Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.

So there's one definition, one motivation, one purpose, regardless of the person, place, motivation or context?

I call bullshit. This issue is far more complex than the bumperstick slogan you're apeing.

Psychiatrists everywhere disagree with you. Rape is usually motivated by anger, not lust. In Cosby's case, it seems to be motivated by a diseased mind. He could have had all the women he wanted, without raping them. However, he chose to rape them instead. He needed total control.

Rape itself doesn't even come in one flavor. How then could psychiatrists everywhere agree that there can only be one motivation for all people in all situations, under any circumstance?

Your argument is a crass and obtuse oversimplification of a complex issue with the people involved little more than caracatuures. Lacking any complexity, acting in perfect accordance with your assumptions, allowed only one feeling or motivation.

People aren't that simple. The situation isn't the simple. .
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.

So there's one definition, one motivation, one purpose, regardless of the person, place, motivation or context?

I call bullshit. This issue is far more complex than the bumperstick slogan you're apeing.

Psychiatrists everywhere disagree with you. Rape is usually motivated by anger, not lust. In Cosby's case, it seems to be motivated by a diseased mind. He could have had all the women he wanted, without raping them. However, he chose to rape them instead. He needed total control.

Rape itself doesn't even come in one flavor. How then could psychiatrists everywhere agree that there can only be one motivation for all people in all situations, under any circumstance?

Your argument is a crass and obtuse oversimplification of a complex issue with the people involved little more than caracatuures. Lacking any complexity, acting in perfect accordance with your assumptions, allowed only one feeling or motivation.

People aren't that simple. The situation isn't the simple. .

And neither is your assessment of my post, and my assumptions....
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.
Again I didnt say it played no role. However, sex is just a tool to achieve power and control. The aim is not to have sex. Its to exercise power. Pretending its about sex is like saying people eat ice cream so they can get ice cream stains on their shirts. Can a person get some stains? Yes. However, thats not why they eat the ice cream.

If it plays a role, then your entire 'defies reason' argument just left a brown streak on the bowl as it went down the toilet. As even with sexual attraction being a secondary motivation provocative clothing would be far more likely to attract a rapist's attention.

And yet you've gone to absurd lengths creating baseless 'alternate explanations' for why rape skews toward younger women to an almost ludicrous degree.....just to avoid this obvious conclusion.
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.

Just men that were poorly taught. Hateful, mean, ugly evil men that can't think and act like normal men and wait to be invited to touch. Sick men that care nothing about women and thrive on abuse and hurting other.

Men that don't know how to look at something beautiful without destroying it.

Old, young, big, small it is not about the women but the abuse that drives a man to rape.

Rape is not about sex. It is not about the woman.
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.

So there's one definition, one motivation, one purpose, regardless of the person, place, motivation or context?

I call bullshit. This issue is far more complex than the bumperstick slogan you're apeing.

Psychiatrists everywhere disagree with you. Rape is usually motivated by anger, not lust. In Cosby's case, it seems to be motivated by a diseased mind. He could have had all the women he wanted, without raping them. However, he chose to rape them instead. He needed total control.

Rape itself doesn't even come in one flavor. How then could psychiatrists everywhere agree that there can only be one motivation for all people in all situations, under any circumstance?

Your argument is a crass and obtuse oversimplification of a complex issue with the people involved little more than caracatuures. Lacking any complexity, acting in perfect accordance with your assumptions, allowed only one feeling or motivation.

People aren't that simple. The situation isn't the simple. .

And neither is your assessment of my post, and my assumptions....

You've insisted that there can only be one motivation, one purpose, one goal, regardless of the situation, the person, the context, or any other mitigating factor.

I've seeen stick figures with more nuance. And bumperstickers with more depth and application to reality.

People aren't the caracatures you've imagined them to be. They're not simple, nor is this issue. And they're often motivated by a myriad of competing interests. Interests that change from moment to moment, can be rational or irrational.
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.
Again I didnt say it played no role. However, sex is just a tool to achieve power and control. The aim is not to have sex. Its to exercise power. Pretending its about sex is like saying people eat ice cream so they can get ice cream stains on their shirts. Can a person get some stains? Yes. However, thats not why they eat the ice cream.

If it plays a role, then your entire 'defies reason' argument just left a brown streak on the bowl as it went down the toilet. As even with sexual attraction being a secondary motivation provocative clothing would be far more likely to attract a rapist's attention.

