Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

The best example I can think of in regards to leftist hypocrisy towards women has to do with all the knee jerk support for Islam. Take the situation between Israel and Islamists, for instance. In Israel, women are doctors, scientists and lawyers. Under Hamas, they are nothing but brood mates used to produce mass murders, are forced to marry their cousins and killed for "honor" if they refuse.

Guess which culture the left supports?

Hey, Dog Style. IN Nazi Germany, women were doctors, scientists and lawyers... Or Soviet Russia. The problem we have with the Zionist Entity isn't their policies on gender equality, it's that they are running a fascist, theocratic state on someone else's land... and doing it on OUR DIME.

For the record, the Palestinians are not the Iranians. Their women don't wear Chadors, they work professional jobs, run for office and do everything a Zionist chick can do.

So, let's see if I have this right. If you were a young female athlete who had dedicated yourself for YEARS to your sport, and made it to the Olympics, you would WANT to have a biological male take away your dream?

I'd ask why she had such a meaningless and stupid dream.

Hey, anyone remember Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding? Their "Dream" was to go to the Olympics. They got there, but frankly, it was kind of empty, wasn't it?

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are science deniers. You deny that a dude with a penis is a male.

Then you wonder why we ridicules you little shitheads so much. LOL
The best example I can think of in regards to leftist hypocrisy towards women has to do with all the knee jerk support for Islam. Take the situation between Israel and Islamists, for instance. In Israel, women are doctors, scientists and lawyers. Under Hamas, they are nothing but brood mates used to produce mass murders, are forced to marry their cousins and killed for "honor" if they refuse.

Guess which culture the left supports?

Hey, Dog Style. IN Nazi Germany, women were doctors, scientists and lawyers... Or Soviet Russia. The problem we have with the Zionist Entity isn't their policies on gender equality, it's that they are running a fascist, theocratic state on someone else's land... and doing it on OUR DIME.

For the record, the Palestinians are not the Iranians. Their women don't wear Chadors, they work professional jobs, run for office and do everything a Zionist chick can do.

So, let's see if I have this right. If you were a young female athlete who had dedicated yourself for YEARS to your sport, and made it to the Olympics, you would WANT to have a biological male take away your dream?

I'd ask why she had such a meaningless and stupid dream.

Hey, anyone remember Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding? Their "Dream" was to go to the Olympics. They got there, but frankly, it was kind of empty, wasn't it?

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are science deniers. You deny that a dude with a penis is a male.

Then you wonder why we ridicules you little shitheads so much. LOL
Come on, man!! Nothing says you are a female quite like flashing your penis at women!!

The subhuman that talks about the "Zionist entity" says so!
It might come down to which pageant garners the most viewers. I haven’t watched a beauty pageant for many years, but I assume the major networks airing them still care about ratings above all else.

In the name of providing fair treatment for all, there should be pageants for transgender‘s separate from bio female contests. That would be a fair contest without the scores being influenced by the judges wanting to make a broad social statement. They (judges, executive producer, possibly networks) politicized this event to make it about a transgender statement. As the winner stated “to be a trailblazer”, but they yet again (think girls bathroom issue in public schools when the use of a gender neutral bathroom as a solution was rejected) making more people uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Fair contests for females, whether that be running track or in a pageant, have nothing to do with making social change statements. That changes the entire equation, reeks of placing a social agenda above the entire contest, and likely influenced the outcome.

Okay, let's look at that. By your own admission, you didn't care about beauty contests until a trans-woman won one.

And you are upset that the people running them made a controversial decision to garner attention and ratings?

Here's the thing. If you didn't tell me that this was a transwoman, I'd never know the difference.

View attachment 507601

Yeah, it took a lot of surgery and hormones to get her there... but the same can be said of any of the other bleach-blonde, surgically enhanced, anorexic contestants in these things.

If you are really looking to award "Ms. Body Mutilation, 2021", then why not go all out?

But 99.9% of these weirdos don't look like that. They look like this.

View attachment 507638

You are correct. Only those with tons of money for extensive cosmetic surgery look like the pageant fruitcake . . . which is also true of women themselves, by and large.

