Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Lol, I just looked at PP website. Reading their services, it appears they are the sexual regulation arm of the government. Almost all of what they do has to do with sex in some form or fashion.

Also, what is the very first service listed on their site? Abortion. You know what is listed 2nd? Abortion referral. Now, why do you think they list abortion first? Probably because it's the #1 service they provide. If it weren't, you would think they would put one of their other services as top billing.

Actually, general healthcare is listed 5th on their website.
Link that, please.
Our Services | Affordable Healthcare & Sex Education
Like Old Man said, it's in alphabetical order. But I do thank you.
Lol, I just looked at PP website. Reading their services, it appears they are the sexual regulation arm of the government. Almost all of what they do has to do with sex in some form or fashion.

Also, what is the very first service listed on their site? Abortion. You know what is listed 2nd? Abortion referral. Now, why do you think they list abortion first? Probably because it's the #1 service they provide. If it weren't, you would think they would put one of their other services as top billing.

Actually, general healthcare is listed 5th on their website.

If you are talking about the list on the Services page, they simply listed them alphabetically.
Ahh, you are right, my bad. Your powers of observation superceded mine...[emoji16]
Lol, I just looked at PP website. Reading their services, it appears they are the sexual regulation arm of the government. Almost all of what they do has to do with sex in some form or fashion.

Also, what is the very first service listed on their site? Abortion. You know what is listed 2nd? Abortion referral. Now, why do you think they list abortion first? Probably because it's the #1 service they provide. If it weren't, you would think they would put one of their other services as top billing.

Actually, general healthcare is listed 5th on their website.

If you are talking about the list on the Services page, they simply listed them alphabetically.
I have been to the PP website and I can promise you it does not list abortion as their first service.
It does, but I didnt realize they put them.in alphabetical order, so, I'll concede that argument with my tail between my legs lol
Is a fetus alive? Yes or no
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So, you believe that a ten week old fetus is dead? Medical science says otherwise.
Medical science also does not call it a baby.
What else would you call it? At the moment of conception you had your own uniques human DNA which is exactly the same as you have now. It contained all the information of the person you would become, your hair color, your eye color, etc. You are as different today from the baby you were at the moment of your birth as that newborn baby was from the way it was at the moment of conception. For the first nine months of your life you were nurtured inside of your mother's body and then you were nurtured outside of her body for years more. Birth was no more than a marker of your progress from the moment of your conception to who and where you are today.

We all know it is a baby. We ask a pregnant woman about her baby, not about her fetus. The only time we call it a fetus is when we decide to kill it in an effort to dehumanize our intended victim to ease our consciences. If a woman wants an abortion, she should the character to acknowledge she wants to kill another human being.
Ever notice how liberals, when given a choice, always choose death for a fetus, then protest when a convicted murderer is about to be executed?
When I was young, one trait of a liberal was to fight for the disenfranchised who didn't have a voice of their own.

Today's leftist support the person in power who holds all the cards in deciding if another person can even live.
I'm not sure what all this "leave it to the states" stuff is about. There is nothing wrong with federal legislation to leave abortion to hell alone.
And yet, liberals want to make it legal everywhere. Do you understand the irony?
I think you might have misunderstood my last post.
Of course I think it should be legal everywhere.
So, you admit that you wish to abolish state rights. Got it.
Oh, give it up, Cat. If Roe v. Wade has been considered established precedent for over fifty years, I guess I'm probably thinking about the same way most folks do. A lot of this "states rights" stuff is advocated by sore losers who don't like the laws as they are and hope that if it was left to the state, the laws would be different.
But you do realize that if it went to the states, it would end up popping back to the SCOTUS just the way Roe did.
You sure like telling people what to do. This isn't one of your classrooms where your extteme authoritarianism can just run roughshod over the proceedings.

She doesn't HAVE to give it up. I realize you like to shut up anybody presenting more rational arguments than you, but nobody appointed you arbitrator what everybody gets to say.

She does not support the taking of a human life. You do.

