Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

What is your opinion about the contestant winner’s statement that she was not less than the other contestants but “was more” ? This is what it boils down to in my mind and there are many like me who are live and let live as long as we’re not stepping on each other’s toes. Don’t try to tell me how to live and I won’t try to tell you had live your life, as long as we are not committing crimes against others.

Okay, not seeing how she is stepping on anyone's toes... beyond that it was a contest, and by definition, contests have winners and losers.

ust like I don’t see the fairness in forcing a business owner to make a cake that is against his or her religious views, it should be up to the pageant if they’re going to change their rules. One national pageant has stayed strong against changing the rules- court ruled against claim of discrimination not allowing trans to enter. I have not read the rules of this particular pageant but evidently allowed for transgender entries.

But that cuts both ways... When it comes down to brass tacks, government has to balance competing interests. Your right to be a nasty bigot cake shop owner vs. a couple's right to go into a store and be able to access services. If the Baker really thinks baking a cake offends his sky pixie, he has the option of doing something for a living that doesn't offend a pixie in the sky.

My point about making separate contests is reasonable and fair, as opposed to forcing a change of rules due to having a segment of the society that backs you. If you have a good imagination just think of where that could lead. All businesses should be allowed to create their own rules so I have kind of backed off a bit about this specific pageant. My point is no contestant should be “allowed” to force the pageant to change the rules so they can enter; find a pageant that allows it where all contestants going in are aware of this fact.

You know, for a long time, they wouldn't let black women compete in Ms. America contests. They had their own "Ms. Black America" pageant, and that was good enough.
Okay. Not seeing anything wrong with that. She competed against Cisgender women and impressed the judges enough with her talents and character and looks that she won.

What's wrong with you people? There is no she here. There is HE in a dress. No she. Get it yet?

I agree. ^^^

Like the saying goes:

"A monkey in silk is a monkey no less"

Of course we are not talking monkey per se here....but you know what I mean. Even if a male puts on a woman's dress he will remain a male.;)
It’s a beauty pageant in Vegas. How could the outcome be anything but ridiculous?
Good thing Trump wasn't there. He would really have grabbed a surprise.

Now I think that was really funny eh?????

Grabbed a surprise!!!!!!!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Yes, it was funny!:laugh:
Even most libturd women must think this is a joke. They can't say it or be cancelled. Forced to keep their mouths shut

If a person is cancelled, that means they are a good, wholesome person
Well over a million Americans are killed every year in abortions, and you're OK with that. It puts the lie to any claim on your part for human life.

Fetuses aren't people. Most abortions are performed when the fetus is the size of a kidney bean. It isn't viable and it hasn't got higher brain functions. (Must resist joke about higher brain functions being absent in Mormons!)

Come on, Mormon Bob, this is the kind of thing that should be freaking you out, a lady-boy winning a beauty pageant.
I really feel sorry for the real chicks.

Here they all got dolled up, showed a little T, showed a little A and then got beat by a dude with a pecker.

That must really be a blow to their ego when a man beat them at being Miss Nevada and he wasn't even a Miss.

They have to go home and tell their boy friends, parents and friends that were not as gorgeous as some demented mentally disturbed guy.

Sicko world, isn't it?
I agree. ^^^

Like the saying goes:

"A monkey in silk is a monkey no less"

Of course we are not talking monkey per se here....but you know what I mean. Even if a male puts on a woman's dress he will remain a male

And how is that different than the women who get boob jobs, who starve themselves to death to appear in these things, who dye their hair, who get ribs removed, who get eye-round surgery so they look less Asian, and all the other ways people mangle themselves to pursue an artificial standard of "beauty".

Check it out, here's a photo from the 1933 Ms. America.

These were the most attractive chicks they could find? They're kind of average looking.

I agree. ^^^

Like the saying goes:

"A monkey in silk is a monkey no less"

Of course we are not talking monkey per se here....but you know what I mean. Even if a male puts on a woman's dress he will remain a male

And how is that different than the women who get boob jobs, who starve themselves to death to appear in these things, who dye their hair, who get ribs removed, who get eye-round surgery so they look less Asian, and all the other ways people mangle themselves to pursue an artificial standard of "beauty".

Check it out, here's a photo from the 1933 Ms. America.

These were the most attractive chicks they could find? They're kind of average looking.

View attachment 507842

The only difference is that women don't have so called 'peckers" :)
I agree. ^^^

Like the saying goes:

"A monkey in silk is a monkey no less"

Of course we are not talking monkey per se here....but you know what I mean. Even if a male puts on a woman's dress he will remain a male

And how is that different than the women who get boob jobs, who starve themselves to death to appear in these things, who dye their hair, who get ribs removed, who get eye-round surgery so they look less Asian, and all the other ways people mangle themselves to pursue an artificial standard of "beauty".

