Women in black at Golden Globe... dressing to attract men's attention?

And yet, during the inaugural balls, when they closed in on her face as she "danced" with Trump, she really did seem to be looking at him with great affection and even pride.
...and just maybe she actually loves him. And Trump is actually a very caring person at times. There are many stories of him going out of his way to help people and families that go unreported because of personal bias / the desire to control the false narrative of who he is.

As I said, whether they actually love each other or not is insignificant 'gossip'. If you want to go down that road you can bring up how Hillary and Bill never touched each other for decades due to Bill's infidelity. Want to talk about a 'climber'? Those two stayed together because of the power / money. They used each other and deserved each other. I could also care if they loved each other or not, though.
Just want to point out, I wasn't the one who brought that up.
Not a celebrity gossip hound, either.
some of them dress. talk, dance, sing like whores .....actually worse than whores
View attachment 170573

etc etc

melania has been seen dressed in less. so save the bullshit.
not even close to the whores--not even comparable--try again

these whores are virtually having sex on stage for $$$$$$$$
your comparison is ridiculous

Several years ago, the first time I saw Beyonce was playing the Superbowl and I nearly had a conniption fit. My grandaughter was young and impressionable and Beyonce was giving girls the role model of a half naked woman having sex on stage. Took me days to simmer down. Still don't like it, but it's a sad fact you kind of get used to.
Yes, of course it is the woman's fault for men raping them or harassing them.... :rolleyes:

In an ideal world, do whatever you want. You won't get in trouble. In an ideal world, there are no creeps. This is not an ideal world. In this world, there are creeps, there are predators, there are harassers.

When someone is mugged and has their money stolen, we try to bring justice by finding the mugger, no matter what. We also, however, tell people to be smart. Don't flash a wad of cash in a dive bar, then stagger alone into a dark alley.

When a woman is assaulted and raped, we try to bring justice by finding the rapist. We also tell women to be smart and reduce the chances of being assaulted. Don't walk alone at night in certain areas of town.

It seems that the only time we lose our collective minds is when it comes to telling women that, if they don't like men staring at them, to not deliberately provoke such behavior.
some of them dress. talk, dance, sing like whores .....actually worse than whores
View attachment 170573

etc etc

melania has been seen dressed in less. so save the bullshit.
not even close to the whores--not even comparable--try again

these whores are virtually having sex on stage for $$$$$$$$
your comparison is ridiculous

Several years ago, the first time I saw Beyonce was playing the Superbowl and I nearly had a conniption fit. My grandaughter was young and impressionable and Beyonce was giving girls the role model of a half naked woman having sex on stage. Took me days to simmer down. Still don't like it, but it's a sad fact you kind of get used to.

we can't keep going down the moral or fashion ladder..if we do we will be at the bottom
I love the female body - in creating women, God outdid himself. Compared to the 'ugliness' of most male bodies, women are uniquely beautiful. I do not say that as a sexist or in any sexual way. It is simply an observation of the design of the bodies of the human species.

That being said, it is 'Neanderthal-esque' to declare women should not be proud of their bodies, and if they do anything to draw attention to the beauty of their body - like exposing a lot of skin - then they are just 'asking for' sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, etc...

The term 'asking for it', for example, is a person's attempt to justify their or someone else's inability to control their own emotions or urges and thus attempt to place the blame on the individual they are lusting over.

A friend of mine told me once they believed that without trained discipline and self-control males would be reduced to / resort to 3 simple, basic, barbaric desires / urges regarding everything they see / come across:

Conquer 'it', Kill 'it' or F*ck 'it'.

Bwuhahaha...... Now I think that is funny as HEII!

Unfortunately our elected Federal Politicians in DC (Conyers...), Liberal friends in Hollywood (Weinstein...), and many individuals among the media (Matt Lauer...) have done little to debunk my friend's theory.

It seems the human race - or at least many males - have not evolved as much as they want to think...

I have never understood the idea that the female form is beautiful, or attractive. To me it is ugly with the bags of fat hanging on their chests. The more fat, the better. If there isn't enough fat throw some plastic on there. The over proportioned ass seems to celebrate elimination as an attribute.

A well muscled and proportioned male body is breathtaking, the definition of muscle in back and chest and the movement. Men are like horses, gorgeous in their movement even when standing still.
these men that grabbed themselves/exposed themselves/grabbed women/etc need to be pounded
even though sex is a very powerful ''need''

also though, these women need to stop acting, talking, dancing, singing, dressing like whores
why do you need to expose your body? for $$$$$$
I'm not impressed with these women that show everything

why?? look at me look at me look at me
some of them dress. talk, dance, sing like whores .....actually worse than whores
View attachment 170573

etc etc

melania has been seen dressed in less. so save the bullshit.
not even close to the whores--not even comparable--try again

these whores are virtually having sex on stage for $$$$$$$$
your comparison is ridiculous

Several years ago, the first time I saw Beyonce was playing the Superbowl and I nearly had a conniption fit. My grandaughter was young and impressionable and Beyonce was giving girls the role model of a half naked woman having sex on stage. Took me days to simmer down. Still don't like it, but it's a sad fact you kind of get used to.

we can't keep going down the moral or fashion ladder..if we do we will be at the bottom