I get the feeling that a lot of leftists who are gabbling on about "transgenders" don't actually know any, and therefore are talking mostly about their own idealized fantasies of what they're like.
It’s simple principles of human decency and how to treat others. Who are you or who is any of us to tell others how to look, think or who they can love. This is just basic golden rule stuff but apparently and hypocritically conservatives want to control these things about people who experience life differently than the typical straight Christian drone experiences it.
What is your opinion about the contestant winner’s statement that she was not less than the other contestants but “was more” ? This is what it boils down to in my mind and there are many like me who are live and let live as long as we’re not stepping on each other’s toes. Don’t try to tell me how to live and I won’t try to tell you had live your life, as long as we are not committing crimes against others.

just like I don’t see the fairness in forcing a business owner to make a cake that is against his or her religious views, it should be up to the pageant if they’re going to change their rules. One pageant has stayed strong against changing the rules, while I have not read the rules on this particular pageant apparently the rules allowed for transgender entries.

My point about making separate contests is reasonable and fair, as opposed to forcing a change of rules due to having a segment of the society that backs you. If you have a good imagination just think of where that could lead. All businesses should be allowed to create their own rules so I have kind of backed off a bit about this specific pageant. My point is no contestant should be “allowed” to force the pageant to change the rules so they can enter, find a pageant that allows it where all contestants going in are aware of this fact.
Sure I am, I do it all the time and will keep doing it. Sorry not sorry
I expected a better rebuttal.

Where is your answer about the contestant winner stating after the contest: "I'm more than" when talking about first feeling "less than" prior to contest but after winning she said "she was not less but more than others"? I've posted the link already with that quote if you want to try again.

no, I've said all I need to. She won. That makes her more than, or maybe she had a picture of the judge having sex with a farm animal. I kind of don't care. As far as stupid things that come out of the mouths of beauty contestants, this was kind of minor. I remember that Asian Ms. Michigan from a few years ago who went on Islamophobic and racist rants, and then wondered why they pulled her title in a state that has large black and Islamic populations.

You obviously back people forcing businesses to change their rules to accommodate all customers. There are zero businesses currently functioning that satisfy all customers. Business owners have rights; you don't care about those rights and I do. We will not agree.

Yes, I really do think businesses should accommodate customers. I know that's a funny thing. It's kind of how they stay in business. I have a business. I would never turn away a customer who needed help. If there was a legitimate reason why I couldn't help them (such as wanting a service I don't offer), I would tell them that straight up. The Baker's problem wasn't that he couldn't , he just didn't want to.

I stand behind my statements that support fair treatment for all. Your posts reveal that you hold stringently to your fixated opinions, and you are free to do so! I wouldn't have it any other way. For the record, I have a flexible mindset and am willing to change my mind when new information is presented. Because of this basic difference, I'll likely live longer than you by at least 15-20 years-as a guess and without a catastrophic accident (particularly since women shed that extra iron buildup that reduces one's life span significanhttps://scrabble-online.com/scrabble/scrabble-online/tly which accounts mostly for longevity's 10 year age difference between men and women). So, unless you're a woman posing as a male you're out of luck there...but you're bringing it on yourself and still have time to evolve and lose that inflexibility to anything outside of the box on your head

Um, okay. Frankly, I'm amazed I lived as long as I have. My dad died at 56 and my mom died at 51... so that I've lived his long is kind of impressive in and of itself I don't worry about the time I have, I worry about making the most of it.

And frankly, getting worked up because a He-she beat all the boob jobs and bleach blondes isn't worth getting worked up over.
Touche' about making the most of the time we have...excellent point and crucial to living in the moment and appreciating every little thing. I am sorry about the early death of your parents and good parents the hardest to lose. This pageant issue is a small issue with respect to just that thing about time and enjoying that time.
Someone who defends allowing mentally- and morally-defective male perverts to violate the privacy and modesty of women and girls by intruding into their restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms and such, is in no position to credibly speak of “human decency”.

Such a position makes you no better than the perverts whose side you are taking.

Really, to me a pervert is a guy who marries a bunch of teenage girls and other men's wives because God told him to. That's perverted whether it be Joseph Smith or David Koresh. (Or as I like to call them, "Original and Extra Crispy") Morally defective is a guy who scams a bunch of people using various schemes like gold divining rods or a fake bank with strongboxes full of sand. (Both scams Smith tried to pull before he was run out of New York and Ohio).

The person who has no credibility to talk about human decency is the guy who cut Joe Slotnick's wife's health insurance to make himself richer. Oh, wait, do you guys still love Romney or do you hate him now because he dissed Trump?

That's what your party said about blacks, while you were keeping them as glorified farm animals.

You were just as wrong then, as you are now.

When did anyone deny blacks were human?

