Women now eligible for combat duty . ..

Let them all enlist.... :) cowards will die ...the rest will be spared... what is wrong with that? who needs cowards?

Youre calling american soldiers cowards for dying in combat? Are you drunk?


What I mean is that those war wise will survive ...and those who are not will lose their lives.

are YOU drunk?
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Complete horseshit. The only time that happens in the real world is when a 250 lb. redneck mamma whoops her skinny 110 lb. man for being late with the 12 pack of Bud and the pork rinds. Weak take, weak poster.

We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.
Like daphne taking down shaggy.
I am surrounded by soldiers in my life, both male and female. I know women who dont stand a chance against a male solider and i know women who could take you down in leas than a min.
Women have NO place in infantry on the ground combat........ :cool:

I understand your objection especially considering the number of Israeli women fighters who fought in the 1948 Israeli war for independence. Musta been really embarrassing for all those Arab men to lose against a force that included so many women in ground combat. :dunno:
A lot of fear in this thread. I know female soldiers who can out press their male counterparts. There is nothing that suggests a woman will automatically lose in hand to hand combat with a male.

I agree with Skye, it should be about skill, not what parts you keep under your uniform.

Complete horseshit. The only time that happens in the real world is when a 250 lb. redneck mamma whoops her skinny 110 lb. man for being late with the 12 pack of Bud and the pork rinds. Weak take, weak poster.

We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.

LOL A 5'-5" 130lb trained woman marine is going to take down a 6'-2" 220 lb male marine in hand to hand combat. Both are trained the same. The male an advantage, its called ht, weight and testostorone.
Dream on Amy, I have no problem with women in combat if they volunteer for it.
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We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.
Like daphne taking down shaggy.
I am surrounded by soldiers in my life, both male and female. I know women who dont stand a chance against a male solider and i know women who could take you down in leas than a min.

As do I, I agree with this.
A six foot man will take a 5,5 woman anytime in face to face combat.
Complete horseshit. The only time that happens in the real world is when a 250 lb. redneck mamma whoops her skinny 110 lb. man for being late with the 12 pack of Bud and the pork rinds. Weak take, weak poster.

We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.

LOL A 5'-5" 130lb trained woman marine is going to take down a 6'-2" 220 lb male marine in hand to hand combat. Both are trained the same. The male an advantage, its called ht, weight and testostorone.
Dream on Amy

The female has natural advantages too, which you are ignoring. This entire thread is a lot of "men have brute force!" While no one mentions that a female can move faster, strike quickly, there are lots of advantages to being a female in hand to hand combat.
Complete horseshit. The only time that happens in the real world is when a 250 lb. redneck mamma whoops her skinny 110 lb. man for being late with the 12 pack of Bud and the pork rinds. Weak take, weak poster.

We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.

LOL A 5'-5" 130lb trained woman marine is going to take down a 6'-2" 220 lb male marine in hand to hand combat. Both are trained the same. The male an advantage, its called ht, weight and testostorone.
Dream on Amy, I have no problem with women in combat if they volunteer for it.

This somewhat speaks to your position.

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We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.

LOL A 5'-5" 130lb trained woman marine is going to take down a 6'-2" 220 lb male marine in hand to hand combat. Both are trained the same. The male an advantage, its called ht, weight and testostorone.
Dream on Amy

The female has natural advantages too, which you are ignoring. This entire thread is a lot of "men have brute force!" While no one mentions that a female can move faster, strike quickly, there are lots of advantages to being a female in hand to hand combat.

Darling.... I understand what you are saying..... but brute force is what its all about , face to face

The strong baby always wins that nasty fight ... wanna bet? :tongue:
We are not discussing your average chick off the street vs a random man. We are talking about trained fighters in hand to hand combat, and yes, i think a trained female has an equal shot of taking down a trained male.

LOL A 5'-5" 130lb trained woman marine is going to take down a 6'-2" 220 lb male marine in hand to hand combat. Both are trained the same. The male an advantage, its called ht, weight and testostorone.
Dream on Amy

The female has natural advantages too, which you are ignoring. This entire thread is a lot of "men have brute force!" While no one mentions that a female can move faster, strike quickly, there are lots of advantages to being a female in hand to hand combat.
You are fucking high. I said both are trained in hand to hand combat. Hand to hand combat is not duck dodge and dive, its getting up close and personal. Maybe if the woman was sheena the warrior princess or ripley...I might buy in to your theory.
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Ok, we will simply disagree. I understand the natural inclination that suggests a woman cannot win against a man, i know its not true, but i understand it:)

I did not say a woman cannot win against a man. She can cut his throat in his sleep, sucker punch his balls, or ninja him. I am just saying that take your average male solider and average female soldier, equally trained, 9 times out of 10 the chick gets her ass kicked, thats all :cool:
I can't think of a single woman that can hump 80+ pounds of gear for any distance and then be ready and able to fight when she gets to where she's going.

