Women sexually assaulted by hundreds of Arab or N. African men in Cologne

I have little doubt the same thing will be happening here soon. What concerns me is in the face of this emerging threat our government's primary concern is increasing gun control.

The only way to deal with mobs who behave like uncivilized savages and harm our women is kill every one of them on the spot. I have daughters and granddaughters and the idea of foreigners coming into this country and attacking women on the streets is infuriating to me.
I'm sure you spend most of your days crippled with fear about the whole thing...

Yeah many are afraid of what could happen eventually if this cancer keeps growing.

Meanwhile....you and the libs are doing your best impersonation of the band on the Titanic during its descent.
Or at least, what one side of the isle is proclaiming are the results.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.

Well.... Technically 2 is a plural..

JUst saying.;)
Or at least, what one side of the isle is proclaiming are the results.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Ha! That's a laugh...Early Americans would burn you down and out in a moments notice if you was not the right kind........And immigrants from all over the world moved here early in US history....Then you had the English settlers that hated the Germans, and they hated they French and they hated the Dutch and they hated the,,,,you see how it goes, no matter where you are from, someone can think of a reason to dislike you....Even the Puritans hated and beat baptist, they thought their form of Christ worship was too extreme...
I have little doubt the same thing will be happening here soon. What concerns me is in the face of this emerging threat our government's primary concern is increasing gun control.

The only way to deal with mobs who behave like uncivilized savages and harm our women is kill every one of them on the spot. I have daughters and granddaughters and the idea of foreigners coming into this country and attacking women on the streets is infuriating to me.
I'm sure you spend most of your days crippled with fear about the whole thing...

Yeah many are afraid of what could happen eventually if this cancer keeps growing.

Meanwhile....you and the libs are doing your best impersonation of the band on the Titanic during its descent.
No, couldn't be, you know it all righties claim we liberals don't know how to do nuffin...
Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Ha! That's a laugh...Early Americans would burn you down and out in a moments notice if you was not the right kind........And immigrants from all over the world moved here early in US history....Then you had the English settlers that hated the Germans, and they hated they French and they hated the Dutch and they hated the,,,,you see how it goes, no matter where you are from, someone can think of a reason to dislike you....Even the Puritans hated and beat baptist, they thought their form of Christ worship was too extreme...

The vast majority of our early immigration was from the UK and later German.
Or at least, what one side of the isle is proclaiming are the results.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Ha! That's a laugh...Early Americans would burn you down and out in a moments notice if you was not the right kind........And immigrants from all over the world moved here early in US history....Then you had the English settlers that hated the Germans, and they hated they French and they hated the Dutch and they hated the,,,,you see how it goes, no matter where you are from, someone can think of a reason to dislike you....Even the Puritans hated and beat baptist, they thought their form of Christ worship was too extreme...

The vast majority of our early immigration was from the UK and later German.
Later, like the 1820's?
Or at least, what one side of the isle is proclaiming are the results.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Wow you dumb fucking retard. The U.S. almost DID fail "centuries" ago. Adding an "S" makes something plural don't ya know. More than 1 = plural. They burned the Capitol and all that.
Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Wow you dumb fucking retard. The U.S. almost DID fail "centuries" ago. Adding an "S" makes something plural don't ya know. More than 1 = plural. They burned the Capitol and all that.
Most people don't recall that...
Not a problem. All women should just carry a slice of bacon, and if anyone approaches them, they can brandish it, and threaten to slap them across the face with it...
Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.
100 cases of sexual assault and one rape? Hell, Bill Cosby is a worse threat on a Saturday night than that is.
Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Ha! That's a laugh...Early Americans would burn you down and out in a moments notice if you was not the right kind........And immigrants from all over the world moved here early in US history....Then you had the English settlers that hated the Germans, and they hated they French and they hated the Dutch and they hated the,,,,you see how it goes, no matter where you are from, someone can think of a reason to dislike you....Even the Puritans hated and beat baptist, they thought their form of Christ worship was too extreme...

The vast majority of our early immigration was from the UK and later German.
Later, like the 1820's?

Sounds about right. Why do you ask?
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Ha! That's a laugh...Early Americans would burn you down and out in a moments notice if you was not the right kind........And immigrants from all over the world moved here early in US history....Then you had the English settlers that hated the Germans, and they hated they French and they hated the Dutch and they hated the,,,,you see how it goes, no matter where you are from, someone can think of a reason to dislike you....Even the Puritans hated and beat baptist, they thought their form of Christ worship was too extreme...

The vast majority of our early immigration was from the UK and later German.
Later, like the 1820's?

Sounds about right. Why do you ask?
My German side of the family moved to the colonies in the 1770's...The Irish side was in the 1850's..
Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Wow you dumb fucking retard. The U.S. almost DID fail "centuries" ago. Adding an "S" makes something plural don't ya know. More than 1 = plural. They burned the Capitol and all that.

You're implying that if we say mass diversity destroys a nation the US would've failed "centuries ago". We're only about 235 years old. And the first hundred or so we were NOT diverse at all.

