips off prez gets fired

Looks like the employer will be paying for its hasty decision if its true they didn't fire another male employee who violated the same policy they used to fire her. Looks like a double whammy too. Sexual bias and political bias. Gotta love the image. :laugh:


It doesn’t matter if they didn’t fire someone else all they matters is she 1. Wasn’t fired specifically because of her race, color, country if origin, ethnicity, religion, gender or familia status and 2. She violated a stated policy. As an at will employee her employer doesn’t even need the #2, but it helps.

No go back to the back of the bus boy.

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Looks like the employer will be paying for its hasty decision if its true they didn't fire another male employee who violated the same policy they used to fire her. Looks like a double whammy too. Sexual bias and political bias. Gotta love the image. :laugh:


Not until this happened however.
His was something that would have be seen by a handful of friends, hers by thousands. That's what happens when you flip off the predident of the United States, you become a news story.

Couple of things: Doesn't matter, now we do know.
Also, he wrote his post with the company logo next to it. She never had anything in her post to identify her employer.

You're still not getting it.

The reason her coworker was not canned, was because his posts did not create a national story and give the company publicity they did not want.
Her flipping off the president, does create a national story, and does give the company publicity they were not seeking.
Looks like the employer will be paying for its hasty decision if its true they didn't fire another male employee who violated the same policy they used to fire her. Looks like a double whammy too. Sexual bias and political bias. Gotta love the image. :laugh:

You cannot be sued for firing a person over politics.
You can be sued for anything boy. Go ask any attorney.
I already had that fight when I refused to rent to a Democrat. Democrats are NOT protected minority's.
If they are a Democrat you CAN fire them or refuse housing.
Youre deflecting. You said you cant be sued and you can be sued for anything.
I was already in court for it years ago for firing a Democrat and I won.
This seems to be on a public street, not at work.
Where no business owner can show damages.
Is the logo on her shirt her employer?
She could be birding off bad drivers, FFS!
It was the Douche!

I see her winning $$$'s out of the stupid employer if true above.
You know, a few years ago, I had a disagreement with one of my neighbors, and I ended up flipping him the bird.

Well, about the time I flipped him off, a police officer came by, and my neighbor stopped the officer and told him that I'd flipped him off, and he wanted to register a complaint.

The officer then told him that flipping someone off wasn't illegal, but rather it was protected under free speech and he couldn't do anything.

I've since resolved the disagreement and we are friends, but I thought it was interesting that the police officer told my neighbor that it was free speech.

Me? If I saw his motorcade going by, I'd probably do the same thing. But, I'm retired, so I don't have to worry about getting fired.

But something makes me curious.............how did they find out the identity of the woman so quickly? Random riders are pretty hard to identify unless you have a whole bunch of investigators working for you. Wonder if Trump had her sought out to protect his fragile ego?
Looks like the employer will be paying for its hasty decision if its true they didn't fire another male employee who violated the same policy they used to fire her. Looks like a double whammy too. Sexual bias and political bias. Gotta love the image. :laugh:

You cannot be sued for firing a person over politics.
DumbFury on the case.

Activity outside work: Some states and localities prohibit employers for firing or disciplining employees for legal activities outside work. If you’re involved in a political campaign and you work in one of these states, you can’t be fired for your political activities as long as they are legal activities.
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What about her 1st Amendment rights? Would she have been fired if she had flipped off President Obama's motorcade? I doubt it...
Love this news!!!!!
Love i,t love it, love it! :2up::banana::banana:

Fire the bitch!

The reason her coworker was not canned, was because his posts did not create a national story and give the company publicity they did not want.
Her flipping off the president, does create a national story, and does give the company publicity they were not seeking.

Oh I get it all right. The director who didn't get fired used the term Libtard, which gives a good indication of which side of the ledger the management of the company falls on. This has nothing to do with her flipping the president, but a company with no morals trying to keep its govt contracts. Again, nobody would have known about the company if they hadn't fired her. Remember, she didn't identify them in her post and if I had seen that post I never in a million years would have known who she was or who she worked for. Looks like, somebody doesn't get it all right...
It doesn’t matter if they didn’t fire someone else all they matters is she 1. Wasn’t fired specifically because of her race, color, country if origin, ethnicity, religion, gender or familia status and 2. She violated a stated policy. As an at will employee her employer doesn’t even need the #2, but it helps No go back to the back of the bus boy

The article states the woman is an "executive" which would make her a "non-exempt" employee, most likely under contract. There are two types of lawsuits possible here. One deals with "contract law", the other, "employment law." As the article never stipulated, the terms and conditions of her contract, so its impossible to tell if there were any violations. At this point, anything is possible.
Not every "somebody" is the president of the fucking United States !! Hello ! Is anybody home ?

Oh, so you don't believe that all people are created equal, but some are more equal than others? Who gives a shit who he is? Flipping the bird is flipping the bird. I mean really? From a conservative no less.

Go bow to your Orange Buffoon master....
Looks like the employer will be paying for its hasty decision if its true they didn't fire another male employee who violated the same policy they used to fire her. Looks like a double whammy too. Sexual bias and political bias. Gotta love the image. :laugh:

You cannot be sued for firing a person over politics.
It has nothing to do with politics and it is all about freedom of expression...
Looks like she landed a job with MSNBC.
Living in the DC area, I had lots of opportunity to flip off obama anytime I saw Marine 1 or Air Force 1 fly over. I'm self employed.
However, my wife couldn't do the same as she would be fired from her black school system job and be labeled racist. Any criticism of obama defaulted to racism because of Democrat sheeple hypocrite bigots.
"Akima's decision to fire Briskman has renewed a heated conversation regarding freedom of speech in the workplace. In August, Google fired software engineer James Damore for circulating a controversial diversity manifesto. That same month, Cole White was fired from his job at Berkeley-based hot dog vendor Top Dog because of his participation in a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Though different, all three instances highlight the same fact: Political speech in or out of the office can get you fired."

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