Wondering If I Can Be Made Into A Liberal?

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.
Can you shove your head up your ass, deny facts and logic and statistics? If so then SURE! If not then nope.

Either post the way an adult does, or move on.

Clearly the facts.....FACTS....illuminated in the OP got under your scales, as a Liberal, and you have no way to address or refute them, and thus thus the immature post you authored.

Glad it hurt.
I'm not a liberal or leftist lol. I am being serious. Leftists/liberals have their heads up their ass and deny facts logic and statistics.

Sorry.....I misunderstood to whom you were directing that slur.

But.....for clarity, I never use that sort of language myself.
You could never be a liberal because you don't believe in equality before the law, liberty or consent of the governed.
You my friend are a foriegn agent bent on lying and claiming Americans are better off at each other's throats..
A true liberal might not be awful...just stay away from progressive retards.

I'm using the term Liberal in the colloquial, as it is generally used, not the sense of classical liberals, of which I am one already.

We both know that the communist John Dewey talked the Socialists into co-opting the name Liberal, and that's the bunch I am addressing as 'Liberals.'

Sorry for any misunderstanding.
How can you claim to be a liberal since you claimed to be a conservative or are you a Republican liberal that hey call a RINO? I do believe you are lying about being anything but an Asian agent under the pay of the Chinese.
Have a neurosurgeon remove the thinking half of your brain.

Are you saying Liberals are half-wits????

OK. But I believe you are being too kind to the Democrat robots.
Being a Democrat doesn't make a person a liberal. Just like being a Republican doesn't make one a conservative. You seem to enjoy your fallacy of comparisons.

Hey there Missouri’s finest...I’m thinking she has you ignored..I’m pretty sure you are talking to yourself.

Actually, I've never used the ignore function....I just differentiate between those I'l agree to converse with, and those I see as not worthy.
She has come to the conclusion that I have outed her true intentions which are not good.....And I know for a fact that she could never be a liberal because she doesn't cherish freedom or equality before the law.
“she doesn't cherish freedom or equality before the law.”
Your talking points / CNN sound bites are played out...nobody sane believes you anymore. You say these crazy things that you can’t prove and expect people to go on “because you said so”....That doesn’t work anymore...back to the drawing board...find some new victim hood bullshit to spring on us would you?

See....when lying comes first and so easily to them.....I just move on.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.
1. To begin with, you'd have to deprogram yourself from the vile, hateful right wing propaganda you've been swilling in copious amounts. Leading you to the inevitable conclusion the duplicitous narrative you have been duped in to believing is a steaming pile of horseshit.

2. Then, stop regurgitating said propaganda all over this board.

3. Read something other than World Net Daily, the Drudge Report, and Breitbart.

4. Then, deal with your bigotry.

5. Then, do some soul searching to discover whether you have one.

The US Constitution and Bill of Rights is propaganda??
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.
You could not be a liberal as you would have to think outside the Klan.

The Klan, and the latest version, ANTIFA, are both Democrat creations.

I'm not a Democrat.

Now......to leave you speechless, a gift to humanity, how about explaining these Liberal perspectives:

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.
You could never be a liberal because you don't believe in equality before the law, liberty or consent of the governed.
You my friend are a foriegn agent bent on lying and claiming Americans are better off at each other's throats..
A true liberal might not be awful...just stay away from progressive retards.

I'm using the term Liberal in the colloquial, as it is generally used, not the sense of classical liberals, of which I am one already.

We both know that the communist John Dewey talked the Socialists into co-opting the name Liberal, and that's the bunch I am addressing as 'Liberals.'

Sorry for any misunderstanding.
How can you claim to be a liberal since you claimed to be a conservative or are you a Republican liberal that hey call a RINO? I do believe you are lying about being anything but an Asian agent under the pay of the Chinese.
Have a neurosurgeon remove the thinking half of your brain.

Are you saying Liberals are half-wits????

OK. But I believe you are being too kind to the Democrat robots.
Being a Democrat doesn't make a person a liberal. Just like being a Republican doesn't make one a conservative. You seem to enjoy your fallacy of comparisons.

Hey there Missouri’s finest...I’m thinking she has you ignored..I’m pretty sure you are talking to yourself.

Actually, I've never used the ignore function....I just differentiate between those I'l agree to converse with, and those I see as not worthy.
She has come to the conclusion that I have outed her true intentions which are not good.....And I know for a fact that she could never be a liberal because she doesn't cherish freedom or equality before the law.
“she doesn't cherish freedom or equality before the law.”
Your talking points / CNN sound bites are played out...nobody sane believes you anymore. You say these crazy things that you can’t prove and expect people to go on “because you said so”....That doesn’t work anymore...back to the drawing board...find some new victim hood bullshit to spring on us would you?

