Women in combat roles.....the democrats don't care about dead soldiers...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
yes...there will be more dead soldiers if you allow women into the same combat units as men....

The Obama Pentagon’s Disastrous Decision on Women in Combat, by The Editors, National Review

Carter made this decision in spite of extensive evidence — put forward by the Marines — that mixed-gender units were less capable than their all-male counterparts.

They were less accurate with their weapons, the women were twice as likely to be injured, and mixed-gender units were less capable of evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. Indeed, the strongest women were only as strong as the weakest men.

A public and political class largely insulated from the realities of ground combat has become ignorant of its excruciating and unforgiving physical demands. Prolonged infantry operations — including operations common in the War on Terror — place immense strains on the mind and body. Unit cohesion is critical, and physical breakdowns can be costly both to combat power and to unit morale. Moreover, given how beholden the administration is to the Left, there is no reason to believe that it will hold firm on physical standards if few women prove capable of joining and — crucially — thriving in the infantry environment. Experience with less demanding jobs in law enforcement and firefighting shows that the legal and political pressure to lower standards will be immense. Under the best of circumstances, combat effectiveness will be degraded.
And more....

Seven Myths About “Women in Combat"
The final point on this myth reinforces the Korea example and it bears examination — Fallujah, Iraq in 2004, where warfare was reduced to a horrific, costly, and exhausting scrap in a destroyed city between two foes that fought to the death.

The standard for ground combat unit composition should be whether social experimentation would have amplified our opportunity for success in that crucible, or diminished it. We gamble with our future security when we set standards for warfare based on the best case, instead of the harshest one.

Myth #3“If they pass the physical standards, why not?”

Physical standards are important, but not nearly all of the story. Napoleon – “The moral (spirit) is to the physical as three is to one.”

Unit cohesion is the essence of combat power, and while it may be convenient to dismiss human nature for political expediency, the facts are that sexual dynamics will exist and can affect morale. That may be manageable in other environments, but not in close combat.

Any study of sexual harassment statistics in this age cohort – in the military, academia, or the civilian workplace — are evidence enough that despite best efforts to by sincere leaders to control the issue, human instincts remain strong. Perceptions of favoritism or harassment will be corrosive, and cohesion will be the victim.

Myth #4“Standards won’t be lowered.”

This is the cruelest myth of all. The statements of the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are telling.

They essentially declare “guilty until proven innocent” on anyone attempting to maintain the standards which produced the finest fighting force in the world. There are already accommodations (note that unit cohesion won’t be a metric), there will be many more, and we will pay a bloody price for it someday.
I think it is retarded and asking for a much weaker military. Any nation that sends its women to war deserves to lose that war.
Tell that to any Israeli female solider who would kick ass on any of our far righties on the Board.
Tell that to any Israeli female solider who would kick ass on any of our far righties on the Board.

yes....you were saying....

Supporters of the decision to integrate combat units frequently point to the Israel Defense Forces as a model, but the IDF has in fact limited its gender integration. Units at the tip of the spear – those engaged in classic infantry combat – are all-male, and the IDF does not allow women to serve in tanks, because it found that women were less physically capable and that it was “problematic” for men and women to serve in close and confined quarters for days at a time.
Yup, I am saying you far right reactionaries cannot hang with female soldiers.
yes...there will be more dead soldiers if you allow women into the same combat units as men....

The Obama Pentagon’s Disastrous Decision on Women in Combat, by The Editors, National Review

Carter made this decision in spite of extensive evidence — put forward by the Marines — that mixed-gender units were less capable than their all-male counterparts.

They were less accurate with their weapons, the women were twice as likely to be injured, and mixed-gender units were less capable of evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. Indeed, the strongest women were only as strong as the weakest men.