Check it out, here's a photo from the 1933 Ms. America.

These were the most attractive chicks they could find? They're kind of average looking.

View attachment 507842

They all have something this "Miss Nevada" dude doesn't have. A vagina. Of course you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anything about Biology so you wouldn't know the significance of having one.
I agree. ^^^

Like the saying goes:

"A monkey in silk is a monkey no less"

Of course we are not talking monkey per se here....but you know what I mean. Even if a male puts on a woman's dress he will remain a male

And how is that different than the women who get boob jobs, who starve themselves to death to appear in these things, who dye their hair, who get ribs removed, who get eye-round surgery so they look less Asian, and all the other ways people mangle themselves to pursue an artificial standard of "beauty".

Check it out, here's a photo from the 1933 Ms. America.

These were the most attractive chicks they could find? They're kind of average looking.

View attachment 507842
The one on the far right has a dick.
Here's exactly what I have been saying about Republicans posting lies.
How can the democrats be responsible for that result?
You'll take any opportunity to have a swipe at them.

Killing babies? What a load of rubbish.
They gave women the right to control their bodies. You hypocrite godbotherers don't mention about the kiddy fiddlers within the church but do somersaults about a woman exercising her freedom.
Then your wives rattling with contraceptives rock up to church acting as pure as the driven snow.

You like most Americans believers have no concept of the freedoms we enjoy.
You want your politics and filthy religions to run the country. You are brain dead.
The only difference is that women don't have so called 'peckers"

If this woman is post-op, she doesn't have a pecker, either.

They all have something this "Miss Nevada" dude doesn't have. A vagina. Of course you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anything about Biology so you wouldn't know the significance of having one.

You realize after surgery, a transwoman has a vagina, too. Now, she doesn't have a uterus... so there's that.

Maybe they should start getting gynecologists to do an event.

Swimsuit portion
Talent portion
Pelvic Exam Portion
I agree. ^^^

Like the saying goes:

"A monkey in silk is a monkey no less"

Of course we are not talking monkey per se here....but you know what I mean. Even if a male puts on a woman's dress he will remain a male

And how is that different than the women who get boob jobs, who starve themselves to death to appear in these things, who dye their hair, who get ribs removed, who get eye-round surgery so they look less Asian, and all the other ways people mangle themselves to pursue an artificial standard of "beauty".

Check it out, here's a photo from the 1933 Ms. America.

These were the most attractive chicks they could find? They're kind of average looking.

View attachment 507842

They all have something this "Miss Nevada" dude doesn't have. A vagina. Of course you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anything about Biology so you wouldn't know the significance of having one.

You are correct again! :thup:
What is your opinion about the contestant winner’s statement that she was not less than the other contestants but “was more” ? This is what it boils down to in my mind and there are many like me who are live and let live as long as we’re not stepping on each other’s toes. Don’t try to tell me how to live and I won’t try to tell you had live your life, as long as we are not committing crimes against others.

Okay, not seeing how she is stepping on anyone's toes... beyond that it was a contest, and by definition, contests have winners and losers.

ust like I don’t see the fairness in forcing a business owner to make a cake that is against his or her religious views, it should be up to the pageant if they’re going to change their rules. One national pageant has stayed strong against changing the rules- court ruled against claim of discrimination not allowing trans to enter. I have not read the rules of this particular pageant but evidently allowed for transgender entries.

But that cuts both ways... When it comes down to brass tacks, government has to balance competing interests. Your right to be a nasty bigot cake shop owner vs. a couple's right to go into a store and be able to access services. If the Baker really thinks baking a cake offends his sky pixie, he has the option of doing something for a living that doesn't offend a pixie in the sky.

My point about making separate contests is reasonable and fair, as opposed to forcing a change of rules due to having a segment of the society that backs you. If you have a good imagination just think of where that could lead. All businesses should be allowed to create their own rules so I have kind of backed off a bit about this specific pageant. My point is no contestant should be “allowed” to force the pageant to change the rules so they can enter; find a pageant that allows it where all contestants going in are aware of this fact.

You know, for a long time, they wouldn't let black women compete in Ms. America contests. They had their own "Ms. Black America" pageant, and that was good enough.I

I expected a better rebuttal.

Where is your answer about the contestant winner stating after the contest: "I'm more than" when talking about first feeling "less than" prior to contest but after winning she said "she was not less but more than others"? I've posted the link already with that quote if you want to try again.

I am a soft agnostic...forget trying to label me as you're already wrong on more than one count from your post. I am not labeling you so lose the useless banter and stick to the topic.

You obviously back people forcing businesses to change their rules to accommodate all customers. There are zero businesses currently functioning that satisfy all customers. Business owners have rights; you don't care about those rights and I do. We will not agree.

