Women in the United States are having few babies than ever before in history


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the fertility rate in the United States has never been lower than it is right now.

Women In The United States Are Having Fewer Babies Than Ever Before In History
When you are super low on the IQ chart you won't have a clue why and will just blow this off like any other uneducated food stamp user knows your methods used were to STOP white man ..................... then they went after the blacks and yall just don't get it . That's exactly why you don't get why we call you idiots all day long.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the fertility rate in the United States has never been lower than it is right now.

Women In The United States Are Having Fewer Babies Than Ever Before In History
When you are super low on the IQ chart you won't have a clue why and will just blow this off like any other uneducated food stamp user knows your methods used were to STOP white man ..................... then they went after the blacks and yall just don't get it . That's exactly why you don't get why we call you idiots all day long.
People can't afford a bunch of kids. Finances are one of the reasons women give for having an abortion, too. Women and men both have to work full time to pay the mortgage. What about that puzzles you? Would you prefer everyone have five kids and go on Food Stamps?


U.S. Births Dip To 30-Year Low; Fertility Rate Sinks Further Below Replacement Level

EVEN JAPAN is suffering a little help from FUKUSHIMA

Japan shrinking as birthrate falls to lowest level in history
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the fertility rate in the United States has never been lower than it is right now.

Women In The United States Are Having Fewer Babies Than Ever Before In History
When you are super low on the IQ chart you won't have a clue why and will just blow this off like any other uneducated food stamp user knows your methods used were to STOP white man ..................... then they went after the blacks and yall just don't get it . That's exactly why you don't get why we call you idiots all day long.
That is because men with boobs just cant have a baby, naturally. Percentage wise, real women are still having babies down here in Floor E Da, but I still haven't seen trannies walking around with the baby bulge...
The fertility rate among real American women......
I see Hispanic girls (many look 16) pushing 3,4 and sometimes more...... little Joses and Rosas by the cargo ship load.

The illegal immigrants are smarter than we are

In 20 years or less The United States WILL BE A HISPANIC NATION. Bank on it.
U.S. society has never been hospitable to mothers. Women don't get hired if they might have a baby or if they have a baby or have children at home. People screech if they breast-feed their children in the open (oh, my! She might have a nipple). There is no stipend or other assistance. The time that they spend at home raising children is counted against them when they try to go back to work. People treat mothers as if they are not intelligent adults, but rather like they are little girls. The U.S. is not motherhood-friendly.
The fertility rate among real American women......
I see Hispanic girls (many look 16) pushing 3,4 and sometimes more...... little Joses and Rosas by the cargo ship load.

The illegal immigrants are smarter than we are

In 20 years or less The United States WILL BE A HISPANIC NATION. Bank on it.
If they are smarter than we are, why are their countries 3rd world shitholes and they want to come here? To make this country into a 3rd world shithole so you can leave for another country? Yeah, 50% of this country is full of moronic people who want to abort their babies, in or out of the womb, do drugs where it kills them, and when all those liberals are gone, then only Conservatives and illegal aliens will be left, and you know how that will end, dont you?

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