And yet you've gone to absurd lengths creating baseless 'alternate explanations' for why rape skews toward younger women to an almost ludicrous degree.....just to avoid this obvious conclusion.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. Some people get aroused by power. Thats why people fully clothed get raped. Has nothing to do with attracting a rapists eye because of clothing. If you look like easy prey then that will attract a rapist. if your conclusion made sense then only prostitutes and skanks would get raped.
Well, this is not the ME, and women should be able to wear short skirts and short shorts and not worry about some man wanting to rape her because of it. Rape is a thought of a diseased mind. Most people would NOT want to have sex with someone who is an unwilling partner, who is screaming and crying for them to stop, etc. It is a crime and a very serious one. AND, as has been pointed out, women who HAVE been wearing conservative type clothing have been raped too. I think it has little to do with clothing and more to do with opportunity, like being at the wrong place at the wrong time no matter WHAT you are wearing.
They dont even have to be screaming and crying. If a woman doesnt "feel" right thats enough to throw ice water on the party.

That's not my point though. My point is that these people are sick and some of them "get off" on that. THAT is how you know it is much more of an issue than just "sexual attraction" or the girl is wearing skimpy clothing.

And my point is that wearing skimpy clothing can attract the attention of these sick people.
Who told you this?

Who indicated otherwise?

And before you start down the rapist equivalent of 'he who smelt it dealt it', repeat after me:

'Myriad of reasons'.

Just one...........sick man
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.

Just men that were poorly taught. Hateful, mean, ugly evil men that can't think and act like normal men and wait to be invited to touch. Sick men that care nothing about women and thrive on abuse and hurting other.

Men that don't know how to look at something beautiful without destroying it.

Old, young, big, small it is not about the women but the abuse that drives a man to rape.

Rape is not about sex. It is not about the woman.

So one motivation, one personality, one purpose, regardless of the situation, the context, or who is involved, always?

And there can never be anything more to it? It has to be a perfect, pristine and singular motivation in every situation? And there can be none other?
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.
Again I didnt say it played no role. However, sex is just a tool to achieve power and control. The aim is not to have sex. Its to exercise power. Pretending its about sex is like saying people eat ice cream so they can get ice cream stains on their shirts. Can a person get some stains? Yes. However, thats not why they eat the ice cream.

If it plays a role, then your entire 'defies reason' argument just left a brown streak on the bowl as it went down the toilet. As even with sexual attraction being a secondary motivation provocative clothing would be far more likely to attract a rapist's attention.

And yet you've gone to absurd lengths creating baseless 'alternate explanations' for why rape skews toward younger women to an almost ludicrous degree.....just to avoid this obvious conclusion.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. Some people get aroused by power. Thats why people fully clothed get raped. Has nothing to do with attracting a rapists eye because of clothing. If you look like easy prey then that will attract a rapist. if your conclusion made sense then only prostitutes and skanks would get raped.

And some people are aroused by power.....and brunettes. Again, why must any rapist be this caracature that is motivated by ONLY one factor and can never have any other competing interest?

There's nothing mutually exclusive about this. A man can get off on power.....and be into 23 year olds. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It doesn't have to be only those two. It can be a myriad of reasons.

It defies reason to conclude that in defiance of ANY other human experience which is a mishmashh of multiple purposes, conflicting and competing interests........that rape is pristinely pure, singular event in which nothing intrudes nor ever could intrude, and only one note can ever be hit, regardless of person, place or circumstances.

That's ridiculous. People aren't that simple. And you don't make women safer by pretending rapists are cardboard cartoon caricatures.
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.

Just men that were poorly taught. Hateful, mean, ugly evil men that can't think and act like normal men and wait to be invited to touch. Sick men that care nothing about women and thrive on abuse and hurting other.

Men that don't know how to look at something beautiful without destroying it.

Old, young, big, small it is not about the women but the abuse that drives a man to rape.

Rape is not about sex. It is not about the woman.

So one motivation, one personality, one purpose, regardless of the situation, the context, or who is involved, always?

And there can never be anything more to it? It has to be a perfect, pristine and singular motivation in every situation? And there can be none other?

The man.

That is all of it. Just the man and his inability to control his rage.

Everything else is excuse and attempt to rationalize.

