Women and gun safety around children...

So if someone doesn't get killed it doesn't count right?

Never mind serious injury permanent disfigurement or even damage to the psyche

Go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
I know what you said and it's funny how now you want to cite the differences in the legal systems of the US and UK now but when I tell you and show you with proof that the UK only counts a death as murder when there is a conviction you disregard it
I know what you said and it's funny how now you want to cite the differences in the legal systems of the US and UK now but when I tell you and show you with proof that the UK only counts a death as murder when there is a conviction you disregard it

Because you've cited non-credible sources and misrepresented what the law says.

that's why.

Oh, and you're a malignant narcissist. Need to point that out for those who came in late.
I know what you said and it's funny how now you want to cite the differences in the legal systems of the US and UK now but when I tell you and show you with proof that the UK only counts a death as murder when there is a conviction you disregard it

Because you've cited non-credible sources and misrepresented what the law says.

that's why.

Oh, and you're a malignant narcissist. Need to point that out for those who came in late.
Yes a paper published by parliament
I know what you said and it's funny how now you want to cite the differences in the legal systems of the US and UK now but when I tell you and show you with proof that the UK only counts a death as murder when there is a conviction you disregard it

Because you've cited non-credible sources and misrepresented what the law says.

that's why.

Oh, and you're a malignant narcissist. Need to point that out for those who came in late.

So now prove that source was unreliable

But you won't because you can't
TIL that since 1967 the United Kingdom Home Office only counts a homicide if the murder ends with a conviction making it nearly impossible to compare homicides rates between the UK and other developed countries. • /r/todayilearned

This is a misleading title, all apparent murders are initially counted as homicides then the figures are adjusted if the court finds that the killing was not a murder (for example justifiable homicide or self defense) this leads to more accurate murder figures than countries who don't perform the same adjustment and is generally a good thing.

America: 4.8 per 100,000

UK: 1.2 per 100,000 unadjusted, roughly 1.44 with.
So Joe I'm going to help you out here

Here is the link
House of Commons - Home Affairs - Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Here is Section 2 Paragraph 35

35. Homicide statistics too vary widely. In some developing countries, the statistics are known to be far from complete. Figures for crimes labelled as homicide in various countries are simply not comparable. Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction, or where the person is not prosecuted on grounds of self defence or otherwise. This reduces the apparent number of homicides by between 13 per cent and 15 per cent. The adjustment is made only in respect of figures shown in one part of the Annual Criminal Statistics. In another part relating to the use of firearms, no adjustment is made. A table of the number of homicides in which firearms were used in England and Wales will therefore differ according to which section of the annual statistics was used as its base. Similarly in statistics relating to the use of firearms, a homicide will be recorded where the firearm was used as a blunt instrument, but in the specific homicide statistics, that case will be shown under "blunt instrument".

Now you can offer verifiable evidence as to why this is not a credible source
TIL that since 1967 the United Kingdom Home Office only counts a homicide if the murder ends with a conviction making it nearly impossible to compare homicides rates between the UK and other developed countries. • /r/todayilearned

This is a misleading title, all apparent murders are initially counted as homicides then the figures are adjusted if the court finds that the killing was not a murder (for example justifiable homicide or self defense) this leads to more accurate murder figures than countries who don't perform the same adjustment and is generally a good thing.

America: 4.8 per 100,000

UK: 1.2 per 100,000 unadjusted, roughly 1.44 with.

So it's just you saying the source is unreliable?

Sorry but I don't take your word on anything
Some things never change. Death and taxes...sun rises in the East, sets in the West...JoeyB Dolezal isn't very bright, which may or may not contribute to his penchant for outright lying. He's a master at it, a veritable PhD in it if you will.
so your own sources says that the adjusting for self-defense only adjusts the already very low number by 13%.

So they have about 600 murders a year and we have 16,000, and this by you is okay?

Yep just fine with me.

And you overstated the murder numbers in 2014 we had a total of 13741 murders and non-negligent manslaughters

Murder accounts for just over 1% of all violent crimes so it really is low priority
Getting back to the topic of gun safety around woman and children, best thing one can do if they decide to keep fire arms around is secure the weapons. Take out bolts, use the cable lock they come with, read the Manuel all that. Gun safety is pretty common sense. You just don't want your people to learn it from the movies and vedio games.
Yes a paper published by parliament

of a point so minor it's insignifigant.

You tried to paint it like they were intentionally making us look bad by not reporting hundreds of homicides,

Rather than removing a handful from the count if it is determined to be self defense or accident.
I presented the facts and that's all

You do know that not all murders are solved don't you? We still count them as murders the UK doesn't that's just another fact you have no interest in
Getting back to the topic of gun safety around woman and children, best thing one can do if they decide to keep fire arms around is secure the weapons. Take out bolts, use the cable lock they come with, read the Manuel all that. Gun safety is pretty common sense. You just don't want your people to learn it from the movies and vedio games.

The best way to safely have a gun in the house is to carry it on your person.

A gun will do you no good locked if it's in a safe or disassembled.

Most people know not to leave a loaded gun lying around. It is an unfortunate fact that some don't but the question is do we enact laws that will restrict everyone from exercising a right because of what a few careless people do?
I presented the facts and that's all

You do know that not all murders are solved don't you? We still count them as murders the UK doesn't that's just another fact you have no interest in

It isn't "unsolved" murders that are taken out of the stats. It's homicides that are determined to be self-defense in a court of law. which accounts for about 13% of the very low number of 600 a year.

As opposed to the US, where we have 16,000 murders, of which only about 250 a year are classified as "justified" (not counting police shootings).
Most people know not to leave a loaded gun lying around. It is an unfortunate fact that some don't but the question is do we enact laws that will restrict everyone from exercising a right because of what a few careless people do?

Yup. Because there's no good reason for you to have a gun to start with.

One more time-

We banned lawn darts after a few deaths.

We put safety films on pills after one poisoning incident.

We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and guns are still legal.

What's wrong with this picture?
I presented the facts and that's all

You do know that not all murders are solved don't you? We still count them as murders the UK doesn't that's just another fact you have no interest in

It isn't "unsolved" murders that are taken out of the stats. It's homicides that are determined to be self-defense in a court of law. which accounts for about 13% of the very low number of 600 a year.

As opposed to the US, where we have 16,000 murders, of which only about 250 a year are classified as "justified" (not counting police shootings).

No it is all murders without a conviction that are not counted
Most people know not to leave a loaded gun lying around. It is an unfortunate fact that some don't but the question is do we enact laws that will restrict everyone from exercising a right because of what a few careless people do?

Yup. Because there's no good reason for you to have a gun to start with.

One more time-

We banned lawn darts after a few deaths.

We put safety films on pills after one poisoning incident.

We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and guns are still legal.

What's wrong with this picture?

Suicides don't count. There are a statistically insignificant number of accidental firearm deaths as compared to other accidental deaths.

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