For those playing along at home, Mormon Bob belongs to a cult that says that black people were cursed with dark skin because Ham offended God by looking at Noah when he was naked. They denied black people membership in their cult until 1978 (when Jimmy Carter threatened to cut their tax exemption if they didn't.) Oh, yeah, and Brigham Young and other early Mormon leaders owned slaves and tried to bring Utah into the union as a Slave State.

But getting back to the point about fetuses. Even when abortion was illegal, people were never charged with murder for terminating fetuses. Women were never charged for having them and doctors were only charged if they screwed up an injured the woman they preformed them on.

The craziness of wanting to give personhood to globs of tissue wouldn't work. How would you enforce it? Would you investigate every miscarriage (about 250,000 a year) as a homicide? Would we throw crime scene tapes around tampons to make sure no one was using a morning after pill and there wasn't a zygote in that bloody rag?

Try to think these things through. I mean, I know you are a brainwashed cultist, but give it an effort, okay, bud?
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are science deniers. You deny that a dude with a penis is a male.

Then you wonder why we ridicules you little shitheads so much. LOL

Naw, ridiculous is getting upset about something as petty as this while the One Percenters continue to rip you off.

Come on, man!! Nothing says you are a female quite like flashing your penis at women!!

The subhuman that talks about the "Zionist entity" says so!

Who said Transsexuals do that?

Also notice that the transphobes only get upset about trans-women and never about trans-men.

Doesn't change a thing

It's no different from a man competeing in a women's sport

Actually, it's kind of different.

A better analogy is a woman competing in men's sports and winning, when you think about it. Cisgender women would naturally have an advantage in a beauty and talent show for women, would they not. That a transgender woman could compete against them and impress the judges enough to win is pretty amazing.
If he didn't openly advertise that she had sex reassignment surgery I don't think he would have won
If he didn't openly advertise that she had sex reassignment surgery I don't think he would have won

You might have a point. Perhaps the judges thought she was the most talented and attractive person there.

Or perhaps they were trying to bring attention to an outdated institution that no one pays attention to anymore by doing something controversial.

I mean, seriously, who cares about beauty pageants anymore, other than aspiring actresses who want to put that on their resume before getting the bit part as a victim in a horror movie?

I remember when Vanessa Williams became the first black Ms. America, and then they had to yank the title away from her when nude pictures she took as a model surfaced.
I expected a better rebuttal.

Where is your answer about the contestant winner stating after the contest: "I'm more than" when talking about first feeling "less than" prior to contest but after winning she said "she was not less but more than others"? I've posted the link already with that quote if you want to try again.

no, I've said all I need to. She won. That makes her more than, or maybe she had a picture of the judge having sex with a farm animal. I kind of don't care. As far as stupid things that come out of the mouths of beauty contestants, this was kind of minor. I remember that Asian Ms. Michigan from a few years ago who went on Islamophobic and racist rants, and then wondered why they pulled her title in a state that has large black and Islamic populations.

You obviously back people forcing businesses to change their rules to accommodate all customers. There are zero businesses currently functioning that satisfy all customers. Business owners have rights; you don't care about those rights and I do. We will not agree.

Yes, I really do think businesses should accommodate customers. I know that's a funny thing. It's kind of how they stay in business. I have a business. I would never turn away a customer who needed help. If there was a legitimate reason why I couldn't help them (such as wanting a service I don't offer), I would tell them that straight up. The Baker's problem wasn't that he couldn't , he just didn't want to.

I stand behind my statements that support fair treatment for all. Your posts reveal that you hold stringently to your fixated opinions, and you are free to do so! I wouldn't have it any other way. For the record, I have a flexible mindset and am willing to change my mind when new information is presented. Because of this basic difference, I'll likely live longer than you by at least 15-20 years-as a guess and without a catastrophic accident (particularly since women shed that extra iron buildup that reduces one's life span significantly which accounts mostly for longevity's 10 year age difference between men and women). So, unless you're a woman posing as a male you're out of luck there...but you're bringing it on yourself and still have time to evolve and lose that inflexibility to anything outside of the box on your head

Um, okay. Frankly, I'm amazed I lived as long as I have. My dad died at 56 and my mom died at 51... so that I've lived his long is kind of impressive in and of itself I don't worry about the time I have, I worry about making the most of it.

And frankly, getting worked up because a He-she beat all the boob jobs and bleach blondes isn't worth getting worked up over.
I want to respond to your statement about owning a business and you want to help everyone and would not turn a customer away who needs help. I am not talking about handicapped people who need ramps, accommodating people who have special needs, and if someone breaks down and needs to use the phone (rare nowadays with cell phones but does happen) most business owners will allow them to use the phone.

