Women Should Really Think Twice About False Accusations

Um....attempted forcible rape isn't 'fair', Rich.

Attempted rape is and has always been a crime. It should be reported to the police immediately.
Why should it be reported immediately?

Like every other crime...to preserve evidence including peoples memories - and to prevent the perpetrator from committing the same crime against some else.

Waiting 40 years then declaring a crime has been committed is disingenuine.

"Oh officer..my house was broken into and all my property stolen...40 years ago"!
Nope. This current crisis the Catholic church is dealing with is a great example. Should these pervert priests be let off the hook for raping children because it happened 40 years ago? Do you support these perverts because the claims were not immediately reported?

First, why didn't they report this to the police immediately?

Second, having been raised Catholic I never witnessed any Priests or Brothers molesting anyone.

Third, if any Priest or Brother had tried to molest me I would have kicked him in the balls and ran to the police station to report it. Why didn't they?

It takes two to tango.
It doesn't happen like that. The boys are groomed, gradually and over a long period. Then they are brought into the activity with threats of what will happen if they tell. All adults are "authority" figures, and priests are doubly so to a young boy. There is so much shame attached to what they have done that most boys don't tell until they're adults, if they ever do. It is sad.
Ford asked to remain confidential. Feinstein honored her request, didn't release her name publicly and instead turned over the letter to the FBI.

And passing a polygraph does add weight to her claims.


Not buying into the polygraph at all. Those can be soft-shoe'd.

When was the polygraph administered? Who gave the polygraph? What questions were asked? Who interpreted the results?
Nobody will ever know, probably never happened.

Nothing says 'probably never happened' like passing a polygraph test.
Excuse me, never happened.

Her polygraph test and eye witness account say otherwise. With Marc Judge (the other person in the room by Ford's account) having already admitted that he not only attended the kind of parties that Ford describes, but got black out drunk, had huge holes in his memory and would routinely try to hook up with drunk girls.

WIth Judge refusing to say it didn't happen. Merely carefully repeating the same phrase over and over in every rendition: that he has 'no recollection'. Those exact words from an admitted binge drinker with blackouts.

She should be heard. Publicly. Under oath. Before Congress.
Yes and every other teenage person in the eighties did the same. Nothing burger. My gosh lets go back on every democrat that was a teenager in th 60's. Half would probably have to resign. No telling how many drugs and alcohol they consumed. Hell Trd Kennedy killed a woman, no telling what was in his system. Obama admitted to liking to do cocaine and smoke pot to bring him down in college. You could careless about that, but a seventeen year old drinking and you outraged. I call it being a hypocrite.

Not buying into the polygraph at all. Those can be soft-shoe'd.

When was the polygraph administered? Who gave the polygraph? What questions were asked? Who interpreted the results?
Nobody will ever know, probably never happened.

Nothing says 'probably never happened' like passing a polygraph test.
Excuse me, never happened.

Her polygraph test and eye witness account say otherwise. With Marc Judge (the other person in the room by Ford's account) having already admitted that he not only attended the kind of parties that Ford describes, but got black out drunk, had huge holes in his memory and would routinely try to hook up with drunk girls.

WIth Judge refusing to say it didn't happen. Merely carefully repeating the same phrase over and over in every rendition: that he has 'no recollection'. Those exact words from an admitted binge drinker with blackouts.

She should be heard. Publicly. Under oath. Before Congress.
Yes and every other teenage person in the eighties did the same. Nothing burger. My gosh lets go back on every democrat that was a teenager in th 60's. Half would probably have to resign. No telling how many drugs and alcohol they consumed. Hell Trd Kennedy killed a woman, no telling what was in his system. Obama admitted to liking to do cocaine and smoke pot to bring him down in college. You could careless about that, but a seventeen year old drinking and you outraged. I call it being a hypocrite.

Every other person in the 80s did not try and forcibly rape a girl, pin her down, try to remove her swimsuit, and cover her mouth as she tried to scream, making her worry that she might be killed.

That is not normal behavior. That is deeply disturbed behavior.
Ford asked to remain confidential. Feinstein honored her request, didn't release her name publicly and instead turned over the letter to the FBI.

And passing a polygraph does add weight to her claims.


Not buying into the polygraph at all. Those can be soft-shoe'd.

When was the polygraph administered? Who gave the polygraph? What questions were asked? Who interpreted the results?
Nobody will ever know, probably never happened.

You are right, no one can be sure, his buddy was a drunk , even wrote a book about the drunk school days. Birds of feather flock together.
Wow, a couple of teenagers in the 80's drinking alcohol. They must of been badasses, lol. My God who didn't drink back then?

Not everyone who drinks tries to rape a woman.
Yes, and Ford is a member of metoo movement. The group that will do whatever it takes to keep him from being nominated.
Every other person in the 80s did not try and forcibly rape a girl, pin her down, try to remove her swimsuit, and cover her mouth as she tried to scream, making her worry that she might be killed.

