Women Priests in the Catholic Church

I rather doubt that you were taught evolution by the catholic church in the 60's specifically, but I'm anxious to hear some examples.
I truly was. Now, this was Northern California and I am not making the claim every Catholic school taught evolution, but it was definitely part of our science curriculum. We were all fascinated by what Darwin noticed in the Galapagos Islands. My crush at the time told me that he tended to mix the two--evolution may have been how God created--that they did not necessarily have to be at war with each other.

The nuns also brought in Protestant Ministers, Jewish Rabbis (great time for ecumenical outreach) and also some George Carlin comedy. (They wanted us to have a better understanding of the Catholic faith than Carlin--but funny is funny!) We were taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame.
I attended Catholic school back in the 60s. We were taught evolution even back then. My grandmother was taught evolution! Now, the Church does tell people they can make their own choice whether or not to believe humanity evolved, or whether two people were created on Day One.

Be careful how you word that, lest the Godless evil leftist trip you up on an unintended detail
Then you're out of touch with your pope and your church.

I doubt that

The entire human race doesn't support all the atrocities the catholic church supports or has stopped supporting due to the need for change

You are a liar sir. And once again your are grossly off topic. The topic is women priests. Both of your posts are reported. I despise anti-Catholic bigots and your lies.
What the Catholic Church will move to
Women Priests

Apparently you do not read well.

AGAIN: In the last 300 years there are known to be three infallible teaching made from the Chair of Peter: The teaching that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven, the teaching about the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Saint John Paul IIs statement on women priests. That third one is lesser known but true.

In the apostolic letter: ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS the pope states:
". . . Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

That ends the discussion for all time, until the end of the world.

Optional Celibacy

We are already there. Your ignorance is quite breathtaking. Catholic priests are married with kids in all the Rites except one, the Latin Rite. Only Latin Rite priests do not marry, and that could change. Priestly celibacy has always been a discipline, never a doctrine.

Acceptance of Gay Marriage

Never. The day the Church embraces mortal sin is the day the Church ceases to be the Church.

Immoral unethical leftists like you have no clue about right and wrong, obviously.
Apparently you do not read well.

AGAIN: In the last 300 years there are known to be three infallible teaching made from the Chair of Peter: The teaching that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven, the teaching about the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Saint John Paul IIs statement on women priests. That third one is lesser known but true.

In the apostolic letter: ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS the pope states:
". . . Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

That ends the discussion for all time, until the end of the world.

We are already there. Your ignorance is quite breathtaking. Catholic priests are married with kids in all the Rites except one, the Latin Rite. Only Latin Rite priests do not marry, and that could change. Priestly celibacy has always been a discipline, never a doctrine.

Never. The day the Church embraces mortal sin is the day the Church ceases to be the Church.

Immoral unethical leftists like you have no clue about right and wrong, obviously.
Denial will only encourage more defection from the Church

The Church is suffering due to a lack of young Priests entering the Church. Catholic families no longer send their oldest son to be Priests
Allowing Priests to marry will set up legacy Priests like other faiths have. My father was a Minister, my Grandfather was a Minister does not happen in the Catholic Church

Allowing Women Priests will double the population of available priests
Denial will only encourage more defection from the Church

It is not denial. You have no knowledge of these things.

And if people leave because they are as ignorant as you are then that is totally fine. Jesus predicted that anyways.
It is not denial. You have no knowledge of these things.

And if people leave because they are as ignorant as you are then that is totally fine. Jesus predicted that anyways.

Here is another one…
Catholics will abandon Confession
It can never happen. That is the 100% fact.

A certain member keeps saying it can and it might. He is totally wrong, and here are the two reasons why:

FIRST: In the last 300 years there are known to be three infallible teaching made from the Chair of Peter: The teaching that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven, the teaching about the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Saint John Paul IIs statement on women priests. That third one is lesser known but true.

In the apostolic letter: ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS the pope states:
". . . Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

If any of you know how to read Church documents, that was an infallible teaching from the Chair of Peter. So that is the END of that discussion.

SECOND: As an additional matter, in Catholicism, sacramental theology states that for a sacrament to be valid it must be celebrated with proper form and proper matter.
For example, in Baptism proper matter would be water. If you used Pepsi or apple juice or something else, the sacrament would be invalid and no baptism would have taken place.

A female is not proper matter therefore the sacrament by which ordinations take place would not be valid. Jesus used men and we must use men.

Now to you non-Catholics some of this might seem like a bunch of gobbldeygook and I understand that. But trust me when I tell you it is extremely serious to the Church, and it is all true, and women will never - NEVER - be priests.

Then before we'll solve all your problems here let us make women to bishops. That's more easy. A Catholic bishop has only to be a Catholic man. We replace just simple "man" with "human being" and that's it. Problem solved.
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2Catholicism has experienced a greater net loss due to religious switching than has any other religious tradition in the U.S. Overall, 13% of all U.S. adults are former Catholics – people who say they were raised in the faith, but now identify as religious “nones,” as Protestants, or with another religion. By contrast, 2% of U.S. adults are converts to Catholicism – people who now identify as Catholic after having been raised in another religion (or no religion). This means that there are 6.5 former Catholics in the U.S. for every convert to the faith. No other religious group analyzed in the 2014 Religious Landscape Study has experienced anything close to this ratio of losses to gains via religious switching.