It still doesn’t mean that the government has any right to force a business to do anything beyond obeying the laws. Start up businesses don’t always have the funds to accommodate handicap people. It doesn’t mean they’re just being rude when they can’t afford something. As you implied, if business owners want more business they will save the money to install ramps and the like for easy access.

So, a group of Jehovah witnesses wants to hold their weekly meetings in your business every week, and during the other days of the week they want to pass out flyers in front of your business. They demand it because your business is in the best area to access large crowds. Are you going to tell me you’re fine with that, because you help all customers and don’t turn anyone away? From reading your posts about various religious groups, I am highly doubtful! Lol
I expected a better rebuttal.

Where is your answer about the contestant winner stating after the contest: "I'm more than" when talking about first feeling "less than" prior to contest but after winning she said "she was not less but more than others"? I've posted the link already with that quote if you want to try again.

no, I've said all I need to. She won. That makes her more than, or maybe she had a picture of the judge having sex with a farm animal. I kind of don't care. As far as stupid things that come out of the mouths of beauty contestants, this was kind of minor. I remember that Asian Ms. Michigan from a few years ago who went on Islamophobic and racist rants, and then wondered why they pulled her title in a state that has large black and Islamic populations.

You obviously back people forcing businesses to change their rules to accommodate all customers. There are zero businesses currently functioning that satisfy all customers. Business owners have rights; you don't care about those rights and I do. We will not agree.

Yes, I really do think businesses should accommodate customers. I know that's a funny thing. It's kind of how they stay in business. I have a business. I would never turn away a customer who needed help. If there was a legitimate reason why I couldn't help them (such as wanting a service I don't offer), I would tell them that straight up. The Baker's problem wasn't that he couldn't , he just didn't want to.

I stand behind my statements that support fair treatment for all. Your posts reveal that you hold stringently to your fixated opinions, and you are free to do so! I wouldn't have it any other way. For the record, I have a flexible mindset and am willing to change my mind when new information is presented. Because of this basic difference, I'll likely live longer than you by at least 15-20 years-as a guess and without a catastrophic accident (particularly since women shed that extra iron buildup that reduces one's life span significantly which accounts mostly for longevity's 10 year age difference between men and women). So, unless you're a woman posing as a male you're out of luck there...but you're bringing it on yourself and still have time to evolve and lose that inflexibility to anything outside of the box on your head

Um, okay. Frankly, I'm amazed I lived as long as I have. My dad died at 56 and my mom died at 51... so that I've lived his long is kind of impressive in and of itself I don't worry about the time I have, I worry about making the most of it.

And frankly, getting worked up because a He-she beat all the boob jobs and bleach blondes isn't worth getting worked up over.
I want to respond to your statement about owning a business and you want to help everyone and would not turn a customer away who needs help. I am not talking about handicapped people who need ramps, accommodating people who have special needs, and if someone breaks down and needs to use the phone (rare nowadays with cell phones but does happen) most business owners will allow them to use the phone.

It still doesn’t mean that the government has any right to force a business to do anything beyond obeying the laws. Start up businesses don’t always have the funds to accommodate handicap people. It doesn’t mean they’re just being rude when they can’t afford something. As you implied, if business owners want more business they will save the money to install ramps and the like for easy access.

So, a group of Jehovah witnesses wants to hold their weekly meetings in your business every week, and during the other days of the week they want to pass out flyers in front of your business. They demand it because your business is in the best area to access large crowds. Are you going to tell me you’re fine with that, because you help all customers and don’t turn anyone away? From reading your posts about various religious groups, I am highly doubtful! Lol
It's not all religious groups.

If a group of Islamic fundamentalists wanted to plot about killing Jews, he would absolutely jump at the opportunity.
I expected a better rebuttal.

Where is your answer about the contestant winner stating after the contest: "I'm more than" when talking about first feeling "less than" prior to contest but after winning she said "she was not less but more than others"? I've posted the link already with that quote if you want to try again.

no, I've said all I need to. She won. That makes her more than, or maybe she had a picture of the judge having sex with a farm animal. I kind of don't care. As far as stupid things that come out of the mouths of beauty contestants, this was kind of minor. I remember that Asian Ms. Michigan from a few years ago who went on Islamophobic and racist rants, and then wondered why they pulled her title in a state that has large black and Islamic populations.

You obviously back people forcing businesses to change their rules to accommodate all customers. There are zero businesses currently functioning that satisfy all customers. Business owners have rights; you don't care about those rights and I do. We will not agree.

