Women sexually assaulted by hundreds of Arab or N. African men in Cologne

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Wow you dumb fucking retard. The U.S. almost DID fail "centuries" ago. Adding an "S" makes something plural don't ya know. More than 1 = plural. They burned the Capitol and all that.

You're implying that if we say mass diversity destroys a nation the US would've failed "centuries ago". We're only about 235 years old. And the first hundred or so we were NOT diverse at all.

So....for the US to have failed "centuries ago" (it's only existed for 2) it would have not been because of too much diversity.....and it would have been within the first 30 years of existence.

The U.S. rose ro become the lone world superpower as the most diverse nation on the planet. GFY Bucs.


Without hordes of Arabs.....yes. All diversity isn't bad.

But you don't pour maple syrup on a house salad. Not all ingredients fit.
Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

1. Committed by organized criminal group(s)? Yes. Spree is completely fair.

2. NOpe. LIbs today are sitting on the Victories of past battles and pretending to fight against foes that are long vanquished.

3. No, it is why the vast majority of Italians and Germans and French do not and have never lived in such segregated ghettos.

4. Try searching my posts for Herman Cain references. You should be able to find some "Good things" said about him. Your are confusing racism for conflicting agenda's and interests. A very convenient mistake... one libs are known for.
1. False partisan speculation

2. Dumb partisan speculation

3. Total disregard for the history of this great nation

4. You should have just said some of your best friends are black

1. It's my opinion, and one that seems shared by many Germans including Merkel. They don't seem to think it normal.

2. Nope.Simple observation. Here we see modern "libs" run into real "anti-women" men. And how they fail to deal.

3. Nope. Anecdotal evidence based on ethnic Americans I have know.

4. You don't have to keep demonstrating the Race Card. We get it. Thank you for demonstrating the reason that we had no serious discussion on the changes to be caused by Third World Immigration. I wonder how many of the "100" women sexually assaulted and robbed had heard and believed the dismissal of any concerns as "nativist" or "racist"...
Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

1. Committed by organized criminal group(s)? Yes. Spree is completely fair.

2. NOpe. LIbs today are sitting on the Victories of past battles and pretending to fight against foes that are long vanquished.

3. No, it is why the vast majority of Italians and Germans and French do not and have never lived in such segregated ghettos.

4. Try searching my posts for Herman Cain references. You should be able to find some "Good things" said about him. Your are confusing racism for conflicting agenda's and interests. A very convenient mistake... one libs are known for.
1. False partisan speculation

2. Dumb partisan speculation

3. Total disregard for the history of this great nation

4. You should have just said some of your best friends are black

1. It's my opinion, and one that seems shared by many Germans including Merkel. They don't seem to think it normal.

2. Nope.Simple observation. Here we see modern "libs" run into real "anti-women" men. And how they fail to deal.

3. Nope. Anecdotal evidence based on ethnic Americans I have know.

4. You don't have to keep demonstrating the Race Card. We get it. Thank you for demonstrating the reason that we had no serious discussion on the changes to be caused by Third World Immigration. I wonder how many of the "100" women sexually assaulted and robbed had heard and believed the dismissal of any concerns as "nativist" or "racist"...

"Anecdotal" data is not real data.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Wow you dumb fucking retard. The U.S. almost DID fail "centuries" ago. Adding an "S" makes something plural don't ya know. More than 1 = plural. They burned the Capitol and all that.

You're implying that if we say mass diversity destroys a nation the US would've failed "centuries ago". We're only about 235 years old. And the first hundred or so we were NOT diverse at all.

So....for the US to have failed "centuries ago" (it's only existed for 2) it would have not been because of too much diversity.....and it would have been within the first 30 years of existence.

The U.S. rose ro become the lone world superpower as the most diverse nation on the planet. GFY Bucs.


Without hordes of Arabs.....yes. All diversity isn't bad.

But you don't pour maple syrup on a house salad. Not all ingredients fit.

Oh geez...

Cologne attacks: Mayor's 'arm's length' advice slammed - CNN.com

So blacks and Arabs are rampaging through Germany raping and assaulting hundreds. And leaders are shocked. Shocked they say.

We told you fucking liberals this would happen.
Funny, the liberal media in the US isn't saying anything about that. But if a white straight right handed person policeman sneezes, they all over it. Who's side are these liberals ON, anyway? Militant Islamic fundamentalist are their (and everyone else's) enemy and would hang them from a crane or stone them to death. Why do libs support this insanity?
Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

I've got Der Spiegel up. Quoting the Police Chief. You want to argue with the Police Chief of Cologne?

They are known to the police already. Known criminals.

"At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones.

He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts."

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

I've got Der Spiegel up. Quoting the Police Chief. You want to argue with the Police Chief of Cologne?

