Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies

When I saw the thread title I thought it HAD to be satire.

Nope. Republicans are serious about that

Damn right, we are.

If a woman is not intelligent enough to figure out birth control, she can't be trusted with her own body.

Someday Republicans are going to learn that they can’t win by ONLY appealing to middle-aged uneducated white men.

Your strategy of pissing everyone else off isn’t working for you.
If men could get pregnant you’d be able to get abortions at ATM machines
If women would die regularly in violence and wars in huge numbers protecting men, they would have more of a say in irresponsible behaviors. All violent capable employment even with a fair percentage of women has near all the deaths males. You know. Dying young. not living a full life. Or having physical and/or mental disabilities. Women live lives in a nation that they benefit from that. Not perfect. And they do not think one second of all the bodies in cemeteries or the disabled that suffered for them as many are selfish. We all complain. They are complain more because they are never happy unless it is in their range. Know men who died not just from putting their lives on the line but from the years of accumulated poisons in their bodies that kills them decades before they should. All of those stupid hags that never had children and are dried up now who scream to the rafters are the most spoiled humans on the planet.
More laws aren't needed.

What's needed is a America with morals, standards and standards. We could get rid of a lot of laws if our country had that. Not saying it was perfect but in the 50s we didn't have issues we do now or so many laws because we had a general sense of morals, values and standards in our society.

Abortion wasn't such an issue either because of that because women were raised to be responsible in what they did and weren't all hedonistic rutting pigs jumping on every dick they can and shaking their ass in tv commercials. And that was partly due to having a father figure and a mother.
That is a major boatload of naive ignorant bovine excrement! How old are you? What do you know about the 50’s? We were “moral “ then? Do you know about Jim Crow and segregation? Was that moral? Commie witch hunts that ruined countless lives? My father was one of them. He was not a Communist. He was a union organizer,! Tell me more about the morality of the 50’s . Do you really think that women were chaste and pure and were not having sex? Do you think that they were not having sex and lots of it? And yes they were having abortions, it just was not spoken about because in many places it was illegal. And some women were dying from botched abortions And your denegation of women today is duly noted. I have you pegged as an INCEL
And what is that tripe about needing less laws if we were just “moral” and had standards? Please explain exactly what that would look like and how it would work? Where and when did an entire society agreed completely and what is “moral “ aside for cults where behavior and beliefs were dictated and enforced by some deranged megalomaniac? The absence of laws means anarchy and anarch is tyranny. It may be tyranny of the majority, or tyranny of a minority depending upon who has the power, but it is still tyranny . It is the antithesis of the rule of law which is the basis of a democracy.

Yes civilized people do agree on certain moral standards- you can’t kill or rob people and so forth. But beyond that there needs to be flexibility and the freedom for individuals to determine what makes moral sense to them, primarily on issue of sexuality. There can not be and should not be any universal morality beyond doing no harm to another.

If you want to compare the morality of today with 1950, Consider: Today, unlike then most people support racial equality and women’s rights including the right to have agency over their own bodies. . Many more people are opposed to the death penalty. Most people believe that love is love regardless of gender and find the persecution of gays abhorrent. These might not represent your idea of morality but you alone do not get to decide what is moral. When you say that we need to get back to ” a general sense of morals" you mean your morals. You mean that everyone should be you. Not happening ! Get real!
Let the oppressed minority that is able to give birth decide whether or not they can decide to continue a pregnancy that will eventually lead to the death of the born person eventually anyway.
If women would die regularly in violence and wars in huge numbers protecting men, they would have more of a say in irresponsible behaviors. All violent capable employment even with a fair percentage of women has near all the deaths males. You know. Dying young. not living a full life. Or having physical and/or mental disabilities. Women live lives in a nation that they benefit from that. Not perfect. And they do not think one second of all the bodies in cemeteries or the disabled that suffered for them as many are selfish. We all complain. They are complain more because they are never happy unless it is in their range. Know men who died not just from putting their lives on the line but from the years of accumulated poisons in their bodies that kills them decades before they should. All of those stupid hags that never had children and are dried up now who scream to the rafters are the most spoiled humans on the planet.
Women die in childbirth and from men murdering them fucknut.
That is a major boatload of naive ignorant bovine excrement! How old are you? What do you know about the 50’s? We were “moral “ then? Do you know about Jim Crow and segregation? Was that moral? Commie witch hunts that ruined countless lives? My father was one of them. He was not a Communist. He was a union organizer,! Tell me more about the morality of the 50’s . Do you really think that women were chaste and pure and were not having sex? Do you think that they were not having sex and lots of it? And yes they were having abortions, it just was not spoken about because in many places it was illegal. And some women were dying from botched abortions And your denegation of women today is duly noted. I have you pegged as an INCEL
And what is that tripe about needing less laws if we were just “moral” and had standards? Please explain exactly what that would look like and how it would work? Where and when did an entire society agreed completely and what is “moral “ aside for cults where behavior and beliefs were dictated and enforced by some deranged megalomaniac? The absence of laws means anarchy and anarch is tyranny. It may be tyranny of the majority, or tyranny of a minority depending upon who has the power, but it is still tyranny . It is the antithesis of the rule of law which is the basis of a democracy.

Yes civilized people do agree on certain moral standards- you can’t kill or rob people and so forth. But beyond that there needs to be flexibility and the freedom for individuals to determine what makes moral sense to them, primarily on issue of sexuality. There can not be and should not be any universal morality beyond doing no harm to another.

If you want to compare the morality of today with 1950, Consider: Today, unlike then most people support racial equality and women’s rights including the right to have agency over their own bodies. . Many more people are opposed to the death penalty. Most people believe that love is love regardless of gender and find the persecution of gays abhorrent. These might not represent your idea of morality but you alone do not get to decide what is moral. When you say that we need to get back to ” a general sense of morals" you mean your morals. You mean that everyone should be you. Not happening ! Get real!
Preach it, Brother.

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