Yes, I really do think businesses should accommodate customers. I know that's a funny thing. It's kind of how they stay in business. I have a business. I would never turn away a customer who needed help. If there was a legitimate reason why I couldn't help them (such as wanting a service I don't offer), I would tell them that straight up. The Baker's problem wasn't that he couldn't , he just didn't want to.

I stand behind my statements that support fair treatment for all. Your posts reveal that you hold stringently to your fixated opinions, and you are free to do so! I wouldn't have it any other way. For the record, I have a flexible mindset and am willing to change my mind when new information is presented. Because of this basic difference, I'll likely live longer than you by at least 15-20 years-as a guess and without a catastrophic accident (particularly since women shed that extra iron buildup that reduces one's life span significantly which accounts mostly for longevity's 10 year age difference between men and women). So, unless you're a woman posing as a male you're out of luck there...but you're bringing it on yourself and still have time to evolve and lose that inflexibility to anything outside of the box on your head

Um, okay. Frankly, I'm amazed I lived as long as I have. My dad died at 56 and my mom died at 51... so that I've lived his long is kind of impressive in and of itself I don't worry about the time I have, I worry about making the most of it.

And frankly, getting worked up because a He-she beat all the boob jobs and bleach blondes isn't worth getting worked up over.
Is your "business" a legal one?

You have so many attitudes common to criminals that I thought I'd ask.
I want to respond to your statement about owning a business and you want to help everyone and would not turn a customer away who needs help. I am not talking about handicapped people who need ramps, accommodating people who have special needs, and if someone breaks down and needs to use the phone (rare nowadays with cell phones but does happen) most business owners will allow them to use the phone.

If they are willing to pay me to use my phone, I'd have no problem with that. Of course, everyone carries a phone with them these days, so that isn't an issue..

It still doesn’t mean that the government has any right to force a business to do anything beyond obeying the laws. Start up businesses don’t always have the funds to accommodate handicap people. It doesn’t mean they’re just being rude when they can’t afford something. As you implied, if business owners want more business they will save the money to install ramps and the like for easy access.

I agree the Americans with Disabilities Act is badly written. The seemingly benign words "reasonable accommedation" is much too vague and leads to all sorts of lawsuit abuse.

That has nothing to do with the quite reasonable law that if someone comes into your shop and asks for a service that you provide straight white people, you can deny them if they are people of color or gay.

If someone said he had a religious objection to serving blacks, we simply would not be having this discussion. No one would accept it and most churches would disavow it. But we still allow people to voice discrimination against gays on religious grounds. Yes, it's in the bible. The bible says we should stone the poor bastards, but you won't see us stoning them any more than we'd stone someone who works on Sunday. Or stoning our daughters for not being virgins on their wedding days.

So, a group of Jehovah witnesses wants to hold their weekly meetings in your business every week, and during the other days of the week they want to pass out flyers in front of your business. They demand it because your business is in the best area to access large crowds. Are you going to tell me you’re fine with that, because you help all customers and don’t turn anyone away? From reading your posts about various religious groups, I am highly doubtful! Lol

Except neither of those really apply to these cases. If I don't let other groups meet in my business or pass out flyers in front of my store, they really don't have a leg to stand on.

What the homophobe bakers want is to deny a service to group A while providing it to group B. This is straight up discrimination.
It's not all religious groups.

If a group of Islamic fundamentalists wanted to plot about killing Jews, he would absolutely jump at the opportunity.

So when are you signing up to go Die for the Zionist Entity? Oh, that's right. You aren't. Let some poor black kid do that. We'll promise him a college education, which be really helpful when he comes back without legs and with PTSD.

Is your "business" a legal one?

You have so many attitudes common to criminals that I thought I'd ask.

When the poor steal it's called crime.
When the rich steal, it's called profits.
It's not all religious groups.

If a group of Islamic fundamentalists wanted to plot about killing Jews, he would absolutely jump at the opportunity.

So when are you signing up to go Die for the Zionist Entity? Oh, that's right. You aren't. Let some poor black kid do that. We'll promise him a college education, which be really helpful when he comes back without legs and with PTSD.

Is your "business" a legal one?

You have so many attitudes common to criminals that I thought I'd ask.

When the poor steal it's called crime.
When the rich steal, it's called profits.
thanks for the confirmation that you are a criminal.

I doubt if anybody is surprised
thanks for the confirmation that you are a criminal.

I doubt if anybody is surprised

Sorry, man, never anything more serious than a moving violation.