A public and political class largely insulated from the realities of ground combat has become ignorant of its excruciating and unforgiving physical demands. Prolonged infantry operations — including operations common in the War on Terror — place immense strains on the mind and body. Unit cohesion is critical, and physical breakdowns can be costly both to combat power and to unit morale. Moreover, given how beholden the administration is to the Left, there is no reason to believe that it will hold firm on physical standards if few women prove capable of joining and — crucially — thriving in the infantry environment. Experience with less demanding jobs in law enforcement and firefighting shows that the legal and political pressure to lower standards will be immense. Under the best of circumstances, combat effectiveness will be degraded.

That is not true. Both Democrats and Republicans do care about American soldiers. We already have female fighter pilots and combat engineers.
Currently we have good number of female soldiers. Couple of them even made history passing the US Army Rangers. These female soldier work so hard to get this far............Then deny them that opportunity? That is not right.
Are we going to force our daughters to register for selective service? That will not go over well at all. Bull Dyke lesbians might want to fight, but girls don't and Obama wants to force them? Once again Obama is destroying our country little by little.
yes...there will be more dead soldiers if you allow women into the same combat units as men....

The Obama Pentagon’s Disastrous Decision on Women in Combat, by The Editors, National Review

Carter made this decision in spite of extensive evidence — put forward by the Marines — that mixed-gender units were less capable than their all-male counterparts.

They were less accurate with their weapons, the women were twice as likely to be injured, and mixed-gender units were less capable of evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. Indeed, the strongest women were only as strong as the weakest men.

A public and political class largely insulated from the realities of ground combat has become ignorant of its excruciating and unforgiving physical demands. Prolonged infantry operations — including operations common in the War on Terror — place immense strains on the mind and body. Unit cohesion is critical, and physical breakdowns can be costly both to combat power and to unit morale. Moreover, given how beholden the administration is to the Left, there is no reason to believe that it will hold firm on physical standards if few women prove capable of joining and — crucially — thriving in the infantry environment. Experience with less demanding jobs in law enforcement and firefighting shows that the legal and political pressure to lower standards will be immense. Under the best of circumstances, combat effectiveness will be degraded.

Tell the victims family's in San Bernardino how women can't be combat soldiers.
Are we going to force our daughters to register for selective service? That will not go over well at all. Bull Dyke lesbians might want to fight, but girls don't and Obama wants to force them? Once again Obama is destroying our country little by little.
Over the top a lot with selective service? Yep. This is over.
Not any more than to pisogygnist loons who think they are Amazons or something. :lol:
Uncle Ferd says, "Make love - not war" when it comes to womens...

Do We Really Want Our Daughters, Sisters, Mothers on Front Lines of Combat?
December 8, 2015 | During his nationally syndicated radio show last Thursday, host Mark Levin slammed the Obama administration’s decision to allow women in frontline combat roles as “radical egalitarianism,” and asked whether Americans really want women fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda.
"Do we really want our women -- I am old school sorry -- do we really want our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, do we really want our women on the front lines of combat with genocidal maniacs like ISIS, like Al Qaeda?" asked Levin. "I don’t think so! This is a very, very sad and dark day in America, no question about it.” Below is a transcript of Levin’s comments:

“And now look, they’re destroying the United States military with all the social engineering. All the social engineering, and today, we learn the Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, he announces that women will now be able to serve in every single front line combat position. That is a radical extremist position that rejects complete reality. “They don’t care about the United States military. Their poisonous politics, their poisonous ideology is ubiquitous. That’s why we’re in danger. That’s why people are dying -- from their liberal judges to their liberal prosecutors to their liberal jurors. …”

“... This Pentagon chief, this incompetent boob, this bureaucrat Ash Carter, obviously taking his direction from Obama, because Obama -- let me tell you what Obama’s doing. Obama’s looking at the horizon, at the horizon of government, at the horizon of government programs, at the horizon of policy, and he’s saying to himself, I’ve got another 13, 14 months. “He’s a marxist in a candy shop. That’s what he is. And he’s there, ‘Nobody’s gonna stop me. By time courts catch up with me it’ll be too damn late. The Republicans are rolling all over the place. Nobody’s going to stop me. I can do whatever treaties I want without using treaties. I’m pushing global warming. I’m pushing gun control. I’m pushing the upending of American citizenship. I am just driving the agenda.’ “And there they are at the defense department. So, this hack Ash Carter said today -- better name would be ‘Ass Carter’ -- order the military to open all combat jobs to women, all combat jobs to women, rebuffing a request by the Marine Corps to exclude women from certain front line combat jobs.

