Women Priests in the Catholic Church

And we run "a bishop has to be a Catholic man". That's all. Study history. Many bishops had not been priests. And this "man" is perhaps nothing else than a mistake - what I show when I write "human being" instead.

You have used that little word game several times and I am not really interested in it.
The manner in which bishops have been chosen has changed over 2,000 years, that is true. But I am in the here and now, and today, by the authority vested in it by Jesus Christ, the Magisterium of the Church only makes bishops out of existing priests. That is how it is done.

And the same reason a woman cannot be a priest is the same reason a woman cannot be a bishop. To be ordained one must celebrate the rite of Holy Orders, and Holy Orders is a sacrament, and having a woman would invalidate the sacrament.

And for about the fifth time, The Supreme Pontiff has stated infallibly and for all time to come until the end of the world, there will be no women priests. That ends the discussion for Catholic. PERIOD!!

Now for God's sakes, please, stop peppering me with crap. It is what it is.
Don't like it? Then join another Church.
I agree with about 95% of your post. The other 5% has nothing to do with the topic so I will not start a beef with you over that. :)
My first thoughts.........Well HERE WE GO! :abgg2q.jpg: But......I am glad to see that logic and reason caused your reserve to kick in.

As has been stated numerous times previously. I did not write one word within the scriptures, nor do I profess as much......I simply present the actual content of the Holy Scriptures in a Sola Scriptura manner as that is the very source of true Christian Faith. I simply defend that which is recorded that reads the same for everyone if they would but read in an open minded unbigoted fashion and allow the scriptures to interpret themselves. As private interpretation is forbidden (2 Peter 1:20). The prophets of God have already done as much through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
I attended Catholic school back in the 60s. We were taught evolution even back then. My grandmother was taught evolution! Now, the Church does tell people they can make their own choice whether or not to believe humanity evolved, or whether two people were created on Day One.

Are you saying you are not a protestant? You are certainly not a Catholic. What are you?
A Christian
The problem for the Catholic Church is that in many ways, the morality of society is superior to that of the Church

It is more moral to protect the children of your Church, than the Priests
It is moral and fair for women to be Priests
It is moral and fair for Priests to have normal family lives
It is moral to use birth control
Gay people should be fully accepted in the Church, Jesus would want it that way
It is moral to accept Divorce as the end of a Marriage
The death penalty is morally wrong
What the Catholic Church will move to

Women Priests
Optional Celibacy
Acceptance of Gay Marriage
Acceptance of Birth Control
Accepting Divorce
I sincerely hope not. The Catholic Church is responsible for pointing to the ideal.

Women Priests: Since the time of Christ, women have ever been active in the Catholic faith. We take this responsibility seriously. Why are you proposing that the male responsibility should be removed from men's shoulders and placed on the shoulders of women?

Optional Celibacy: Jesus practiced celibacy and noted that some choose celibacy for the sake of the kingdom. Priests chose that option when they took their vows of Holy Orders. A vow is just that. It is not something that is taken until one changes one's mind.

Gay marriage; birth control; divorce: The Catholic faith points to the ideal. The ideal is marriage between a man and a woman until death parts them. The ideal is life. We see abortion taking place when artificial birth control fails. Natural birth control teaches caution but with the willingness to accept life should that occur.

The Catholic Faith stands for the ideal, and does not settle for "Good enough" because "good enough" never is. We have many advocating the "Good enough" position. Let's hope the one adherent to the ideal doesn't crumple and join the "Good enough" crowd.
You have used that little word game several times and I am not really interested in it.

What means that this people who have to protect the human right that men and women are not only equal in the eyes of god but have also to be equal in the eyes of the law will have to fight one day against my beloved Catholic church - who gave since ever women big possibilities and protected always all women. And this are not only romantic stories - how the story of the lady who asked a monk for help - so this monk decided to be for her a last time the knight he had been before he became a monk and he fought on his white horse for this lady (and all ladies) - not for to win her! - he fought against the dragon for her right to make her own choice whom to marry because of her love! And I remember in this context also the lex baiuvariorum about 1500 years ago where every man was punished twice as hard when he hurted a woman and not a man.

Your "I am not interested in the opinion of other Catholics" is by the way a very uncatholic nonsense. For you I have in the moment nothing else than contempt! Use your chance to become a human being first before you think you are "holy" enough to fight against the human right of 70% of all Catholics which we would not only miss if they would not exist - although nearly no one notices them. We would be dead without them! And to you let me say very clear: Who attacks women attacks me personally. And who thinks the bible is a weapon to fight against others should perhaps study first the bed of nails from an Indian fakir.

PS: Question: Are you a Lefebvreist?
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... The manner in which bishops have been chosen has changed over 2,000 years,

A very good reason to make women now to priests in the will of god - and not in the will of stupid men.

that is true. But I am in the here and now,

17xx AD?

and today, by the authority vested in it by Jesus Christ, the Magisterium of the Church only makes bishops out of existing priests. That is how it is done.

So what? Clerics prefer clerics - that's normal and unreal the same time.

And the same reason a woman cannot be a priest

If the pope and all bishops would be women - would they decide this the same way? So where do you see the will of god in all this administrative nonsense?

is the same reason a woman cannot be a bishop.

What's not true: Every Catholic man can become a bishop - and I suggest to replace this with every Catholic human being can become a bishop.

To be ordained one must celebrate the rite of Holy Orders, and Holy Orders is a sacrament, and having a woman would invalidate the sacrament.

An abbot is the same like a bishop. And an abbess is the same like an abbot.

Why not to continue this old way? Who stopped it? Why?

And for about the fifth time, The Supreme Pontiff has stated infallibly

Who has what?

and for all time to come until the end of the world, there will be no women priests.

What a nonsense. Source for this idiocy please. If this is true then we will also have to eliminate this "infallibly" rule. All German bishops had left by the way Rome when this infallibly rule was decided without any logic and without any revelation. They did not like to fight against the pope.

That ends the discussion for Catholic. PERIOD!!

What is your will, satana? To eliminate the Holy Church?

Now for God's sakes, please, stop peppering me with crap. It is what it is.
Don't like it?

Wrong question. I think you are a little stupid and very aggressive - while most Catholics are much more "naive" (=heartful) and much less aggressive.

Then join another Church.

Sorry - but I don't know what you call "Church". My church is the Catholic church and I would say God is still pregnant with Catholic priestesses. And so this birth will happen. That's inevitable.
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A Christian

But weren't you just here recently asking if you could give up your chance to go to heaven to others? You don't want to go to heaven, it's boring with people worshipping and singing, etc. That was you right??
The problem for the Catholic Church is that in many ways, the morality of society is superior to that of the Church

It is more moral to protect the children of your Church, than the Priests
It is moral and fair for women to be Priests
It is moral and fair for Priests to have normal family lives
It is moral to use birth control
Gay people should be fully accepted in the Church, Jesus would want it that way
It is moral to accept Divorce as the end of a Marriage
The death penalty is morally wrong

It's endlessly fascinating to me that those who DO NOT accept Jesus as the Son of God are perfectly able to read His mind
It's endlessly fascinating to me that those who DO NOT accept Jesus as the Son of God are perfectly able to read His mind

Jesus would not have condemned gays or supported Capital Punishment
Priests are in a higher level than nuns
You are lying if you claim they are equal
Higher to whom? Are you claiming that God sees priests on a higher level than nuns? Are you claiming all the nuns who taught and nursed us on a daily basis are on a lower level than the men who gave Sunday homilies?

What do men do that are higher than women? When did a Sunday homily become more vital than teaching or caring for the sick and poor?

Perhaps your priorities are different from the Church's?

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