But until we throw Rush Limbaugh into the same prison as we throw a poor crackhead, I'll take your whining about "criminals" with a grain of salt.
I want to respond to your statement about owning a business and you want to help everyone and would not turn a customer away who needs help. I am not talking about handicapped people who need ramps, accommodating people who have special needs, and if someone breaks down and needs to use the phone (rare nowadays with cell phones but does happen) most business owners will allow them to use the phone.

If they are willing to pay me to use my phone, I'd have no problem with that. Of course, everyone carries a phone with them these days, so that isn't an issue..

It still doesn’t mean that the government has any right to force a business to do anything beyond obeying the laws. Start up businesses don’t always have the funds to accommodate handicap people. It doesn’t mean they’re just being rude when they can’t afford something. As you implied, if business owners want more business they will save the money to install ramps and the like for easy access.

I agree the Americans with Disabilities Act is badly written. The seemingly benign words "reasonable accommedation" is much too vague and leads to all sorts of lawsuit abuse.

That has nothing to do with the quite reasonable law that if someone comes into your shop and asks for a service that you provide straight white people, you can deny them if they are people of color or gay.

If someone said he had a religious objection to serving blacks, we simply would not be having this discussion. No one would accept it and most churches would disavow it. But we still allow people to voice discrimination against gays on religious grounds. Yes, it's in the bible. The bible says we should stone the poor bastards, but you won't see us stoning them any more than we'd stone someone who works on Sunday. Or stoning our daughters for not being virgins on their wedding days.

So, a group of Jehovah witnesses wants to hold their weekly meetings in your business every week, and during the other days of the week they want to pass out flyers in front of your business. They demand it because your business is in the best area to access large crowds. Are you going to tell me you’re fine with that, because you help all customers and don’t turn anyone away? From reading your posts about various religious groups, I am highly doubtful! Lol

Except neither of those really apply to these cases. If I don't let other groups meet in my business or pass out flyers in front of my store, they really don't have a leg to stand on.

What the homophobe bakers want is to deny a service to group A while providing it to group B. This is straight up discrimination.
You’d be hard-pressed Joe to get any judge to back your opinion about forcing a religious business owner to go against their religious viewpoints since they OWN the business. Now, employees who add their own rules (including selective service) within a public business is a different matter. If a religious person has a problem with providing service to a transgender but the business policy is no sexual discrimination, The legal determination would likely side with the rejected customer.

As I said, we will not agree about business rights. The day that our government oversteps its authority and attempts to force religious convictions to the wayside, will be in total disregard to the US Constitutional law separating church and state. Personally, even though most leftists are all in an uproar demanding an extreme push to the left, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. As a Constitutional libertarian, we and many other political persuasions will fight you tooth and nail over it, and we will win.
You’d be hard-pressed Joe to get any judge to back your opinion about forcing a religious business owner to go against their religious viewpoints since they OWN the business. Now, employees who add their own rules (including selective service) within a public business is a different matter. If a religious person has a problem with providing service to a transgender but the business policy is no sexual discrimination, The legal determination would likely side with the rejected customer.

Actually, SCOTUS just turned away a case of a homophobic florist who tried to use the religion excuse to discriminate.

But you hit on an interesting point. Why does the right to be a religious bigot ONLY apply to owners?


An employee who doesn't want to provide a service only has the option of finding another job, but the right of a business owner to not provide a service allows him to discriminate? That doesn't seem fair.

As I said, we will not agree about business rights. The day that our government oversteps its authority and attempts to force religious convictions to the wayside, will be in total disregard to the US Constitutional law separating church and state. Personally, even though most leftists are all in an uproar demanding an extreme push to the left, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. As a Constitutional libertarian, we and many other political persuasions will fight you tooth and nail over it, and we will win.

Not at all. Businesses aren't people. Businesses have to comply with all the laws.

So let's say I'm not trying to hide my homophobia behind religion. Let's say I just don't like gays because I think the butt sex is icky. (Of course, if I were a homophobe, I'd demonstrate how icky the butt sex is by describing it in graphic detail, but never mind.) Would I still have a first amendment right to discriminate?

Why just stop at businesses. Why not allow us to ignore any law that violates our religious rights?

Here, let's try this one. I'm a follower of the Aztec Religion. Therefore, I have the right to murder my enemies and sacrifice them to Quetzalcoatl, the Winged Serpent God, who demands I cut out their hearts with an obsidian knife.


I mean, why not? If Religious Rites trump Civil Law, then I'm not seeing the problem here.

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