Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

It might come down to which pageant garners the most viewers. I havenā€™t watched a beauty pageant for many years, but I assume the major networks airing them still care about ratings above all else.

In the name of providing fair treatment for all, there should be pageants for transgenderā€˜s separate from bio female contests. That would be a fair contest without the scores being influenced by the judges wanting to make a broad social statement. They (judges, executive producer, possibly networks) politicized this event to make it about a transgender statement. As the winner stated ā€œto be a trailblazerā€, but they yet again (think girls bathroom issue in public schools when the use of a gender neutral bathroom as a solution was rejected) making more people uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Fair contests for females, whether that be running track or in a pageant, have nothing to do with making social change statements. That changes the entire equation, reeks of placing a social agenda above the entire contest, and likely influenced the outcome.

Okay, let's look at that. By your own admission, you didn't care about beauty contests until a trans-woman won one.

And you are upset that the people running them made a controversial decision to garner attention and ratings?

Here's the thing. If you didn't tell me that this was a transwoman, I'd never know the difference.

View attachment 507601

Yeah, it took a lot of surgery and hormones to get her there... but the same can be said of any of the other bleach-blonde, surgically enhanced, anorexic contestants in these things.

If you are really looking to award "Ms. Body Mutilation, 2021", then why not go all out?

But 99.9% of these weirdos don't look like that. They look like this.

View attachment 507638

You are correct. Only those with tons of money for extensive cosmetic surgery look like the pageant fruitcake . . . which is also true of women themselves, by and large.

I get the feeling that a lot of leftists who are gabbling on about "transgenders" don't actually know any, and therefore are talking mostly about their own idealized fantasies of what they're like.
Itā€™s simple principles of human decency and how to treat others. Who are you or who is any of us to tell others how to look, think or who they can love. This is just basic golden rule stuff but apparently and hypocritically conservatives want to control these things about people who experience life differently than the typical straight Christian drone experiences it.
So, let's see if I have this right. If you were a young female athlete who had dedicated yourself for YEARS to your sport, and made it to the Olympics, you would WANT to have a biological male take away your dream?

You talk about the golden rule but are far too stupid to apply it.
How trans people compete in sport is a valid debate so is the bathroom/locker room discussion. I wasnā€™t making statements about those situations but I see why you wanted to steer the discussion there.
It might come down to which pageant garners the most viewers. I havenā€™t watched a beauty pageant for many years, but I assume the major networks airing them still care about ratings above all else.

In the name of providing fair treatment for all, there should be pageants for transgenderā€˜s separate from bio female contests. That would be a fair contest without the scores being influenced by the judges wanting to make a broad social statement. They (judges, executive producer, possibly networks) politicized this event to make it about a transgender statement. As the winner stated ā€œto be a trailblazerā€, but they yet again (think girls bathroom issue in public schools when the use of a gender neutral bathroom as a solution was rejected) making more people uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Fair contests for females, whether that be running track or in a pageant, have nothing to do with making social change statements. That changes the entire equation, reeks of placing a social agenda above the entire contest, and likely influenced the outcome.

Okay, let's look at that. By your own admission, you didn't care about beauty contests until a trans-woman won one.

And you are upset that the people running them made a controversial decision to garner attention and ratings?

Here's the thing. If you didn't tell me that this was a transwoman, I'd never know the difference.

View attachment 507601

Yeah, it took a lot of surgery and hormones to get her there... but the same can be said of any of the other bleach-blonde, surgically enhanced, anorexic contestants in these things.

If you are really looking to award "Ms. Body Mutilation, 2021", then why not go all out?

But 99.9% of these weirdos don't look like that. They look like this.

View attachment 507638

You are correct. Only those with tons of money for extensive cosmetic surgery look like the pageant fruitcake . . . which is also true of women themselves, by and large.

I get the feeling that a lot of leftists who are gabbling on about "transgenders" don't actually know any, and therefore are talking mostly about their own idealized fantasies of what they're like.
Itā€™s simple principles of human decency and how to treat others. Who are you or who is any of us to tell others how to look, think or who they can love. This is just basic golden rule stuff but apparently and hypocritically conservatives want to control these things about people who experience life differently than the typical straight Christian drone experiences it.
What is your opinion about the contestant winnerā€™s statement that she was not less than the other contestants but ā€œwas moreā€ ? This is what it boils down to in my mind and there are many like me who are live and let live as long as weā€™re not stepping on each otherā€™s toes. Donā€™t try to tell me how to live and I wonā€™t try to tell you had live your life, as long as we are not committing crimes against others.

Just like I donā€™t see the fairness in forcing a business owner to make a cake that is against his or her religious views, it should be up to the pageant if theyā€™re going to change their rules. One national pageant has stayed strong against changing the rules- court ruled against claim of discrimination not allowing trans to enter. I have not read the rules of this particular pageant but evidently allowed for transgender entries.

