Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies

It has It’s own unique DNA. Case closed

yer point doesn't change the fact that it's only DNA. human DNA, yes ... but not a person.

Is cancer human life?

never said it was. but it's alive.

& not deserving of personhood any more than human DNA if the pregnant female decides that.

As a pro-abortionist,

lol ... no one is pro abortion. not even a dr. who performs them any more than a cop is pro crime or a fireman is pro arson.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’d compare an innocent vulnerable human To a cancer

you're such a drama queen.
The GOP fucked up again. They should have revoked women's right to vote before they revoked their right to control their own bodies. Cause those bodies gonna vote you out
no one is pro abortion. not even a dr. who performs them any more than a cop is pro crime or a fireman is pro arson.
You are if you fight for it.. especially it’s expansion to up to birth and beyond.

But, I agree that in your analogy that an abortion is on the same moral playing field as crime and arson.
You are if you fight for it.. especially it’s expansion to up to birth and beyond.

But, I agree that in your analogy that an abortion is on the same moral playing field as crime and arson.
Look here Evelyn, if you think that abortion is a crime, charge the woman with first degree murder. But you don't have the balls for it.
They are the most valued and catered to in society

dream on.

When? And such a standard would go both ways.

Marital or spousal rape is illegal in every state, but it's only been this way since 1993. Until 1976, every state had a "marital exemption" that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences. Despite being illegal now, certain states still treat spousal or marital rape differently than other rape offense
Marital Rape Laws

The gender pay gap has been thoroughly debunked by economists and people who don’t put their politics over math.


5 Fast Facts: The Gender Wage Gap

Many/most women didn’t want to vote then because doing so would make them eligible for military service.


Men still have to register, women get free voting without the military responsibilities. What happened to equality?

well since i have a problem with 'the draft', per say , i wouldn't want to see men or women be put in that situation. BUT, i have no problems with females being required to register for selective service & if they can physically cut it, then all's fair. just like i would for law enforcement & fire fighting.

And how long ago was that? And why? Let me guess.. evil, immoral men for the mysterious “patriarchy”?

that doesn't matter- it is historical fact & every bit of those rights were fought for.
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

Fetus-Fetishists Belong in the Puritan Era and the Salem Witch-Hunts

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