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Wonder if this is the real reason white conservatives hate immigration

We are not talking open door immigration we are talking current immigration policy, which is not 'open door'..what's with right wingers and their reading comprehension anyway.
the only restrictions are from white countries and communist like cuba,,

thats close to open boarders,,
It's a pretty stupid stat, actually. It assume that it's all people of color vs the white folk..which is not even close to the case. It also ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of capital..is and will be for a very long time...owned by white people. Many of whom..BTW..are totally woke. Most property owned..most industry...etc.--all white folk.
It begs the question..are those the white folk that are all about Conservatism? Well...a few are, for sure---but most movers and shakers went global a long time ago--and the world...well...the world is a whole lot more brown and yellow..than it is white.
Those who see this as a purely racial thing..have missed the boat.

BTW..I think people trot out that White Minority thing--just to piss off the racists out there. It does seem to stick into some people's craw, don't it?
As I see it white conservatives were minding their own business and bothering nobody till liberal racists cooked up the idea of making America a minority white nation

which was definately going too far
It's because they see the writing on the wall and don't like what they see. The world is becoming more and more bi-racial and it's coming to the good old U.S. of A. The concept of a pure blooded race is going the way of the dinosaur. For instance they keep referring to Mexicans as though they are a race of people..Mexican is not a race

  1. People are against mass, illegal, undocumented invasion. They are BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW. It has nothing to do with your fantasy crap. Any country which has no control over their borders or who is a citizen is simply no longer a nation.
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  1. Mexico is a NATIONALITY within the Latino race or ethnicity. And it isn't so much Mexicans invading us as every low life central American dirt ball that can get here with Mexico's help.
Then you should have plenty of examples from 2021 to share. Let's see 'em.
V-DARE — shorthand for Virginia Dare, the first English child to be born in what is now the United States — is a web site run by a "coalition" whose most prominent member is Peter Brimelow.
Brimelow, a leading anti-immigration activist and author of Alien Nation, argues that America is historically a predominantly white nation, and that Americans have a right to demand that it remain that way.
A past columnist for the conservative National Review, Brimelow says he once considered adding a fictional end to his Alien Nation, a nonfiction critique of immigration, about the last white family to leave Los Angeles.
V-DARE posts anti-immigration articles by Brimelow's twin brother John; right-wing columnists like Paul Craig Roberts and Joseph Fallon (Brimelow's main researcher on Alien Nation); and defenders of The Bell Curve — a controversial book arguing that whites are more intelligent than blacks — like Steve Sailer.
Both Brimelow and Fallon have defended Jared Taylor, who edits the racist American Renaissance magazine. Taylor's deputy, James Lubinskas, has returned the favor by writing for V-DARE.
Brimelow has close ties to several other leaders on the anti-immigration scene, among them John Vinson of the American Immigration Control Foundation, Llewellyn Rockwell and Jeffrey Tucker of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and John H. Tanton of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
Voices of Citizens Together/American Patrol
Sherman Oaks, Calif.
Glenn Spencer, one of the hardest line anti-immigrant ideologues now operating, founded the Voices of Citizens Together (VCT, which is also known, like his web site and radio show, as American Patrol) in 1992.
In 1994, VCT lobbied hard for passage of California's controversial Proposition 187, which would have denied educational and other benefits to illegal immigrants and their children. (Although it passed, 187 was later thrown out by the courts.)
Four years later, Spencer claimed 3,500 subscribers to the VCT newsletter. Spencer takes a hard line on immigration, demanding that the armed forces seal America's southern border. He also displays a bigoted and vulgar side quite openly.
On his web site, he attacks Mario Obledo, a leading Latino activist and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, as "Pinche [literally, f------] Cockroach and 1998 A------ of the Year." A cartoon character is depicted urinating on Obledo's picture.
Spencer posts dozens of immigration-related articles but replaces the words "illegal immigrant" with "illegal alien," among other editing touches. In a 1996 letter to The Los Angeles Times, Spencer wrote: "The Mexican culture is based on deceit. Chicanos and Mexicanos lie as a means of survival."
He posts material on his site from such men as H. Millard, an infamous columnist for the racist Council of Conservative Citizens who once bemoaned the "slimy brown mass of glop" that immigration and interracial relationships were making of the U.S. population.
Spencer sent every member of Congress a copy of his videotape — "Bonds of Our Nation" — that purports to prove the Mexican government and Mexican-Americans are plotting to take over the American Southwest and create the nation of Aztlán. Hand-delivering the videos was Betina McCann, the fiancé of neo-Nazi Steven Barry.
On a weekly radio show that airs in several cities, Spencer has hosted a series of guests like Kevin McDonald, a professor who accuses Jews of devising an immigration policy specifically intended to dilute and weaken the white population of America.
  1. People are against mass, illegal, undocumented invasion. They are BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW. It has nothing to do with your fantasy crap. Any country which has no control over their borders or who is a citizen is simply no longer a nation.
View attachment 521953
  1. Mexico is a NATIONALITY within the Latino race or ethnicity. And it isn't so much Mexicans invading us as every low life central American dirt ball that can get here with Mexico's help.
Yet another winger with lousy reading comprehension..we are not talking about illegal immigration, we are talking about white conservatives favoring an immigration policy weighted in favor towards white European countries
It's because they see the writing on the wall and don't like what they see. The world is becoming more and more bi-racial and it's coming to the good old U.S. of A. The concept of a pure blooded race is going the way of the dinosaur. For instance they keep referring to Mexicans as though they are a race of people..Mexican is not a race due to gene mixing that has been going on for a thousand years..same with other parts of the globe...Middle Eastern marrying Asians..Asians marrying Africans..Africans marrying Caucasians..In less than 50 to 60 years from now so-called pure WASPs will be a minority in this country...