“All front line combat jobs, all combat jobs are now going to be open to women. Are we proud of ourselves ladies and gentlemen, this radical egalitarianism that seeps through everything, whether it’s our economy or what have you? “Do we really want our women -- I am old school sorry -- do we really want our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, do we really want our women on the front lines of combat with genocidal maniacs like ISIS, like Al Qaeda? I don’t think so! This is a very, very sad and dark day in America, no question about it.”

Levin: Do We Really Want Our Daughters, Sisters, Mothers on Front Lines of Combat?
If dey interested, Uncle Ferd got some 'special operations' for womens...

US Special Operators Say No to Women in Special Operations Jobs
Dec 11, 2015 | WASHINGTON -- The men in the U.S. military's most dangerous jobs care little about political correctness or gender equality. And they have a message for their political leadership. When they are fighting in the shadows or bleeding on the battlefield, women have no place on their teams.
In blunt and, at times, profanity-laced answers to a voluntary survey conducted by the Rand Corp., more than 7,600 of America's special operations forces spoke with nearly one voice. Allowing women to serve in Navy SEAL, Army Delta or other commando units could hurt their effectiveness and lower the standards, and it may drive men away from the dangerous posts. An overwhelming majority of those who agreed to respond to the RAND survey said they believe women don't have the physical strength or mental toughness to do the grueling jobs. Some of the broader conclusions of the survey, taken from May through July 2014, were disclosed by The Associated Press earlier this year, but the detailed results and comments written by respondents had not been released.

The Pentagon released the summer survey and other documents when Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced last week that he was opening all combat jobs to women. That decision was based on recommendations by the military service secretaries and the leaders of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Operations Command. Only the Marine Corps asked to exempt women from certain infantry and frontline positions, but Carter denied that request. Half the men who got the 46-question survey responded to it, and Rand did not identify any of them. In some cases, people who feel most strongly about an issue are more inclined to answer surveys.


A group of U.S. Navy SEALs clear a room during a no-light live-fire drill near San Diego​

Some 85 percent of the respondents said they oppose opening the special operations jobs to women, and 70 percent oppose having women in their individual units. More than 80 percent said women aren't strong enough and can't handle the demands of the job. And 64 percent said they aren't mentally tough enough. "I could list hundreds of reasons why women cannot do the job that a Green Beret is required to do, but as I only have 1,000 characters, I will choose the one that I think is the most important," said one respondent. "I weigh 225 pounds, and 280 pounds in full kit, as did most of the members of my ODA (a 12-man Army Green Beret unit). I expect every person on my team to be able to drag any member of my team out of a firefight. A 130 pound female could not do it, I don't care how much time she spends in the gym. Do we expect wounded men to bleed out because a female soldier could not drag him to cover?"

Another said politicians don't win the covert wars. "Gender equality is not an option when the bullets are flying," he said. "Most males in the area of the world I work in would rather back hand a female than listen to her speak. There is a reason we send men to do these jobs." Some were even more blunt. "No one wants this. Do us a favor and listen to what we are saying for a change. Can Washington really afford to take that risk so politicians can brag to the public that they brought gender equality to SOF?" said one, who continued profanely. Some saw it as inevitable. "This integration will happen eventually and we might as well embrace it while we have current solid leadership and incoming solid leadership at the top to facilitate the transition," one said.