So....for the US to have failed "centuries ago" (it's only existed for 2) it would have not been because of too much diversity.....and it would have been within the first 30 years of existence.
Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Ha! That's a laugh...Early Americans would burn you down and out in a moments notice if you was not the right kind........And immigrants from all over the world moved here early in US history....Then you had the English settlers that hated the Germans, and they hated they French and they hated the Dutch and they hated the,,,,you see how it goes, no matter where you are from, someone can think of a reason to dislike you....Even the Puritans hated and beat baptist, they thought their form of Christ worship was too extreme...

The vast majority of our early immigration was from the UK and later German.
Later, like the 1820's?

Sounds about right. Why do you ask?
My German side of the family moved to the colonies in the 1770's...The Irish side was in the 1850's..

Good for you.:beer:
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.
100 reported incidents, on the drunkest party night of the year, in a station that thousands and thousands of people passed through that night = Muzzies and ******* are destroying Germany.

Hey, make sure you vote for Trump in the primary. K thanks.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Haha....hey retard....the US couldn't have failed "centuries ago". It's only about 250 years old. And for the first 200 years we weren't a vast diverse mixed bag. We were segregated and each group was able to exist with its own values and boundaries.
Wow you dumb fucking retard. The U.S. almost DID fail "centuries" ago. Adding an "S" makes something plural don't ya know. More than 1 = plural. They burned the Capitol and all that.

You're implying that if we say mass diversity destroys a nation the US would've failed "centuries ago". We're only about 235 years old. And the first hundred or so we were NOT diverse at all.

So....for the US to have failed "centuries ago" (it's only existed for 2) it would have not been because of too much diversity.....and it would have been within the first 30 years of existence.

The U.S. rose ro become the lone world superpower as the most diverse nation on the planet. GFY Bucs.

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Please try again.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

1. Committed by organized criminal group(s)? Yes. Spree is completely fair.

2. NOpe. LIbs today are sitting on the Victories of past battles and pretending to fight against foes that are long vanquished.

3. No, it is why the vast majority of Italians and Germans and French do not and have never lived in such segregated ghettos.

4. Try searching my posts for Herman Cain references. You should be able to find some "Good things" said about him. Your are confusing racism for conflicting agenda's and interests. A very convenient mistake... one libs are known for.
Your post was stupid and off topic. And terribly wrong. The U.S. should have failed centuries ago according to your dumb fucking nonsense.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

Here I will repost what I actually said. Please try to actually respond to what I have actually posted.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Your side's pretense that this is normal German behavior is relevant as it shows how blind your faith is in your ideology.

100 reports of pick-pocketing, sexual assault, and 1 rape on the most drunken party night of the year in the busiest train station in the country? Terrible, but most U.S. cities would kill for that stat line.

The West's "liberal" view on women is a minority and due to demographics a shrinking one at that.

You can thank liberals for that view on women. If it wasn't for liberals, none of the crimes reported would be crimes.

Actively pursuing a policy of importing shitty Third World Cultures in numbers enough to create a multicultural society will obviously lead to a turning back the clock on that issue.

The U.S., a historically multicultural nation (thus the "mixing bowl" nickname), is the greatest nation that has ever existed. I'm sorry you hate what it stands for.

For one example of why it is a bad idea.

It's too bad we couldn't have an honest discussion on this before these policies were implemented, but Race Card.

Yes, it's too bad the yokels that raised you put so much hatred in your heart.

There, was that so hard?

1. The Mass Sexual Assault Robbery spree of that one night was bad enough, on top of the normal crime of a normal First World CIty. But as an indicator of the culture that is being imported into Germany? It is a warning of what a bad idea it is.

2. Modern "liberals" have nothing to do with past "liberals".

3. Demanding and forcing Assimilation is the exact opposite of Multiculturalism.

4. Exactly. We could not have a serious and honest discussion on the changes of massive demographic transformation and cultural shift would bring, because any attempt to address them was demagogued by "liberals" like you. Just like you just did. Thanks for that.

1. 100 reported incidents of anything on the drunkest party night of the year in one of the busiest places in an entire country is not a "mass spree"

2. Dismissed as nonsense

3. Is that why every city has a Little Italy, Germantown, Chinatown, French Quarter, etc.?

4. You hate brown people. You constantly disparage them, and have never said anything good about them. That is something you cannot deny.

1. Committed by organized criminal group(s)? Yes. Spree is completely fair.

2. NOpe. LIbs today are sitting on the Victories of past battles and pretending to fight against foes that are long vanquished.

3. No, it is why the vast majority of Italians and Germans and French do not and have never lived in such segregated ghettos.

4. Try searching my posts for Herman Cain references. You should be able to find some "Good things" said about him. Your are confusing racism for conflicting agenda's and interests. A very convenient mistake... one libs are known for.
1. False partisan speculation

2. Dumb partisan speculation

3. Total disregard for the history of this great nation

4. You should have just said some of your best friends are black

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