Women in black at Golden Globe... dressing to attract men's attention?

I love the female body - in creating women, God outdid himself. Compared to the 'ugliness' of most male bodies, women are uniquely beautiful. I do not say that as a sexist or in any sexual way. It is simply an observation of the design of the bodies of the human species.

That being said, it is 'Neanderthal-esque' to declare women should not be proud of their bodies, and if they do anything to draw attention to the beauty of their body - like exposing a lot of skin - then they are just 'asking for' sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, etc...

The term 'asking for it', for example, is a person's attempt to justify their or someone else's inability to control their own emotions or urges and thus attempt to place the blame on the individual they are lusting over.

A friend of mine told me once they believed that without trained discipline and self-control they believed males would be reduced to 3 simple, basic, barbaric desires / urges regarding everything they see / come across:

Conquer 'it', Kill 'it' or F*ck 'it'.

Bwuhahaha...... Now I think that is funny as HEII!

Unfortunately our elected Federal Politicians in DC (Conyers...), Liberal friends in Hollywood (Weinstein...), and many individuals among the media (Matt Lauer...) have done little to debunk my friend's theory.

It seems the human race - or at least many males - have not evolved as much as they want to think...
Conquer 'it', Kill 'it' or F*ck 'it'.

By God, that deserves a bumper sticker, Easy. LOL
I love the female body - in creating women, God outdid himself. Compared to the 'ugliness' of most male bodies, women are uniquely beautiful. I do not say that as a sexist or in any sexual way. It is simply an observation of the design of the bodies of the human species.

That being said, it is 'Neanderthal-esque' to declare women should not be proud of their bodies, and if they do anything to draw attention to the beauty of their body - like exposing a lot of skin - then they are just 'asking for' sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, etc...

The term 'asking for it', for example, is a person's attempt to justify their or someone else's inability to control their own emotions or urges and thus attempt to place the blame on the individual they are lusting over.

A friend of mine told me once they believed that without trained discipline and self-control they believed males would be reduced to 3 simple, basic, barbaric desires / urges regarding everything they see / come across:

Conquer 'it', Kill 'it' or F*ck 'it'.

Bwuhahaha...... Now I think that is funny as HEII!

Unfortunately our elected Federal Politicians in DC (Conyers...), Liberal friends in Hollywood (Weinstein...), and many individuals among the media (Matt Lauer...) have done little to debunk my friend's theory.

It seems the human race - or at least many males - have not evolved as much as they want to think...

NO that's not true! The human race is not the issue.
The issue is people taking the EXCEPTIONS and making it sound like it happens ALL the TIME!
Sexual harassment has been around since the beginning!
What has happened though is MORE men with male authority figures like my Dad and millions of other Dads taught us to respect a woman.
That is the biggest difference today versus yesterday. Not as many male figures teaching young men that respecting women is a requirement!
Only the Trump zealots could determine that a woman wants to be harassed because she dresses sexy.

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OK. So please explain why they were dressing with their boobs and legs and elsewhere being exposed?
I am very sincere in wanting to know WHY did they dress that way?

What purpose? Attract attention? Right? Have pictures taken?
Haven't you ever watched an awards show before? Some young ladies dress in daring ways every year. It's stupid looking and not really "sexy," imo, but hey, since it's illegal to show up buck naked, that's the best they can do.

But why do they dress in daring ways? You haven't answered the question.

"This week's celeb news takeaway: she who comes closest to showing the actual inside of her vagina is most popular," she wrote. "#stopactinglikewhores."

Rashida Jones to Female Stars: Stop Acting Like Whores
That is the biggest difference today versus yesterday. Not as many male figures teaching young men that respecting women is a requirement!
To a large extent I agree with that. Perhaps if parents allowed Liberal schools, social media, and TV to raise their children these days we would have far less problems...but then again it depends on the morals, ethics, beliefs the parents have they pass on, too.
ok ok.... here she covered up a bit more - whew! .... interesting trio 'eh?


gotta love the 'conservative republican family values' hypocrisy.................. :lmao:

Only the Trump zealots could determine that a woman wants to be harassed because she dresses sexy.

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OK. So please explain why they were dressing with their boobs and legs and elsewhere being exposed?
I am very sincere in wanting to know WHY did they dress that way?

What purpose? Attract attention? Right? Have pictures taken?
Haven't you ever watched an awards show before? Some young ladies dress in daring ways every year. It's stupid looking and not really "sexy," imo, but hey, since it's illegal to show up buck naked, that's the best they can do.

But why do they dress in daring ways? You haven't answered the question.
You'd have to ask them. However, you shouldn't confuse dressing for attention as "asking for" unwanted sexual advances. Remember, this is about abuse of POWER. Men thinking that because of their positions of power, they can use the women around them for sexual gratification whether or not the women are really willing.
What you seem to be implying is that men can't control themselves. Maybe they can't control Peter jumping around in their pants, but all the rest of it? Yes, they can! Some just whine and pretend it's a huge burden. You guys aren't really fooling anyone.
ok ok.... here she covered up a bit more - whew! .... interesting trio 'eh?


gotta love the 'conservative republican family values' hypocrisy.................. :lmao:


He's posing for a photo...not getting a BJ in the WH...

