Women and Make-Up

If you've ever had a one night stand and the womans "face" was on your pillow instead of her own face the next morning you would develop a healthy dislike for makeup.

She didn't wash her face or shower before bed?

She was unable to walk afterwards


No matter how old I get I am still amazed at how much of a difference there is when women pack on the makeup. Shouldnt there be a law like Impersonating a Bad Bitch? or something?

Anyway this is the new thing trending and it blows my mind.

This Is Tyra Banks Without Makeup


nofilter This Is Tyra Banks Without Makeup Diply

WT actual F? I've seen something like this before about Porn Stars without Makeup and its mind blowing...ly bad also. But I'm at work so I'm not pulling that up on the old server
I don't think she looks bad without makeup. That being said, I think the way she posed for the picture on the right was designed to be a "bad" picture. Her hair is up and she has a weird expression on her face and no smile.

Also, my beleif is that a nice smile is the best makeup of all.
Fuck her

That vicious bitch made me spit my coffee out of my nose one morning.

She was on the radio one morning. The Howard Stern Show, and proclaimed "Every guy thinks they are the only guy who wants to fuck me."

Hot coffee spewed out of my nose.

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