Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

I think this conversation has become very binary. There is rape -- which, as I understand it, is essentially as it is portrayed by those here who are against what Hynde said -- and then there is the relatively long list of bad stuff that can happen when a guy gets too drunk and excited and horny -- some of which, by the way, could be construed as rape by some.

I don't want either happening to one of my daughters or someone else's, and if there is something that can be done (or not done) to mitigate the potential of such an event I'm wide open to it.

That said, now that it's been inferred that I'm an imminent rapist who has his daughters chained to the wall, I'm not quite as interested in this thread. I'm not very good at dealing with nasty zealots.

Were we too unPC for you hon? You seem to think a rapist is going to rape based on appearance, while in reality they are going to rape because they are rapists.
You seem to spend a great deal of effort putting words in my mouth.

That's okay sweetie, I know how you folks are.
The sad thing is that you will teach people that a woman can prevent rape by modifying her appearance while history shows that that is not the case.
You just keep doing it. You folks just can't stop lying.

Think what you will.
I will think what you mean by your posts. And your posts say some women deserved to be raped.
Ugh. That'll do it.

Join the others on ignore, too nasty for me.

Buh bye.
Why can't it be about both ?

I've never bought into this bullshit that rape is only about power.

I think it can sometimes be about power, sometimes about sex, sometimes about maybe something else.

Think outside of the feminist narrative box.

It cant be both because rape is about power. No matter how you look at it thats the bottom line. Control of another person.

Well obviously if someone raped another, they had control over them. But to say that the whole intent from the start was to control the person, and not of a sexual desire is utter nonsense.

WELL YOU SEE 99.99999999999999% of men who look at this Jessical Biel's picture would think about fucking her. Asclepias, who has zero testosterone in his body would link about controlling her.

Dude, why are you so fucking angry about this?? Go jerk off with some sandpaper and go to bed!




The military is a government institution. lol We have had science institutions for the past 150 years. ;) We're a better country because of it.
Yes, women like to be looked at and flirted with but there is not sign that says please come rape me.
Dressed or undressed, no woman should be touched except as she wants.
Men have a problem with that, they should go jump in a very deep cold lake or drop ice down their shorts.
There is nothing a woman can do that gives any man the signal to rape.
No man no how no way never allowed to rape no matter what.

Woman should be aware that not all men are gentlemen but that is just good common sense two hundred years ago or hundred years from now. It does not matter if they work in a topless bar or in a dance studio.
Rape is never permitted. In a tent, in a pant suit, in a dress, high heels, low heals, no shoes, running shoes, hair up, hair down, hot pants, no pants, with a bra or no bra........................ rape is not permitted. Nothing a women should or could do that should give a man the idea that she deserves to be rapes or that she is asking for it. Nothing never.

No drugs, no drinks, no man should take anything as permissible to engage in sex with the woman unless is she full enthusiastic, of clear willing mind and asks. It does not matter if she is passed out naked on the floor, no man should think is OK for him to rape a woman.

It is not allowed to rape.

Men have to be taught to understand that. No rape.

Nothing a woman can do is an invitation to rape. Nothing. Period. Never.

It is not a woman being taught, it is men that have to be taught to control their lust and their anger. Same way it not permitted for a man to hit a woman, or abuse her in any form even verbally.

Parent teach your sons.
Anyone that thinks they abuse a women is just plain wrong. Criminally wrong. Mentally wrong.


How is that so hard to understand?

There is not excuse to rape.




or B


Depends. You keep thinking its about sex when its about power. Maybe the white woman attracts a rapist because she is mouthy and the rapist wants to over power her. Maybe the Black woman because she looks like more of a challenge and would put up more of a fight.

Why can't it be about both ?

I've never bought into this bullshit that rape is only about power.

I think it can sometimes be about power, sometimes about sex, sometimes about maybe something else.

Think outside of the feminist narrative box.

It cant be both because rape is about power. No matter how you look at it thats the bottom line. Control of another person.

