Wondering If I Can Be Made Into A Liberal?

My family needs me. My church, although closed now until September, needs me. After that what more is there?
One cannot turn into anything. I could never belong to a "party" since none of them represent any of my views. Bunch of indoctrinated mindless souls latch onto parties.

That must mean you don't vote. My belief is, don't vote--don't bitch. If you vote for a third party candidate, you might as well say you didn't vote at all. You threw yours in the garbage can.
That must mean you don't vote. My belief is, don't vote--don't bitch. If you vote for a third party candidate, you might as well say you didn't vote at all. You threw yours in the garbage can.
That must mean you don't vote. My belief is, don't vote--don't bitch. If you vote for a third party candidate, you might as well say you didn't vote at all. You threw yours in the garbage can.

I agree.
All straw men. Every. Single. One. You are not intelligent enough to put up a real argument. If you tried you’d fail. I showed you what liberalism stands for but you’d rather make up a straw man that is easier to debate than the truth.
All straw men? Go ahead and pick out one example of one of the "straw men."


This ought to be good.
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"They want to demolish our heritage so they can impose their new oppressive regime in its place."
That heritage is one of racism. It's a heritage Trump defends. Making fatuous accusations about what "they" want to replace a racist heritage with does not excuse Trump's (or your) racism.

That's the heritage Trump proudly wants to preserve. It's a dog whistle to white supremacists.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.


you are truly one deranged piece of conservative evangelical crap.

have you killed anyone yet or are you waiting for trump to say "FIRE!"

do you have your official LIBERAL HUNTING PERMIT?


or is a permit too liberal?
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.

A good start is do you take comfort adopting a victim's role?

you are truly one deranged piece of conservative evangelical crap.

have you killed anyone yet or are you waiting for trump to say "FIRE!"

do you have your official LIBERAL HUNTING PERMIT?

View attachment 353225

or is a permit too liberal?

Mind your language when addressing your betters.

I'm asked you to explain or defend these indictments of Democrats/Liberals/Leftists.

It appears you are unable to.

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.
All straw men? Go ahead and pick out one example of one of the "straw men."


This ought to be good.
Start with the first one you uneducated miscreant.
“I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters” Nope. Biden not Pelosi nor any other Democratic leader has voiced support for violence. None. Supporting PROTESTERS though? Yep. And while the Republicans try to change the narrative from decades of systemic racism to property damage they are losing the argument. Keep ignoring inequality and hiding behind distractions. Soccer mom and her kids are in the streets protesting peacefully. Heated teenagers and troublemakers don’t last. A movement lasts. Be a part of the solution guys, not the problem.
Start with the first one you uneducated miscreant.
“I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters” Nope. Biden not Pelosi nor any other Democratic leader has voiced support for violence. None. Supporting PROTESTERS though? Yep. And while the Republicans try to change the narrative from decades of systemic racism to property damage they are losing the argument. Keep ignoring inequality and hiding behind distractions. Soccer mom and her kids are in the streets protesting peacefully. Heated teenagers and troublemakers don’t last. A movement lasts. Be a part of the solution guys, not the problem.
You are a one naive trained parrot if you think anything we are seeing has anything to do with inequality or "unfairness" or white privilege etc etc.

I have not seen any democrat voice any condemnation in any way that makes any difference towards anyone committing destruction, mayhem, violence or murder.

There is more than one reason why actual Africans are sickened and embarrassed by the ignorance of black Americans as a result of white liberal propaganda. To many, including Africans the black Americans are the privileged ones. There is far more than one reason there is NOT ONE DOCUMENTED CASE of any American of any color trying to escape the tyranny of American so called racism and unfairness to float to Cuba but it sure as shit the other way around. Go ahead and ignore that fact as your commie Kaepernick virtue signaling victim wears a castro shirt at a presser and as he collects $50 million dollars from a CORPORATION with a well documented horrific reputation of labor practices with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan. All while protraying some fairy tale robin hood to your loud fuckjng cheers.

This is all about cultural marxism using their political correctness strategy to divide and conquer. I have nothing else to say to some spoiled white patronizing racist convincing black Americans they nothing but victims as NONE of them ever flee to some yonder utopia out there that they are free to go to any time but never do.