Ummmm...I think we've hit the bottom of the fashion ladder already, according to that pic.
these men that grabbed themselves/exposed themselves/grabbed women/etc need to be pounded
even though sex is a very powerful ''need''

also though, these women need to stop acting, talking, dancing, singing, dressing like whores
why do you need to expose your body? for $$$$$$
I'm not impressed with these women that show everything
View attachment 170589
why?? look at me look at me look at me
QUIT conflating them with the Me Too movement, though. Just QUIT.
I remember watching Lady Gaga on one of the main morning news, jump into a tank of jello or something with 1 or 2 other girls
this is entertainment?!!?? this is main stream entertainment?
Jen Lopez turns her back to the audience and the grand finale is her bending over ---all the way--and showing us her a$$ !!!
then it's so impressive/''normal''/great/etc she did it again !!
she just is there for a long time with the main picture is her a$$ ???!!!! bending over all the way !!!
'''look at my a$$!!!!!!!!'''...'''isn't it great?''
this is main stream entertainment?

I never saw Frank Sinatra do this
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these men that grabbed themselves/exposed themselves/grabbed women/etc need to be pounded
even though sex is a very powerful ''need''

also though, these women need to stop acting, talking, dancing, singing, dressing like whores
why do you need to expose your body? for $$$$$$
I'm not impressed with these women that show everything
View attachment 170589
why?? look at me look at me look at me
QUIT conflating them with the Me Too movement, though. Just QUIT.
Lady Gaga, Sheryl Crow and More Tweet #MeToo To Raise Awareness for Sexual Assault
Lady Gag is with METOO
I remember watching Lady Gaga on one of the main morning news, jump into a tank of jello or something with 1 or 2 other girls
this is entertainment?!!?? this is main stream entertainment?
Jen Lopez turns her back to the audience and the grand finale is her bending over ---all the way--and showing us her a$$ !!!
then it's so impressive/''normal''/great/etc she did it again !!
she just is there for a long time with the main picture is her a$$ ???!!!! bending over all the way !!!
'''look at my a$$!!!!!!!!'''...'''isn't it great?''
this is main stream entertainment?

I never saw Frank Sinatra do this

They are so filthy and disrespect themselves so deeply they are willing to sell their souls to Hollywood just to get a spot or keep a spot of fame.

I never thought i'd think that way until one day I grew up and woke up and realized why the SEXUALIZATION OF WOMEN WAS REALLY PUT PUBLIC....................... and the dumbasses won't ever figure it out.

In fact they let their little six year olds run around dressing like whores like mother like daughter just look at your nearest walmart.

Many don't even realize who sleezy they look or looked until years and years later unless of course you are in Hollywood then one continues to whore themsleves..
They want to display over the top sexuality, but then don't want creepy men staring at them and making crude comments. Good luck with that one.

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But why do they dress in daring ways? You haven't answered the question.
You'd have to ask them. However, you shouldn't confuse dressing for attention as "asking for" unwanted sexual advances. Remember, this is about abuse of POWER. Men thinking that because of their positions of power, they can use the women around them for sexual gratification whether or not the women are really willing.
What you seem to be implying is that men can't control themselves. Maybe they can't control Peter jumping around in their pants, but all the rest of it? Yes, they can! Some just whine and pretend it's a huge burden. You guys aren't really fooling anyone.
There’s got to be a line where common sense comes to play. Many women use their beauty and sexuality as a tool for advancement (if they have what it takes). I’m not saying this gives men the right to abuse women; however, some women know how to be a tease to get what they want. Also, I suspect that many women willing and maybe even enthusiastically participated with hollywood’s casting couch system to get to be movie stars.
Yes, I'm sure many have. They aren't in line to sue anyone for sexual harassment either.
Really! How can we know that some of the current accusers were not willing participants that now simply want to be on the Me Too band wagon?
"What if?" Really? You want to play imagination games as an argument here?
This is a serious issue that has needed to be addressed for a very long time and I sure don't appreciate anyone smearing the women who are coming forward.
So shut up.
No, I’m not going to shut up. I am not smearing anyone. I’m just saying that in some cases women are not 100% innocent victims.
Only the Trump zealots could determine that a woman wants to be harassed because she dresses sexy.

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OK. So please explain why they were dressing with their boobs and legs and elsewhere being exposed?
I am very sincere in wanting to know WHY did they dress that way?

What purpose? Attract attention? Right? Have pictures taken?

Perhaps because they like the dress. I like dresses that sometimes are low cut or short. I'm not trying to attract men ( already got a man). I just like the dress.
Women can wear a trash bag and men will still chase after them.

Just because a woman dressed sexy, doesn't mean it warrants sexual harassment or assault.
Women can wear a trash bag and men will still chase after them.

Just because a woman dressed sexy, doesn't mean it warrants sexual harassment or assault.
why are they wearing almost nothing?
it's not just what they wear, but how they talk, dance, act, etc
look at Selena in the SNL performance
They want to display over the top sexuality, but then don't want creepy men staring at them and making crude comments. Good luck with that one.

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Do men not have control over their own tongues? I don't care if a woman is completely naked. A man needs to keep his crude comments to himself.

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