Well obviously if someone raped another, they had control over them. But to say that the whole intent from the start was to control the person, and not of a sexual desire is utter nonsense.

WELL YOU SEE 99.99999999999999% of men who look at this Jessical Biel's picture would think about fucking her. Asclepias, who has zero testosterone in his body would link about controlling her.

That is not an excuse to rape any woman. Does not matter how turned on you might be.
No woman should be forced or abused
How much more modest can a woman be than covered by a tent, even her face and hands?

They still get raped.
I'd be curious to see what the rape rate was in communities that never had contact with white people and their anxiety about being naked.

tribal africa, women are married quiet young. The warmer climates they reach puberty sooner. There is also a tribal mentality of raising children and helping women through childbirth, a bit like it is everyones baby.
Women after two children might find their husband takes a second and third wife. Children like cattle are a show of wealth.
In the cities there is more rape. In the tribes were everyone knows everyone, they don't disrespect each other's wives. In some cases if all consent they might share, that is largely dependent on the particular tribe.
There are tribes were women are the ones to take several husbands and each has their own tent that she visits. When she divorces, the door to the tent is moved around.
More and more tribal men are learning to avoid STDs and AIDs by using condoms and getting circumcision. Young boys are not circumcised by tribal elders and left in a small tent for days till they heal and the fever is gone, which used to be norm. With clean procedures the boys are fine and healed much quicker without fever. They are also learning not to take so many wives or engage in sex with those they are not married to. They are waiting to take older wives that can bare more healthy children not parish to child birth or afterbirth fever due to infection.

Clean water, better food, more proportional population, sanitation................
"The warmer climates they reach puberty sooner" wtf?

They begin their cycle earlier than in colder climates. Small petite girls or girls active in sports tend to begin later, some not till after 16 or 17 yrs old. There are many factors but certain patterns can be seen in differing part of the world.

For some cultures girls are allowed three years after their period begins to be wed off, while other are a month or so and then they are wed.

In the US it begins around 13 or 14. Norway and germany, the average is around 15 or 16. Central africa it might be around 9 or 10. City areas sooner. Rural areas later. Food and health are major factors as well as physical activity. Some tropical areas in india girls can begin around 8 or 9 yrs of age. Girls are often engaged and begin to live in the house of the grooms family till they reach their early teens and it might be a couple years later till they naturally consummate their marriage after the wedding when they are ready and formed a bond. It is a very cultural thing. Most countries are learning to wait longer for girls to think of dating or marriage. Arranged marriage is still wide spread in africa and asia and some areas of south america.

This is really not something known to the average person in the US or western country?
What is this? Saudi Arabia or something? There is NO excuse for raping someone. It doesn't matter what she is or is not wearing. Men take responsibility for your OWN actions. :rolleyes-41:
Yes, women like to be looked at and flirted with but there is not sign that says please come rape me.
Dressed or undressed, no woman should be touched except as she wants.
Men have a problem with that, they should go jump in a very deep cold lake or drop ice down their shorts.
There is nothing a woman can do that gives any man the signal to rape.
No man no how no way never allowed to rape no matter what.

Woman should be aware that not all men are gentlemen but that is just good common sense two hundred years ago or hundred years from now. It does not matter if they work in a topless bar or in a dance studio.
Rape is never permitted. In a tent, in a pant suit, in a dress, high heels, low heals, no shoes, running shoes, hair up, hair down, hot pants, no pants, with a bra or no bra........................ rape is not permitted. Nothing a women should or could do that should give a man the idea that she deserves to be rapes or that she is asking for it. Nothing never.

No drugs, no drinks, no man should take anything as permissible to engage in sex with the woman unless is she full enthusiastic, of clear willing mind and asks. It does not matter if she is passed out naked on the floor, no man should think is OK for him to rape a woman.

It is not allowed to rape.

Men have to be taught to understand that. No rape.