Since 1970, the US Catholic clergy has shrunk from 59,000 to fewer than 36,000, according to Georgetown’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. This owes partly to the difficult demands of the job; few want to take on grueling hours in a profession with an enduring labor shortage and a requirement of celibacy.
Another pitfall to ordination is the Church’s social teachings, which engender dissent even among Catholics. According to a 2015 Pew Research Center survey,

more than half of American Catholics say cohabitation is not sinful,

and almost 4 in 10 say the same about homosexuality.

Three-quarters want the Church’s ban on artificial contraception lifted;

almost 6 in 10 think the priesthood should be open to women
Ladies and Gentlemen:

Look at rightwinger and see the true fascist mind at work. He does not give a tinker's dang about Catholic beliefs, about how the Church works, and he does not understand or care that by making an infallible statement from the Chair of Peter, the pope has brought an end to this discussion for all time, until the end of the world:: There will be no women priests. Period.

He does not care about any of that.

In his blind, fascist, bull-in-a-china-shoppe way, he keeps bludgeoning me with his Leftist political correctness and how it needs to be imposed on us. It is unbelievable. He is totally unhinged and out of touch with reality. He talks about polls of American Catholics as if that even means anything. His tiny myopic mind views things in terms of American law. What a myopic tiny view. America is but a feather in the wind and a moment in time compared to the Church Christ established.

The purpose, of this thread was to explain the reasons why it will never, never, ever happen, ever.

And more than that, he does not even grasp the flow of the conversation and see that is is over. Done. He keep blabbing on. He is like the little walking clapping monkey toy that is stuck in the corner, but keeps trying to walk and clap. It is astounding.

So, I must put rightwinger on ignore, at least for now.

ut to all others, yu must understand:: Vatican City State and the Church in Rome does not care in the slightest about American opinions on women and homosexuals and whatever. There will be no women priests. Period. Ever. Period.

And as for gay marriage, it was just utter stupidity for rightwinger to even raise that issue in the first place.

Then before we'll solve all your problems here let us make women to bishops. That's more easy. A Catholic bishop has only to be a Catholic man. We replace just simple "man" with "human being" and that's it. Problem solved.

No. Women cannot be priests therefore women cannot be bishops. Priests become bishops. Bishops are still priests. Once a priest always a priest, even when one is raised to be a bishop. The pope is the bishop of Rome and he is still a priest.

People, please. I am not discussing or offering opinions. I am stating facts that are just as etched in stone as the ten commandments are. There will never be female Catholic priests. The Catholic Church is not a democracy like other manmade denominations are. We are a kingdom, a reflection of the Kingdom of God, where God rules and man obeys.
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Tried? I am a woman. For decades, I have been giving people communion in the Catholic Church. In all that time, no one has ever objected/refused to receive communion from me. Both men and women are called to be Eucharistic Ministers.
No way in heck would I take communion from a woman or a protestant
What the Catholic Church will move to

Women Priests
Optional Celibacy
Not bad - but that's only a problem of the clerics who are able to change this on their own for themselves.
Acceptance of Gay Marriage
Yes and no - not a marriage in the Christian sense of this word but acceptance in sense of this what the politics calls marriage
Acceptance of Birth Control
Never was "forbidden"
Accepting Divorce
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No. Women cannot be priests therefore women cannot be bishops.

Bishops don't have to be a priest. They have only to be a Catholic and a human being. Bad luck for not-Catholics and ET's, that's all.

And don't tell me if you could get the eucharist for example from a priestess like Hildegard von Bingen then you would not take it from her. That's nonsense.

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It can never happen. That is the 100% fact.

A certain member keeps saying it can and it might. He is totally wrong, and here are the two reasons why:

FIRST: In the last 300 years there are known to be three infallible teaching made from the Chair of Peter: The teaching that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven, the teaching about the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Saint John Paul IIs statement on women priests. That third one is lesser known but true.

In the apostolic letter: ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS the pope states:
". . . Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

If any of you know how to read Church documents, that was an infallible teaching from the Chair of Peter. So that is the END of that discussion.

SECOND: As an additional matter, in Catholicism, sacramental theology states that for a sacrament to be valid it must be celebrated with proper form and proper matter.
For example, in Baptism proper matter would be water. If you used Pepsi or apple juice or something else, the sacrament would be invalid and no baptism would have taken place.

A female is not proper matter therefore the sacrament by which ordinations take place would not be valid. Jesus used men and we must use men.

Now to you non-Catholics some of this might seem like a bunch of gobbldeygook and I understand that. But trust me when I tell you it is extremely serious to the Church, and it is all true, and women will never - NEVER - be priests.
A true Christian stands by the word of Truth as found in scripture. Our modern society has attempted to change the bounds that God Himself has placed. As Christians, we must stand for the Truth as delivered in scripture as that is our very source of Christian Doctrine, even if it is unpopular.