About 5 years ago, I read a report that stated that 25% of all American children being born were Hispanic. I imagine the % is higher now.

Displacement is going to happen.... Thats just a fact of the mathematics.

As for hate and anger...I wonder if it's the reverse side of the coin of slavery myself. Some of those who tortured Al Queda associates and suspects reported having PTSD themselves... I would imagine the taint of slavery is still around in some folks in the South.
Yet another winger with lousy reading comprehension..we are not talking about illegal immigration, we are talking about white conservatives favoring an immigration policy weighted in favor towards white European countries

Don't try your word gymnastic gaslighting on me, butthole.
The reason CONSERVATIVES (notice I left your racist qualifier out) hate ILLEGAL immigration (notice I added a pertinent qualifier that makes it true) is because we have laws in this nation and we expect people who want to immigrate here to respect them.
It's because they see the writing on the wall and don't like what they see. The world is becoming more and more bi-racial and it's coming to the good old U.S. of A. The concept of a pure blooded race is going the way of the dinosaur. For instance they keep referring to Mexicans as though they are a race of people..Mexican is not a race due to gene mixing that has been going on for a thousand years..same with other parts of the globe...Middle Eastern marrying Asians..Asians marrying Africans..Africans marrying Caucasians..In less than 50 to 60 years from now so-called pure WASPs will be a minority in this country...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any Questions Folks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'

About Leftism being a Mental Disorder?
It's because they see the writing on the wall and don't like what they see. The world is becoming more and more bi-racial and it's coming to the good old U.S. of A. The concept of a pure blooded race is going the way of the dinosaur. For instance they keep referring to Mexicans as though they are a race of people..Mexican is not a race due to gene mixing that has been going on for a thousand years..same with other parts of the globe...Middle Eastern marrying Asians..Asians marrying Africans..Africans marrying Caucasians..In less than 50 to 60 years from now so-called pure WASPs will be a minority in this country...

Right-wingers merely prefer to prove they prefer socialism on a national or international basis to equal protection of the laws.
Merit based immigration should be limited to above average individuals and their immediate family

meaning wife and children only
Unkotare strongly disagrees

I guess he dreams of 85 year old grandmothers who never learned a word of English sucking up welfare that should go to American citizens instead

and if she’s chinese so much the better
It's because they see the writing on the wall and don't like what they see. The world is becoming more and more bi-racial and it's coming to the good old U.S. of A. The concept of a pure blooded race is going the way of the dinosaur. For instance they keep referring to Mexicans as though they are a race of people..Mexican is not a race due to gene mixing that has been going on for a thousand years..same with other parts of the globe...Middle Eastern marrying Asians..Asians marrying Africans..Africans marrying Caucasians..In less than 50 to 60 years from now so-called pure WASPs will be a minority in this country...

Me too. Its probably the most fringed of the wing, but there are some.

So have I..and if you want to talk about that legal form of immigration known as Refugee settlement...the gloves come off with a quickness!
NOBODY is opposed to organic immigration authorized by We The People....Globalists / Weirdos / Leftists refuse to wrap their heads around such simplicity...Tards believe Americans should take what they get and be happy to allow the worlds filth to destroy their nation...If they don't celebrate the degradation caused by multiculturalism with a smile then they are "RASCIST".

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