Nothing a woman can do is an invitation to rape. Nothing. Period. Never.

It is not a woman being taught, it is men that have to be taught to control their lust and their anger. Same way it not permitted for a man to hit a woman, or abuse her in any form even verbally.

Parent teach your sons.
Anyone that thinks they abuse a women is just plain wrong. Criminally wrong. Mentally wrong.


How is that so hard to understand?

There is not excuse to rape.

Great post. Thank you. :)
How much more modest can a woman be than covered by a tent, even her face and hands?

They still get raped.

Yes, women in the ME in countries where they have to be completely covered still get raped.
No. I disagree that arousal = rape.

A slender attractive woman in a bikini is likely to be more arousing to a man than a woman in a business suit. Yes/no ?
We've already had a hottie in skintight minidress literally equated with a 90-year old woman in this thread.

A drunk guy is supposedly just as likely to overdo it hitting on either of the two. 50/50.

These people see no difference in the two. You're wasting your time.
There's a difference between hitting on and putting a knife to someone's neck. Rapists are very seldom drunk. I've never seen a drunk rapist. I've seen drunk women claim they've been raped. They've actually just gotten so drunk that neither man or woman was sober enough to realize that yep, that it, they were having sex. Rapists don't get drunk. Drinking takes away from the enjoyment of the experience. The experience isn't enjoyed through genitalia, it's enjoyed through the eyes. The fear. That's what a rapist wants to see, the fear.
I think this conversation has become very binary. There is rape -- which, as I understand it, is essentially as it is portrayed by those here who are against what Hynde said -- and then there is the relatively long list of bad stuff that can happen when a guy gets too drunk and excited and horny -- some of which, by the way, could be construed as rape by some.

I don't want either happening to one of my daughters or someone else's, and if there is something that can be done (or not done) to mitigate the potential of such an event I'm wide open to it.

That said, now that it's been inferred that I'm an imminent rapist who has his daughters chained to the wall, I'm not quite as interested in this thread. I'm not very good at dealing with nasty zealots.

Were we too unPC for you hon? You seem to think a rapist is going to rape based on appearance, while in reality they are going to rape because they are rapists.



We've already had a hottie in skintight minidress literally equated with a 90-year old woman in this thread.

A drunk guy is supposedly just as likely to overdo it hitting on either of the two. 50/50.

These people see no difference in the two. You're wasting your time.
There's a difference between hitting on and putting a knife to someone's neck. Rapists are very seldom drunk. I've never seen a drunk rapist. I've seen drunk women claim they've been raped. They've actually just gotten so drunk that neither man or woman was sober enough to realize that yep, that it, they were having sex. Rapists don't get drunk. Drinking takes away from the enjoyment of the experience. The experience isn't enjoyed through genitalia, it's enjoyed through the eyes. The fear. That's what a rapist wants to see, the fear.
I think this conversation has become very binary. There is rape -- which, as I understand it, is essentially as it is portrayed by those here who are against what Hynde said -- and then there is the relatively long list of bad stuff that can happen when a guy gets too drunk and excited and horny -- some of which, by the way, could be construed as rape by some.

I don't want either happening to one of my daughters or someone else's, and if there is something that can be done (or not done) to mitigate the potential of such an event I'm wide open to it.

That said, now that it's been inferred that I'm an imminent rapist who has his daughters chained to the wall, I'm not quite as interested in this thread. I'm not very good at dealing with nasty zealots.

Were we too unPC for you hon? You seem to think a rapist is going to rape based on appearance, while in reality they are going to rape because they are rapists.
You seem to spend a great deal of effort putting words in my mouth.

That's okay sweetie, I know how you folks are.
The sad thing is that you will teach people that a woman can prevent rape by modifying her appearance while history shows that that is not the case.

He has not said that attire will "prevent" rape, that is just your warped interpretation.
What he and others have been saying, is that dressing provocatively can draw the kind of attention you may not want. Not guaranteed to get attention, but it can.