My point about making separate contests is reasonable and fair, as opposed to forcing a change of rules due to having a segment of the society that backs you. If you have a good imagination just think of where that could lead. All businesses should be allowed to create their own rules so I have kind of backed off a bit about this specific pageant. My point is no contestant should be ā€œallowedā€ to force the pageant to change the rules so they can enter; find a pageant that allows it where all contestants going in are aware of this fact.
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Mr. Nevada is crowned Miss Nevada, isn't that special. I wonder if the only reason he won was because the judges felt sorry for him?
He/she/it was the long shot and the judges bet money on him/her/they and cleaned up.

This is Vegas afterall.
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!

My, my, what an interesting attitude for someone who's so dismissive of EXACTLY the same reaction from other women to "transgenders".

Please explain why YOU are allowed to get all up-in-arms about penises in the same bathroom as you, but we are not? Are you now the Grand High Arbiter of Acceptable Dicks? Everyone has to be okay with THIS dick, but THAT dick isn't allowed in the ladies' room?
If you expect engagement from me, you really need to kick back on the stupid throttle.

Don't flatter yourself. What I expect from you is a continuation of the same self-flattering hypocrisy that is the hallmark of all your posts, and I certainly don't value "engagement" from you enough to stop calling the truth as I see it in hopes that if I make you feel good about yourself, you might "honor" me with your "wisdom".

If you expect to be treated like a person worthy of respect, you really need to say something worthy of respect. You are equally welcome to run away from the harsh light of reality shining on your words while attempting to pretend that your cowardice is some "principled stand". Either way, I have achieved my goal.

To dumb that down to OldLady level: YOU owe US an apologetic explanation for your hypocrisy; we do not owe YOU the presumption that you didn't mean to be dishonest.
I don't owe a cvnt like you anything. If you can't tell the difference between a peeping tom and a trans female, that's your problem. There's no 'hypocrisy' involved. Trans females and perverts aren't the same thing, no matter how much you twist things around to make it seem that way.
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!

My, my, what an interesting attitude for someone who's so dismissive of EXACTLY the same reaction from other women to "transgenders".

Please explain why YOU are allowed to get all up-in-arms about penises in the same bathroom as you, but we are not? Are you now the Grand High Arbiter of Acceptable Dicks? Everyone has to be okay with THIS dick, but THAT dick isn't allowed in the ladies' room?
If you expect engagement from me, you really need to kick back on the stupid throttle.

Don't flatter yourself. What I expect from you is a continuation of the same self-flattering hypocrisy that is the hallmark of all your posts, and I certainly don't value "engagement" from you enough to stop calling the truth as I see it in hopes that if I make you feel good about yourself, you might "honor" me with your "wisdom".

If you expect to be treated like a person worthy of respect, you really need to say something worthy of respect. You are equally welcome to run away from the harsh light of reality shining on your words while attempting to pretend that your cowardice is some "principled stand". Either way, I have achieved my goal.

To dumb that down to OldLady level: YOU owe US an apologetic explanation for your hypocrisy; we do not owe YOU the presumption that you didn't mean to be dishonest.
I don't owe a cvnt like you anything. If you can't tell the difference between a peeping tom and a trans female, that's your problem. There's no 'hypocrisy' involved. Trans females and perverts aren't the same thing, no matter how much you twist things around to make it seem that way.
If somebody used the c word on you just like you did with her, you would be grandstanding your hypocritical ass for all it was worth by way of calling out the misogyny.

You know it. I know it. She knows it, and all but your most benightedly unintelligent fellow Stalinists know it.
This instance is sad.

But, overall, feminism is working great. The differences in the way women are treated, even in my lifetime is great. Add in the 50 or 60 years prior to that and it is nothing short of phenomenal.
What you are saying is only half true.
Women in the last 5 years are losing fast to the "third gender". They are taking over the scene.
Sports... the third generation is wiping women off the leader boards in a variety of sports. Now even beauty contest.
A cross dresser male. Who has absolutely no intention of being a woman, doesn't want to... can and do go into female bathrooms. So now women have to deal with fetish driven men in their restrooms.

39,000 people a year are killed with guns.
Most of them Negroes killing other Negores in Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes.
Actually most of them are suicides
Like you I know the number the Moon Bat used was bogus but I let the idiot have his little fantasy. He ain't all that bright so sometimes it is just better to go along with his stupidity than explain it to him.
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!

My, my, what an interesting attitude for someone who's so dismissive of EXACTLY the same reaction from other women to "transgenders".

Please explain why YOU are allowed to get all up-in-arms about penises in the same bathroom as you, but we are not? Are you now the Grand High Arbiter of Acceptable Dicks? Everyone has to be okay with THIS dick, but THAT dick isn't allowed in the ladies' room?
If you expect engagement from me, you really need to kick back on the stupid throttle.

Don't flatter yourself. What I expect from you is a continuation of the same self-flattering hypocrisy that is the hallmark of all your posts, and I certainly don't value "engagement" from you enough to stop calling the truth as I see it in hopes that if I make you feel good about yourself, you might "honor" me with your "wisdom".