See also:

Female Gitmo Guards Still Barred From Moving Prisoners
Dec 11, 2015 -- A military judge refused Thursday to lift an order barring female guards at Guantanamo from having physical contact with five men charged in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, at least for now.
Army Col. James Pohl denied a request by prosecutors to lift a temporary order he imposed in January. Their request followed three days of testimony by Guantanamo Bay detention center officials who said the rule interfered with prison operations and discriminated against women soldiers. Pohl is expected to take up the matter again following additional testimony at a hearing early next year. The defendants say being moved from their high-security prison to court on the U.S. base in Cuba by guard escort teams that include women is an affront to their Muslim beliefs. Their lawyers also argue that it is traumatic for men who were subjected to abusive interrogations while in CIA custody.


A shackled detainee is transported by guards away from his annual Administrative Review Board hearing with U.S. officials, at Camp Delta detention center, Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, Cuba.​

The prison commander expressed skepticism that the men are truly concerned about physical contact with female guards, noting that other prisoners have not raised the issue. "I think it's based on an attempt to stall these proceedings, that's what I think it's based on," Army Col. David Heath told the court. Heath said the men, who are held in a high-security unit known as Camp 7 with eight other suspected terrorists, are treated humanely in accordance with the Geneva Conventions. But he conceded that was not the case before they came to the base in 2006. "I know that the defendants were physically and mentally mistreated," he said. David Nevin, a civilian lawyer for lead defendant Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, said the mistreatment in CIA custody included "sexualized female on male torture" and being chained to the ceiling for extended periods so that his client could not pray. He says the use of female guards to subdue and transport him is psychologically traumatic as a result.

Prison officials began using female guards on the escort teams last year. Pohl issued his temporary ruling banning the practice for the Sept. 11 defendants at the request of the defense. The order, which prison officials say hurts morale and creates staffing problems, does not apply to the rest of the detention center, which holds a total of 107 men. Arguments on the issue dominated the first three days of a four-day pretrial for the five, who are accused of planning and aiding the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack. They face charges that include terrorism and nearly 3,000 counts of murder in violation of the law of war. They could get the death penalty if convicted. A trial date has not been set.

Female Gitmo Guards Still Barred From Moving Prisoners | Military.com
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Are we going to force our daughters to register for selective service? That will not go over well at all. Bull Dyke lesbians might want to fight, but girls don't and Obama wants to force them? Once again Obama is destroying our country little by little.
And you are a silly fool. Women have participated in many wars, and have been quite effective. Tend to be better shots than men, and not to make as many hasty decisions. Modern warfare favors brains over brawn, and you are the perfect demonstration of why women can equal men in modern combat.
yes...there will be more dead soldiers if you allow women into the same combat units as men....

The Obama Pentagon’s Disastrous Decision on Women in Combat, by The Editors, National Review

Carter made this decision in spite of extensive evidence — put forward by the Marines — that mixed-gender units were less capable than their all-male counterparts.

They were less accurate with their weapons, the women were twice as likely to be injured, and mixed-gender units were less capable of evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. Indeed, the strongest women were only as strong as the weakest men.

A public and political class largely insulated from the realities of ground combat has become ignorant of its excruciating and unforgiving physical demands. Prolonged infantry operations — including operations common in the War on Terror — place immense strains on the mind and body. Unit cohesion is critical, and physical breakdowns can be costly both to combat power and to unit morale. Moreover, given how beholden the administration is to the Left, there is no reason to believe that it will hold firm on physical standards if few women prove capable of joining and — crucially — thriving in the infantry environment. Experience with less demanding jobs in law enforcement and firefighting shows that the legal and political pressure to lower standards will be immense. Under the best of circumstances, combat effectiveness will be degraded.

That is not true. Both Democrats and Republicans do care about American soldiers. We already have female fighter pilots and combat engineers.
Currently we have good number of female soldiers. Couple of them even made history passing the US Army Rangers. These female soldier work so hard to get this far............Then deny them that opportunity? That is not right.

Neither party gives a rats ass about our troops. And that's a fact.

If they did give a shit about our troops they would remove any and all salary caps that make it impossible for the VA to hire the specialists they so desperately need to provide just the bare minimum healthcare they were promised.

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