I think this conversation has become very binary. There is rape -- which, as I understand it, is essentially as it is portrayed by those here who are against what Hynde said -- and then there is the relatively long list of bad stuff that can happen when a guy gets too drunk and excited and horny -- some of which, by the way, could be construed as rape by some.

I don't want either happening to one of my daughters or someone else's, and if there is something that can be done (or not done) to mitigate the potential of such an event I'm wide open to it.

That said, now that it's been inferred that I'm an imminent rapist who has his daughters chained to the wall, I'm not quite as interested in this thread. I'm not very good at dealing with nasty zealots.

Were we too unPC for you hon? You seem to think a rapist is going to rape based on appearance, while in reality they are going to rape because they are rapists.
You seem to spend a great deal of effort putting words in my mouth.

That's okay sweetie, I know how you folks are.
The sad thing is that you will teach people that a woman can prevent rape by modifying her appearance while history shows that that is not the case.
You just keep doing it. You folks just can't stop lying.

Think what you will.
I will think what you mean by your posts. And your posts say some women deserved to be raped.

Were we too unPC for you hon? You seem to think a rapist is going to rape based on appearance, while in reality they are going to rape because they are rapists.
You seem to spend a great deal of effort putting words in my mouth.

That's okay sweetie, I know how you folks are.
The sad thing is that you will teach people that a woman can prevent rape by modifying her appearance while history shows that that is not the case.
You just keep doing it. You folks just can't stop lying.

Think what you will.
I will think what you mean by your posts. And your posts say some women deserved to be raped.
Ugh. That'll do it.

Join the others on ignore, too nasty for me.

Buh bye.
I thought we were just getting started. :D
According to women, in the scenario you describe

men should be able to instantly turn off their biological urges no matter what the woman says, or does.

In fact according to women, men should be able to flip the switch at a moments notice at any point in any scenario regardless of how far it goes, and no matter what the woman's part is in the scenario.

We are robots after all, and should be able to end our arousal programming at any stage.

you sound offended at the thought of having to control yourself while with a woman.

your cherished arousal need not depend upon overpowering a cherished loved one.
Obviously not. That would be like saying that walking around with $100s in my hand excuses muggers. Its a nonsense argument. Instead, I'm recognizing that you can attract the attention of people who may not have your best interests at heart. And keeping a lower profile could be helpful in avoiding unwanted attention.

Just common sense.

women should not dress attractively lest a shark thinks they've been invited to rape?

women should wear full covering in public since men have such little control of themselves...

sounds familiar :uhoh3:

Its a silly argument. If we're in a dark parking garage or in a bad neighbhoord, you walk with a purpose and keep your purse tucked close. Are you 'excusing muggers' because they have 'such little control of themselves'? Of course not. You're taking common sense precautions to help protect yourself.

When you park your car do you leave your wallet on the dashboard and the windows rolled down? Are you excusing thieves because they have 'such little control over themselves'? Again, no. You're taking basic precautions that can help dramatically reduce bad outcomes.

From car alarms to locking our doors at night to basic car maintenance to calling in to let people know where you are, basic precautions are used daily. But in this instance, suddenly diog the exact same thing is 'excusing' someone or some crime?

Of course not. Its the same basic precaution you'd take in any other context. And it no more excuses the behavior of the people you're protecting yourself against than locking your front door 'excuses' burglars.

