Wonderful News: Trump's Budget Would Cut Food Stamps By 25%

You mean the lazy will have to get off their fat asses and work for a living? That won't sit well with the Democrats.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

Propaganda. Nobody believes that shit.
Except these people. They do.

You're wasting your time posting a video I'm not going to watch.

You can't see anything with your head up your butt. I'm surprised you can even breathe.

Get in the back of the bus!!

You mean the lazy will have to get off their fat asses and work for a living? That won't sit well with the Democrats.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

Propaganda. Nobody believes that shit.
Except these people. They do.

You're wasting your time posting a video I'm not going to watch.

You can't see anything with your head up your butt. I'm surprised you can even breathe.

You're so funny with your rapier wit.
Get in the back of the bus!!

I'm so glad that POS is gone.

Me too. He was such a pansy.

You mean the lazy will have to get off their fat asses and work for a living? That won't sit well with the Democrats.

Children, elderly and the disabled make up the majority of food stamp users. Most of the rest are full time minimum wage workers.

Not that I expect conservatives to actually take the time to find out who really receives food stamps.

The vilification of the poor continues while the Trump's spend millions going on vacation every week.
That's why we are here to educate them.
An education from a certified MORON?
You mean the lazy will have to get off their fat asses and work for a living? That won't sit well with the Democrats.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

Propaganda. Nobody believes that shit.
Except these people. They do.

You're wasting your time posting a video I'm not going to watch.

You can't see anything with your head up your butt. I'm surprised you can even breathe.

That was a real original.

Did you learn that all by yourself?
There is a reason that black and brown counties don't have welfare

If they had welfare in Mexico, everyone would be on it
Spanish is the second language after English. Speaking Spanish doesn't make you a non citizen. Like speaking yokel. Just because you speak yokel, doesn't mean you aren't a citizen. In fact, the people speaking yokel get the most food stamps.
That sign is from a billboard in Mexico
You mean the lazy will have to get off their fat asses and work for a living? That won't sit well with the Democrats.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

Propaganda. Nobody believes that shit.
Except these people. They do.

You're wasting your time posting a video I'm not going to watch.

You can't see anything with your head up your butt. I'm surprised you can even breathe.

You can't see anything with your head up your butt. I'm surprised you can even breathe.
Bitch, your head is so far up your ass,
you can chew your food twice!
Food stamps are a career to "minorities"

The 7 Biggest Deadbeat States Who Mooch Off Taxpayers All Vote Republican


Red states also use the most food stamps. Red states are the base of the Republican Party. The majority of individuals living in these states continue to vote for Republican candidates who want to shrink the size of the federal government and eliminate entitlement programs. The states who are pushing this platform the hardest are also the ones who are taking the most federal tax dollars from blue states.

States that mostly support Democrats are subsidizing the red state conservatives who claim to hate them. The message is clear. Red state economic policies don’t work without heavy taxpayer subsidies. The reddest of the red states continue to mooch off of the rest of the country, as the battle cry don’t tread on me has been replaced by please pay for me.
You're so full of shit, you might want to find out
if you can die from constipation!
Only the truly disabled, widows, and elderly should get food stamps

What if you are working and have a low income? Just tell them to drop dead is what you want to do. What about the children? Starve them? If there is fraud and abuse it should be clamped down on but people who truly need it should get it.
Food stamp recipients need to weigh in every month. If a female is over 200 lbs, there should be no food stamps issued until the obese, low IQ ghetto person gets the weight down.
Food stamp recipients need to weigh in every month. If a female is over 200 lbs, there should be no food stamps issued until the obese, low IQ ghetto person gets the weight down.
They should be drug tested too, AND required to work unless they can prove a PHYSICAL disability. None of this "I'm bipolar" crap.
Only the truly disabled, widows, and elderly should get food stamps

What if you are working and have a low income? Just tell them to drop dead is what you want to do. What about the children? Starve them? If there is fraud and abuse it should be clamped down on but people who truly need it should get it.
Get a second job.

Always excuses.

But... But... I need!

Keep your dick in your pants, not having children you can't feed.

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