Slick Willie did that to Juanita Brodderick, and you cheered.
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.
That's it, Billy, threaten us.
Are you a liar making false allegations?
If not then this thread has nothing to do with you.
It has EVERYTHING to do with us, since Billy is threatening women in general.
He didn't threaten anyone. He spoke what most executives may be thinking but dare not say aloud
Of course it's a threat. And you are chiming in with the same threat. Women better shut up about their mistreatment by their male bosses or they're not going to get good jobs anymore.
When women start representing more than a tiny fraction of the upper management in most firms, things are going to change big time and leave you old geezers gasping in the dust. Women KNOW the metoo movement is not bullshit. Someday, men are gonna figure out how to behave.

Please define the threat.

Methinks there is more threat to false accusations.
What ever happened to:

"All is fair in love and war"?

Or does that apply only to women?

Oops...I forgot....

In the age of the femo-Nazis, people don't "make love" anymore...now they "have sex"....

So how about:

"All is fair in sex and war"!
She'd never met him before, except to see him around and know who he was. She never saw him again. It had nothing to do with dating, even.

And you know this how?
That's it, Billy, threaten us.
Are you a liar making false allegations?
If not then this thread has nothing to do with you.
It has EVERYTHING to do with us, since Billy is threatening women in general.
He didn't threaten anyone. He spoke what most executives may be thinking but dare not say aloud
Of course it's a threat. And you are chiming in with the same threat. Women better shut up about their mistreatment by their male bosses or they're not going to get good jobs anymore.
When women start representing more than a tiny fraction of the upper management in most firms, things are going to change big time and leave you old geezers gasping in the dust. Women KNOW the metoo movement is not bullshit. Someday, men are gonna figure out how to behave.

Please define the threat.

Methinks there is more threat to false accusations.
Threatening to keep women out of good jobs.
What ever happened to:

"All is fair in love and war"?

Or does that apply only to women?

Oops...I forgot....

In the age of the femo-Nazis, people don't "make love" anymore...now they "have sex"....

So how about:

"All is fair in sex and war"!
She'd never met him before, except to see him around and know who he was. She never saw him again. It had nothing to do with dating, even.

And you know this how?
It was in one of the many articles in one of the many threads on this.
Indeed. Who is her eyewitness?
But we have 65 women who disagree.

It doesn't if you're nice to 65 women. You still don't get a free pass on attempted forcible rape with *anyone*.
They have had the accusations since july. So if the democrats could've stopped his nomination. Before now, we would know nothing about this. I call bullshit.

Ford asked to remain confidential. Feinstein honored her request, didn't release her name publicly and instead turned over the letter to the FBI.

And passing a polygraph does add weight to her claims.


Not buying into the polygraph at all. Those can be soft-shoe'd.

That is more accurate than most realize.
Are you a liar making false allegations?
If not then this thread has nothing to do with you.
It has EVERYTHING to do with us, since Billy is threatening women in general.
He didn't threaten anyone. He spoke what most executives may be thinking but dare not say aloud
Of course it's a threat. And you are chiming in with the same threat. Women better shut up about their mistreatment by their male bosses or they're not going to get good jobs anymore.
When women start representing more than a tiny fraction of the upper management in most firms, things are going to change big time and leave you old geezers gasping in the dust. Women KNOW the metoo movement is not bullshit. Someday, men are gonna figure out how to behave.

Please define the threat.

Methinks there is more threat to false accusations.
Threatening to keep women out of good jobs.

Where did I make such a threat? Be specific, as this is looking like a false accusation. :auiqs.jpg:
What ever happened to:

"All is fair in love and war"?

Or does that apply only to women?

Oops...I forgot....

In the age of the femo-Nazis, people don't "make love" anymore...now they "have sex"....

So how about:

"All is fair in sex and war"!
She'd never met him before, except to see him around and know who he was. She never saw him again. It had nothing to do with dating, even.

And you know this how?
It was in one of the many articles in one of the many threads on this.

Ah. In some articles. Well, that sure settles it. :auiqs.jpg:
Show some balls Billy. You make all men look like they are driven by fear.
You hire the best people no matter sex, race, nationality or sexual orientation.

Just because a few women could lie, you do not punish all women. That is a small minded man.
Any employee could lie to get you in trouble
I have two openings in my office...if you think I will fill those positions with women you are crazy......not a chance......Me too is working but not for women....
You should tell your prospective hires that.........
What ever happened to:

"All is fair in love and war"?

Or does that apply only to women?

Oops...I forgot....

In the age of the femo-Nazis, people don't "make love" anymore...now they "have sex"....

So how about:

"All is fair in sex and war"!
She'd never met him before, except to see him around and know who he was. She never saw him again. It had nothing to do with dating, even.

And you know this how?
It was in one of the many articles in one of the many threads on this.