you need to separate what advice we may give to our daughters, from what is just plain wrong no matter what...
Well, this is not the ME, and women should be able to wear short skirts and short shorts and not worry about some man wanting to rape her because of it. Rape is a thought of a diseased mind. Most people would NOT want to have sex with someone who is an unwilling partner, who is screaming and crying for them to stop, etc. It is a crime and a very serious one. AND, as has been pointed out, women who HAVE been wearing conservative type clothing have been raped too. I think it has little to do with clothing and more to do with opportunity, like being at the wrong place at the wrong time no matter WHAT you are wearing.
There's a difference between hitting on and putting a knife to someone's neck. Rapists are very seldom drunk. I've never seen a drunk rapist. I've seen drunk women claim they've been raped. They've actually just gotten so drunk that neither man or woman was sober enough to realize that yep, that it, they were having sex. Rapists don't get drunk. Drinking takes away from the enjoyment of the experience. The experience isn't enjoyed through genitalia, it's enjoyed through the eyes. The fear. That's what a rapist wants to see, the fear.
I think this conversation has become very binary. There is rape -- which, as I understand it, is essentially as it is portrayed by those here who are against what Hynde said -- and then there is the relatively long list of bad stuff that can happen when a guy gets too drunk and excited and horny -- some of which, by the way, could be construed as rape by some.

I don't want either happening to one of my daughters or someone else's, and if there is something that can be done (or not done) to mitigate the potential of such an event I'm wide open to it.

That said, now that it's been inferred that I'm an imminent rapist who has his daughters chained to the wall, I'm not quite as interested in this thread. I'm not very good at dealing with nasty zealots.

Were we too unPC for you hon? You seem to think a rapist is going to rape based on appearance, while in reality they are going to rape because they are rapists.
You seem to spend a great deal of effort putting words in my mouth.

That's okay sweetie, I know how you folks are.
The sad thing is that you will teach people that a woman can prevent rape by modifying her appearance while history shows that that is not the case.

He has not said that attire will "prevent" rape, that is just your warped interpretation.
What he and others have been saying, is that dressing provocatively can draw the kind of attention you may not want. Not guaranteed to get attention, but it can.

Probably because people are wondering how you know that rapists are attracted to provocatively dressed women? Are you projecting your own feelings or do you actually know what attracts a rapist?
Well, this is not the ME, and women should be able to wear short skirts and short shorts and not worry about some man wanting to rape her because of it. Rape is a thought of a diseased mind. Most people would NOT want to have sex with someone who is an unwilling partner, who is screaming and crying for them to stop, etc. It is a crime and a very serious one. AND, as has been pointed out, women who HAVE been wearing conservative type clothing have been raped too. I think it has little to do with clothing and more to do with opportunity, like being at the wrong place at the wrong time no matter WHAT you are wearing.
They dont even have to be screaming and crying. If a woman doesnt "feel" right thats enough to throw ice water on the party.
How can so many be so "idiot stupid" about rape?

It does not matter how the women is dress or acts, if she resists or even says stop, it is rape.

No man has a right or excuse to abuse a woman. No man should be so out of control that he can't stop. It does not matter how she looks, no man should touch unless invited by the woman to do so.

Rape is not about sex!

The only cause of rape is the rapist, the man. How beautiful, sexy, provocatively dress, etc., is even an excuse for rape.

Rape is about the man! Only the man

Rape is abuse. Rape is power. Rape is not about or caused by the woman.

No man has a right to rape a woman, even a spouse.

Yes yes and yes. What you and others here though seem to completely be utter failures at, is understanding that while rape is never invited, nor is it excused, as the woman you have the ability to improve your odds of avoiding it's occurrence by taking some precautions.

Gosh officer, I have no idea why my passenger was killed when I hit that tree. She didn't have her seatbelt on, and I don't have a passenger airbag, but she grabbed the dash to brace herself a second before she flew through the windshield !!

You speak from the experience of rape?

Guess what, as the driver, it is your responsibility to not only make sure your passenger uses her seat belt, but to drive safe as her life is in your hands.

You could choose not to drive her if she does not wear the seat belt. Are you the kind of driver to often hit trees?

No rape victim asks to be raped and no one has a right to blame her or tell her she has to submit to rape or to keeping the result of the rape.

For some it is a matter of life and death. Even the hint of being near a man can mean death. does not matter if she spoke to him or in any way lured him to her side. Looking at a man is enough or a man look towards the girl. Even in the US it happens.

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