Women who have more sex have better developed brains

I mean, is being a hooker really that dumb? Economic wise, its smart. You make 100% profit with zero overhead.
Might be a reason this is the oldest profession on the planet.
Some of the less intelligent broads I dated were from wealthy families, the most keniving were lower and middle class

This explains feminism.
Someone didn't really read the story. That area of brain lit up when their clitorises were simulated in the lab with an electric device. Careful some woman gets smart and realizes she has no use for you. Must be why Christians preach abstinence before marriage. Their wives literally don't know any better. :laugh:
Someone didn't really read the story. That area of brain lit up when their clitorises were simulated in the lab with an electric device. Careful some woman gets smart and realizes she has no use for you. Must be why Christians preach abstinence before marriage. Their wives literally don't know any better. :laugh:
The researchers then measured the thickness of that brain area — finding it was more robust in the female volunteers who reported having the most sex.

“We found an association between the frequency of genital intercourse and the thickness of the individually mapped genital field,” said study co-author Dr. Christine Heim, a professor of medical psychology at Charite University Hospital in Berlin.

In other words: The more sex, the bigger the region.
The researchers then measured the thickness of that brain area — finding it was more robust in the female volunteers who reported having the most sex.

“We found an association between the frequency of genital intercourse and the thickness of the individually mapped genital field,” said study co-author Dr. Christine Heim, a professor of medical psychology at Charite University Hospital in Berlin.

In other words: The more sex, the bigger the region.
Yes, more sex means more stimulation of the clitoris. At least ideally. They saw evidence of it in their lab (electronically) and then correlated it with real world data.
I am a millionaire also whoop de do and I got high the whole time I was building wealth and having multiple sex partners and wives....and I needed no study to tell me.
I too am a millionaire, but when I was chasing the ladies, I couldn't save a cent. :(

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