See....when lying comes first and so easily to them.....I just move on.
I sure hope you get paid well for passing this bullsot.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.
Well, I would say we are the liberal ones. The left have long hijacked the term and have become those wolves in sheep's clothing.

They are for UNFREE SPEECH.
They are for BANNING ALL GUNS.

That, isn't liberal. That is tyrannical. Hope we are preparing for the war that is already here, or else be prepared to be fertilizer.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.
You could not be a liberal as you would have to think outside the Klan.

The Klan, and the latest version, ANTIFA, are both Democrat creations.

I'm not a Democrat.

Now......to leave you speechless, a gift to humanity, how about explaining these Liberal perspectives:

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.
Your indoctrination in can't servativism prohibits you from the simple silliness you propose.
You could never be a liberal because you don't believe in equality before the law, liberty or consent of the governed.
You my friend are a foriegn agent bent on lying and claiming Americans are better off at each other's throats..
A true liberal might not be awful...just stay away from progressive retards.

I'm using the term Liberal in the colloquial, as it is generally used, not the sense of classical liberals, of which I am one already.

We both know that the communist John Dewey talked the Socialists into co-opting the name Liberal, and that's the bunch I am addressing as 'Liberals.'

Sorry for any misunderstanding.
How can you claim to be a liberal since you claimed to be a conservative or are you a Republican liberal that hey call a RINO? I do believe you are lying about being anything but an Asian agent under the pay of the Chinese.
Have a neurosurgeon remove the thinking half of your brain.

Are you saying Liberals are half-wits????

OK. But I believe you are being too kind to the Democrat robots.
Being a Democrat doesn't make a person a liberal. Just like being a Republican doesn't make one a conservative. You seem to enjoy your fallacy of comparisons.

Hey there Missouri’s finest...I’m thinking she has you ignored..I’m pretty sure you are talking to yourself.

Actually, I've never used the ignore function....I just differentiate between those I'l agree to converse with, and those I see as not worthy.
She has come to the conclusion that I have outed her true intentions which are not good.....And I know for a fact that she could never be a liberal because she doesn't cherish freedom or equality before the law.
“she doesn't cherish freedom or equality before the law.”
Your talking points / CNN sound bites are played out...nobody sane believes you anymore. You say these crazy things that you can’t prove and expect people to go on “because you said so”....That doesn’t work anymore...back to the drawing board...find some new victim hood bullshit to spring on us would you?

See....when lying comes first and so easily to them.....I just move on.
I sure hope you get paid well for passing this bullsot.

So you cannot either explain nor defend the Liberal views from the OP?
Who gave you that list? The real Criteria to be a liberal:

1. Be a rational and compassionate human being

2. Believe in personal liberty over your body, your religion, your love life, and any other aspect of your life that does not directly affect other human beings.

3. Agree to live in a social structure where those who get the most give the most and those who get the least give the least to keep the great nation functional and safe.

4. Agree that sometimes circumstances beyond one’s control, and in some instances circumstances from bad choices, require society to provide a ladder out of the abyss for those people.

5. Acknowledge that all people are created equal but that we all don’t start on equal footing and instead of saying “that’s the breaks” attempt to provide a structure that opens opportunities, access, and assistance to those who start behind.

6. Acknowledge that open borders is a conservative lie and that the liberal position is that we will continue to process asylum requests on merit and seek to resolve the residencies for long time aliens while protecting our border sans ineffective wall statue.

7. Acknowledge that gun bans are a conservative lie and that reasonable restrictions on fire arms are in fact reasonable.

8. Agree that systemic racism of African Americans has run deep and long in this country creating an underclass that even today traps a large portion of black Americans that isn’t counteracted by the small percent of success stories or the conservative policy of “that’s the breaks”.

9. Be either a minority in this country or a white American who isn’t racist nor scared to death about a faux culture war that has the right crying like sissies in their basement.

10. Be American and not a foreign antagonizer which eliminates half this board.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.
Well, I would say we are the liberal ones. The left have long hijacked the term and have become those wolves in sheep's clothing.

They are for UNFREE SPEECH.
They are for BANNING ALL GUNS.

That, isn't liberal. That is tyrannical. Hope we are preparing for the war that is already here, or else be prepared to be fertilizer.

I wrote this earlier:

I'm using the term Liberal in the colloquial, as it is generally used, not the sense of classical liberals, of which I am one already.

We both know that the communist John Dewey talked the Socialists into co-opting the name Liberal, and that's the bunch I am addressing as 'Liberals.'

Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Who gave you that list? The real Criteria to be a liberal:

1. Be a rational and compassionate human being

2. Believe in personal liberty over your body, your religion, your love life, and any other aspect of your life that does not directly affect other human beings.

3. Agree to live in a social structure where those who get the most give the most and those who get the least give the least to keep the great nation functional and safe.

4. Agree that sometimes circumstances beyond one’s control, and in some instances circumstances from bad choices, require society to provide a ladder out of the abyss for those people.

5. Acknowledge that all people are created equal but that we all don’t start on equal footing and instead of saying “that’s the breaks” attempt to provide a structure that opens opportunities, access, and assistance to those who start behind.

6. Acknowledge that open borders is a conservative lie and that the liberal position is that we will continue to process asylum requests on merit and seek to resolve the residencies for long time aliens while protecting our border sans ineffective wall statue.

7. Acknowledge that gun bans are a conservative lie and that reasonable restrictions on fire arms are in fact reasonable.

8. Agree that systemic racism of African Americans has run deep and long in this country creating an underclass that even today traps a large portion of black Americans that isn’t counteracted by the small percent of success stories or the conservative policy of “that’s the breaks”.

9. Be either a minority in this country or a white American who isn’t racist nor scared to death about a faux culture war that has the right crying like sissies in their basement.

10. Be American and not a foreign antagonizer which eliminates half this board.

A silly, self-serving, virtue-signaling post.

Now for reality......explain these Liberal perspectives.

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.
Who gave you that list? The real Criteria to be a liberal:

1. Be a rational and compassionate human being

2. Believe in personal liberty over your body, your religion, your love life, and any other aspect of your life that does not directly affect other human beings.

3. Agree to live in a social structure where those who get the most give the most and those who get the least give the least to keep the great nation functional and safe.

4. Agree that sometimes circumstances beyond one’s control, and in some instances circumstances from bad choices, require society to provide a ladder out of the abyss for those people.

5. Acknowledge that all people are created equal but that we all don’t start on equal footing and instead of saying “that’s the breaks” attempt to provide a structure that opens opportunities, access, and assistance to those who start behind.

6. Acknowledge that open borders is a conservative lie and that the liberal position is that we will continue to process asylum requests on merit and seek to resolve the residencies for long time aliens while protecting our border sans ineffective wall statue.

7. Acknowledge that gun bans are a conservative lie and that reasonable restrictions on fire arms are in fact reasonable.

8. Agree that systemic racism of African Americans has run deep and long in this country creating an underclass that even today traps a large portion of black Americans that isn’t counteracted by the small percent of success stories or the conservative policy of “that’s the breaks”.

9. Be either a minority in this country or a white American who isn’t racist nor scared to death about a faux culture war that has the right crying like sissies in their basement.

10. Be American and not a foreign antagonizer which eliminates half this board.

I'll put you down as a silmpleton who tried to lie his way out when confronted with a real world challenge.

Get lost.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.
1. To begin with, you'd have to deprogram yourself from the vile, hateful right wing propaganda you've been swilling in copious amounts. Leading you to the inevitable conclusion the duplicitous narrative you have been duped in to believing is a steaming pile of horseshit.

2. Then, stop regurgitating said propaganda all over this board.

3. Read something other than World Net Daily, the Drudge Report, and Breitbart.

4. Then, deal with your bigotry.

5. Then, do some soul searching to discover whether you have one.

The US Constitution and Bill of Rights is propaganda??
if foreign language is propaganda
Gee......not a single Liberal would dare to try to explain or defend what they support.....

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.
1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Hmmm.......doesn't look like me becoming Liberal is very promising.

To truly become a modern day liberal, you would first have to rid yourself of common sense. This is impossible since logic is a gift from God that he only gave to mostly conservative minded people, which of course is why we are conservatives in the first place.

It's something you cannot accomplish no matter how hard you try. To be a liberal, you would absolutely have to believe:

If you take firearms away from law abiding citizens, that will lower crime rates and make everybody safer.

Man controls the temperature of the earth and climate itself, not God. Climate never changed until man opened up factories and maqnufatucred cars.

If you want to change your gender, that's easily accomplished by wearing clothing of the other gender.

Welfare programs create a good economy.

If you want to stimulate job growth, raise taxes on the job creators.

If you want to make fat kids skinny, create a law that all items on a menu at restaurants have calorie count.

If you want to keep jobs in your city, state and even the country, increase the minimum wage and bring back unions.

You see, liberalism is the exact opposite of common sense. You can't have any common sense to be a real liberal. That's why they think the solution to police problems is to defund and even eliminate the police departments across the country. This is how they think.

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