I stand behind my statements that support fair treatment for all. Your posts reveal that you hold stringently to your fixated opinions, and you are free to do so! I wouldn't have it any other way. For the record, I have a flexible mindset and am willing to change my mind when new information is presented. Because of this basic difference, I'll likely live longer than you by at least 15-20 years-as a guess and without a catastrophic accident (particularly since women shed that extra iron buildup that reduces one's life span significantly which accounts mostly for longevity's 10 year age difference between men and women). So, unless you're a woman posing as a male you're out of luck there...but you're bringing it on yourself and still have time to evolve and lose that inflexibility to anything outside of the box on your head;)
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The only difference is that women don't have so called 'peckers"

If this woman is post-op, she doesn't have a pecker, either.

They all have something this "Miss Nevada" dude doesn't have. A vagina. Of course you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anything about Biology so you wouldn't know the significance of having one.

You realize after surgery, a transwoman has a vagina, too. Now, she doesn't have a uterus... so there's that.

Maybe they should start getting gynecologists to do an event.

Swimsuit portion
Talent portion
Pelvic Exam Portion

LOL! Thanks for proving my point. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know jackshit about Biology. The dude is still a male. A few hormone shots don't change that. Look it up. I shit you not.
I expected a better rebuttal.

Where is your answer about the contestant winner stating after the contest: "I'm more than" when talking about first feeling "less than" prior to contest but after winning she said "she was not less but more than others"? I've posted the link already with that quote if you want to try again.

no, I've said all I need to. She won. That makes her more than, or maybe she had a picture of the judge having sex with a farm animal. I kind of don't care. As far as stupid things that come out of the mouths of beauty contestants, this was kind of minor. I remember that Asian Ms. Michigan from a few years ago who went on Islamophobic and racist rants, and then wondered why they pulled her title in a state that has large black and Islamic populations.

You obviously back people forcing businesses to change their rules to accommodate all customers. There are zero businesses currently functioning that satisfy all customers. Business owners have rights; you don't care about those rights and I do. We will not agree.

Yes, I really do think businesses should accommodate customers. I know that's a funny thing. It's kind of how they stay in business. I have a business. I would never turn away a customer who needed help. If there was a legitimate reason why I couldn't help them (such as wanting a service I don't offer), I would tell them that straight up. The Baker's problem wasn't that he couldn't , he just didn't want to.

I stand behind my statements that support fair treatment for all. Your posts reveal that you hold stringently to your fixated opinions, and you are free to do so! I wouldn't have it any other way. For the record, I have a flexible mindset and am willing to change my mind when new information is presented. Because of this basic difference, I'll likely live longer than you by at least 15-20 years-as a guess and without a catastrophic accident (particularly since women shed that extra iron buildup that reduces one's life span significantly which accounts mostly for longevity's 10 year age difference between men and women). So, unless you're a woman posing as a male you're out of luck there...but you're bringing it on yourself and still have time to evolve and lose that inflexibility to anything outside of the box on your head

Um, okay. Frankly, I'm amazed I lived as long as I have. My dad died at 56 and my mom died at 51... so that I've lived his long is kind of impressive in and of itself I don't worry about the time I have, I worry about making the most of it.

And frankly, getting worked up because a He-she beat all the boob jobs and bleach blondes isn't worth getting worked up over.
The best example I can think of in regards to leftist hypocrisy towards women has to do with all the knee jerk support for Islam. Take the situation between Israel and Islamists, for instance. In Israel, women are doctors, scientists and lawyers. Under Hamas, they are nothing but brood mates used to produce mass murders, are forced to marry their cousins and killed for "honor" if they refuse.

Guess which culture the left supports?

Hey, Dog Style. IN Nazi Germany, women were doctors, scientists and lawyers... Or Soviet Russia. The problem we have with the Zionist Entity isn't their policies on gender equality, it's that they are running a fascist, theocratic state on someone else's land... and doing it on OUR DIME.

For the record, the Palestinians are not the Iranians. Their women don't wear Chadors, they work professional jobs, run for office and do everything a Zionist chick can do.

So, let's see if I have this right. If you were a young female athlete who had dedicated yourself for YEARS to your sport, and made it to the Olympics, you would WANT to have a biological male take away your dream?

I'd ask why she had such a meaningless and stupid dream.

Hey, anyone remember Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding? Their "Dream" was to go to the Olympics. They got there, but frankly, it was kind of empty, wasn't it?
It’s simple principles of human decency and how to treat others.

Someone who defends allowing mentally- and morally-defective male perverts to violate the privacy and modesty of women and girls by intruding into their restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms and such, is in no position to credibly speak of “human decency”.

Such a position makes you no better than the perverts whose side you are taking.

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