Her arguments against taking a human life are simply better than the ones you are offering supporting the killing .
I honestly don't know where this personal animosity toward me comes from with you, but I've had enough. You're on ignore. Rave on.
And yet, liberals want to make it legal everywhere. Do you understand the irony?
I think you might have misunderstood my last post.
Of course I think it should be legal everywhere.
So, you admit that you wish to abolish state rights. Got it.
Oh, give it up, Cat. If Roe v. Wade has been considered established precedent for over fifty years, I guess I'm probably thinking about the same way most folks do. A lot of this "states rights" stuff is advocated by sore losers who don't like the laws as they are and hope that if it was left to the state, the laws would be different.
But you do realize that if it went to the states, it would end up popping back to the SCOTUS just the way Roe did.
You sure like telling people what to do. This isn't one of your classrooms where your extteme authoritarianism can just run roughshod over the proceedings.

She doesn't HAVE to give it up. I realize you like to shut up anybody presenting more rational arguments than you, but nobody appointed you arbitrator what everybody gets to say.

She does not support the taking of a human life. You do.

Her arguments against taking a human life are simply better than the ones you are offering supporting the killing .
I honestly don't know where this personal animosity toward me comes from with you, but I've had enough. You're on ignore. Rave on.
Lolol! Could this be the same old Biddy who once chastised me for ignoring others? Say it isn't so.
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So, you believe that a ten week old fetus is dead? Medical science says otherwise.
Medical science also does not call it a baby.
What else would you call it? At the moment of conception you had your own uniques human DNA which is exactly the same as you have now. It contained all the information of the person you would become, your hair color, your eye color, etc. You are as different today from the baby you were at the moment of your birth as that newborn baby was from the way it was at the moment of conception. For the first nine months of your life you were nurtured inside of your mother's body and then you were nurtured outside of her body for years more. Birth was no more than a marker of your progress from the moment of your conception to who and where you are today.

We all know it is a baby. We ask a pregnant woman about her baby, not about her fetus. The only time we call it a fetus is when we decide to kill it in an effort to dehumanize our intended victim to ease our consciences. If a woman wants an abortion, she should the character to acknowledge she wants to kill another human being.
Ever notice how liberals, when given a choice, always choose death for a fetus, then protest when a convicted murderer is about to be executed?
When I was young, one trait of a liberal was to fight for the disenfranchised who didn't have a voice of their own.

Today's leftist support the person in power who holds all the cards in deciding if another person can even live.
You have made the mistake of thinking leftist are liberals and that democrats are leftist.
Still waiting for Old Biddy to answer my question.
What question was that?
Is a fetus alive? Yes or no
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So you think life begins outside the womb? So then if a man kills a pregnant woman, he cannot be charged with double homicide, right? As stated in another person's post (sorry to abscond with your idea)
Perhaps you should ask a lawyer.
So, a lawyer gets to decide when life begins?
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.

You sorta hit on the problem with live and let live....jus sayin
Lol, I just looked at PP website. Reading their services, it appears they are the sexual regulation arm of the government. Almost all of what they do has to do with sex in some form or fashion.

Also, what is the very first service listed on their site? Abortion. You know what is listed 2nd? Abortion referral. Now, why do you think they list abortion first? Probably because it's the #1 service they provide. If it weren't, you would think they would put one of their other services as top billing.

Actually, general healthcare is listed 5th on their website.
Link that, please.
Our Services | Affordable Healthcare & Sex Education
Like Old Man said, it's in alphabetical order. But I do thank you.
Yep, I agree
I think you might have misunderstood my last post.
Of course I think it should be legal everywhere.
So, you admit that you wish to abolish state rights. Got it.
Oh, give it up, Cat. If Roe v. Wade has been considered established precedent for over fifty years, I guess I'm probably thinking about the same way most folks do. A lot of this "states rights" stuff is advocated by sore losers who don't like the laws as they are and hope that if it was left to the state, the laws would be different.
But you do realize that if it went to the states, it would end up popping back to the SCOTUS just the way Roe did.
You sure like telling people what to do. This isn't one of your classrooms where your extteme authoritarianism can just run roughshod over the proceedings.