I don't care what any guy on this board says - if they say they would not want to be in Trump's place then they are lying, gay, or both. :p
Yes, of course it is the woman's fault for men raping them or harassing them.... :rolleyes:
ok ok.... here she covered up a bit more - whew! .... interesting trio 'eh?


gotta love the 'conservative republican family values' hypocrisy.................. :lmao:


He's posing for a photo...not getting a BJ in the WH...

I don't care what any guy on this board says - if they say they would not want to be in Trump's place then they are lying, gay, or both. :p
Axios says Trump and Melania have separate bedrooms. Poor guy.
You'd have to ask them. However, you shouldn't confuse dressing for attention as "asking for" unwanted sexual advances. Remember, this is about abuse of POWER. Men thinking that because of their positions of power, they can use the women around them for sexual gratification whether or not the women are really willing.
What you seem to be implying is that men can't control themselves. Maybe they can't control Peter jumping around in their pants, but all the rest of it? Yes, they can! Some just whine and pretend it's a huge burden. You guys aren't really fooling anyone.
Well said....but you also have to admit that SOME women use their sexuality to obtain wealth, position, power, etc. Weak men are easily manipulated by women...

Again, I said 'SOME women'...not 'all', not 'the majority', etc...
Axios says Trump and Melania have separate bedrooms. Poor guy.
For me, that is just part of the 'gossip' I do not care to indulge in. I don't care if they sleep in different wings of the WH as long as he performs his duties as President in a legal, Constitutional way that benefits the country and American people.
I thought dressing in black was to make sexual harassment awareness. So why are these women showing off their boobs and legs?

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Dear healthmyths
Yes they want to make money off their image and publicity.
But that is solely in the media, and doesn't involve physical contact.

Sure it goes both ways.
If a store advertises online that it is going to have electronics
on sale for Black Friday, that generates sales and publicity for customers.

But it also invites people who might want to steal from the store,
or watch customers come and go and steal from them!

Are you saying that if stores advertise their goodies online,
they deserve to get targeted for unwelcome purposes?

Sure this happens: if you advertise publicly you sell guns,
and robbers looking for those might come break in.

Of course there's that risk.

But aren't you going to blame the robbers? Or are
you REALLY going to blame the gun store for advertising
what they have to try to attract customers looking for that?
ok ok.... here she covered up a bit more - whew! .... interesting trio 'eh?


gotta love the 'conservative republican family values' hypocrisy.................. :lmao:


He's posing for a photo...not getting a BJ in the WH...

I don't care what any guy on this board says - if they say they would not want to be in Trump's place then they are lying, gay, or both. :p

uh-huh. we are talking about clothes, jr. or the lack of.... & how these women dress.

see..... ummmmm..... liberal hollywood - sluts.

flotus.... part of the (R) party with hubby who grabs hollywood pussy - & brags about it....

is a wonderful guy, & his eye candy wife... dressing just like said hollywood slut gets a pass?

ne'eh. you fail at failing to excuse it.

ok ok.... here she covered up a bit more - whew! .... interesting trio 'eh?


gotta love the 'conservative republican family values' hypocrisy.................. :lmao:


He's posing for a photo...not getting a BJ in the WH...

I don't care what any guy on this board says - if they say they would not want to be in Trump's place then they are lying, gay, or both. :p
Axios says Trump and Melania have separate bedrooms. Poor guy.

i can only imagine why she is staying with him. either he's got something to hang over her head from her past, or it's cause of her kid....
uh-huh. we are talking about clothes, jr. or the lack of.... & how these women dress.
see..... ummmmm..... liberal hollywood - sluts.

See..... ummmmm..... how a woman DRESSES does not make her a 'slut'. Maybe you should have someone explain to you the difference between a 'slut' and one who dresses like one...
i can only imagine why she is staying with him. either he's got something to hang over her head from her past, or it's cause of her kid....
Gotta love snowflake butt-hurt / anti-Trump hate ... or the...

Only the Trump zealots could determine that a woman wants to be harassed because she dresses sexy.

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OK. So please explain why they were dressing with their boobs and legs and elsewhere being exposed?
I am very sincere in wanting to know WHY did they dress that way?

What purpose? Attract attention? Right? Have pictures taken?
Haven't you ever watched an awards show before? Some young ladies dress in daring ways every year. It's stupid looking and not really "sexy," imo, but hey, since it's illegal to show up buck naked, that's the best they can do.

But why do they dress in daring ways? You haven't answered the question.
You'd have to ask them. However, you shouldn't confuse dressing for attention as "asking for" unwanted sexual advances. Remember, this is about abuse of POWER. Men thinking that because of their positions of power, they can use the women around them for sexual gratification whether or not the women are really willing.
What you seem to be implying is that men can't control themselves. Maybe they can't control Peter jumping around in their pants, but all the rest of it? Yes, they can! Some just whine and pretend it's a huge burden. You guys aren't really fooling anyone.
There’s got to be a line where common sense comes to play. Many women use their beauty and sexuality as a tool for advancement (if they have what it takes). I’m not saying this gives men the right to abuse women; however, some women know how to be a tease to get what they want. Also, I suspect that many women willing and maybe even enthusiastically participated with hollywood’s casting couch system to get to be movie stars.

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