If you expect to be treated like a person worthy of respect, you really need to say something worthy of respect. You are equally welcome to run away from the harsh light of reality shining on your words while attempting to pretend that your cowardice is some "principled stand". Either way, I have achieved my goal.

To dumb that down to OldLady level: YOU owe US an apologetic explanation for your hypocrisy; we do not owe YOU the presumption that you didn't mean to be dishonest.
I don't owe a cvnt like you anything. If you can't tell the difference between a peeping tom and a trans female, that's your problem. There's no 'hypocrisy' involved. Trans females and perverts aren't the same thing, no matter how much you twist things around to make it seem that way.

You owe the entire world an apology for continuing to exist, and this post is just more proof.

If you think there's some magic "wisdom" you have to tell one dick in the women's room from another, that just proves my point that you leftist "transgender" supporters don't actually know and have never encountered one; you're just saying whatever will make you feel like you're a good person without the bother of having to BE a good person.

You're a hypocrite, and no amount of, "Well, I'M only threatening to attack people that I, in my leftism, have determined aren't 'real' transgenders who deserve to dangle their penises in front of girls" will make you anything but a useful tool for evil who everyone's laughing at.
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!

My, my, what an interesting attitude for someone who's so dismissive of EXACTLY the same reaction from other women to "transgenders".

Please explain why YOU are allowed to get all up-in-arms about penises in the same bathroom as you, but we are not? Are you now the Grand High Arbiter of Acceptable Dicks? Everyone has to be okay with THIS dick, but THAT dick isn't allowed in the ladies' room?
If you expect engagement from me, you really need to kick back on the stupid throttle.

Don't flatter yourself. What I expect from you is a continuation of the same self-flattering hypocrisy that is the hallmark of all your posts, and I certainly don't value "engagement" from you enough to stop calling the truth as I see it in hopes that if I make you feel good about yourself, you might "honor" me with your "wisdom".

If you expect to be treated like a person worthy of respect, you really need to say something worthy of respect. You are equally welcome to run away from the harsh light of reality shining on your words while attempting to pretend that your cowardice is some "principled stand". Either way, I have achieved my goal.

To dumb that down to OldLady level: YOU owe US an apologetic explanation for your hypocrisy; we do not owe YOU the presumption that you didn't mean to be dishonest.
I don't owe a cvnt like you anything. If you can't tell the difference between a peeping tom and a trans female, that's your problem. There's no 'hypocrisy' involved. Trans females and perverts aren't the same thing, no matter how much you twist things around to make it seem that way.
I know the difference but the law allows for someone that claims to be transgender to walk into any restroom, so if someone is suspicious then it is on you to prove intent. Thatā€™s is the law and you can try to play rational however the burden of proof would be on you, not them.
Seems to me that the notions of viewing yourself as a woman and keeping your penis are mutually exclusive. If you were all that committed to the notion, you couldn't wait to get rid of it.
Doesn't change a thing

It's no different from a man competeing in a women's sport

Actually, it's kind of different.

A better analogy is a woman competing in men's sports and winning, when you think about it. Cisgender women would naturally have an advantage in a beauty and talent show for women, would they not. That a transgender woman could compete against them and impress the judges enough to win is pretty amazing.
You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are easily fooled, aren't you? LOL! No wonder you never get anything right.

That abomination is called a "Pickle Surprised" and you idiots can gloat over it all you want.

I'm sure that when you got that Pickled Surprise, everyone totally beleived you had a case of the "not gays".

Bottom line is stated by the winner of the pageant:
ā€œToday I am a proud transgender woman of color,ā€ Enriquez said, according to the Review-Journal. ā€œPersonally, Iā€™ve learned that my differences do not make me less than, it makes me more than.ā€

Okay. Not seeing anything wrong with that. She competed against Cisgender women and impressed the judges enough with her talents and character and looks that she won.

I'm not making drama out of anything. I would like to see a normal society, not a freakish society. I would like to see children grow up in an environment of normal people, not in a circus side-show environment. Why is it asking so much that people keep their private life private, especially when they know it pisses most people off when they don't?

Right. Welfare Ray's idea of "non-freakish".

It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....
I think most normal women do, but not the leftists kook women who are part of the Swamp and support whatever destroys the natural order.
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Okay. Not seeing anything wrong with that. She competed against Cisgender women and impressed the judges enough with her talents and character and looks that she won.

What's wrong with you people? There is no she here. There is HE in a dress. No she. Get it yet?

Right. Welfare Ray's idea of "non-freakish".

That guy is why your commie leaders have more troops at the Capital than in Afghanistan. Those half-a-sissies are still scared to death.
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....
I think most normal women do, but not the leftists look women who are part of the Swamp and support whatever destroys the natural order.
Most libturd women are fat ugly beast of burden battle axes. Bitter the pretty conserv chicks got the Alphas and winners.

Liberalism is all about jealousy. So jealous. Even jealous someone enjoyed a ball game they have to destroy it

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