I don't know what kinds of women you've been hanging out with, but I know several. Some of them could have humped me into the dust in my prime. Actually I'm a gym rat and have been going to various gyms, co-ed for the most part, for over 20yrs, and I have yet to see too many woman who could cut the mustard at the SOI, but the point is, they will HAVE to lower the physical standards to allow woman to get by, just like they have done in Police Depts and Fire Depts. all over the nation to allow woman to pass the physical requirment tests.

This is a bad idea and will put our troops at risk for no other reason than to perpetuate the lie that we're all really equal. Her other "talents' won't be worth a crap if she slows down the whole unit, or if others have to hump her ruck for her, or if by her lack of strength and stamina she gets other people killed.

I was a Drill Sergeant in the US Army when co-ed basic training first started. At first, I thought that too, but the young women I trained made a believer out of me. Were there problems which had to be addressed by the cadre? Sure there were. Boys are boys, and girls are girls, and never the twain should meet. But, we overcame that and drove on.

I never had that problem. As a Drill Sergeant, and later as a Training Officer and Company Commander, I came to see them as just soldiers...which they were...in every definition of that word.Basic training ok. #1. Did the woman do the same exact physcial fitness testing the men did? And where those physical fitness tests in ANY way changed once they became co-ed? #2. Basic Training isn't the same traing as you get at the School of Infantry, or what do you guys call it? Advanced Infantry Training? As for seeing them the same way, question?" If you had one or two in your unit in Vietnam would you, when deciding to pick two for an OP KNOWING that that OP was probably going to be overrun and lost in the upcoming fight but you needed the advanced waring those troops lives would buy so you had to send them anyway would you knowing it was Betty Sue's and Mary Smith's turn send them, or would you even for a second consider overlooking them and instead sending Joe Bob and John Doe because Betty and Mary are some kid's mommy and someone's little girl? I would think ANY man would look to Joe and John in that circumstance. It's almost impossible to train out that type of inbred instinct.

Prove it.

"Homo's" die for their country just as easily and as readily as their straight counterparts. Why does that bother you? It doesn't bother me that they serve, you know as well as I do that they have ALWAYS served and most people knew who the homosexuals in their units where and didn't care as long as they humped their own ruck. My problem is in recognizing and accepting their deviancy as a good moral choice. DADT was the perfect solution and you shouldn't try to fix what's not broken just to make a political point and just to garner votes.

Do they want to see their sons coming home in body bags? No? Then what's your point?
Nope, but how much less do you think they'd want to see their little girls coming home in bady bags, or worse yet as POW's raped and brutalized by dozens of men for months or years of confinement.

We'll be even more willing to quit in the middle of a war and leave the field to the enemy, much like the left is doing in Afghanistan now.


You leftists are proving yoursleves to be a clear and present danger to our nation and the time is coming when something is going to have to be done to deal with your bs.

What are you gonna do? Revolute?

Quit talking shit and get on with it then. It's comng oldguy, it's inevitable, it's what your president has been working towards his entire adult life. Your piece of crap president has done everything he could in the past four years to divide the people of this nation and he will try to go further now. I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin'. I see bad times (not) today (but on the way).[/QUOTE].
It's beyond pathetic that the American people think they need homos to protect them and their country.

Now they want to send their daughters into combat.

This just shows how far America has sink into the depths of immorality and decadence........ :cool:

I agree the moral decline and outright decadence in this nation sickens me and makes me ashamed of being an American.
A lot of fear in this thread. I know female soldiers who can out press their male counterparts. There is nothing that suggests a woman will automatically lose in hand to hand combat with a male.

I agree with Skye, it should be about skill, not what parts you keep under your uniform.

Complete horseshit. The only time that happens in the real world is when a 250 lb. redneck mamma whoops her skinny 110 lb. man for being late with the 12 pack of Bud and the pork rinds. Weak take, weak poster.

Weak response from a weak mind. No surprises.

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