Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
The woman has the final say on getting pregnant. Take responsibility.
YOU first.
It's your body. You women keep telling us it's your body, then you want to blame the man. You can't have it both ways.
I am saying the man is one half to blame. That is all.
If the woman says no, there is no blame at all.
Yeah, I don't like that "blame" term, but BS Filter was using it so I responded to it.
This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.
You mean just like they made it illegal to murder someone? That's been around for countless centuries. Why do you feel that babies should be exempt from this protection?
I do not see the termination of a pregnancy as a murder.
This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.
Like Obama did with Obamacare?.. You could choose alright, but he stuck it to the woman for making the 'wrong' choice via fines

That's too much of a stretch.
I don't understand. I thought a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body without fear of reprisal?

What does paying for insurance have to do with what she does with her body? Just because she has paid for Obamacare doesn't mean she MUST go to a doctor.
I'll try again. ACA showed us how the democrats think. Sure, a woman had a choice whether to carry healthcare insurance. Choose NOT TO, and you were penalized for deciding what to do with your body which may have been a financial decision, just not a healthcare one

This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.

OK, worse case scenario - SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade. So, again, for a period of time it is illegal. How long? Only until the next time Democrats control Congress and the White House. They pass and sign into law legislation legalizing abortion in all states, territories and possessions.

Other than that the arguments will never change, or change minds.
So find another thread to read, Old Man, if this one doesn't float your boat.
This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.
You mean just like they made it illegal to murder someone? That's been around for countless centuries. Why do you feel that babies should be exempt from this protection?
I do not see the termination of a pregnancy as a murder.
Of course not. If there is a heartbeat, and a tool is used to stop the heartbeat, sorry, thats murder in my book

Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present


In short, you just like to rant about it. You have no thought of what you would do about it,
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present

I know of at least one case where someone killed a pregnant woman and was convicted of double homicide. That's known as a legal precident. Abortion is murder. Judge and jury have said so.
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present

"To hell with the woman," is right. Who will be raising that child she cannot afford or is ill prepared to raise? You do understand that parenting is about the most important and life long job any of us will ever do? Who gets stuck doing that 99% of the time if bio Dad is skittering away blaming the woman for opening her legs?
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present


In short, you just like to rant about it. You have no thought of what you would do about it,
Not so. I voted for Trump and support the repeal of Roe vs Wade

Elections have consequences I recall the Obama man saying

This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.
You mean just like they made it illegal to murder someone? That's been around for countless centuries. Why do you feel that babies should be exempt from this protection?
I do not see the termination of a pregnancy as a murder.
Allow me to educate you. Answer a simple question. Is a fetus alive? Yes or no.
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present


In short, you just like to rant about it. You have no thought of what you would do about it,
Not so. I voted for Trump and support the repeal of Roe vs Wade

Elections have consequences I recall the Obama man saying


Obviously, you did not even read my post that you quoted, above.
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present

"To hell with the woman," is right. Who will be raising that child she cannot afford or is ill prepared to raise? You do understand that parenting is about the most important and life long job any of us will ever do? Who gets stuck doing that 99% of the time if bio Dad is skittering away blaming the woman for opening her legs?
Evidently, those questions do not concern the woman as she was getting her rocks off. Easier just to murder the infant than accept the consequences of her, and her mates, decisions. There are many, many families looking to adopt children.

Adoption works.
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present

"To hell with the woman," is right. Who will be raising that child she cannot afford or is ill prepared to raise? You do understand that parenting is about the most important and life long job any of us will ever do? Who gets stuck doing that 99% of the time if bio Dad is skittering away blaming the woman for opening her legs?
"Women have the right to control their own bodies"
The problem is; Liberal whores and disgusting minorities aren't capable of "controlling" shit...including their own bodies.
Look at abortion statistics.
So find another thread to read, Old Man, if this one doesn't float your boat.

No, this one is fine. It's somewhat entertaining to see, yet again, this back and forth going nowhere discussion. Each side is firmly entrenched and immovable.

And what, you didn't like my thought on what can happen if Roe v Wade is overturned?
This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.
You mean just like they made it illegal to murder someone? That's been around for countless centuries. Why do you feel that babies should be exempt from this protection?
I do not see the termination of a pregnancy as a murder.
Of course not. If there is a heartbeat, and a tool is used to stop the heartbeat, sorry, thats murder in my book

This is a ten week "baby" in a mother's hand.
So find another thread to read, Old Man, if this one doesn't float your boat.

No, this one is fine. It's somewhat entertaining to see, yet again, this back and forth going nowhere discussion. Each side is firmly entrenched and immovable.

And what, you didn't like my thought on what can happen if Roe v Wade is overturned?
I'm not sure what all this "leave it to the states" stuff is about. There is nothing wrong with federal legislation to leave abortion to hell alone.
This argument will rage back and forth till the end of time. Why not just agree to disagree?
Because some of these jokers want to take away women's right to choose.

OK, worse case scenario - SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade. So, again, for a period of time it is illegal. How long? Only until the next time Democrats control Congress and the White House. They pass and sign into law legislation legalizing abortion in all states, territories and possessions.

Other than that the arguments will never change, or change minds.
They couldn't do that. State rights, don't you know. The federal government has a limited set of powers granted by the Constitution. Everything else is a state right. Abortion is not on the list of federal powers. Sorry.
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present

"To hell with the woman," is right. Who will be raising that child she cannot afford or is ill prepared to raise? You do understand that parenting is about the most important and life long job any of us will ever do? Who gets stuck doing that 99% of the time if bio Dad is skittering away blaming the woman for opening her legs?
Evidently, those questions do not concern the woman as she was getting her rocks off. Easier just to murder the infant than accept the consequences of her, and her mates, decisions. There are many, many families looking to adopt children.

Evidently didn't concern her partner either.
Adoption works.
Here we go again, with a lot of RW nonsense about abortions. Why don't we just get to the bottom line;

!. It has never been illegal for a woman to abort a fetus. It has only been illegal for a person to PERFORM an abortion
2. The SC has ruled that it is an invasion of a woman's privacy to forbid someone to perform an abortion while the fetus is not viable to live on it's own
3. If your goal is to reverse Roe vs. Wade, then the states get to decide.
4. At least 15 states are never going to outlaw abortion under most circumstances
5. For those who don't live in those states, they can travel to them and have an abortion.
6. For those that can't do that, there is now over the counter European drugs that are available by mail with which a woman can induce her own abortion at home, and nobody would even know it..

So, what the hell are the pro-choice people ranting about? Don't like the morals of a woman who decided to abort a child. Tough shit.

To hell with the woman, I'm more concerned about the murdered infant.

In TN, when a prisoner is executed, the death certificate list cause of death as Homicide

Same should be for abortions after a heartbeat is present

"To hell with the woman," is right. Who will be raising that child she cannot afford or is ill prepared to raise? You do understand that parenting is about the most important and life long job any of us will ever do? Who gets stuck doing that 99% of the time if bio Dad is skittering away blaming the woman for opening her legs?
I commend those who make that choice. It is not for everyone and not every child will be adopted.

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