She doesn't HAVE to give it up. I realize you like to shut up anybody presenting more rational arguments than you, but nobody appointed you arbitrator what everybody gets to say.

She does not support the taking of a human life. You do.

Her arguments against taking a human life are simply better than the ones you are offering supporting the killing .
I honestly don't know where this personal animosity toward me comes from with you, but I've had enough. You're on ignore. Rave on.
Lolol! Could this be the same old Biddy who once chastised me for ignoring others? Say it isn't so.
LOL Yes, it is. I suggested you not to put people on ignore because they have different opinions from you. That is not why Dog is on ignore.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
If God thought it was important to be married before getting a female pregnant Jesus would never have been born because God is an avowed bachelor.
LOL Good point, Moon.
It is not amazing these sanctimonious harpies harp all day about how humans are inhuman yet their God is the most murderous gent you'd ever want to kneel and bob to...
What this all boils down to is that liberals wish to act irresponsibly and not have to deal with the consequences. Proof that liberals are nothing but adults who have never matured mentally.
What this post boils down to is a strawman fallacy – a lie as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Me thinks you use terms like straw man, red herring, fallacy etc etc because you think it makes you seem intelligent while the reality is you're one stupid fck
What question was that?
Is a fetus alive? Yes or no
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So you think life begins outside the womb? So then if a man kills a pregnant woman, he cannot be charged with double homicide, right? As stated in another person's post (sorry to abscond with your idea)
Perhaps you should ask a lawyer.
So, a lawyer gets to decide when life begins?
You are talking about charges for homicide. It doesn't sound like a medical question.
So, you admit that you wish to abolish state rights. Got it.
Oh, give it up, Cat. If Roe v. Wade has been considered established precedent for over fifty years, I guess I'm probably thinking about the same way most folks do. A lot of this "states rights" stuff is advocated by sore losers who don't like the laws as they are and hope that if it was left to the state, the laws would be different.
But you do realize that if it went to the states, it would end up popping back to the SCOTUS just the way Roe did.
You sure like telling people what to do. This isn't one of your classrooms where your extteme authoritarianism can just run roughshod over the proceedings.

She doesn't HAVE to give it up. I realize you like to shut up anybody presenting more rational arguments than you, but nobody appointed you arbitrator what everybody gets to say.

She does not support the taking of a human life. You do.

Her arguments against taking a human life are simply better than the ones you are offering supporting the killing .
I honestly don't know where this personal animosity toward me comes from with you, but I've had enough. You're on ignore. Rave on.
Lolol! Could this be the same old Biddy who once chastised me for ignoring others? Say it isn't so.
LOL Yes, it is. I suggested you not to put people on ignore because they have different opinions from you. That is not why Dog is on ignore.
I never put anyone on ignore for disagreeing with me. And yet you took exception to it. Why? Because they were liberals? Is that why you were upset?
Is a fetus alive? Yes or no
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So you think life begins outside the womb? So then if a man kills a pregnant woman, he cannot be charged with double homicide, right? As stated in another person's post (sorry to abscond with your idea)
Perhaps you should ask a lawyer.
So, a lawyer gets to decide when life begins?
You are talking about charges for homicide. It doesn't sound like a medical question.
You are saying a baby is not considered a person until they are born, so I'm asking you, if a baby isnt a person, then if a pregnant woman is killed, the assailant cannot be charged with a double homicide, right?

I'm not asking what a lawyer would say, because that lawyer may believe the unborn baby is a person. I'm asking what you would say.

You cant say a baby is not a person inside the womb, but advocate for double homicide in the scenario mentioned.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.

You sorta hit on the problem with live and let live....jus sayin
Especially when abortion is all about live and DON'T let live .
What question was that?
Is a fetus alive? Yes or no
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So you think life begins outside the womb? So then if a man kills a pregnant woman, he cannot be charged with double homicide, right? As stated in another person's post (sorry to abscond with your idea)
Perhaps you should ask a lawyer.
So, a lawyer gets to decide when life begins?
That is not the issue of Roe vs. Wade...

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