They are known to the police already. Known criminals.

"At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones.

He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts."

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE
How do you say cover up in German?
Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

I've got Der Spiegel up. Quoting the Police Chief. You want to argue with the Police Chief of Cologne?

They are known to the police already. Known criminals.

"At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones.

He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts."

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE
How do you say cover up in German?

It's quite stunning to witness this. Merkel is a madwoman.
Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

I've got Der Spiegel up. Quoting the Police Chief. You want to argue with the Police Chief of Cologne?

They are known to the police already. Known criminals.

"At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones.

He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts."

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE
How do you say cover up in German?

It's quite stunning to witness this. Merkel is a madwoman.
They're just displaying their islamthink. Next they'll be saying it might just be best to wear the burqa.
Where does it mention "migrants"?

When it says "arab or north African" as the description of the criminals

And that makes them "migrants" ---- how?

Ever been to Germany?

The same thing that makes all the "Americans" immigrants, they are not indigenous to the continent. Since when has Germany been part of North Africa or arabia ?

"Migrants" is not the same thing as "immigrants". And neither one is the same as ethnicity, which is what the description (from one guy) refers to -- physical appearance.

You cannot look at a person and determine their travel history from their appearance. Can't do it.

The case has been plastered all over the internet news outlets and they all say the same thing. The criminals were all foreign immigrants/migrants that conducted the attacks in an organised manner. The German police are looking at the evidence and could be making arrests shortly, the easy answer is to stop all migration/immigration to Europe NOW and look to removing those already here legally

Uh --- no. They don't say that. Which was exactly my point in my first post.
Cologne attacks: Mayor's 'arm's length' advice slammed - CNN.com

So blacks and Arabs are rampaging through Germany raping and assaulting hundreds. And leaders are shocked. Shocked they say.

We told you fucking liberals this would happen.
Funny, the liberal media in the US isn't saying anything about that. But if a white straight right handed person policeman sneezes, they all over it. Who's side are these liberals ON, anyway? Militant Islamic fundamentalist are their (and everyone else's) enemy and would hang them from a crane or stone them to death. Why do libs support this insanity?

German media is!! BBC is all over it. Check out below....Telegraph is showing big photos from the area that show large hordes of Arab and North African men standing around waiting for female victims. Europe is in the dawn of a coming war.
'Cover-up' over Cologne sex assaults blamed on migration sensitivities
  • Berlin Cologne Hamburg Stuttgart Dusseldorf Migrant Sex Assault In Every Major German City
    BREITBART ^ | January 6, 2016 | Oliver Lane
    German capital city Berlin has joined the sad parade of cities touched by migrant sex violence on New Year's Eve, with hundreds of assaults now reported to police in Cologne and other cities. Although on a smaller scale to the unrestrained and un-policed sex attacks in Cologne, the Berliner Morgenpost has now reported on assaults taking place on the street "in front of the Brandenburg gate". The revelation may prove difficult for the German media, which until now has stressed in most reports on the new year's rapes that Berlin was not caught up in the scandal. The paper reports...
Cologne attacks: Mayor's 'arm's length' advice slammed - CNN.com

So blacks and Arabs are rampaging through Germany raping and assaulting hundreds. And leaders are shocked. Shocked they say.

We told you fucking liberals this would happen.
Funny, the liberal media in the US isn't saying anything about that. But if a white straight right handed person policeman sneezes, they all over it. Who's side are these liberals ON, anyway? Militant Islamic fundamentalist are their (and everyone else's) enemy and would hang them from a crane or stone them to death. Why do libs support this insanity?

German media is!! BBC is all over it. Check out below....Telegraph is showing big photos from the area that show large hordes of Arab and North African men standing around waiting for female victims. Europe is in the dawn of a coming war.
'Cover-up' over Cologne sex assaults blamed on migration sensitivities

Earlier, the German police union said it feared arrests were unlikely so long after the assaults.

How convenient.
Islam rears its ugly head, and women seem to have been relegated to third class status, without a whimper from the police, the gvmnt or the media. How bad does it have to get?
Last edited:
"Women sexually assaulted by hundreds of Arab or N. African men in Cologne"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your bigotry and ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

It's a big story. It's news. Really simple.
Cover ups are going on all over Europe.

Others compared the lack of inhibition to sexually assault women in a crowd, where their actions could go largely unnoticed, to events in Cairo’s Tahrir Square during the Arab spring, where women found themselves similarly molested. Observers also made a connection between German politicians’ reluctance to confront the issues in Cologne head-on with the nervousness of British politicians to tackle the issue of Asian sex-grooming gangs in the UK.

Tensions rise in Germany over handling of mass sexual assaults in Cologne

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