Women are forbidden to hold a position as a minister of God. "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit women to teach or have authority over a man, but to be in silence." -- 1 Tim. 2:11-12.

Just reading that passage seems to rile a great deal of people. Most people do not realize, as they call Paul some type of male chauvinist swine that he is responsible for well over half the record of the New Testament.

What is Paul declaring? A woman cannot teach a men. They can help in the instruction of a man (Acts 18:26) but the passage is clear they cannot hold authority over a man in the church leadership. Women can teach other women (Tit. 2:3-5). Question did the early church have women that were prophetesses? (Acts 2:17) Yes, as the Spirit of God would be poured out upon all flesh.

As an example some point to and suggest that a woman was holding authority over men when she spoke God's word (Acts 21:9). But in reality the scriptures do not declare whom the "daughters" taught........men or women. Those looking to make contradictory the word of God in other passages declare the daughters taught men as well as women. But the scriptures do not declare such....the scriptures simply declare they instructed the word of God through prophecy.

Actually.........anyone? Find a single passage of a woman preaching the word of God in a congregational sitting in the entire New Testament. The NT defines women as servants of God. Dorcas made coats for the poor (Acts 9:36-39). The women helping Jesus in preparing (Matt. 26:7-13). Phoebe, defined as servant of God worthy of everyone's respect (Rom. 16:1-2) She is called a servant of the church, but it does not declare that she ever preached in a worship service. Being a fellow worker in the Lord does not imply that she had the same authority as Paul.

Within the offices of the local church congregations both elders and deacons are described as male duties (1 Tim. 3:2,8)

Paul explains in detail, that it is not that female is inferior to a male but to allow a female preacher would be to violate God's established order in the fact that God created the man first and the female came from and after the man in God's creation plan. (1 Cor. 11:3-4)

In fact Paul himself declares the equality of men and women in the eyes of God......its just the fact that both have their places established by God ".........there is neither male nor female........" -- Gal. 3:28

What? Can men go through the pains of child birth? Only in a spiritual manner has he has compassion and empathy for his wife. God has always appointed man as the head of the household.......its not personal nor bigoted, because man was created first, its just the natural order of things.
Please, I am talking about the Catholic Church and how we run things.

And we run "a bishop has to be a Catholic man". That's all. Study history. Many bishops had not been priests. And this "man" is perhaps nothing else than a mistake - what I show when I write "human being" instead.

You may not agree with our beliefs, and that is totally fine.
But you may NOT tell us what we can and cannot believe.

Good grief, I fear you should not try to tell anyone something about the holy spirit. Did you never speak with a normal Catholic in your life? We are not sophists.
A true Christian stands by the word of Truth as found in scripture. Our modern society has attempted to change the bounds that God Himself has placed. As Christians, we must stand for the Truth as delivered in scripture as that is our very source of Christian Doctrine, even if it is unpopular.

Women are forbidden to hold a position as a minister of God. "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit women to teach or have authority over a man, but to be in silence." -- 1 Tim. 2:11-12.

Just reading that passage seems to rile a great deal of people. Most people do not realize, as they call Paul some type of male chauvinist swine that he is responsible for well over half the record of the New Testament.

What is Paul declaring? A woman cannot teach a men. They can help in the instruction of a man (Acts 18:26) but the passage is clear they cannot hold authority over a man in the church leadership. Women can teach other women (Tit. 2:3-5). Question did the early church have women that were prophetesses? (Acts 2:17) Yes, as the Spirit of God would be poured out upon all flesh.

As an example some point to and suggest that a woman was holding authority over men when she spoke God's word (Acts 21:9). But in reality the scriptures do not declare whom the "daughters" taught........men or women. Those looking to make contradictory the word of God in other passages declare the daughters taught men as well as women. But the scriptures do not declare such....the scriptures simply declare they instructed the word of God through prophecy.

Actually.........anyone? Find a single passage of a woman preaching the word of God in a congregational sitting in the entire New Testament. The NT defines women as servants of God. Dorcas made coats for the poor (Acts 9:36-39). The women helping Jesus in preparing (Matt. 26:7-13). Phoebe, defined as servant of God worthy of everyone's respect (Rom. 16:1-2) She is called a servant of the church, but it does not declare that she ever preached in a worship service. Being a fellow worker in the Lord does not imply that she had the same authority as Paul.

Within the offices of the local church congregations both elders and deacons are described as male duties (1 Tim. 3:2,8)

Paul explains in detail, that it is not that female is inferior to a male but to allow a female preacher would be to violate God's established order in the fact that God created the man first and the female came from and after the man in God's creation plan. (1 Cor. 11:3-4)

In fact Paul himself declares the equality of men and women in the eyes of God......its just the fact that both have their places established by God ".........there is neither male nor female........" -- Gal. 3:28

What? Can men go through the pains of child birth? Only in a spiritual manner has he has compassion and empathy for his wife. God has always appointed man as the head of the household.......its not personal nor bigoted, because man was created first, its just the natural order of things.

I agree with about 95% of your post. The other 5% has nothing to do with the topic so I will not start a beef with you over that. :)

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