It is the man, the rapists.
While there are some psychiatrists who believe that sex is a motivating factor, most agree that is motivated by anger, frustration, aggression, and violent intentions:

Causes of sexual violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For your narrative to be valid, it can ONLY be anger, frustration or aggression. There can never be any sexual attraction, any other unmet need, any other motivation. In part or in full. Nothing can intrude on the cartoon simplicity of your bumpersticker defintions.

Like say, the complexity and contradiction of any human being.

Riddle me this: do you honestly think women are safer from rapists because you've convinced yourself that sexual attraction can't exist in a rapist? Do you really think that oversimplifying this issue actually effects their behavior? Magically makes them fit into your assumptions?
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.
Again I didnt say it played no role. However, sex is just a tool to achieve power and control. The aim is not to have sex. Its to exercise power. Pretending its about sex is like saying people eat ice cream so they can get ice cream stains on their shirts. Can a person get some stains? Yes. However, thats not why they eat the ice cream.

If it plays a role, then your entire 'defies reason' argument just left a brown streak on the bowl as it went down the toilet. As even with sexual attraction being a secondary motivation provocative clothing would be far more likely to attract a rapist's attention.

And yet you've gone to absurd lengths creating baseless 'alternate explanations' for why rape skews toward younger women to an almost ludicrous degree.....just to avoid this obvious conclusion.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. Some people get aroused by power. Thats why people fully clothed get raped. Has nothing to do with attracting a rapists eye because of clothing. If you look like easy prey then that will attract a rapist. if your conclusion made sense then only prostitutes and skanks would get raped.

And some people are aroused by power.....and brunettes. Again, why must any rapist be this caracature that is motivated by ONLY one factor and can never have any other competing interest?

There's nothing mutually exclusive about this. A man can get off on power.....and be into 23 year olds. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It doesn't have to be only those two. It can be a myriad of reasons.

It defies reason to conclude that in defiance of ANY other human experience which is a mishmashh of multiple purposes, conflicting and competing interests........that rape is pristinely pure, singular event in which nothing intrudes nor ever could intrude, and only one note can ever be hit, regardless of person, place or circumstances.

That's ridiculous. People aren't that simple. And you don't make women safer by pretending rapists are cardboard cartoon caricatures.
Its pretty simple and yes people are that simple when it comes to certain things. Rape is about power. Always has been. Forcing yourself sexually on someone that is not interested in you sexually is only about power. "I want and I can so I will". The common denominator in all rapes minus some statutory rape is power.
Rape is not about having sex. Rape is about having total power over a woman. Power to abuse, invade, violate, overcome, humiliate, and control that woman. Clothing has nothing to do with it.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.

Just men that were poorly taught. Hateful, mean, ugly evil men that can't think and act like normal men and wait to be invited to touch. Sick men that care nothing about women and thrive on abuse and hurting other.

Men that don't know how to look at something beautiful without destroying it.

Old, young, big, small it is not about the women but the abuse that drives a man to rape.

Rape is not about sex. It is not about the woman.

So one motivation, one personality, one purpose, regardless of the situation, the context, or who is involved, always?

And there can never be anything more to it? It has to be a perfect, pristine and singular motivation in every situation? And there can be none other?

The man.

That is all of it. Just the man and his inability to control his rage.

Everything else is excuse and attempt to rationalize.

It is the man, the rapists.

In every situation? College kids experimenting with sex and she's not ready........means that he's 'filled with rage'? Some folks get drunk and have sex when she's way too wasted to offer consent........rage? Every situation, every context, every circumstance, always, without exception?

While there are some psychiatrists who believe that sex is a motivating factor, most agree that is motivated by anger, frustration, aggression, and violent intentions:

Causes of sexual violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For your narrative to be valid, it can ONLY be anger, frustration or aggression. There can never be any sexual attraction, any other unmet need, any other motivation. In part or in full. Nothing can intrude on the cartoon simplicity of your bumpersticker defintions.

Like say, the complexity and contradiction of any human being.

Riddle me this: do you honestly think women are safer from rapists because you've convinced yourself that sexual attraction can't exist in a rapist? Do you really think that oversimplifying this issue actually effects their behavior? Magically makes them fit into your assumptions?