Ah. In some articles. Well, that sure settles it. :auiqs.jpg:
Okay. If you're going to start talking stupid now, I'll leave you to it.
If you don't have the list of questions, how do you 'know' its bullshit?
The timing and the fact that this has become a pattern for desperate dems at desperate times....LMFAO....high school?...and she doesn't even remember who's home she was at....please...tell me you are not swallowing this.....

I'm swallowing it.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

Here's her account:

"Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home."

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

With REDACTED being Marc Judge. A man who admitted the following about his problems with drinking, his blackouts and his attempts to hook up with drunk girls at parties in highschool.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls.

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk, of getting drunk his first time at age 14, binge drinking at teen parties and a struggle with alcoholism.

His “immersion” into alcohol began the end of his sophomore year during a typical annual “beach week,” when Catholic high school students headed to the shore after school was out. “Now I had an opportunity to make some headway [with girls]. Most of the time everyone, including the girls, was drunk. If you could breathe and walk at the same time, you could hook up,” he wrote.

His drinking became so extreme that he had blackout episodes, and woke up on the floor of a restaurant bathroom with no memory of how he got there. Once “I had the first beer, I found it impossible to stop until I was completely annihilated,” he wrote. "

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls

With Marc Judge, who has admitted to being black out drunk and having memory lapses denials due to alcohol consumption......being very specific: that he had no recollection.
The phrase rough housing comes to mind not rape.....
Nobody will ever know, probably never happened.

Nothing says 'probably never happened' like passing a polygraph test.
Excuse me, never happened.

Her polygraph test and eye witness account say otherwise. With Marc Judge (the other person in the room by Ford's account) having already admitted that he not only attended the kind of parties that Ford describes, but got black out drunk, had huge holes in his memory and would routinely try to hook up with drunk girls.

WIth Judge refusing to say it didn't happen. Merely carefully repeating the same phrase over and over in every rendition: that he has 'no recollection'. Those exact words from an admitted binge drinker with blackouts.

She should be heard. Publicly. Under oath. Before Congress.
Yes and every other teenage person in the eighties did the same. Nothing burger. My gosh lets go back on every democrat that was a teenager in th 60's. Half would probably have to resign. No telling how many drugs and alcohol they consumed. Hell Trd Kennedy killed a woman, no telling what was in his system. Obama admitted to liking to do cocaine and smoke pot to bring him down in college. You could careless about that, but a seventeen year old drinking and you outraged. I call it being a hypocrite.

Every other person in the 80s did not try and forcibly rape a girl, pin her down, try to remove her swimsuit, and cover her mouth as she tried to scream, making her worry that she might be killed.

That is not normal behavior. That is deeply disturbed behavior.
It was alright when clinton did it, and Hillary went on bimbo control. Heck you still supported them when his campaign manager said, you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park. That's what you get. A sexual abused woman. Hillary destroyed those victims, but you wanted her as president. You really don't care.
If you don't have the list of questions, how do you 'know' its bullshit?
The timing and the fact that this has become a pattern for desperate dems at desperate times....LMFAO....high school?...and she doesn't even remember who's home she was at....please...tell me you are not swallowing this.....

I'm swallowing it.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

Here's her account:

"Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home."

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

With REDACTED being Marc Judge. A man who admitted the following about his problems with drinking, his blackouts and his attempts to hook up with drunk girls at parties in highschool.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls.

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk, of getting drunk his first time at age 14, binge drinking at teen parties and a struggle with alcoholism.

His “immersion” into alcohol began the end of his sophomore year during a typical annual “beach week,” when Catholic high school students headed to the shore after school was out. “Now I had an opportunity to make some headway [with girls]. Most of the time everyone, including the girls, was drunk. If you could breathe and walk at the same time, you could hook up,” he wrote.

His drinking became so extreme that he had blackout episodes, and woke up on the floor of a restaurant bathroom with no memory of how he got there. Once “I had the first beer, I found it impossible to stop until I was completely annihilated,” he wrote. "

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls

With Marc Judge, who has admitted to being black out drunk and having memory lapses denials due to alcohol consumption......being very specific: that he had no recollection.
The phrase rough housing comes to mind not rape.....

Covering someone's mouth to keep them from screaming to the extend that they're scared that they might be killed, while you hold them down, grind your genitals against them and try to take off their swimsuit?

If that's what you consider 'rough housing', I'm genuinely sorry that you grew up in a household that taught you that was acceptable. As no one should have had to have gone through what you did to normalize that kind of deeply disturbed behavior.

Because that's attempted forcible rape.
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.

What false accusations?
Show some balls Billy. You make all men look like they are driven by fear.
You hire the best people no matter sex, race, nationality or sexual orientation.

Just because a few women could lie, you do not punish all women. That is a small minded man.
Any employee could lie to get you in trouble
I have two openings in my office...if you think I will fill those positions with women you are crazy......not a chance......Me too is working but not for women....
You should tell your prospective hires that.........
I predict that bodecca will be accused of sexual assault by one of his new male hires
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.

What false accusations?

Any charge that a man denies, apparently. Even when the woman in question passes a lie detector test affirming her honesty.

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