They are all mentally enslaved by the likes of you and your bullshit propaganda you racist. Even Malcolm X had you pegged and it is more true today than ever.

You are a strawman.
You are a one naive trained parrot if you think anything we are seeing has anything to do with inequality or "unfairness" or white privilege etc etc.

I have not seen any democrat voice any condemnation in any way that makes any difference towards anyone committing destruction, mayhem, violence or murder.

There is more than one reason why actual Africans are sickened and embarrassed by the ignorance of black Americans as a result of white liberal propaganda. To many, including Africans the black Americans are the privileged ones. There is far more than one reason there is NOT ONE DOCUMENTED CASE of any American of any color trying to escape the tyranny of American so called racism and unfairness to float to Cuba but it sure as shit the other way around. Go ahead and ignore that fact as your commie Kaepernick virtue signaling victim wears a castro shirt at a presser and as he collects $50 million dollars from a CORPORATION with a well documented horrific reputation of labor practices with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan. All while protraying some fairy tale robin hood to your loud fuckjng cheers.

This is all about cultural marxism using their political correctness strategy to divide and conquer. I have nothing else to say to some spoiled white patronizing racist convincing black Americans they nothing but victims as NONE of them ever flee to some yonder utopia out there that they are free to go to any time but never do.

They are all mentally enslaved by the likes of you and your bullshit propaganda you racist. Even Malcolm X had you pegged and it is more true today than ever.

You are a strawman.

Are you too stupid to follow the structure of a debate? You asked why it was a straw man. I explained exactly why it was a straw man. You responded with whacko shit that had nothing to do with our exchange. Wtf?

On your deranged post - it’s also a straw man to suggest the only two options are black Americans are treated equally or they’d float in a boat to Cuba. What is that? You don’t think systemic racism is a thing? You’re an outlier. And Colin Kapernick is a person who makes good and bad decisions. Kneeling was a good decision. Pig socks and Castro tee a bad one. So what?

Here is the democrats position statement for Hillary. No Marxism or communist ideas or open borders. Shocked? Of course not, you won’t read. You have fallen into the trap of believing right wing craziness.

And Colin Kapernick is a person who Pig socks and Castro tee a bad one. So what?

Here is the democrats position statement for Hillary. No Marxism or communist ideas or open borders. Shocked? Of course not, you won’t read. You have fallen into the trap of believing right wing craziness.

So what? Of course it is a big so what to a patronizing hypocritical white politically correct racist like you, who use all minorities, especially black Americans as political pawns .

You think your Chicom puppets in the republicrat or demican parties will loudly promote marxism? Are you that out of touch or are you pretending to be so out of touch. You seem smarter, so it wouldn't surprise me if you are merely pretending.

However, since you just glossed over commie Kaepernick wearing a castro shirt and not caring what his message is with that, while yelling and screaming if a white player or coach wore an OANN T shirt on a fishing trip....well what is that? Hypocrisy from people that are like minded like you. Don't worry noticed too how you ignored the fact that his rights were never infringed and how it doesn't bother you at all that he plays victim while collecting $50 million dollars from a company that has a bad reputation of labor practices with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan.

Here is what political correctness really is and your strawman claims are nothing but a go to obfuscation from the larger picture. It is clear you don't get that, or maybe you do.

Watch and learn something
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.
You could not be a liberal as you would have to think outside the Klan.

The Klan, and the latest version, ANTIFA, are both Democrat creations.

I'm not a Democrat.

Now......to leave you speechless, a gift to humanity, how about explaining these Liberal perspectives:

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

"L.A. Sheriff To Quadruple Gun-Carry Permits

The Los Angeles County sheriff announced on Wednesday his office plans to increase the number of gun-carry permits issued to residents by 400 percent.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva (D.) said he would assign additional staff to process gun-carry permit applications in an effort to improve the sheriff department's operations. He said the new resources could quadruple approvals.

"I know another question some of you are going to ask about is the [gun-carry permit] policy," he said during a live stream. "We're increasing the approval rate on these and it's probably going to go up about 400 percent, roughly. So, if you think you have good cause please submit it, go through the process, and we've actually increased some of our staffing to accommodate that."

Thanks, Democrat rioters......

You provided the best argument in favor of the second amendment.

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