I think that anyone who believes that a rapist is motivated by a scantily clad woman has absolutely no valid world view of reality, whatsoever.
While there are some psychiatrists who believe that sex is a motivating factor, most agree that is motivated by anger, frustration, aggression, and violent intentions:

Causes of sexual violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For your narrative to be valid, it can ONLY be anger, frustration or aggression. There can never be any sexual attraction, any other unmet need, any other motivation. In part or in full. Nothing can intrude on the cartoon simplicity of your bumpersticker defintions.

Like say, the complexity and contradiction of any human being.

Riddle me this: do you honestly think women are safer from rapists because you've convinced yourself that sexual attraction can't exist in a rapist? Do you really think that oversimplifying this issue actually effects their behavior? Magically makes them fit into your assumptions?
Without the element of power there would be no rape. I cant understand why you dont get that.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.
Again I didnt say it played no role. However, sex is just a tool to achieve power and control. The aim is not to have sex. Its to exercise power. Pretending its about sex is like saying people eat ice cream so they can get ice cream stains on their shirts. Can a person get some stains? Yes. However, thats not why they eat the ice cream.

If it plays a role, then your entire 'defies reason' argument just left a brown streak on the bowl as it went down the toilet. As even with sexual attraction being a secondary motivation provocative clothing would be far more likely to attract a rapist's attention.

And yet you've gone to absurd lengths creating baseless 'alternate explanations' for why rape skews toward younger women to an almost ludicrous degree.....just to avoid this obvious conclusion.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. Some people get aroused by power. Thats why people fully clothed get raped. Has nothing to do with attracting a rapists eye because of clothing. If you look like easy prey then that will attract a rapist. if your conclusion made sense then only prostitutes and skanks would get raped.

And some people are aroused by power.....and brunettes. Again, why must any rapist be this caracature that is motivated by ONLY one factor and can never have any other competing interest?

There's nothing mutually exclusive about this. A man can get off on power.....and be into 23 year olds. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It doesn't have to be only those two. It can be a myriad of reasons.

It defies reason to conclude that in defiance of ANY other human experience which is a mishmashh of multiple purposes, conflicting and competing interests........that rape is pristinely pure, singular event in which nothing intrudes nor ever could intrude, and only one note can ever be hit, regardless of person, place or circumstances.

That's ridiculous. People aren't that simple. And you don't make women safer by pretending rapists are cardboard cartoon caricatures.

You are making excuses for the man. Are you trying to come up with your own version of defense for you to commit rape? Does not matter if the victim is a girl, a woman, a boy or a man. Rape is not about sex. Does the boy or the girl invite rape? Does a man? Why then does a woman?

Does an old woman alone in her home invite a rape? Does a disabled person? A police woman? A female soldier? A sewage worker? A doctor or nurse? A teacher? A taxi driver? A waitress?

Male, female, age, ability, nationality, race, religion, does not matter. It is not the victim but the rapist that is the cause.

Stop trying to blame the woman, the victim.
Its weird how people think clothing has anything to do with rape.

Hoiw is that weird? Remember, 1 in 5 rape victims are between the ages of 18 and 21. While women over the age of 50 over the age of 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

Its ludicrous to conclude the sexual attraction plays no role in rape. It defines reason. And requires elaborate, baseless narratives to explain away overwhelming evidence that supports the idea of a sexual component in rape.

Remember your 'out and about' excuse for why the average rape victim's age is the lowest of any major violent crime? Occam's Razor is a useful tool here.

Just men that were poorly taught. Hateful, mean, ugly evil men that can't think and act like normal men and wait to be invited to touch. Sick men that care nothing about women and thrive on abuse and hurting other.

Men that don't know how to look at something beautiful without destroying it.

Old, young, big, small it is not about the women but the abuse that drives a man to rape.

Rape is not about sex. It is not about the woman.

So one motivation, one personality, one purpose, regardless of the situation, the context, or who is involved, always?

And there can never be anything more to it? It has to be a perfect, pristine and singular motivation in every situation? And there can be none other?

The man.

That is all of it. Just the man and his inability to control his rage.

Everything else is excuse and attempt to rationalize.

It is the man, the rapists.

In every situation? College kids experimenting with sex and she's not ready........means that he's 'filled with rage'? Some folks get drunk and have sex when she's way too wasted to offer consent........rage? Every situation, every context, every circumstance, always, without exception?

You are mixing up legal definitions of rape and what we all know is really rape. Two people getting drunk and having sex is not rape. Tw kids having sex and the girl says stop. Yeah thats rape and yes its about power the moment he continues after she said stop.

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